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Posts by Amathyst  

Joined: 10 Nov 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 Nov 2013
Threads: Total: 19 / In This Archive: 6
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21 Jan 2007
Life / Alcohol problems of Polish people [141]

You see Miranda....In UK with this huge drinking culture if you said it, some people would think that you are not "cool", boring.....got drunk is main aim here.

Im not sure about that, I know people that dont drink and I dont consider them odd for not wanting to....Like I have said everything in moderation I enjoy a few glasses of wine with friends of a weekend since I dont usually drink through the week (once in a blue moon) I think my drinking habbits are acceptable and yes I will get a little bit tipsy now and again, but I still know how to conduct myself

You would struggle in England. I think that around 11pm there was last round and closing time.

laws have changed bars can open 24 hours if they like, most local pubs will open until 12/1 and bars in the city centre will close at about 2am and clubs about 4am
20 Jan 2007
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

I think he may be in the states, he also needs some anger management classes...IMHO
20 Jan 2007
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

your life is going wonderful, then the rug which you stepped on, seems to be pulled
out from under your feet.

Women will always get on with life, whatever is thrown at them P, my friend's husband actually left her for someone older and to be honest I threw a party because he was such a loser all the girls were happy to see the back of him...he however still keeps going on how much of a mistake he made, she has moved on!

But getting back to topic, I dont really think women are that different around the world...you will get easy women and women that are not..


I think your comments are so lovely but.....you dont have a crystal ball so how can know how you will feel....things change people change....thats life
20 Jan 2007
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

For single mother....she has her faults too..

In all my time on the forum this has to be the most stupid remark....
18 Jan 2007
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

....and it's not nice to ask someone how many people they've been with.

How many girls have you been with Mr F:)

total number of girls all of you have been with .........

Well nil is hard to beat really is John21
18 Jan 2007
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

I think that some people think that Polish people still have wait in line for food and that you only wear grey clothes....it makes me laugh, but these are the kind of people who have never been out of the country in their lives.
15 Jan 2007
Love / Is Indian/Polish relationship possible? [370]

uk you insult your mother, since your father married outside his nationality....just think before you speak you are half and half......
15 Jan 2007
Love / 6 months with my Polish girlfriend and I still don't understand her.. [208]

But its alway the same old when it comes down to English women and as an English woman who doesnt sleep about looks after her self and can hold an inteligent conversation...Im finding it hard to cope with the insults....my shoulders are only so broad!
15 Jan 2007
Love / 6 months with my Polish girlfriend and I still don't understand her.. [208]

Actually its not just English also the way Polish women and in general women around the world are slagged of.....Its quite pathetic the way we are catorgorised and look upon or down upon.....I came here looking to learn something and on a positive note there are some lovely inteligent people but on the flip side......:(
15 Jan 2007
Love / 6 months with my Polish girlfriend and I still don't understand her.. [208]

frank it was a joke! since most guys in here seem to have a downer on english women I thought Id have a laugh! but on reflection and having read a lot of posts on here that are very demening to english women I dont really feel I want visit the board any more, to be honest I'm stick and tired of it all....
15 Jan 2007
Love / 6 months with my Polish girlfriend and I still don't understand her.. [208]

I challenge any man anywhere to tell me how a woman thinks? Doesn't matter where they are from men and women are just different.

A man with half an oz of brains....praise be the lord that someone actually realises that women are the same...Giles...thanks for speaking reality!
14 Jan 2007
Life / What I miss and don't miss about Poland [64]

As for smoking in Wroclaw, the reason we were smoking in the airport was because we thought we was allowed, there had those ashtray bins there!

Thats funny because I was well aware when I was there a few weeks ago that smoking was not allowed hence the reason they have the smoking bins outside...you are in deed a hugh cock!
14 Jan 2007
Life / Poland's Environment, recycling [79]

I wanted to ask if Polish people are as in to recycling as the English, we have been made aware of how much of a disposable society we live in and albeit a bit late we are starting to actually take care of what we throw away - and how we treat our environment My Parents have 4 bins and this is the norm these days.

