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Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
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13 Dec 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

If house prices are falling in Poland surely that's a good thing for young couples:D

Of course this is desirable, but, Milky thinks that they should sell for cost price or less.
12 Dec 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

1) Don't know. Pretty high, apparently
2) I will have to dig out the spread sheet again. Maybe over the weekend.
3) Don't know, but whats the relevance?

The answer to the first question, you do know. 243%

The answer to the 2nd question is whatever Milky wants to make up.

The relevance of the 3rd question is with reference to your statement :-

A disaster for mortgage holders.

As I said, I want to learn from you so please explain how a person who bought a house/apartment for (say) 200,000 zloty in 2004 and still resides at the same address is facing a cataclysm of the first order? Are you saying that their house/apartment is now worth 80,000 zloty?


"Regarding the repossession of property, a syndrome has been noted concerning relatively small loans from so-called parabanks - firms offering the services of banks without a full banking license."

Milky, you turn being evasive into an art form. Not once in the artical you give a link to, does it mention the word "mortgage". I asked a simple question, "what is the percentage of mortgage repossessions since 2008 ?" All you and Peterweg manage to do is change the subject to rental incomes and unemployment. You both know all there is to know about property in Poland, enlighten me, or, do the usual and reopen this thread in a months time stating the same crap.
11 Dec 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

In real terms milky's 60% is already here

OK, answer the following questions in the order given:

1) What was the percentage price increase (year on year) between 2004 to the peak in 2008.

2) What is the percentage fall in prices since peak of 2008 (you can allow for inflation).

3) How many homes have been repossessed in the past 4 years as a percentage of mortgage holders.

I am willing to learn from you.
11 Dec 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Mr. Kirejczyk said. “We can estimate — and it depends on location and type of property — between 15 and 25 percent.”

"We can estimate" = We can guess, we assume, we think.

Milky, this man sounds about as reliable as you and your predictions of a 60% drop/crash. Bye the way, how are you getting on with the house hunting?
21 Nov 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

banks are in the business of doing business ( right or wrong) they stick within the rules which governments set.

And if you believe that, you must also believe in Santa Clause and the tooth fairy.
21 Nov 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Polish builders are going bankrupt or having to venture outside of Poland because of foreign competition in Poland and lower margins, the Spanish are ruthless they will build on a near zero profit in either residential/civil/commercial they don't care and Polish company's don't seem to understand the rules of the current market trend. Take into account the quote from BRE bank ' Poland will enter recession in H1 2013'.

And who is going to finance the Spanish developers? Spanish Banks?, Polish Banks?. If the economists and the banks could predict the future, Europe would not be in this mess.

Greece needs the next tranch of the bailout (31 billion Euros) or they will be bankrupt, estimated wealth of hidden Greek money in Swiss banks is 170 billion Euros. Nobody knows who is lying and who is telling the truth and I certainly would not trust the banks or the governments to tell the truth.
21 Nov 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Perhaps the poster was passed a misleading bit of text with that link

No. The OP was trying to be misleading. Nowhere in the artical does it mention housing. Anyone who knows anything about real estate would not get it mixed up with civil engineering, both construction but entirely different fields.
21 Nov 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

The article you link to is very interesting if you want to keep up to date with the "Civil Engineering" companies that are having problems with contracts in Poland, but, would you like to explain what that has to do with "real estate"? Railway upgrades, motorways and new roads are nothing to do with housing This has already been pointed out in a previous thread.
8 Nov 2012
Love / Polish mother, possible UK father - child law Poland. [35]

have never wanted kids

im still not looking forward to being a dad - far from it ... apart from anything , im getting on a bit

I was just like you seven years ago. I did not want responsibilities. I had what I thought was a casual affair and my partner got pregnant. I was 53 and she new that I did not want children, but, s**t happens. I never thought of a DNA test, I could even pinpoint when the child was conceived. After the initial shock, I prepared to become a father. I bought a house with a big garden and got everything ready for the arrival. I thought I had had a good life, I was successful in business, had travelled extensively and had everything that I wanted.

Nothing,but nothing has given me as much joy as my daughter, every day I watch her grow gives me so much pleasure. By all means get the DNA test done, but, if this child is yours then you would be an idiot not to be a part of the child's life and you will regret it for the rest of your days.
4 Nov 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Milky, this will probably spoil your Christmas:-


I know how sad you were when the first scheme finished, but I did warn you the the government would have to do something to replace it.
25 Oct 2012
News / Lech Walesa is not a democrat and this statement proves it. [24]

I'm just keeping up to date. The article is in yesterday's guardian

And you actually believe that socialist rag? Apart from North Korea (Where they are starving) nobody believes in communism any more and if you are still waiting for your free apartment

in the town centre, you are going to be sadly disappointed. Its dictatorships or nothing now, as the EU is showing us so well.
20 Oct 2012
Real Estate / Polish building plans [16]

Could be 14mtrs 20cm. Would seem about right for the front or rear elevation of a house.
16 Oct 2012
Law / Child Alimony in Poland - 1700 PLN? [74]

I read newspapers, not the Guardian.

I totally agree with you that extradition is ridiculous for trivial offenses, but as you will see from recent cases, the Police being sued for the Hillborough disaster, the Tchenguiz brothers who are suing the SFO for 100 million, it could open a can of worms if the UK government ( or the ECHR) now decide that past deportations were unfair You have seen evidence of how the British and European judges have ruled before.
16 Oct 2012
Travel / Need advice for a tour of eastern Poland [22]

Sat Nav is ok. Put in the name of destination and guidance instructions are spoken in English, at least my Tom Tom has that function.
12 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

Now if you would care to ask all the media, TV programme makers, property developers, advertisers, football club promoters, insurance companies, mortgage brokers, educators and everyone else who will slit their grandmothers throat for more profit that question ....you would be patted on the head and laughed out the door.
You just get worse.

You wrote the following:-

"I am also extremely good looking. I don't dislike people just because of their nationality."

How many people on the forum do you think believe it. Not everyone is as gullible as you.
11 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

Nobody forces anybody to believe propaganda. If you are making a serious investment or change to your life then you do your homework and get as much information as you from whatever sources. In 1997, only 52% bothered to vote, Blair won with 26%. Half the voting population never cared enough to use their right to determine their future but they have all had opinions on it since.

I have only ever personally ever met one person who voted to join what was then the Common Market, everyone now says they all voted"No". Funny old world.
11 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

When Labour got in in 1997 they did so on the back of their reputation for being the party of the working people.

And there was me thinking that they got in on their reputation for making the country bankrupt and being a paradise for every lazy shirker that thought any one with money, owed them a living. Socialism, having shares in nothing.
11 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

HH is writing about issues that infiltrate in his life and the only way to release some anger without getting locked up is by venting his frustrations on a forum where no one will get hurt.

Surely his time would have been spent more productively at the ballot box. The British have only got what they voted for.
10 Oct 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

It seems like short term leases are going to be the thing from now on. Perhaps thats why the Berliners are unhappy about the situation. If prices are rising as per the artical, Der Spiegel mentions 14% in Dresden, would you say that was abnormal?
10 Oct 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

There is a particular glitch in the system that allows certain rents to rise relatively sharply, relatively suddenly, and this then kick-starts a feedback cycle within the regulations that causes rents to inflate in the city as a whole.

This rule only applies to rental contracts once they exist. There is no rule governing new rental contracts. That means that when someone leaves their apartment and a new tenant moves in, the landlord can ask however much he wants for that apartment, regardless of the Mietspiegel, as long as the tenant is willing to pay it.

So what is the length of the average rental contract? 1 year?