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5 Sep 2013
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

Proper and improper are subjective, therefore both are natural.

Your error is to think that something does not exist, or that it is "reasonable" to suppose it does not exist, unless it can be proven. This impasse leads to paradox once you realize that nothing can be proven. What happens to reality then? It goes without saying then the existence of a something is completely independent on our ability to prove it.

Of course, truth can in fact be perceived directly, by the intellect. When i determine that Beethoven is greater then Britney Spears i'm not relying on scientific inquiry, or discursive proof of any kind. I have no special device that allows me to "capture" the relevant information, no immediate effect can be discerned which would at least point to its "existence", except for the experiences of others. Now, it seems to me that it is precisely those individual perceptions that are dismissed a priori as relative, but only up to a certain point. We do not call the perception of the scientist who observes his theory through experimentation to be subjective and relative, even though technically speaking all perceptions are subjective. Be that as it may, it seems that it is only those subjective impressions that call upon the direct intercession of the intellect that are deemed to be "relative". What this shows is that the modern mentality is prejudiced against qualitative impressions, and not subjectivity in itself. What the modern scientists wants to do is arbitrarily isolate an object from its qualities as experienced by the mind, and then examine the thus denatured object as if its existence was not predicated upon our ability to perceive it in the first place! Thus, when confronted with a musical composition, the scientist believes he can understand the nature of the composition by measuring the vibrations of the particles, or by examining the subatomic structure of the instruments that generate the music. He might even decide to study the structure of the music, but only from a technical point of view. At not point will he ever consider the composition in itself, for what truth can one hope to find in "individual" perceptions?

Please learn to discern the difference between divine and distorted.

The difference is that one is a distortion of the other, which means you can elevate normal sexuality to its transcendent dimension, where as homosexuality is forever doomed to be a dispersion of principal unity. This does not give one the right to persecute or mistreat homosexuals, but it ought to be clear why societal institutions, the function of which ought to be in principle purely "sanctifying" (and have always been in all traditional societies) cannot be made to conform to every imperfection of the human form. The problem of homosexuality from a traditionalist point of view is summed up succinctly in this article:


A man and woman who unite sexually in a sacred manner are re-creating and re-enacting the divine wholeness, the divine androgyny, and can have a "paradisal vision" of the unity that existed before the breaking apart of things, or before things came to be in "two-ness"

The author seems to understand the non-dualistic stance of tradition, but then becomes confused because he still hasn't grasped the basic premise of the emanationist argument, which is the same argument that explains the existence of evil in general and not just imperfections of the human form like homosexuality:


The Absolute by definition includes the Infinite - their common content being Perfection or the
Good - and the Infinite in its turn gives rise, at the degree of that "lesser Absolute" that is Being,
to ontological All-Possibility. Being cannot not include efficient Possibility, because it cannot
prevent the Absolute from including the Infinite. Possibility has so to speak two dimensions, one
"horizontal" and one "descending" or one "qualitativ" and one "quantitative," analogically or
metaphorically speaking.

Thus, homosexuality is a manifestation of an universal contrary, which is metaphysically necessary at the level of the relative, but is a distortion of an universal principle.
5 Sep 2013
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

The average person would then seem to have invested very little thought into what the word "unnatural" means i.e. the only thing which is unnatural in our reality is nothing as that seems to be the only thing that doesn't exist. If it can exist, then, like it or not, it is natural.

The problem with the natural argument is that the revulsion people feel instinctively for homosexuals is also natural. Of course, try to argue with a liberal that homophopbia is just something one is born with. Lulz are bound to ensue.

Desirable and undesirable, normal and abnormal, those seem to be the terms you are trying to communicate.

Natural != proper. But improper != unnatural. What this means is that homosexuality is a deviation of a divine principle, but its existence is divinely mandated as well, in the sense that all possibilities are inherent in manifestation, including deviations and degeneration, in that manifestation, being other then God, cannot be perfect. Yet, manifestation comes from God, and is thus an extension of his nature, however corrupted this nature might become as manifestation grows distant from the source.

