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Joined: 23 Jul 2017 / Female ♀
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 31 Jul 2021
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2076 / In This Archive: 938
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: yes

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19 Jul 2019
Classifieds / HELP NEEDED with Polish handwriting (political letters etc.) [7]

Was there a power failure or did you take a photo as a spy?
I don't think anyone will be able to decipher everything with such quality photos.
If these are originals of historical value, I guess you should consult historians and have the documents officially translated.
18 Jul 2019
Language / How Polish sounds to other Slavs [32]

Actually Poles also know kwas as a drink.

Czech is the language whose most Poles find childlike.
Once I was told that Czechs think that Polish sounds childlike to them but we'd need a Czech here to verify it.
Plus there are some funny false friends.
12 Jul 2019
Life / Any good Polish movies that are not drama/ war ?? [21]

7 zyczen


Akademia Pana Kleksa with some great songs


Wakacje z duchami


And some more like Pierścień i róża, Pan Samochodzik (based on several books by Nienacki), Janka or Podróż za jeden uśmiech
10 Jul 2019
Life / Why are Poles in other countries called "Plastic Poles"? [168]

Oh dear, so I've failed your 'intelligence test'. What should I do now? Should I cry?
The thing is that it's quite the opposite -I'm bright enough to see you through :)

As for positive stereotypes: the French are great lovers. I could come up with some more. Including some positive stereotypes about Poles. But it's not worth it. For a person who keeps moaning about how prejudiced people are towards Jews, you're far too prejudiced and critical towards others (except for Germans which is interesting. ..)

@Polish Americans
I have a question. I can understand that if your parents are Polish or Irish, you can consider yourself Polish /Irish American. But what if you're -let's say -third or fourth generation immigrants. I mean how likely is it that all of your ancestors came from one country. I can imagine some married within their Polonia community but at some point there must have been a non-Polish spouse etc.

I don't know. My paternal grandparents came from a different region of Poland. Apart from some great dishes my grandma made, I really see no connection with that place. I have been there several times. I like finding new things about my ancestors but that's all. They apparently were from different parts of the country. And they and their family members would migrate somewhere else -mainly for work, I believe or after the war but that's a different story.

Also I think that living in a different country for a while changes your perspective. And I'm not talking about it in a negative sense. You gain some new experiences but at the same time you lose something that was close enough. Silly as it may seem I remember an All Saints' Day spent abroad. It was so odd not to be able to visit my relatives' graves.

And btw not all Polish surnames end with ski - lots don't and they sound perfectly Polish.
1 Jul 2019
Language / Looking for meaning of a phrase ("Yatz Gatz Spetagamie") [47]

Thousands plus Poles. ..
Or three million. .. and several other millions used as forced labourers.

As for your logical approach towards Polish Christians murdered by Nazis, I really sometimes wonder if you're Jewish as you claim or basically German with some sort of family history and views.
1 Jul 2019
Language / Looking for meaning of a phrase ("Yatz Gatz Spetagamie") [47]

The list concerning the Intelligenzaktion was prepared before the war so no, they weren't involved in the underground movement. Before the end of 1939 about 40000 people from the list had been killed.
1 Jul 2019
Language / Looking for meaning of a phrase ("Yatz Gatz Spetagamie") [47]

Lyzko, have you heard of the Intelligenzaktion? And a list of thousands of Poles to be murdered at the very beginning of the war?
You keep forgetting (or just don't want to remember) that gentile Poles were victims, too.
27 Jun 2019
Language / Looking for meaning of a phrase ("Yatz Gatz Spetagamie") [47]

Prewar Poland was multicultural. There were ethnic Poles, Germans, Russians, Ruthenians and more. Quite often one's religion was a question of identity.
All took part in the mainstream society. Take Lodz and Lodzermenschen or show business.
They were buried close to one another like the cementary of seven religions in Suwałki or the cementary of four religions in Sosnowiec. Just like they were buried close to one another at Monte Casino or Katyn. Churches and synagogues were often located in the same area.

Thre's this wonderful letter written by Tuwim that explains a lot.
There were Jews who wanted to integrate and those who didn't.
25 Jun 2019
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Now the question is why you put a cap in a pet carrier; )
24 Jun 2019
Life / Everything this guy says I feel about Poland [69]

Oh, someone just didn't reply to your hello. They might not have heard you or they might have been intimidated by a foreigner. Or scared. Or even rude. Or they wanted to be left alone.That's all. It's not a tragedy really.
24 Jun 2019
Language / Looking for meaning of a phrase ("Yatz Gatz Spetagamie") [47]

Perhaps and it's just perhaps the second part sounds like 'z pętakami' - with brats /with annoying people but I have no idea about the first part. It does sound kind of yiddish but that's just am impression probably with the proper pronunciation lost.

