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Posts by wielki pan  

Joined: 7 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Jan 2012
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wielki pan   
28 Sep 2011
Law / How deep is the Gloom in the Poland's Economy [84]

See, you guys are always going to be two notches below the normal standard of living with your backwards thinking. Also this is exactly why there is no point in having discussions like this one with you all.

Have to use your communication skills to get these people back on track. I don't think the EU has a bucket load of funds to give away, notwithstanding the crisis facing some of the EU countries. When Poland slips into recession these people like Mr D will still be in denial., I hope not.
wielki pan   
27 Sep 2011
Law / How deep is the Gloom in the Poland's Economy [84]

Not doubting Mr D, but its strange that the EU is having trouble keeping some EU countries afloat and it has this sort of money to give free of chargeto Poland etc.. somehow me thinks something will have to give! Who is providing the money or is it being loaned by China?
wielki pan   
27 Sep 2011
History / An American studying medicine in the PRL 1978-1985: my story [142]

While kissing my cheek this Silesian ciocia with the gold bicuspid whispered in a slow, deep voice "masz dolary?"

excellent story, this has not changed in Poland except it is not so blatant, its replaced by the line that I have no money to buy my medications!
wielki pan   
26 Sep 2011
News / Europeén Union will finance the 2nd Warsaw metro line. Good news. [60]

Mr D, Buddy, friend, can I just take you aside and just say slow down and relax, drown your first glass of vodka, people are entitled to have a point of view as people welcome your point of view. Can I just say nice to get a new metro line especially if you get it for nothing, what a windfall joining the EU.. wow.
wielki pan   
25 Sep 2011
Law / How deep is the Gloom in the Poland's Economy [84]

On 13 apartments, the man that issues the "energy certificate" ( or HIPS as its known in the UK) wanted £200.00. per apartment but managed to talk him down to £900.00. as a job lot.

sounds like doom and gloom when building in Poland, however if you divide the costs into 13 its not that bad? the fact remains people never lay foundations in the winter, its done in summer, leave for 1 years to allow the earth to settle and think about buildling in the 2/3 yr.. I know getting permission to build is a nightmare, if one neighbour objects it can really put a spanner in the works, I'm going through a paper warfare with my miasto, its 13months and still counting, I predict it will take me 4 years to complete my project. The easy way is to bribe people, but I'm not prepared to do so. Don't doubt what you are saying, but I sense things are getting better and this sick communist mentality is disappearing, or maybe not!
wielki pan   
22 Sep 2011
Law / How deep is the Gloom in the Poland's Economy [84]

The thing that most Polish people want is a house/flat/apartment, between, 60-70m2 with 2 bedrooms. The cost has to be around 200-250,000. Unless the land can be bought very cheaply, this is not going to happen., especially in the big cities.

I've never seen a house/apartment for this price, Poles would love to have a large free standing house, but know that could not afford it, both to build and maintain. Thanks for your view, but you seem to be all over the place, firstly a house is only worth what somebody is prepared to pay and secondly in a major economic downturn all rules of investment go out the window. Just look at the American situation people borrowed to buy mac mansions and almost overnight the price of their investments fell by half and secondly no one wanted to buy into a sick housing market, these well off people were forced to walk away and ended up living in cars at local parks. I know the situation in Poland is different but one thing is for sure if there is a second economical downturn people will be forced to sell at rock bottom prices. Poland seems to be going well but who knows, how is it going to pay for major reforms and pay retirement pensions. Has somebody done a audit on the state of Polands finances?

The cost of building you say is up to 6000zl a metre, (seems very) I wonder what the real cost is or are these inflated by the builders.

I like your last comment that your only care for my Polish family and friends, sounds nice but that type of thinking is negative and could easily be your undoing.
wielki pan   
21 Sep 2011
Law / How deep is the Gloom in the Poland's Economy [84]

Thanks for your comment Mr D, how will this effect building cost, ie people wanting to build? How long will people sit when they are facing a huge mortgage? This could suggest price of real estate coming down. As I have stated in previous post, I believe that real estate in Poland has not gone up in the last 2 years, but still cheap for people living in the west. The biggest problem is the red tape when wanting to do something.
wielki pan   
21 Sep 2011
Law / How deep is the Gloom in the Poland's Economy [84]

Thanks for responding Pawian, it would be good if you stopped attacking the messenger and start giving examples/facts, my interest in this topic refers to a IMF global forecast and a article in thenews.pl/1/12/Artykul/54175,Budget-shortfall-for-2012 I think forum members are pretty much switched on and aware of articles on the global financial crisis. Lets not live amongst the fairies and assume Poland will not be effected in a second downturn, the question I was trying to pose is how it will effect people in various industries, my particular interest is the building sector. my mention of trolls was tongue in cheek, sorry but sometimes people have there own agenda, its a serious topic.
wielki pan   
21 Sep 2011
Law / How deep is the Gloom in the Poland's Economy [84]

If you don't want a discussion don't post in a public forum. As you have, provide some sort of information to backup your claim and question.