Homosexuality, as a deviation of a transcendental principle, falls right out of process of "consecrating" our fallen nature. To most people this may not mean much, including some of the most materially oriented Christians, who see nothing transcendental about life. But if you happen to be an individual with an instinct for transcendental values, and always made an effort to elevate things to an higher level, this business of certain individuals being "cursed" with a deviation which makes them unable to participate in any form of love and sexual union beyond its most vile and animalistic aspect, it is a very grave predicament to contemplate.

It would be easy to dismiss homosexuals as simply being evil, but that's obviously not the case which makes the problem very complicated.
4 Sep 2013
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

Well, the average person would say that they are both "unnatural". Which is true, albeit few people understand what that means at an higher level.

In terms of understanding how such things can affect society, consider, in the way of analogy, that "ugliness" is also unnatural, and a distortion of a divine principle. But ugliness, unlike homosexuality, has already been normalized, and ugliness is the single most pervasive aesthetic principle presiding all modern forms of artistic expression. Our society still cherishes beauty in a more superficial manner, such as physical beauty, but even there ugliness has a tendency to distort and twist beauty in a way that it becomes offensive and repellent, such as the hyper sexualization of the human body (particularly grotesque when it is applied to children), or the utter and complete lack of inner beauty and character in the way outwardly beautiful people are portrayed in movies or in the media in general. Indeed, ugliness of character has somehow become synonymous with being sexually desirable, with inner goodness and nobleness of spirit being equated with stupidity and sexual naivety. Some attempts have already been made at normalizing ugliness even at a superficial level, where beauty still clings by sheer force of popular demand among the majority of people, such as the Dove's "Real Beauty" campaign, which mercifully enough has turned out to be a complete fiasco. It won't be long until the usual suspects slap us with a "Brokeback Mountain" for ugly people, with the underlying moralistic message that if you somehow reject the normancy of ugliness and somehow feel disgusted by two disfigured people copulating with one another you are a bad, evil person.

So we have already seen how the proliferation and exaltation of ugliness has resulted in deep spiritual fissures in the fabric of western society, and the normalization of homosexuality follows the same trend.
4 Sep 2013
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

That assumes that such a principle exists

Perhaps it's people like you and your complete lack of principles and standards that need such assumtion.

you struggle with your sexuality which is in opposition to your political and religious views

Look at the scared little liberal, using ad-hominem and petty shaming tactics because he cannot buttress his arguments in any way or form.

Lefists, lefists never change. How does it feels, having to cook up the most vile allegations, fully knowing that you cannot face kondzior's towering intellect head on?

I don't think there is any evidence that people who carry out those acts are politically liberal

You don't think, indeed, you did not thought your ideology through. That's a pretty arbitrary idea coming from a group that doesn't believe in an objective morality. Why is having sex with children wrong, whether they consent to it or not?

Ho wait, it infers on the happiness of the children in question. But then, does it mean that it is ok to make pedophiles suffer because to act out their desires would involve bringing pain upon others? By that rationale, why isn't it ok to make homosexual suffer, considering how deleterious to society their desires are?

This whole thing about basing everything on individual happiness is a bit confusing.
4 Sep 2013
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

Really, if you're secure in your manliness and sexuality, why would you care what other people are doing It's the same with everything, the people who know themselves and are comfortable in their own skin do their thing and let others do the same.

Homosexuality is a contortion of a divine principle and it is for that reason that it is degenerate. Whether the homosexuals themselves are degenerate as well is besides the point. Liberals are so obsessed with their vision of individual "happiness" that i wouldn't be surprised if they attemped to normalize other forms of degeneracy, like zoophilia, or pedophilia.
24 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

I still don't get why it's OK for the state to promote a religious ideology (lberalism) that came out of nowhere, while destroying the one that built the whole country (Catholicism).

