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Joined: 13 Aug 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Oct 2011
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Speaks Polish?: tak

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3 Sep 2011
Life / People living in Warsaw are rootless peasants! [41]

What is strange is that apart from Greater Poland and part of Upper Silesia, most of the orange areas are people who have been repatriated from the Kresy, so eastwards from the so called "Polska B", which BTW is a term used by losers.

Still, they coloured the areas uniformly orange or uniformly blue giving the impression that the votes were all in favour of one candidate, while in fact the difference was likely at most a few percent.

Enough with the "Polska B" bullcrap.
2 Sep 2011
Law / How Much Does It Cost To Form a Political Party In Poland? [15]

I suppose there should be a BIG RED text under each nick stating whether the poster is Polish or has Polish roots. I noticed that it is mostly foreigners who keep writing crap like this, especially towards Polonia, but visitors of this site may get the impression that Polish people are stupid jerks.
29 Aug 2011
History / Has Poland ever participated in any big wars (except WW2)? [73]

What a pity Polish leaders at the time were so intent on retaliation and so blind!

Wrong. Do you think Czechs made ANY step towards reconciliation with Poland? The leadership of Czechoslovakia put all their trust in France, UK and Stalin's Russia and wasn't interested in alliance with Poland.

That Poland had very good relations with Hungary - a country that had justifiable territorial claims towards Czechoslovakia - didn't help either, but the fact remains that Czechoslovakian politcians are more to blame for the lack of Polish - Czechoslovakian alliance than Polish politicians.
29 Aug 2011
History / Has Poland ever participated in any big wars (except WW2)? [73]

So we agree that Poland's elections should not have been organised in the disputed areas and that because of those elections Czech forces entered the areas.

Only a person with strong antipolish bias would accept that as a valid reason for Czech invasion of Zaolzie and hostile stance during Polish-Soviet war. Many Poles talk today about the events of 1938 as a mistake but really I can't imagine how Polish interbellum politicians could act differently back then. For them Czechoslovakia was a greedy, hostile state that couldn't be trusted, a state that would use every opportunity to harm Poland and wouldn't even try to reconcile with Poland, not even apologize for what they did in 1920.

and invaded czechoslovakia

How could Poles invade Czechoslovakia AFTER Czechoslovakian government agreed to give Zaolzie to Poland?
And you know why did Czechs agree to that? Because their fate was already sealed, thanks to their British and French allies. Brits and French made Munich happen, not Poles.
26 Aug 2011
History / Bad luck of Poland or something else? - constant occupatiuon by different vermin [11]

ishatu2: what kind of a marron are you to sneak a reference to Zaolzie conflict into a thread about EU and NATO?
BTW your beloved Czechs some time earlier closed their borders during Polish-Soviet war so that the Soviets could finish Poles off (which luckily did not happen). That was followed with them violating earlier agreement and invading the Zaolzie land, where a plebiscite was scheduled to take place.

As to 1938 - good move by Poles, the Czechs didn't deserve anything better (although Polish takeover of Zaolzie was the consequence of the decisions which have already been made by Brits and French). Even with the threat of Hitler, they never even did anything to reconcile with Poland.
25 Aug 2011
Law / Difference between an expat and a immigrant (or permanet resident) in Poland [41]

Living, working, paying taxes etc. in Poland alone doesn't make you even 1% Polish. In fact, I know an immigrant who hates Poles but lives and works here and even dates a Polish girl. The fact that you use the word "Pollack" proves the point exactly. When you bash people of Polish origin just because they are proud of their Polishness - then you are a lowlife at best in the eyes of Poles.
24 Aug 2011
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

Some documentary airs today on TVP Info on Volhynia massacres (which were not really limited to Volhynia). They describe it as:

Dokumentalna opowieść o zbrodniach, których w pierwszej połowie lat czterdziestych ukraińscy nacjonaliści dokonali na Polakach mieszkających na Wołyniu i w Małopolsce Wschodniej.

I like how they used the proper name for the area of Lwów, Tarnopol and Stanisławów - Małopolska Wschodnia.
21 Aug 2011
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

Some of the things reported to have been done by Bandera, were exagerated by the Soviets, so that there would be more division between Ukrainians and Poles.

