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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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31 Mar 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

To assist me, any thoughts on YOUR symbol that captures your key attributes?

Can I get back on this one please?
yes,I see you follow where I was suggesting,you did miss religion though.....
It gets confusing though....do I choose a symbol that reflects some peoples perception of me over the last couple of weeks, what I have been "accussed" of being?

Anti social, communist, homosexual and jewish......so a black ,red,pink triangle forming a star of david might fit that bill.............
31 Mar 2011
News / Anti semtism at Polish Congress [57]

How cunning people the Poles are, aren't they? :-)

Well,obviously all that time spent being controled by the Jews some of it would rub off for sure....

They vote for the Jews to blame them for their own shortcomings. ;-)

Exactly,the english can blame the Scottish for our last government ,its just the same,those lousy haggis eating skirt wearing baby sacrificers....

Enlighten me, please.

Too late,Im afraid it seems its others that still need that.

:) or maybe :( not sure.....
31 Mar 2011
News / Polish journalist charged with insulting Belarusian President [16]

The Polish Goverment should really give citizentship to these people.

But that would play right into the hands of this nasty little tin pot man of steel.....
These "ethnicaly" Polish people who live in so called belrussia presumably live in,well, what was Poland,so uprooting them and re settling them in Polands post 45 borders is something that ,if it had to be done should have been done then. As I say,to do it now is to be complicit in a form of Ethnic cleansing. Belrussia,or the territory it now covers has always been a melting pot and cross roads ,fine,play along with this guy and declare it not only juden frei but Polen frei etc etc....
31 Mar 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

How about little tags beside our forum names, you know,little triangles in our national colours or some such ? That would surely help people rush to judgements. " Oh,they are an XYZ,thats why they know nothing/everything about Poland...................."
31 Mar 2011
Language / So why did you give up learning Polish? [105]

Why did I give up learning Polish?
On one level I have not, but, I havent bothered on a formal level since 04.
Not much point with a million plus native speakers suddenly in my country :)
31 Mar 2011
News / Anti semtism at Polish Congress [57]

Well, it's far from being racist. It may be a generalization.

Aye,to you and me sure,Im using the common parlance , playing the "race card" if you like;)

Mainly by those on the forum. By the way why don't you tell the same to delphiandomine? I think he's being wound up by a certain Pole. Looks like it.

Im staying out of that one. I dont like all the "dumb polack " stuff he's been flinging around lately,but on the other hand I do find a lot of his posts interesting and from a different perspective.

I mean - would an nation of supposed Jew-haters vote for Jews?

Its all a cunning plan,dont you see? If you vote for them that means you always know where they are,no need to go jew hunting in the forest if most of them are in the Sejm.......;)

Jews have been allowed

Jawohle! Arbiet macht polen ja?
Jews have been Allowed??? FFS.....sheesh.
Poles are not anti semites. But a sh!t load of Poles are anti semites....:(

if you swap with us Prince Charles for father Rydzyk

Sure,why not,we'd all pay as much attention to him as we do the rest of the whack job bible/koran/talmud/big book of farmyard animals thumpers and related over zelous religious fascists.........................so,is it a deal?

Who do we get for the job lot? I mean,one extended germano greek family for sale or trade, any offers?
31 Mar 2011
News / Anti semtism at Polish Congress [57]

Can you please quote one racist post of mine? Instead of throwing at me empty accusations

It's really astonishing how quick you Brits

How about putting in,oh,I dont know,maybe, "some of you Brits" rather than just apearing to label us all,an entire nation one thing or another. Ive met a vile Polish anti semite. Do you see me saying all Poles are anti semites?

Read the whole article, there are much fresher news as well.

I dont really need to,I live here,Im British,and Im well aware of my countries shamefull past....what with being part Irish and part Scottish.....

What can it tell me that I dont know? That I know rascit muppets from my own country? Of course I do. I know people far worse than that,and Im sure you know plenty of Polish people just as petty and nasty as delphoneum is being lately.

or the classic from earlier;

Bzibzioh: Anybody but a Brit would be suspended by now
Oh, don't blame them - of all the things they import from France camembert is a bit easier to digest than the motto liberty, equality, fraternity, I guess..