We have the children taught Catholicism in public school. How in hell does this deprive Aethists and Muslims of their freedom of conscience? It makes no sense at all.

As if the whole laws and foundations of western society weren't entirely built on Godly principles and values. Secularization grandstanding is nothing but a session of collective suicide, and a game of denial. Separation of the church and state isn't meant to protect the state from the church, but to protect the church from the state.

There is nothing wrong at all with enshrining Catholic principles into law, and it is in fact the preferable option. It doesn't oppress anyone. And if you don't like it, don't try to come here.

I always laugh when I see the anglosphere describing Poles as racists or nazis simply for defending our culture. The anglosphere is so utterly pathetic now, there are no words.
18 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

It's very obvious what he is. I object to people like him claiming to be Polish.

Delphy, you are amusing. Sure, I spent over a decade in US and Canada. I have also been quite some time in India. Does it make me Asian? I also visited UK and Swiss, and some other places as well, so what? I was born and risen in Beskidy mountains, and now I live in the city of Bielsko-Biala. F*Off
18 Aug 2013
Law / Poland and the Euro - benefit for Polish economy? [49]

At some point banks started replacing stores and other small businesses in locals. I often see places where there were various stores and now there are banks. And there's more and more banks and less and less normal businesses.

What we are seeing is the liberal economic system in action. According to liberalism all wealth is created by trade, production is 'reactionary'. Banking has a higher profit margin, more money for the gubmint to spend on welfare or wars. You end up with a bunch of guys sitting in a circle exchanging pieces of paper patting each other on the back meanwhile out in the streets starving children are begging or trying to catch small rodents for a bit of protein to feed their families for another day.

Euro zone in a nutshell.
18 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Lenka, why Delphy can accuse me of being American, while if I try to set the record stright, it gets deleted?
17 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Calling the Constitution "just a piece of paper" is - even to me - unbelievably offensive.

No, it is not.

the document that the entire country is based

Don't make me laugh. It is Poland, not the USA. We are not Americans, we don't care about law codes all that much, you know. Poland existed, in the hearts of Poles, while "on paper" there have been no such a thing. What is writen on paper do not accounts for much. It is what we believe that counts.
11 Aug 2013
USA, Canada / PolishAmericanReview's review of current events in America [48]

Hey, you are naughty, naughty parents, we the State will kidnap and take care of your child! *child dies screaming* Oops!


Further irony:


One of the foster parents was a twice convicted drug dealer OPS!

Only in liberal country...

If this was my child... I would kill all involved... it seems vigilante justice is the only way to make sure those who perpetrated this atrocity pay...

Where in God's name is the public outcry for this murdered little girl? Where is the news media, and Obama DEMANDING justice for her? Where are the millions of people DEMANDING that her murderer be found guilty? Where are the threats of demonstrations and rioting if the murderer is found not guilty?

Well, I guess this little 2 year old Texas girl ain't no Trayvon..
10 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

It's a choice, which is frankly imposed on most of us, and some choose to release themselves from its shackles when capable of making an informed decision for themselves.

Did all you mental giants decide in the last ten years to embrace atheism at the same time?

I was an atheist for sixteen years. I was a superior atheist, too.

You show me an atheist, no matter what their IQ, I'll show you somebody whose father has failed them. That's a fact.

You show me an atheist, I'll show you somebody who will worship the State in God's place. That's a fact.

You show me an atheist, I'll show you somebody whose lack of principles to live by and a credo that humbles them before God (being humbled before anybody else is of zero importance) and I'll show you somebody who is fail as a human being.

It's really scary how you all poured in when it became socially safe to do so. I cannot tell you what it feels like to look back and see you all neck deep in that toxic sump I crawled out of holding onto tree roots. The smell and company you keep there alone there should tell you something is wrong.

As for choosing atheism, I'm not sure that ordinary people ever really choose anything. I don't think most of humans are smart enough to be Christians or atheists, it's just what the spirit of the age tells you to do.

no religious signs in public, no religion classes in public schools, no public fundings) since religion is seen as a strictly private matter.