The first word might have been jak -how
The second łgać- lie but then the whole phrase wouldn't make sense at all.
24 Jun 2019
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

A giant grey cochilla - not a very well known mix of coytu and chinchilla?

Or a baby giant penguin.

BTW, is it a mammal? I know it has fur but it just kind of looks like a bird to me; )
24 Jun 2019
Life / Everything this guy says I feel about Poland [69]

There are secluded places especially in winter, early spring or late autumn.
Still some would think it odd or slightly dangerous if a stranger said hello to them in such circumstances. And if we're talking about being friendly why such a reaction just because someone doesn't greet you back? Not very friendly or sociable really. A smile or a nod would be ok, too. But perhaps my perspective is different as I'm a woman.
24 Jun 2019
USA, Canada / Thoughts on moving to Poland from USA [62]

I'm not an expat but a regular Pole and some prices are too high compared to last year or even winter /early spring. Some of them basically doubled.
23 Jun 2019
USA, Canada / Thoughts on moving to Poland from USA [62]

It costs 6 zł per kilo. Strawberries cost 8 zł which is kind of normal (even though I got 2 kilos for 10 zł once ) and onions costs 6 zł. .. wth. ..

As for parsley, it's about 15 zł and I don't live in a city. No wonder there are memes about it.
23 Jun 2019
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

I'm gonna go for coypu /nutria just because I can ;)
My uncle who lived near Rzeszów used to breed some. The thing in the picture looks kind of more fluffy but I can't remember much about nutria so why not; )

I wish I had enough money to renovate and move into one :)
There aren't really any where I live but I have seen some in neighbouring towns.
23 Jun 2019
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

It must be some sort of dzielnica willowa I suppose.
Some prewar 'willas' are just beautiful. It's a pity so many are neglected nowadays.
19 Jun 2019
Genealogy / Looking for Wyszynska and Poplinski from Ciechanowiec [5]

Such old records will be already in the state archives. Some have been digitilised and are available online. Others are not. In that case you need to contact the archives.

Check these sites

szukajwarchiwach.pl/search?q=Ciechanowiec XTYPEro%3Apra


Rzymskokatolickie - Roman Catholic
Prawosławne - Orthodox Christian
Mojzeszowe -Jewish

You may also try looking for your ancestors here

Or just contact the state archives as not everything is available online.
28 May 2019
Genealogy / Looking for Ancestor information from Grodno Poland during WWII [4]

Scheidemuhl is the German name of the Polish town Piła. There was a labour camp there.

Try your luck with the ITS - International Tracking Service or the Arolsen Archives. In the first case give all the information you have to help them find her records. In the second case, some records are available online so check if your family is there.
28 May 2019
Genealogy / Looking for my grandmothers relatives. Wanda Adel Wolinska Born 1924 Lublin, Warsawa - Poland. [4]

Contact the civil register in Warsaw.
It's hard to say what part of Warsaw she was born in but perhaps they'll be able to help you to get her birth certificate.


Also check Arolsen Archives -some records are available online. You may find your grandma or her brother - his re-education might mean that he was kidnapped by Germans to germanise him - lebensborn etc.

Or you may try your luck with ITS - International Tracking Service.

Was she born in Warsaw or Lublin?
For Lublin

The fact that the adults were killed and kids taken to camps might indicate it was to germanise them
27 May 2019
Genealogy / Origins of family names Kubś, Wiak and Gordon [7]

Apparently some representatives of Scottish Clan Gordon came to Poland in the 17th century (according to Wiki ). They were Catholic.
There were a lot of Scottish immigrants to Poland back then.
The same wiki page says the name was often used by Jewish families.
Another source claims it comes from the first name Gordian known in Poland since the 13th century.
26 May 2019
Life / Rural Poland Heritage [39]

McDonald's is a measure of globalisation not civilisation.
What region of Poland did your family come from, Johnny? If you're not sure check the place on Wiki. Traditions, cuisine etc often vary depending on the region.
26 May 2019
History / Music and movies from the PRL times in Poland [5]

'Krzyżacy' (Teutonic Knights)- the first Polish superproduction. The battle scene - a medieval one so both sides sing religious songs.


Jak rozpętałam drugą wojnę światową (How I Unleashed the Second World War )


The actor who played the Polish king in the first movie also played the German officer in the second one -wonderful Emil Karewicz.

There are lots more. I hope more people will get involved :)