Again with the "them" sorry love,you come across just as pathetically mindlessly bigoted as those you protest about,get over it ,maybe its just who you are? But I dont think so on a deep level, I just think its being wound up by a certain Brit........but hey,what would i know,like I say,Im just a Brit.....:)
31 Mar 2011
News / Anti semtism at Polish Congress [57]

think this should bother you more than Polish anti-semitism

really,120 year old news should bother someone? Get a grip. While I agree with all the pee'd off Poles here....

It's really astonishing how quick you Brits

Im going to say this poiltely but firmly. Chichimera,you have a nasty habit of complaining about "rascism" by branding an entire four nationalities as rascist and consequently being a rascist yourself....you do see the problem with this dont you?

Oh,should I point out just why Britain was full of Polish Jews at the end of the 19th C? Or will I leave it to your good self to talk about the widespread Pogroms they were fleeing from?

Glass houses babes :)
30 Mar 2011
Life / Is there something like a "Polish culture" or Polish national identity? [49]

However, it will be wrong to try and figure out our traditions by looking at the urban population. The urban have a distinct international urban culture, and traditions really don't find enough space in their busy lives.

As an outsider I was surprised to discover the Warsaw village band(orchestra?) the folk group,a bunch of city boys and girls trying to keep Polish countryside music alive as those in the country tend to be too busy trying to make a decent living to play old songs on old instruments....
30 Mar 2011

"don't bend over or we'll both die"

budum chh , lols.

That too! (Okay, I admit this was one of the most boring parts, but you wouldn't understand our language anyway!)

sprake kien nederlansche ...just cant spell it mate austoobleeft an all that jazz :)
It was funny,if it had been a minute long,10 mins was stretching it a wee bit too far though ;)
30 Mar 2011

The Irish guy says "I dunno, something about a job."


Paddy was walking through the woods deep in conversation with Father O'shea when all of a sudden they came across a tree with a pair of small pink underpants hanging from the branch.

Paddy turned and with concern said to Fr O'Shea, " Croikey Fayther, I hope no ones in trouble?"
meanwhile Father O'Shea had picked up the underpants and appeared to be looking for a name tag, he had failing sight and left has glasses in the car, then " Chroist on a bike Fayther! " as Paddy notices Fr O' take a deep sniff, " what you do that for Father? asks Paddy,

" Well Paddy,there wasnt a name tag so I had to make sure it was none of the girls in my Parish...."....

Told to me by a very drink brickey from Cork :0

I know its sick....but, Its genuine "Paddy" Humour straight from the horses mouth...moral, you got to laugh sometimes or you'll cry :)
30 Mar 2011

media watch displays ironic hypocrasy by pointing out russian heritage as a natural explanation of anything...............
30 Mar 2011

(Talk about sadistic!)

By that,do you mean making us watch that?
I'll give you guys one thing,for all the weed smoke that must drift around you all have far better attention spans than me......;)

Lets have some more Jerry bashing to even things out eh?
30 Mar 2011
Travel / Can you go to Poland on a coach without passport? [7]

Thats the thing. I am dead set against ID cards.
Silly fact, Did you know that even in WW2 you did not legally have to have a photo attached to your national ID card?
We got rid of them pretty much straight away as a wartime measure. They just go completely against the grain of Magna Carta and all that,free and unfettered travel anywhere within our own lands.

Not to get to deep,but europe ,mainland europe tended to keep stuff like Serfdom and bonded labour untill not that long ago. Im not saying its natural for you guys to be serfs,but,its in your fabric that "someone" has always known you and kept track of you in someway.

So,Im fine with showing ID at a countries borders,its that countries perogative to see who is coming and going,what Im not fine with is tthat allegedlly we dont have to anymore,when in fact,we do,and we citizens have to show more "official" documents than others do. (yes,I know your ID is official ;) )
29 Mar 2011

"Hey, careful. I'm Polish!" Specter said he responded, "That's OK -- I'll tell it more slowly," according to the NY Post.

