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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Feb 2025
Threads: Total: 33 / In This Archive: 10
Posts: Total: 2126 / In This Archive: 804
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
10 May 2011
News / Do Poles take Kaczynski seriously!? [199]

Honestly, both Kaczynski and Tusk are socialists...they're held in about equal light as far as I'm concerned.

in disguise ! :)
That's what I tell everyone but nobody seems to believe me! lol

oh well Kaczynski is social-conservative. Economically socialist, while ideas conservative :)
Mr Grunwald   
10 May 2011
History / Why did Russia attack Poland in WW2? [178]

The Soviets' main advantage was their sheer numbers.

Yeah, but still it had consequences, look at how the Soviet Union was after the war... Did they go halooba like U.S.A invading everyone? Their loss of population lead to a defensive doctrine in the grand schemes of things. It wasn't until some time had passed that they went into Afganistan! :)

Poland was easy pickings after the Nazis ploughed through from the west. Many battlelines were drawn in Poland and the Soviets played the game.

Well I wouldn't say easy, easier yes. the baltic states were easy pickings.
Mr Grunwald   
10 May 2011
News / Kaczyński wants a people-friendly Poland [64]

Delph, one ex-hooligan is in a prominent position in the Polish govt.

No chance for anyone when they go Hooli? Give people a chance! If they want a life while not let em? ;)
As you said: EX-HOOLI :)
Mr Grunwald   
10 May 2011
History / Why did Russia attack Poland in WW2? [178]

Read Armageddon by Leon Uris

Ill keep that in mind :)

and how the Soviets wanted the biggest share of the spoils.

Until 1941 when the Soviet Union was attacked, it only wanted to expand. But when it got hit by Nazi Germany it came under paranoia of getting attacked. One of the reasons that it withdrew from Austria after WW2, and the reason why Poland was important for SU. It was between Germany and the SU...
Mr Grunwald   
10 May 2011
History / Why did Russia attack Poland in WW2? [178]

If you have one thousand soldiers in a defended position , it requires at least three thousand soldiers to stand a good chance of defeating them , so three against one is the ideal military situation..

You forgot about the tanks ;)
There were anti-tank weapons in the Polish military, but ammunition was vital. It was simple, not enough equipment. People in reserve had to wait to get equipment, and until then all the major battles had been fought. Also for instance the Czech-Slovak division didn't have any equipment either. They probably had lower priority to arm foreigners to fight the nazi's but it was becaouse of the problems with supplying and arming soldiers that went downhill. Also the grand battle plan included the French to do something becaouse

A. If the French started an major offensive (just like the Russians were preparing for durign ww1) the Germans would have to relocate their forces.

B. Stalin wouldn't perhaps have invaded Poland as he wanted to dodge any confrontation with the allies yet. (It was becaouse of the French lack of action that the Soviet Union invaded Poland (+ having the Polish army on the retreat to eastern Poland)
Mr Grunwald   
10 May 2011
History / Why did Russia attack Poland in WW2? [178]

If Russia was with the Allies why would they back stab Poland.

It wasn't with the allies at any point. It co-operated with em, but calling them allied to the allies is ridicule especially considering the treatment allied soldiers got when visiting the SU or the red army soldiers after visiting allied troops. The allies were considered enemies all the time... You know how they got their nuclear bomb?
Mr Grunwald   
8 May 2011
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

becouse we should protect our language, we have to many english words there are everywhere

It's a tool for communication...
As long as we understand what the words symbolizes... Does it really matter if it's A or B? As long as we get what the other person thinks
Mr Grunwald   
3 May 2011
History / Poles in the Napoleonic era [224]

It's 3 of May today in Poland!
The national anthem stems from the Poles during the Napoleonic era! ;)
Mr Grunwald   
2 May 2011
News / "Poland is flourishing" [62]

Polands stability is only surviving thanks to EU funding.

Other contries got EU funding, and do not have much stability... Don't think it's a valid point
Mr Grunwald   
2 May 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

whereas Lithuanians are big on basketball.

