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Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Mar 2011
Threads: Total: 16 / In This Archive: 11
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From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: tak

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20 Jan 2010
Food / Butternut Squash in Poland [13]

Something I've never used. There's a good Chinese shop near the bottom end of ul. Poznanska. If they don't stock it, they might know somewhere that does.


If it's the same stuff that's called Chinese Leaves in the UK, I've seen it in big supermarkets.
20 Jan 2010
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

that threads at least make some sense to start with.

Quite. There could be a good thread here but the title is inflammatory.
20 Jan 2010
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]


I agree. I've personally noticed no difference in this matter between UK and PL, and a recent survey showed Warsaw as one of the European capitals where a lost wallet is most likely to be returned with the money still in it.

A related issue, better in another thread, is the idea in PL that if something doesn't have a specific owner (e.g.state or communal property) then it belongs to nobody rather than everybody and is fair game to either take or neglect.
20 Jan 2010
Work / Poland is headhunting seriously in IT, Finance and HR. [41]

please do not try to make out Poland as being untouched by the crisis and that they are some utopia

Poland is definitely in the middle of a crisis. A few firms are recruiting, but generally as part of a cost saving package, firing people who won't take a pay cut and hiring cheaper people. In finance and IT there are some very specific roles that companies are looking for - in Sales and Marketing, things are desperate.
20 Jan 2010
Food / Butternut Squash in Poland [13]


It would be except they don't grow much squash here in Poland, and the farmers are only allowed to (or supposed to) sell things they've grown themselves unless they do a lot of expensive paperwork. Planting squash in the hope of selling it would be too risky for most farmers who do the markets.

It would be great to see it more often.
18 Jan 2010
Life / Metal scene in Poland [39]

I agree - I can't tell the difference between one ' song' and the next, let alone any difference between the bands.

Thomas Karlsson and Therion (I suppose they're metal) do some interesting stuff (when you can actually make out Karlsson's lyrics), but so much of it is just grinding assonance.
18 Jan 2010
News / Too much change in Poland?! [25]

I wish they would scrap the 1 and 2gr coins,

Me too, but the (albeit subtle) effect on the inflation rate means that countries hang on to very small coins for as long as they can.

I save mine and give them to charity collections.
18 Jan 2010
Food / Butternut Squash in Poland [13]

where on Polna though? it's quite a long street. cheers

The half of Polna that's north of al. Armia Ludowa running from their to pl. Politechniki. Very close to the southern entrance to metro Politechnika - if you come out of the metro by the huge office block, it's behind that. The market is a seventies building with a discotheque upstairs.

It's a curious place. Nowadays big supermarkets have most of the things people need and MiniEuropa has plenty of exotic stuff, but during the PRL (and a few years after) that was the only place to get certain imported things.

Even ten years ago I remember seeing Americans (looking furtive because apparently they're not allowed to back home) buying Cuban cigars, and foreign diplomats buying exotic fruit and vegetables.

It isn't as good as it was, but is still the best bet for something like that.
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

I watch a shocking documentary Threads recently.

I appear in that film, fairly early on! In the crowd scene playing an anti-nuclear demonstrator.
17 Jan 2010
Language / "Zaraz wracam" - Why not "zaraz wrócę" ? [32]

english is motherland language have consciousness that they manipulate thirteen tenses

Most people see it as three or four tenses with different aspects and voices.
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

prepared by non-western people who don't care about basic hygiene.

More unproven statements....

Perhaps you could cite an official source for that?
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

I don't know what you mean by "flooded" - sounds deliberately racist to me.

I'm from the UK, my home city is one of the most multicultural places in Europe.
17 Jan 2010
Food / Butternut Squash in Poland [13]

That's the place. The ground floor has two parts - if I remember correctly there's a posh greengrocers in each one and it's worth checking out the basement. Though lately there seems to be a lot of change there so it's anybody's guess.

It isn't as good as it used to be a few years ago, before big supermarkets started to appear, but it's still ok for finding unusual foods.
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

removing visa restrictions is very dangerous for the wellbeing of many Polish people.

In what way? There's already immigration here. And there are no visa restrictions for EU citizens.
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

instead of trying to influence other people. ;)

Aren't you trying to do just that?

Remember there are several million people with dark skin and from developing couintries who have an absolute right to live in PL, no visas, no requirements, by virtue of being citizens of an EU member state. The same right to be here as a Pole, and more right than you, assuming you're from outside the EU (you still won't say).

Has it caused a stampede of immigration?
17 Jan 2010
Language / I want to learn Polish. Where to start? [180]

I would never think that so many foreigners wanna learn polish!

A lot of people originally from other countries on this forum live here and many need to speak Polish far more often than they speak their first language!
17 Jan 2010
Food / Butternut Squash in Poland [13]

Try Polna Market. Plenty of exotic things are available there, and I've certainly seen Tykwa.
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

they don't registrate skin colour of criminals

Actually most governments of countries with significant immigrant populations do. The UK certainly does. You might be surprised which ethnic group has the lowest crime rates.

statistics are manipulated

Aha, so wicked governments are conspiring to prove you wrong!

look in prisons,

I assume you've done this then...

everyone knows that the non-European immigrants are far more criminal

Who's everyone?
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]


Can you actually cite an official statistic showing that 80-90% of murders in multicultural countries (with fewer than 80-90% black populations) are committed by black people?

Or are you just being racist about people with (slightly) darker skin than yourself?
17 Jan 2010
Food / Mother of all hangovers....Polish Beer! [71]

Isn't Pollock a fish?

Mintaj, in Polish. Though I understand that some UK supermarkets are calling it something else due to the name sounding like 'bollock' which housewives don't like asking for.

Personally I don't much like mainstream Polish beer. Flavourless, gassy and full of chemicals, each brand pretty well identical. The only one I like to drink is Ciechan, unpasteurised and with real flavour, although it's 6 or 7%.
17 Jan 2010

"What's so special about living in the UK?"

For Poles, the British Isles are the only English-speaking countries which welcome them with open arms.

No Green Card lotteries (assuming Poles are eligible this year), no immigration points system, no threat of deportation or detention centres, no demeaning questions at the airport.

That's unique, therefore special.
16 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]


It isn't a very tactful title, though I notice you haven't suggested an alternative.

For reference, since it's 25 pages ago, here's the original post:

i must say that the level of hatred for Jews displayed on this website is a horrible way to show one's Polish identity. this website conveys the impression that Poles still hate Jews. there is an expression that if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and walks like a duck.... nonetheless, what is being done here is a disgrace to the Republic of Poland

16 Jan 2010
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

I was surprised, and didn't ask him/her how they arrived at the figure. I don't know if it's for public consumption or just internal statistics for policymaking.