Why I am not surprised? All declining societies become secular right before they all die screaming. It's part of the reason they all die screaming, in fact.

This is very pertinent to this thread.
10 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Poland no longer requires the RCC to fight on its behalf against its atheist masters.

We are still under the occupation of the EU.

That time has passed.

IF so there is huge incline from Soviet times:

Atheism is strongest in northwest European countries such as Scandinavia and the former Soviet states (except for Poland). The former East Germany had the highest rate of people who said they never believed in God (59 percent); in comparison, 4 percent of Americans had that response.

The country with the strongest belief is the Philippines, where 94 percent of those surveyed said they always had believed in God. In the United States, that response came from 81 percent of the people surveyed.

Although by most measures, belief in God is gradually declining worldwide, it is increasing in Russia, Slovenia and Israel. In Russia, comparing the difference between those who believe in God but hadn't previously, and those who don't believe in God but used to, researchers found a 16 percent change in favor of belief.

No surprise there Protestardism was the beta version of liberalism and Marxism anyway.
10 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

You must see the irony of critizing the theology of another nation when your own nation's primary economic export to the world is American ass, prnography.

You have failed at every single level of your culture and society and yet you are so concerned with some perceived inconsistency in Poland. Remove first the beam from thine own eye.

You claim your young women are so much more liberated than those under Catholic faith and yet their only real option to pay the bills is to do a seventy man circle jerk twice a month just so they can feed their own children.

Do you have the capacity for shame? Forget about Poles, we respect ourselves enough to fight back when we are insulted. Do you have the guts to fight for anything? I don't mean other people, I mean for your right to exist. It seems you believe your washed-out, surrendered soul has claimed the high moral ground by virtue of believing in nothing at all but consumption.

The Catholics don't need you to straighten them out. You have not even straightened yourself out. Don't worry about microanalyzing every facet of our religion when you have none at all. Secular atheism is a religion for animals that have decided to curl up and become extinct. It is the absence of the will to live altogether.

I fully expect Catholics to be around in a 100 years. It is your genetic line that is kind of iffy and we cannot say for sure there will even be a memory of you and yours in a 100 years. Get some convictions, brother and I don't mean post-modernist critique reductio absurdum.

Press your ear to the ground and listen for the hoofbeats approaching of the multicult hordes of apocalypse coming. They approach for thee, paleskin.

You like talking divisively about the faith and you are living on a 3000 mile wide Balkans ready to explode any day now. Pluck the beam from thine own eye first. Is it possible that of all the ideologies that a nation could hold, your bizarro worldview is the most failed of all of them?
10 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Cant say Im surprised. Apart from gays and muslims, there's hardly a "minority" thats as rabbid and agressive about their cause as are atheists.
10 Jul 2013
Life / Immigration in Poland and being surrounded by a monoculture? [134]

Did anyone chose to belong to their current family before being born? Does that i mean i shouldn't love my parents and my siblings more then anybody else?

Any true citizen of the world should first abandon his gated white community, and move to Zimbabwe or at least Thailand to prove he means what he says when he says we're all the same.

It is all about nationalism, which is concern for the gene pool that you're a part of and, often, for that reason alone feel more home among than elsewhere.

This doesn't necessarily have anything to do with superiority and inferiority. Fish and birds may be "equal" in their respective environments, but a fish won't be at home among birds, and rightly so.

Nationalism is merely the extension of family. It's not a coincidence that there is no longer honor, loyalty, and such old-fashioned things in places where nationalism has died. Such things exist only in relation to something. You can't be loyal or honorable if there isn't anything you are loyal or honorable in relation to.