No big surprise, their quite tall (all my tall family members were of the Lithuanian extraction in the family)
Mr Grunwald   
29 Apr 2011
History / The Piast dynasty did most for Poland [24]

So did you think an other time period or were you hoping inside yourself that Russia would emarged sooner to "connect" the Lithuanians with the Poles in a different way or?
Mr Grunwald   
26 Apr 2011
History / Poland's 1945 - 1989 under communism or during socialism? [65]

Poland was a socialist state.

That's what the commies wanted it to be, or atleast the ones ruling Poland after ww2 to 1989
The commies allways said "socialism" rather then communism, that's why Ironside reacted as he did.

1. Socialism is an economic system while communism is both an economic and political system.

Your very very wrong, their both ideologies. What economic/political system they accept or have been seen in use is an different matter :)

2. In socialism, the resources of the economy are managed and controlled by the people themselves through communes or councils while in communism, management and control rest on a few people in a single authoritarian party.

= socialism is decentralized while communism is cetralized

3. Socialists distribute wealth to the people based on an individual's productive efforts while communists farm out wealth based on an individual's needs.

productive effots?! Socialists give out money to anyone so that there won't be an base of poor people wanting an coup de etat or revolution...

While commies steal from anyone just so they build up their army and prepare to share their ideology

4. Socialists can own personal properties while communists can not.

communists in power or communists in general?

5. Socialism allows capitalism to exist in its midst while communism seeks to get rid of capitalist

That depends on the countries party and their economic policy, Socialists and communists can have a variety of policies: Most common is planned economy (communists) and state capitalism. If we look at Scandinavia they use an intervention policy.

5. Socialism allows capitalism to exist in its midst while communism seeks to get rid of capitalist

Again depends on the socialists, but yes communists are no fans of capitalists
Mr Grunwald   
24 Apr 2011
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

One of my Polish ex-gf's told me once that her grandmother didn't like the Jews.

don't like vs hate is quite different buddy
Also remember that Poles (especially in the Russian occupation sphere) could been persuaded to think something close to their occupant when the occupier did pogroms towards Jews.

Jews were a problem in such way that they never were 100% with somebody. They had many factions and were everywhere, but never constituted an important majority. The thing I know atleast is that Piłsudski didn't burn Jews on stake like they were witches. That makes me more then pleased :)

The Jews maybe didn't have a paradise, but neither did the Poles have it either...

I am glad atleast that it wasn't forbidden for the Jews to be/enter Poland in her constitution...
Compared to an other country...
Mr Grunwald   
16 Apr 2011
Study / Is Poland a good place to study for Black Africans? [90]

After reading all theese messages I come to the conclusion that
1. People native to Africa won't be coming to Poland (big plus for me as I am pro-Europe, call me a xhenophob if you really want to call me anything lol)

2. English are English :)
3. Just need to fix the reputation in Germany then the world can buzz off and think what ever they want to think ;) (even if it's untrue)

Bloody communist!

socialist! Socialist! A commie would have fired all the doctorsand give them low salary and force them to do their work (they would get a bonus for helping party members)
Mr Grunwald   
12 Apr 2011
Feedback / No joke, but how do I LOG OUT? [19]

Your allways logged in... forever!!
I don't know... Been trying to find one myself
Mr Grunwald   
26 Mar 2011
Language / Polish and Hungarian, how similar? [53]

Maybe the person knew Hungarian AND Polish? That wasn't rare right? Especially having connections from both countries
Mr Grunwald   
26 Mar 2011
Feedback / Why PolishForums? Give us your stories! [60]

I am addicted to Polish history and I know that if something new comes up about Polish history people are all too well fond of discussing it here. All the spicy stuff makes it even more awesome ;)
Mr Grunwald   
16 Mar 2011
History / Thinking of changing Wikipedia's Holocaust article to include genocide of Poles. [78]

They were to become slaves.

Then get slaughtered. Poles were killed in droves until 1941 when they invaded the Soviet Union. As the Nazi's looked at the Soviet Union as some Judeo-commie conspiracy or something.

A different opinion? This constantly whinging and whining about how bad the Poles had it? I think it's time for the Poles to move on. Nothing more, nothing less.