1. Plastic
2. Glass
3. Paper
4 general rubbish
Oh and they have a compost bin too.

We are told that aerosols are bad and that we should use electricity carefully, cars use unleaded petrol and have catalytic converters so minimised emissions. Agencies have been set up for women with babies who want to use terrie nappies they clean and supply the nappies and the cost is actually lower than purchasing disposable, landfill sites are running out of space and since we use circa. 3 billion disposable nappies a year it's a big problem. The weather is another big issue, this week we have had storms and rain and a few weeks ago we had hailstone, today the sun is shining bright yet the weather forecast tells us it's looking like we're in for a big freeze and snow! Products in supermarkets brag that they are recycled and generally sell at a higher price, yet you'll find them next t.v. dinners in disposable packaging, it's all very contradictory really but I like a lot of other people take it serious since I consider it important not just for me but for future generations to be able to enjoy a normal life.
12 Jan 2007
UK, Ireland / Your opinion about cheap and easy Polish Girls in UK? [30]

Frank, It just becomes so tiresome hearing it all the time and to be honest I find it insulting when everyone starts saying that all English women are easy, when in fact they are not...Im not saying that all single English women live like nuns but they dont all put it about and it angers me when the likes of young David who has probably never been to England can make such sweeping comments about English women. Arrrrhhhh...on a plus point my shoulder is feeling a lot better and got a letter through from the hospital...
12 Jan 2007
UK, Ireland / Your opinion about cheap and easy Polish Girls in UK? [30]

Emmm..they may not be "easy"...but as we know in the capitalist system everyone has to "sell" something to get along....

But that doesnt mean that all women in the UK are easy...it's really starting to piss me off all the comments about English women and Polish women it's so stupid, how about the guys that are sleeping with these easy women what are they then.....I'll tell you what they are, they are losers.
12 Jan 2007
UK, Ireland / Your opinion about cheap and easy Polish Girls in UK? [30]

How about professionals, hard working, competitive and decent, please do not tar all English women with the same brush or have you slept with lots of English girls??? I doubt you have ever met any... My friends are Solicitors, Managers, Bank Managers & Marketing Executives...hardly sluts...
17 Dec 2006
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

they are actually putting a help line number along with the warning, I have a friend who would be classed as very over-weight, she has a thyroid problem which she has had for many years she cant help being over weight, she goes to the gym regularly and doesnt eat a massive amount, I think its disgusting. Whist I am all in favour of people eating healthy and looking after themselves there are those out there with medical problems which means that they will never be a size 8

put health warnings on damn McDonalds and all those other fast food places
17 Dec 2006
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

I think the ads are very good and yes they got the message across that women come in all shapes and sizes, it still makes me itch so Im not going to buy it regarless what the ad shows.

Whilst on this point, in England they are going to be putting obecety warnings in clothes size 16 and up....not a good marketing ploy since the average size in the UK is 14 / 16
17 Dec 2006
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

Well I have sensitive skin and Dove soap makes me itch - Advertising miranda thats how a product sells.
14 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

by the way is anyone having problems - I cant get to the last discussion on a topic - admin can you help please xxx
14 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

NI number they have a temporary one

this has nothing to do with tax, that would be to do with your national insurance, you get a tax code when you start work, and besides as long as a person keeps all their wage slips they can get it all back so it not like they are being stolen from....

As for the whole council thing, there isnt enough housing stock, family have been on waiting lists for years to move to larger homes....the council are selling off to developers...and no new housing stock for the non private sector are being built...
11 Dec 2006
Life / Alcohol problems of Polish people [141]

I watched a disturbing programme last night about English women and the increasing violence which is booze related, it was so scarey watching these women kicking other women on the floor, one women bit part of a guys ear off....Aparently whilst a mans testostarone level reduces with the more he drinks a womens increases...I was disgusted to see how they acted, they were animals to me that is not acceptable, Im a happy huggy drunk (when I say drunk I mean when Im tipsy not someone with a drink problem).