There is nothing they could possibly exagerate to make it look any more evil than it really was.
Anyway, I saw on Polish TV today how some old Polish lady from Volhynia expressed her hope that some day those lands return to Poland :D

Also, some old folks said that they NEVER heard Lithuanian language being spoken while they were living in Wilno before the war. Is there a thread about the chance of Wilno becoming part of Poland again?
20 Aug 2011
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

Bandera was a kind of hero because he was perceived to have fought for the people. In times of war, such characters are desirable.

Yes, especially when there is need to efficiently murder large number of women and children in ways unimaginable to a normal person.
16 Aug 2011
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

People ? People think that Lwów is Polish but they believe it to be impossible to get it back.:)

Military conflict is just one solution and, judging by how our boy scouts dealt with professional Ukrainian soldiers back in 1918, I reckon it would be a piece of cake :)

Better method would be to pull off "Albanians & Kosovo" - just settle in Lwów in large numbers and after a few years - declare independence :)
16 Aug 2011
Life / Poznaniak = Tightwad? [8]

I lived in Poznan for eight years and frequently heard how people there are very concerned with money. I never really saw it though, but that's probably because I never lived anywhere else in Poland. Any truth to it?

Yes. If somebody stays in Poznań for a longer period, it is customary to ask him whether he started recycling toilet paper already. But I noticed that this obsession with tiny sums of money is not limited to Poznań - other Greater Poland areas are similar.
16 Aug 2011
History / Polish Military Medals, WWI era found in Detroit [9]

Przez ocean do Legionów - through the ocean to the legions - given to American volunteers to the Piłsudski Legions?

To the soldiers of America from liberated Poland. Lwów, Pomerania, Volhynia, Champagne - medal from 1920.

A souvenir for the 25th anniversary of establishment of Sokół (in Chicago?)


Probably says Józef Haller

Look like eagle of the Legions.

Y.M.C.A. regional command - Lesser Poland / Podole - it's like a military railway ticket for Jan Pniewski from Lwów to Równe - May 1920, so the heat of Polish-Bolshevik war

other military railway tickets follow
15 Aug 2011
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

Western Ukraine

You mean occupied Małopolska Wschodnia? Just for your information: there was an outrage in Poland some years ago when someone suggested to use the name "Małopolska Wschodnia" for the Podkarpackie administration district. Don't ever think that Poles forgot about those lands.

very patriotic people.

Yes, I saw on TV recently how young Ukrainians sang songs about UPA in a pub to the cheers of other pub guests. That was a very melodic song, I liked it, I think that should be your next Eurovision song.

Old town with lots of unique buildings

None of which were build by Ukrainians.
15 Aug 2011
History / 15.08.1920 - without Hungarians there would be no miracle at the Vistula - Poles remember [15]

Since March 1920 the transports of supplies from Hungary to Poland have been blocked by Czechoslovakia at the border - Czechoslovakian government officially forbade any help for Poland to be transfered through its territory. The same action was soon taken by Germany, Free City of Gdańsk and Austria. The situation of Poland soon became hopeless. The only way was through Romania - a shaky alliant with very poor railway network. It is through Romania though that Hungarians would have to send their help.

On 8 July 1920 Hungarian government ordered almost all of its own supplies of ammunition to be send to Poland and made the local ammunition factories work solely for Polish needs for the next weeks. The ministry of railways ordered that all of the transports to Poland should be treated with uttermost priority. To 30 July most of the transports Poland received came through Hungary and Romania. After that date, when international socialist organizations proclaimed the boycott of all transports to Poland, all of the supplies came from Hungary.

The attitude in Hungary at that time was that "the fate of Poland is a our own fate".
Contrast this with Czechoslovakia - a state that was ready to go under just to make sure that Poland goes under first.
15 Aug 2011
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

By the way, with our former President you (Poland & the Poles) got very good press here.

That's why he gave Stepan Bandera the title of the hero of Ukraine?
As I recall it was the present Ukrainian president who objected to call that fascist and chief UPA ideologist a hero.
15 Aug 2011
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

"have you ever been to Ukraine?"
Not really only to Lwow and the area !


MediaWatch : regarding your statement about Polish population not being large enough - there are still Poles living in Kazachstan, Ukraine, Russia. We could also get those from Brazil and Argentina, who are often impoverished and would gladly come here. Some of the economic emigrants from USA, Germany and UK would probably want to settle in the regained territories as well. Those regained areas would quickly become the cultural center of Poland.
15 Aug 2011
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

be more open.
think positive.
LIFE is great!