The modern Western civilization has come close to the state of "no one else than me" and, therefore, "no morality". By alienating us from our natural bonds to our home soil and home humans (nation), and creating a society where everyone is dependent on the State rather than on family for support in times of need, the modern West has also destroyed our very capacity for true loyalty and honor and the fulfilling life these things, and often these things alone, would let us lead.
10 Jul 2013
Life / Immigration in Poland and being surrounded by a monoculture? [134]

My only concern is civilization and the pool of human achievement. If race is a factor, then the subject is sure to perk my interest. It would be nice if it wasn't, but i have to be open to the possibility, particularly in the face of statistical or historical data.

My agenda, if you can call it that, is the preservation of western civilization and the perpetuation of truth, rationality and the belief in the elevation of the human condition. There's a difference between actively promoting domination and hatred (supremacy) and acting in self-defense when everything you've come to love in your life is being demolished before your very eyes, not just because of any external pressure, but from within.

I harbor no feelings of hatred or prejudice against the blacks (good luck explaining my increasingly large Jazz collection if i did), or the jews, or whatever the hell is out there, i just can't stand the self-loathing, weak minded groveling fools who simply can't wait to send our culture to an early grave, and for what? Just to demonstrate how nice we are, in the hope that love, empathy and understanding is going to solve everything?

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a worthy goal, but only when those concepts follow the order in which they are written. When you place happiness above liberty, and either of those above the right of life (which also translates in self preservation) it can only lead to disaster, which is what's happening to our civilization right now and people like you, dear sir, are part of the problem
10 Jul 2013
Life / Immigration in Poland and being surrounded by a monoculture? [134]

By whites we mean Caucasians. It's the genes that matter, skin color is irrelevant. Much like saying "black" usually means of west African origin, even though there's plenty of other races which are as dark as you can get.

For the record, I am not racist. There's a difference in acknowledging the existence of race and racial traits and then exploit it to built feelings of racial superiority, hatred and prejudice.
10 Jul 2013
Travel / Rihanna complains about lack of privacy on Polish beach [150]

Some Poles are very racist

Compared to a place like USA there is no racism in Poland whatsoever.

Some people in Poland (especially those living in villages) may have never even seen a black person before!

And that makes them racist?
9 Jul 2013
Life / Immigration in Poland and being surrounded by a monoculture? [134]

German Swiss don't bother learning French and French Swiss don't bother learning German. Not sure how much of a multicultural success Siwtzerland really is.

Swiss mentality is basically just about "Dose foreigners aren't like us, let's stay wary".
9 Jul 2013
Life / Immigration in Poland and being surrounded by a monoculture? [134]

kaz200972:Switzerland has three main ethnic groups and manages exceptionally well!!

Interesting. Of course I have known this for many years but never really considered Switzerland "multicultural" despite it being so. How diverse are these groups culturally I wonder. Do you know?

One must be positively insane to call a Switzerland multicultural. The place is extremely xenophobic, the Swiss make it perfectly clear that they do not want non-Swiss in their idyllic mountain towns (hell, the Swiss Germans hate Germans!). It's not a real multi-ethnic state either, due to them having an extremely long history of being Swiss citizens instead identifying as a part of their actual ethnic group.
31 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

I would say most people's gut feelings about good and evil are similar. It's the various ideologies and religions you have to be wary of.

It is just a wishful conjecture. it may seem like that to you because you live in place where, as I said, christian morality has been ingrained in our civilization for so long its not going to disappear overnight, but it will eventually weaken and brake.


Read it Magdalena. It's all there, truth revealed, because it's not going to matter soon anyway. Imagine how ugly things are outside of a safe, christian culture zone. Human monkeys truly only care just about who is the WINNER, the big man with all the big coconuts. They don't care for truth because they literally do not understand the concept. Watch them in the RNC and DNC conferences just act along for the scripted lines, and take it all as normal.


These are beasts made in the shape of man.

