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Posts by shush  

Joined: 20 Dec 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 1 Jul 2010
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 209 / In This Archive: 166
From: Nowhereland
Speaks Polish?: da

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3 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

Partly when people grow older they dont want kids coz they dont want change, they are less flexible and they already have comfy lives which a baby would eventually destroy.
3 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

I don't know if I want children or not though. (Just not now!) I used to want them when I was much younger.. It seems like I used to be too serious when I was eightteen, and now I'm reliving puberty or something! Funny isn't it?

Do you like much younger girls? are u dreaming about red sports cars? if so then it's called middle age crisis.
3 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

You guys are saying as only women were hard to understand but thats not the case. Men are as hard to understand as women are and it is not coz of gender, it's coz every particular person is different and has own ways.
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

Terek, you have good points there.

But, how about being a Brit in Poland. A local immigration office where nobody speaks English (or even German) and just talk to you in Polish without slowing down or asking if you need a translator.

To be honest, i dont see anything wrong in that, if someone wants to live in Poland then should try to learn Polish. To me it is weird situation in the UK where foreigners expect everyone else to adapt to them rather than the other way around. If you come to the country so you are a guest and you dont expect from the host to change their ways for you. I dont think it is a good situation where you can live in a country without even knowing the basic language as it happens very often in the UK.
2 Jun 2010
Love / POLISH GIRL I REALLY LIKE, BUT she says we have no future [54]

I was married to a polish girl for 12 years don't make a mistake of your life .stay away

There was too much salt in the soup?

what? she had actually something to say in this marriage??

Perhaps she did chose once by herself what to cook and that was the end...
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

You would possibly not be alive today if us stupid English didn't step in and fight for your human rights!

You would be speaking German if not Polish people lol
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

What do you Poles call uneducated Polish scum from small towns? We have a prime candidate here.

I dont know what they are called but I know what are called people who say those things what you just did.

and if they start killing us in the UK

Then why are you staying there in the first place? you can be unhappy about some things but stop moaning, it's bloody annoying. Dont like it - then go somewhere where you will be happier and stop insulting.
2 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

the last thing a guy who's looking for a partner needs are those girls who go on about their boyfriends

Yes that's right, works for both.

I don't mind female friends, but I don't really want to hear all those bedroom stories either. (Unless I'm involved!)

If she starts sharing her bedroom stories with you then that's first step in you being involved not only as a listener :P

Yeah, hormones can be a real bĂ­tch sometimes, but they are a part of our nature. It's pretty understandable people don't want to be alone all the time, and I don't think it's very healthy to be alone either.

Yes but u dont start a relationship with a stranger. I mean if you are not interested in a person as a friend then u wont make a couple with her or him either. Coz the friendship is a base and on top of that there are the other things.
2 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

Maybe you should try to develop a taste for the things you haven't tried yet, maybe that will make shopping more interesting? (Even when you're not hungry!)

I do have the taste for the things i havent tried before but it isnt necessarily a good thing either - i buy them and then when i cant eat it coz it doesnt taste nice to me so i end up hungry lol

yeah i would agree about the forced dates but it happens everywhere, not only on dating websites. Some people are so fixed on having a date that they cant think straight. They tend to ask straight away if a person is interested in a relationship, if she wants friendship first then she is erased from the list. How ridiculous is that?

Just to let you know this is coming from a guy who doesn't consider himself to be a creep.

Only creeps say they are not creepy :P
2 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

I'm afraid I'm the type of guy who goes to the shop without a shopping list, forgets what it was that he wanted to buy because he was daydreaming again, and buys some other random stuff, just to find out he misses the things that he really needed when he finally gets home!

I m even worse - if i go shopping when hungry then i buy lots of unnecessary things so i m trying to do shopping after eating but then i dont buy almost anything coz the food isnt nice then so when i m hungry i dont have anything to eat then i go shopping... vicious circle :S

something what was not talked about in Poland until very recently

Single mothers are easier to abuse than childless single women? I dont get it. Or you mean the women are not the person who they are interested in, they are interested in their babies? :S
2 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

internet is full of creepy crawlies who look for single mothers

Why are they interested particularly in single mothers? u can call me naive but i dont know why would they ...