That's exactly what our message will be after we regain Wołyń and Galicja Wschodnia. Well, we can give you half of Wołyń as a sign of good will, but Stanisławów and Tarnopol must return to Poland.
15 Aug 2011
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

I think Polish strategy should be to demand not just Lwów but £uck, Równe, Stanisławów and Tarnopol as well - after a few years of such campaign the Ukrainians will be happy to give us "just Lwów" :D They will think it's a success in negotiations on their part ;)
14 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

Justice and equality in mutual relations is nonsense?
If Ukrainians didn't murder thousands of Poles and expelled many more, if Poland kept Lwów, then we would have something to argue about - right now we owe them nothing.

Coming back to Britains debt towards former colonies - have there been any public debate about this? I mean, instead of offering welfare to immigrants, you could just pay directly, just a suggestion.

British people can come to Poland and work - Poland is part of the EU now. The fact that they're not doing it is grounded purely in economics.

Shall I call you Captain Obvious?

And when exactly was that? Plus, didn't Poland once tell its Jewish citizens that they'd be better off in Israel? Hardly a good argument there, mate.

The antisemitic campaign of 1968 was not started by "Poland" but by Polish puppet state, courtesy of Churchill and Roosevelt.

If 2.000.000 Englishmen immigrated to Poland in a span of a couple of years and started competing for the jobs on the local job market

"Competing for jobs" is so 20th century working class thinking. There is no "fixed number of jobs" in the economy.
14 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

The United Kingdom is a country with a long history of tolerance for outsiders. It has accepted waves after waves of people coming from very different cultures ( Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Chinese, people from the Carribean, Greeks, loads of Eastern Europeans since 2004 ) and has endured.

That fact makes it very strange that all their resentment is concentrating on Poles, don't you think?
Besides, many of those who come to UK HAVE ALL THE RIGHT TO DO SO - as they are coming from the former colonies, which were once exploited to make Britain a world power - so the Brits are not giving anything away, they are merely giving back, and in my opinion they are not giving back enough. In comparison I don't think many foreigners have the moral right to come to Poland - except for maybe Polish diaspora from the east.

I cannot honestly imagine Poland taking in 2.000.000 British people over the course of a couple of years right now, especially if said people went on to compete for jobs with the Polish.

Poland once had over 3 million Jews. That was almost 10% of society - totally culturally different.
UK has now 62 million inhabitants according to Wikipedia, so we could start to compare the two if some 5 million Poles lived in the UK.
13 Aug 2011
Life / "Jan Serce" - TV Serial [11]

I remember pieces of that series from childhood times and I am still impressed by it cause it is quite different from everything else you can watch on TV - especially these days, when movies are "produced" to make money, starting from the script phase.

This is one of the pluses of PRL I guess - that a series like Jan Serce could be made.
13 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

Well, I don't care about detailed sociological explanation of British hostility towards Poles - I just want to know what I could expect living an ordinary life there. UK is not my only choice so I don't see a point in going there if I can get a better treatment somewhere else. Will British kids throw stones at me and will I be questioned by the police once a local swan goes missing or are we talking more subtle forms of resentment here?
13 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

I may have some job offers waiting for me in the UK but I started to wonder whether moving there is such a good idea. I mean, I'm proud of being Polish and wouldn't accept being treated as a second class citizen. I also wouldn't like hearing that I should go back to where I came from.

I came across The Sun's article about the Polish woman who was saved from London riots:
thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3750432/Polish-mum-Monika-Konczyk-tells -of-riot-blaze-hell.html?allComments=true#mySunComments
Just look at the comments. Most people write negative things about Poles and want them gone.

if you dont like this country ms Konczyk, then you dont need me to tell you what you should do !

go back to poland if england is not up to your high standards.

If the lady in the story doesn't like it here then may I politely suggest that she goes back to where she came from.

Polish people only come to Britain for money/work and social profits

I'll happily pay for her flights back to Poland and she can take the rest of them with her too.

should go back to poland and leave england for english people

I could probably fill a book full of antipolish comments coming from British people. So, I reckon, I should just mark Britain as "antipolish and racist" on my map and ignore any offers that come from there?