Only modern ideologies require blind worship, because you have to accept artificial and arbitrary constructs that have no inherent truth in them. Traditional societies are characterized by worship in the face of total truth. In such a context, worship ceases to be compulsory and becomes "free" in a real sense. This is why communist governments have to rely on despotic means to maintain themselves, because they are trying to enforce something that is unnatural and artificial. Everytime people are given free reign over their own will, they begin to revert back to traditional ways. The only way modernism can prevent the natural instincts of individuals to return to tradition is constant monitoring and control.

That said, people still need guidance because while we all have a natural predisposition for the ways of tradition, exact knowledge of traditional truths is still something that cannot simply be attained spontaneously (and not by the majority in the first place). Hence, the role of revelation and faith. The latter only exists due to the fact the majority of human beings are not suited to understand the naked truth of divine realities. This creates the illusion of compulsory worship so despised among undomursticurted snowmnfags (even though the ideologies of non-domestication of snowmen are infinitely more compulsory, to wit, the necessity of constant propaganda and brainwashing), where people are called to bow down to something they can only understand in an approximate manner. But because this "something" is none other then absolute truth, even this approximation has an illuminating effect in the mind and heart of the worshiper. This is not to say religion institutions cannot become corrupted, as they certainly are today. I believe much of your hatred for religion stems from your perception of what those religious institutions have become, not what they were originally.
30 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

The concepts of good and evil create morality, not the other way around. Neither morality nor virtue are universal across cultures. But basic gut feelings about doing good and doing evil would be rather similar.

When humans start to think that such knowledge (about morality) comes, not from above, but from their own intellects or gut feelings, bad stuff starts to happen, because ultimately if you have your own idea of what is good and what is evil, then why can't I have my own as well? And why not my uncle and his dog too? Why should I follow your moral compass instead of someone else's, or my own?

Nietzsche was all about re-evaluating values, and indeed that's the only way to attempt to replace God in His throne, and it's what Satanism is about as well. Aptly, Nietzsche titled his last work "Anti-Christian", and went mad soon after.

You speak of modern ideologies. To me, they are semi-religious, artificial constructs to be avoided at all costs.

Nietzsche went mad because he was smart enough to understand what a universe without God actually meant, unlike the average atheists and their childish and self-congratulating "rationalism".

So atheism is not a religion after all?

Atheism is so much a religion as nihilism is an ideology.
30 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

Not believing in a god does not mean being indifferent to evil. Good and evil are real, whatever names you call them or whatever entities you choose to associate them with (god, satan) or not. So your argument is invalid.

Without God as absolute objective reference, how can you tell the good from the evil, though? How can you tell whose morality is "truer". Nazi believed that gasing milions of people is a good thing. Atheist can be doing the right thing according to his individual definition, not doing the right thing based on some universal truth or idea of justice. Thus, for instance, affirmative action is "morally" correct from an anti-racist point of view but isn't "just" in some higher sense that transcends individual polemics. Morality is ultimately relative and it tends to differ from culture to culture. Virtue is however perfectly objective since it derives from the Absolute directly. Ideally, morality ought to come from virtue in first place, but this isn't what is happening today. Disenfranchising whites is morally correct because of some petty individualistic idea of "fairness". Polemics become more important then truth. To speak of "moral high ground" in this context is redundant, since leftists invent their own morality as they go along.

I have nothing against the Catholic or Christian tradition. I have lived in India surrounded by Hinduists and Buddhists and again, felt quite at home. I do not divide people into the faithful and the faithless.

I have been an atheist for 16 years, but I came to conclusion that any faith is better then atheism.
30 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

Are you really sure that you have the right to speak for other people?
While I understand that this is how YOU feel, I am not in the slightest convinced that you are in possession of absolute truth.