That sandwich would really make him feel better now ;)

*Makes a sandwich for frd, with a cheese and all nice stuff in it, arsenic free* :S

Isn't this a rhetorical question? Not at all, I really wouldn't be so silly as to call your minds illogical. It's pretty logical, but I do think the circumstances are changing and demand a bit of new logic?

What circumstances are changing? i think u are using different logic now which is unknown for my specie :P

I'll give you a hint: Multiple choice is too complicated for me. I'd rather let someone else choose!

Yes, u are a man - u go to the shop to buy one thing and u do it.
2 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

That's one difference in our modern lives, that roles in a traditional family unit are changing, even our "gender" roles are changing, slowly but still changing. I don't think its a bad thing but traditions have been lost. Guess we will have to wait for 50years to see what benefits come out of this.

It is changing yes, women work and take care of babies etc but i would like to see more men staying at home when the baby is born for instance and a woman working. I dont know any case when it would happen. If there were such cases i could honestly say that roles are really changing.

does it come with cheese though? :)

Yes, cheddar if u like :P




Why did you write translation? did you think i may not understand what you mean with my illogical mind? :P

No, but I'm happy to tell you I'm unlucky in a different way.

At least you can chose, and check the girl out if she is one from the 15 before any commitment :p
2 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

A J:
They say that out of every hundred women there are about fifteen women who don't like sex at al
What!!!! who is spreading this lunacy!!!

Does it mean you are one of those unlucky guys who got as a girlfriend one from those 15 ones? lol

about ten women who want a career instead of children.

If they could have both they would, i suppose. I guess there arent really many women who would really decide to be childless, for some it's not a priority and it loses with the need of self fulfilling in job, career etc. but in most cases it's coz they cant have both.

Try me. (Meaning you should say something I don't understand.)

That's just arrogant to say that:P typical man pfffft

Sandwich please;)

Do you like arsenic? :P
1 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

Men will never understand them, because they don't think logically.

Blaah blaah blaaah
Just coz u cant understand something it doesnt mean it's illogical :P
1 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

I dont know many women who would not want to have children, in fact I don't know any. And if some end up without having them it is usually not because they don't want, it's just because it happened that they did not meet a proper partner to do it with.
28 May 2010
Love / POLISH GIRL I REALLY LIKE, BUT she says we have no future [54]

If a woman doesn't love you, she doesn't love you and that's that

Painful but true. Get over her, you will only get deeper with feelings and she wont feel anything. Finish now when it's still relatively easy.
26 May 2010
Love / Why do Polish women prefer foreigners for boyfriends and husbands? [418]

I am sorry, but most intercultural/racial couples

Why are you sorry about that? I am not, it's good that people can look further than the colour of the skin. It only says they are not narrow minded unlike the people who see it as something wrong.
26 May 2010
Love / Why do Polish women prefer foreigners for boyfriends and husbands? [418]

they are not crazy about you.

How could you know that?

Well, I just cant think why anyone would be interested in someone who wrote such things.

I am dark skinned. That is 80% of the success with a Polish girl.

Yes, all what polish girls care about is the tone of your skin.

But I am not into Polish girls ,so I don't really care :)

Well, then there is no problem - polish girls arent interested in you, you are not interested in them.
25 May 2010
Love / Are Polish men sexist? [53]

Do you think all Polish men are the same?

Yes, I think they are - they have two heads, two eyes (mostly?) and a long nose.
24 May 2010
Love / Are Polish men sexist? [53]

I've heard Polish men are very sexist and call women materialistic and selfish. Is this true?

In some cases yes, especially when they see a polish woman dating foreigner, no matter if they dont know the woman and the guy, she always will be a b**** for them.