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Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]
It's not hate, I believe that people who vote for PIS are either stupid and don't understand politics
I hear all the time here from you and other very tolerant PO supporters that "PiS supporters" are: idiots, jobless, fanatics and generally the worst plebs... all the time "PiS supporters" but they are not some mythical monster but real people, millions of them, If you lived in Poland you would work with them, live next to them and so on... you don't live in Poland but quite a few "PiS supporters" are here on this forum, so which are idiots ? Which are fanatics ? Tell us please.
they want a return to the old socialist past
Fascinating. Explain please.
Where are the genuine workers on their lists?
Why should they have "workers" on their lists ?
PO won't upset their voters
Yes, I'm sure they will be delighted by next VAT rise, freeze of pay of teachers', policemen, soldiers' etc.
You do realise that there's enough wasted on typical PiS voters to cut billions from the budget?
I'm 100 light years to the right from average PO voter regarding economy, so "center left" guy doesn't have to teach me such things. The problem is that PO is unable to produce any sensful reform of public finances, as that require more than PR tricks... so most probably PO way will look like this:
1. rise again VAT.
2. cancel some orders on military equipment, which will make bankrupt several promising comapnies in this sector and only delay necessary spendings.
3. sell shares of KGHM, Orlen, PKO BP, PGNiG for 15-20% of their real value.
4. steal more money from OFE...
...and a few other similarly "brilliant" decisions.
Anyway - since when does Kaczynski not want to win?
At least since the last Presidential elections. Actually, no one really want to win these elections that much... I won't be surprised If there will be big problems to set up any coalition...
Below the belt? There's no such thing as that in Polish politics.
I would like to see your posts If ad of PiS would be showing criminals supporting PO...
To be fair, isn't it both in PO and in PiS's interest to keep Korwin Mikke's crowd out?
Maybe... then what ?