I've met many self proclaimed atheists who also lead fairly normal and peaceful lives. This does not mean atheism is not an inherently destructive ideology. The damage is incremental. Christian morality has been ingrained in our civilization for so long its not going to disappear overnight, but it will eventually weaken and brake. Besides, faithlessness is not evil in itself, it is the inherent indifference to evil and degeneracy that eventually brings ruin upon a society.
29 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

Great. No need to discuss anything further then. Just sit back and enjoy your ride. BTW - I strongly disagree with you

Some values are harder to understand then others. True knowledge is in fact nothing other then the knowledge of values (hence why scientific knowledge is not real knowledge), and some values take a great deal of time and effort in order to be assimilated. For instance, genius in art is something i only begun to truly understand after a great deal of exploration and exposure. This also means that certain values need to be accepted by faith before they can be understood, and that the attainment of knowledge actually begins with a passive intuition and a certain degree of trust. In a sense, the relativistic argument can never work on someone who has already understood a certain value, and some values are so obvious that society is prevented from falling apart purely due to common sense. Everybody can see that murder is wrong, but not anyone is able to grasp higher values such as genius or the immanence of God, which is nothing other then the differentiation between the real and the illusion, Atma and Maya, the fundamental qualification for everyone who wants to seek liberation, and thus the highest value there is. Basically, relativism may not necessarily drive a give society into utter chaos, but does in fact succeed in preventing anyone in attaining the more difficult values, resulting into a world of sheer stupidity on one hand, and unrealized spiritual possibilities on the other.

How can you be so sure? Have you talked to every single person alive today?

How do I know? simple logic. Without God in your life, there is nothing else to do. You can care only for your material wellbeing, the true values cannot exist without an absolute point of reference. What is there that is more absolute then God?

You strive to get close to God, or atribute a way too much meaning into this life.
29 May 2013
Life / Is multi-culti in Poland bankrupt? [73]

I'll accept that the United States isn't successful when their citizens start emigrating to Poland. At the time of writing, the population flows appear to be solely from monocultural nations to multicultural ones. All evidence suggest you've got it wrong. Just observe the behaviour of others. They vote with their feet for those counries which are open, liberal and multicultural.

Nope. These places are good to earn quick buck, but terrible place to live.

Western Europe and USA is multi-cultural hell. They are allowing a horde of culturally different people inside. But people from Poland are culturally different from people from France, so that's wrong too? Except that those new invaders are not from a different branch of your own culture, but rather, from a entirely different culture with a entirely diferent tradition, history, worldview and religion. Those guys don't want to accomodate to your culture, or to change your culture, or to blend their culture with European culture. Nope. What those guys want... is to see European culture GONE. DEAD. Extinct like the Dodo. Swept from history.
29 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

So Harry, why are you not being happy with shops being closed on Sundays?

Scientists (at least the really good ones) are fully aware of the limited nature of their knowledge.

Again we see here an obvious misconception regarding the nature of "knowledge". Science isn't knowledge. Technology isn't knowledge. Medicine isn't knowledge. All those things are predicated upon mere information, the accumulation of which is the farthest possible thing from true knowledge.

Now, consider this. What is the purpose of life? For a modern person, to live means to take advantage of what the physical world has to offer, meaning that existence is a simple pursuit of egotistic and hedonistic impulses. For an ancient person, life meant to become closer to the creator, that is, spiritual realization, because he understood that the physical world offered no happiness (by definition really, which is clear to anyone who actually understands what the physical world truly is). Now, consider for a moment what is entailed behind the scientific enterprise of the modern world, and the amount of effort and the type of demands this aberration imposes upon the lives of millions of people. Can anyone even find the time to seek spiritual realization when we are all basically slaves of this scientific and technological apparatus we tend to regard so highly? An ancient person only experienced spiritual things, whether due to his closeness to virgin nature or his exposure to a tradition that had a direct connection with the eternal. A modern person is thrown into profanity from the moment he is born to the moment he dies. Our surroundings are profane and artificial, our experiences set upon non-spiritual or outright anti-spiritual things. From our youth we are trained in some technical or social skill, to spend our existence to maintain a system which serves as its own justification. And for what? Comfort and conveniences? The ability to escape certain types of diseases, and thus extended our chances for a life that's going to end in death anyway? Is this truly the mark of a civilization that has finally reached true "enlightenment"?