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Joined: 3 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Apr 2022
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 467 / In This Archive: 387
From: polonia, usa
Speaks Polish?: nada
Interests: everything

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1 Jul 2013
Travel / Just visited Poland - here is my random rant [154]

Your opinion is wrong.

Her opinion is correct. This is why Jefferson and Jackson hated banks and bankers, they use the money supply and interest rates to instigate recessions because there is a moral hazard with the middle class and poor having access to money. Of course there is never a moral hazard when it involves the wealthy and very wealthy, for some reason that never applies to that group. Recessions and depressions devastate the poor and middle class, and only benefits the very wealthy.
22 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

Isn't it a bit ahistorical comparing the middle ages to the 20th century and dragging in football hooligans to boot? (No pun intended!)

The Roman Catholic Inquisition lasted from 1200 AD - 1800 AD and encompassed all of Europe. That's why there was a Protestant Reformation, it wasn't about theology it was about the politics of the Roman Catholic Church.
20 Jun 2013
Life / Polish way of life? [34]

America has a deep culture which is what Polonius is explaining. Canada has a very superficial culture. As an example you yourself refer to yourself not as a Canadian but as a North American.

All crass materilialism, creature comforts, pure physiology, animal-like activities devoid of spriitual susbtance. Homo sapiens or homo ludens?

More angry Roman Catholic rhetoric. You should attend mass less and read the Christian Bible more, you'd feel better.
20 Jun 2013
Life / Etiquette in a Store and Market Queues in Poland [146]

Naaa, Poles aren't rude they're abrupt which is a lot different. And many English are moralists, It's the culture. If you don't like it, you shouldn't live here or there.
19 Jun 2013
Life / Etiquette in a Store and Market Queues in Poland [146]

No way, Polish parents are too overbearing (suffocating is a better word), and if the family life was so great you would have a lot less of this:

Poland has a serious problem with corruption

18 Jun 2013
Life / Etiquette in a Store and Market Queues in Poland [146]

Poles are irritable (it's in the genes). Living in the States I've had to learn to smile, say thank you, excuse me, hold the door for the girls, exchange pleasantries (that don't mean a sh_t), be conscious of people around you. It was painful, but I Americanized (have a nice day).
18 Jun 2013
UK, Ireland / Study about Polish immigrants in England [29]

maybe so meathead, until they turn into lumpy old matrons in sensible tweed skirts on bicycles doing their shopping to the sound of piped music in some hickville called monster or cheese or something.....

Rozumiemnic, your answer is supposed to be "...maybe so, but Englishwomen are more interesting"

never been to Germany, huh? ;-)

Both, I'll take Holland for looks English for fun.
15 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

Jesus of Nazareth didn't believe in religion in the public square:

Matt 6:5-7

And when you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Truly I say to you, They have their reward. But you, when you pray, enter into your closet, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father which is in secret; and your Father which sees in secret shall reward you openly. But when you pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. ...
14 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Would like to move back to Poland from New York after living in USA for 20 years. [155]

I can only assume you did not read the article.

I've read the article when it came out. The squawk about the American health care system is the cost, not the quality of care. You don't get something for nothing. All American doctors get paid in the mid six figures and the nurses in the high five and low six figures. Those salaries attract highly qualified and motivated people, This exists because people demand it. You can't gut the costs without affecting the care.

What's the situation in Poland? They (the doctors) are on the same salary schedule as the janitors? Is that true? You want that? Low bid? Doctors take money under the table for proper care? If you can pay you get the service, if not sit and wait in line like the rest of the slugs.

I have family in England, one waits three years for a hernia operation (hernia's aren't considered necessary surgery, grin and bear it) another comes down with cancer and decides to go to Spain because the doctors there treat cancer more aggressively (she survived).

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but what I am saying is that you pay for what you get.
12 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Would like to move back to Poland from New York after living in USA for 20 years. [155]

fascinating article on health costs in US. Most interesting is the disparity of prices and patients' inability to compare costs:

Americans demand the best when it comes to healthcare. Right now we have a single tier system, if the government got involved as you suggest our healthcare system would look like the Veterans Administration.
7 Jun 2013
Life / Are Polish people brave or scared? [32]

Poland is going through economic growth, people are becoming wealthy and the youth are content as there is opportunity.