This post is not for you, The current state of the economic crisis is nothing to be laughed at, look at the IMF predictions and then make valid comments

Furthermore, Poland's economy is the only one in EU that continued to grow from 2009 to 2010 (source: Wikipedia)

We are talking about 2012
wielki pan   
21 Sep 2011
Law / How deep is the Gloom in the Poland's Economy [84]

Sorry but I think this post is not for you, you don't have to be a Rhodes Scolar to work out that France/Italy/Germany are in dire trouble. I don't think Poland is buried in gold. Please refer to the IMF home page for forcast.
wielki pan   
21 Sep 2011
Law / How deep is the Gloom in the Poland's Economy [84]

The current IMF forcast for the EU countries for 2011/12 is not good news for Poland. Can I ask for comments from people who may be effected ie people in business/people buying and selling homes and of course people working in private companies who may need to down size. This is a serious topic please no trolls.
wielki pan   
19 Sep 2011
Law / Bringing dollars to Poland, what interest rates can I negotiate? [32]

That scares me a bit. Cutting off these practices is easier said than done, since they're making more money than ever giving out loans. Would you know, where I could get information on the health status of Polish banks? Balance sheets?

Till you know what you want stay put...best leave money is US banks and use your credit card to obtain cash...I don't think Poland is for you, plenty of good US beers.
wielki pan   
16 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

can be sure you ll be quoted 3 times the Polish prices for absolutely everything(services,flats ,etc) you wish to purchase or rent!

Perhaps not 3 times but it will double, I've noticed that Real Estate Agencies don't give the asking price but just say the property is negotiable. I hazard a guess that the agent checks out the nature of the buyer and sets the price accordingly
wielki pan   
16 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

There very good points, normally the family home is handed down to other family members, and there is no pressure to sell if you don't need to, I think the future will change the mentality of buying and selling.
wielki pan   
15 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Very true, part of the Polish thing, these same people when purchasing properties love a bargain, I've heard one insult the owner by saying his property was worth half the price..In fairness though the Poles are very inexperienced in real estate transactions, they are also cautious and like all of us love money. I think things will change a lot very soon when people will not be able to repay their loans etc.
wielki pan   
14 Sep 2011
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

Very expensive.. not sure, what about Mr Walesa... Living in some of these places was the luck of the draw ie no strings attached... get back to the point please
wielki pan   
14 Sep 2011
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

elite Żoliborz

I don't think Żoliborz is a elite part of Poland.

wielki pan
Funny to see all these PIS drones on the forum. They all seem to live outside of Poland :) Maybe that is why they know the mood of the country so well

They know because of experience.
wielki pan   
14 Sep 2011
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

PiS are about as unpopular as it gets

Mr D once again your anti Polish hysteria has overcome your emotions! Do you support Tusk a unknown type, whose real identity is questionable, is he German is he a mate of Putin is he a traitor?
wielki pan   
13 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Thats because of the Polish mentality...ask any Pole if he would purchase a property he would always say the price was too high.
wielki pan   
13 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

If they can afford to wait ,why sell at a lower price? I personally hate the anglo saxon habit of bargaining for everything. If your budget is 300.000PLN why visit places proposed at 600 000 PLN ? It is annoying for the seller and a waste of time and energy for everyone.

The fact remains that sellers inflate their prices, knowing buyers like a discount or bargain. I've never seen a auction or set sale something I think Poland is not ready for. The golden rule remains that buyers dictate the price of a property. ie a place is only worth what a person is prepared to pay.
wielki pan   
13 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Plenty of workers will be doing extra 'on-the-side', so to speak. There's a lot of nice new houses going up in even allegedly "poor" areas - where's the money coming from?

Thats true, but the majority of Poles haven't the skills to do that, a lot of money coming from the US has dried up, zakopane when times were good was built on the funds of poles working in the US. Things have changed. Mr D keep in mind that we are not talking about homes worth 1 to 2 m, but 3.5 million zlote.. Some Poles are very rich, most are struggling working long hours with increasing costs associated with living. I generally believe that real estate will be stable for a long time, although some properties will fall dramatically, by the way, how long does it take to sell a house in Poland, hmm I've seen home/apartments still not sold after 2 years.

There are plenty of reasons as to why it wont, a major one being a nice flat in the city will cost 6000 PLN / m2 bit if you drive a few miles outisde you'll get a house for 1500 PLN/m2

Depends if people have money, your theory does't hold in the US situation
wielki pan   
12 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

there are still osiedle's being built where the houses are going for 3.5 million zlots ---and they are selling.

Don't doubt that there are homes selling for that price, but in the total picture these are very isolated situations, one just has to look at the average wages and you then draw your own conclusions.. The money coming in from the US/ireland and the UK is drying up.

I suggest that people still need to be cautious if wanting to invest in Polish real estate, there is no reason why property prices won't come down dramatically like in the US and Ireland etc.