It was THREE million non-Jewish Poles killed, not 2 million.

Does anyone really know these days?
Mr Grunwald   
16 Mar 2011
History / What nation do Poles feel closer to? [74]


While nowadays Germans can take theirself back to Germania or the Holy Roman Empire, Poles&Poland came to being when a bunch of tribes got together. What we have today doesn't have too much in common with the tribes back then. While Germans have no problem in seeign themselves as "Germanians" in those times. Poles like to think of themselves more like Polish knights, uprisers or freedom fighters.

The concept of Poland is more of an idea then based on facts. There were regions that weren't too clturally similar that united together. While German people were united, then went to their own principality's and kingdoms and after a while united into Germany.

If we follow the idea about the concept about Poland and Poles we "could" say Ukrainians could be Poles or Slovaks could be Poles for that matter IF they wanted. BUT they clearly do not want that :=)

Also the "relax" rules to what reqires to be a Pole made many Lithuanians,Ruthinians, Germans, Tatars, Jews and even some Russians into nowadays Poles! in the gene pool Poland is a mixed bunch but if you count by soul&spirit. Their one ;)

One of the reason Catholicism is important in Poland


Greed, status and pride in one big mix ;)

Religiously and economically, to Germany.

Religiously?! The borders of Germany that were bordering Poland was allways protestant per say! Religiously Poland is more connected to Lithuania!
Mr Grunwald   
14 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

about I'm not going to elaborate!

smart indeed

Gee Mr G

sounds like an opening for a rap song

cant you see quote above my words addressed to Moon-loon?

yes... and?

Immigrants in UK are not the result of the New Labor action, is a very much action of businesses, free to pursue workforce from any corner of the world. Easter Europeans are result of the fact that UK is a part of EU, a new labor party an open door policy an influx of immigrants from a new EU country's resulted only in lengthen UK prosperity for about 2 - 3 years.

yapp had that talk yesterday with my buddy

The crisis in UK and in the world is a direct result of globals process (including baking and monetary system),

globalists... I rank them the same as anarchist! Hate that bunch!


That little piece of ****
You have my 100% approval in mouthing bad swear words at that... unspeakable creation which by my guess must have happaned at an bus station. Fire in the hole!
Mr Grunwald   
14 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

You must not think so, Mr Grunwald

quote me where I IMPLY that?

That you are clueless twit, do you even know anything about Poland?

What Poland needs is a government who would represent interest of Polish citizens!

Quite acceptable post even tho not my style

Another clueless prick!no wonder you are fuked !

Could you elaborate more, like in which words did he represent the situation of nowadays U.K?
Or were you just striking all of his words? Or just the person? What motivated you to do so?
Mr Grunwald   
14 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Who prints the money?

You think money IS wealth?
It's just an symbol of value of either items you traded or work you have done!
Pff... printing more money is fooling yourself
Mr Grunwald   
14 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

lately polands beenn doing rather shitly with these right wing nuts. there is no social assistance or benefits to those in need. The govt in corrupt to the bone. I feel that if we got some lefties into power this would all change and poland would become more society oriented, not to mention less racism and ant semitism.

What do u guys think?


They get in then it's Good bye Poland!
You sicko!

You only pr...
Hmm bad choice of words...
You only hope for Poland to fail!
Mr Grunwald   
14 Mar 2011
Life / Can foreigners really understand Poles? [136]

1. what Poles think about EU?

A giant Cow that everyone fear to milk, except us ;)

2. what Poles think about Polish history?

It's 100% super! ;)
Actually 200%!
Oh and very unique

3. What role of Polish women is and standing in the society?

The Godesses
Mr Grunwald   
11 Mar 2011
Law / Is it illegal to burn the bible or any religious symbols in Poland? [30]

You think making love is a hobby?

ehrm it can be... regarding certain posters here and wierd... "sex fashions"

So the leather mask with the little red ball gag thingy is optional? Go figger.


Will it matter if someone sends a letter of appreciation too? Would it balance the complaints? :)))

idk ask the court

OMG who is it! Give names! LOL

Harry for the love of God! Don't!