There's your answer PGTX. Poles are fat and happy.
6 Jun 2013
Study / I want to move Poland from Chicago area and study.. Job prospects, cost of food, healthcare, other expenses [24]

I want to go to a good university in Chicago but the cost is horrible! $45.000 a YEAR. After 4 years, that's $180.000, that's like a mortgage!

When calculating school costs, you shouldn't include living expenses as they are going to be the same whether you go to school or not. If you are serious about university join a national guard unit (one weekend a month, 2 weeks a year) and they'll pay your tuition. You'll get a monthly stipend which will help your living expenses and you'll graduate with very little debt and have an education, than move to Poland.
6 Jun 2013
Life / Are Polish people brave or scared? [32]

Where is the comparison between Greece, Poland & Turkey, maybe the people of the Med are more violent and turbulent in their demonstrations., their countries are in chaos and their economies are suffering, Greece has become the joke of Europe and Turkey is putting itself further and further back for EU vote. Now Cyprus I admire they said NO on behalf of all EU residents

How many millions of Poles have moved to start new lives around the world? The diaspora reduces social pressures, if you're going to compare Poland to the Med this cannot be ignored.
5 Jun 2013
Life / Are Polish people brave or scared? [32]

you need to have some replacement to start the fight, there's none in Poland unfortunately, so people just pack up and leave all this mess behind.

Exactly. Over the centuries Poles have lost their best and brightest to the diaspora.

Poland, a very old culture but a very young nation.
4 Jun 2013
Life / Poland's instability? Voivodships and education. [4]

In other areas as well, each new government wants to make everyhting over, but the net result is often instabiltiy and chaos. Any ideas on this?

parliamentary system

Starting school at 7 seems to have been disastrous for one child as the child has more interesting things to do than being educated. I've tried every tactic I can think of to get him interested,

Get him to read
1 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Prayer and spriitual contemplation can provide balance, harmony and inner peace to those who have tried it.

Your view on the world is pure Roman paganism. Christianity isn't about contemplation, Church going, rituals, rules...none of that stuff. It's about giving your neighbor the benefit of a doubt. It's about tolerance. It's not about questioning other people's lifestyles.
30 May 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

As a matter of law Poland is secular but Poland is culturally Roman Catholic. England, The United States are culturally Protestant.
21 May 2013
USA, Canada / This is what I was talking about America [19]

The Evangelicals in the United States are heavily influenced by the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church was the power behind the curtain when it came to the Religious Right in America. All that anger is Roman Catholic Church inspired just like Polonius.
18 May 2013
USA, Canada / General differences between Poland and the USA? [184]

I'd think twice about going to any American university. Cheating and affirmative action have destroyed their credibility.

Not true, with open enrollment and student loans there's no reason to cheat. It's not that competitive.
14 May 2013
USA, Canada / General differences between Poland and the USA? [184]

Probably why we have so much credit card fraud in the u.s

A lot of the card fraud affecting EU cards is now cloned cards being used outside the EU in countries where Chip & PIN is not used, countries such as the USA.

Let's stay on task here. The question was "Also I hear that in Germany they don't really use credit cards you have to carry cash on you, is that true in Poland?"

Now why is that they use cash? Because there is more credit card fraud or is it because much more personal information is carried on the "smart cards" and people don't like using them?
12 May 2013
USA, Canada / General differences between Poland and the USA? [184]

Are there banks which still rely on the old magnetic stripe and signature? Really?

Really, read on:

"Smart cards, first introduced in the mid-1980s in Europe, store data directly on the card via a microchip. Smart card adoption has been high in Europe, driven by challenging credit card verification capabilities in a telecom infrastructure that is not as robust as that of North America. The smart card has helped to reduce fraud at considerable cost savings for card issuers. In North America, the robust telecom infrastructure allows real-time verification of magnetic stripe cards for banking and loyalty reward programmes without the need for additional infrastructure."

9 May 2013
USA, Canada / General differences between Poland and the USA? [184]

Also I hear that in Germany they don't really use credit cards you have to carry cash on you, is that true in Poland?

Europe has a lot more credit card fraud than the US because of how they handle transactions.

In the U.S you don't have to take a specific test to get into University

As a matter of policy the US, for the most part, has open enrollment (except for the most competitive Universities). Two completely different educational philosophies.