I wonder what his reaction would be if someone said a Jewish joke back at him.

Probably laughter, I hate to use a stereotype,but lets face it..." Jewish humour" is a byeword for sharp,witty often waspish one liners,on the other hand,"Polish humour" is,well, Ive seen it,it can be very funny,but its not exactly ,well, world renowned.

Im part Paddy, tell me a "dumb polack" joke and Ive heard it as "irish" a thousand times.....Im guessing you dont have the equivelent of;

"An Englishman Irishman and Scotsman walked into a bar......" jokes in the states then?

The problem with German jokes about Poles is that they use to show some guy, who smell of cow ****, his kids are ugly and dirty etc. and that's not funny, that's simply pathetic.

yep,not funny,agreed,but surely not THAT offensive...daft,and a bit of a resigned head shake moment for sure,but hey, being a drunken terrorist who will sing at the drop of a hat and never spend money because I am too much of a homosexual snob with bad teeth and an addiction to drinking tea and supressing the natives gives me a thicker skin?

(English,Scottish and Irish blood)

Remember at school there were some fat kids who were called names and were miserable, and there were some fat kids who were cool? The difference was, that the cool fat kids had enough self distance to say " You call me fat? Whatever. I call myself fat too."

Yep,but I bet it still hurt,they just grew better at hiding it and got on with their lives.
29 Mar 2011
Travel / Can you go to Poland on a coach without passport? [7]

I should think this would be OK

Just dont get it,why cant I just flash my driving licence to some bus driver and escape my own country but non Brits can come and go as they please? Right narks me off that. Fair play to you guys that can,but,argh.....once more Britain seems to have signed up to the EU dream of open borders and free movment of every bl**dy people but its own !!! GGrrrrr....;)

edit to clarify,my passport ran out last year and it pee's me off I have to spend a small fortune when I have no short term plans to leave Europe.......
29 Mar 2011

I guess the reason Allo Allo was so popular in Poland was the fact that Poland and Poles were never mentioned once,meanwhile the rest of europe had the Royal p!ss taken out of it,none more so than the british in a british made programe...of course,ze germans came a close second in the ridicule stakes :)

  • Dont lets be beastly to ze germans
29 Mar 2011

Your pride is quite fragile, isn't it...

Well said.

look everywhere so long as to get his brought with him stereotypes verified

Oh,I dunno,I was quite taken with the Gebergsjaeger eidlewies badges for sale at the autobahn service station near Nurnberg........;)

Grandad died in a german concentration camp. Broke his neck falling out the guard tower.....
28 Mar 2011
News / 9 year old Polish girl and 10 year old brother killed by World War II bomb [46]

Is the disposel of such things a fairly matter of fact thing in Poland?
In the UK if an old mills bomb(hand grenade) is found the local Plod go well OTT,sealing off area that a 1000 pounder would have trouble making much impact on. I know there is " better safe than sorry" but,a happy medium. Is that a Polish thing,over panic,or more like the french farmers who pick them up and chuck them to the roadside for the daily army van to pick up?
28 Mar 2011
News / Polish people mocked and humiliated in Season 7 of House MD [60]

I was not thinking about " House" sitcom . I don`t watch it .

Er............not to point out the obvious,but,how the heck can you comment on something you dont even watch?
Sounds like all those loopy God Botherers who boycotted Jerry Springer the Opera without knowing what it was about or ever having seen it....
newtch, you just presumed its credits would be full of Goldbumms and Weinstiensilverbergsteins,when its not its all,"ooh,I didnt mean that one,I mean all the other hollywood stuff the jews run..........................

am also aware that UK production also depict Polish in that nasty , stereoyipical manner cuz I sometimes watch UK sitcoms . I will not comment on them . But there were some positive too.

Name one. Go on,name an English sitcom that is "nasty to Polish"...............