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Joined: 25 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Nov 2011
Threads: Total: 20 / In This Archive: 13
Posts: Total: 3928 / In This Archive: 3150
From: Wroclaw
Speaks Polish?: un poco...wait
Interests: aviation

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17 Jun 2011
Life / Struggling young Polish couple - try to solve their problem [176]

They're not in a position to buy a house and shouldn't be given a loan under any circumstance. They're obviously having problems finding decent work. If they're highly educated, they could move to any of the larger cities and pick up an entry level job earning twice what they're making. Renting gives them the flexibility to move to where the jobs are instead of waiting for jobs to come to them. Like Harry mentioned earlier, maybe they should get jobs at McDonalds to increase their income?

BTW, I hired a guy for entry level installation work in Krakow. He's 22, I'm paying for his initial certification, and he makes almost as much as much as both of them combined.

Here's some food for thought, it's in Polish but I think it's pretty self explanatory.

Real salaries from up north of Wroclaw.


edit: url fixed
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

Well...our's live on quite well even without the lingua or work or graduating school....

Broken social system. Get rid of all the social welfare programs that worthless Germans have been abusing for years and you'll only get immigrants that want to work and integrate. Not that hard.
13 May 2011
Polonia / Anyone travelling from Warsaw to New Delhi willing to take some of my belongings (photos)? [30]

Those photos are not in sofware, its in album.

That's what I mean. Just have them scanned and then ship it over. It's not very expensive.

By the way, my post heading is edited by moderator, which is a bit unappropriate. My previous post heading was "I need a big favour from someone who travel from Warsaw or Bialystok, Poland to New Delhi, India to carry some of my stuffs".

I just edited it. Try to make the subject very clear to avoid confusion. Having someone "carry some of your stuffs" sounds a bit... peculiar. Asking someone to transport photos that you'd rather not have lost in the mail sounds a bit more legit.
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

Neither do I support or oppose.

That's a hijab, not a niqab. Hijabs are perfectly legal.

PS, the Muslim graves from your article desecrated with a swastika seems a bit ironic, don't you thing?
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

But the lefties want even more immigration and asylum...

Because they need them to support the broken welfare system. Check please! The migrants that don't work are very public, the ones that have integrated and are our shopkeepers, teachers, mechanics, LKW drivers, construction workers, those are the ones that we look over...
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

They're becoming more and more diluted everyday because people are happy not having to be burden with the task of making decisions, and following through with actions.
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

The government reacts when enough people sound the alarm...as can be seen with:

Look to Denmark today....Denmark does what most people in Europe would do, saving their borders from unwanted, illegal mass immigration.
What does Brussel? Instead to react to the fears of millions they are thinking how to punish Denmark for their decision.

Again, one of the major problems with the EU. Governing further and further away from the will of the people. With any luck, they'll end the broken experiment that governs so far away from the citizens that it's hopelessly out of touch.
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

France and even the Nordic countries are beyond the warning signs stage.

The answer isn't nationalism and hatred though. I think the answer is smack dab in the middle. There is no reason that a society should be forced to accept something that it doesn't want in the name of multiculturalism. Immigration shouldn't be allowed without integration.
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

In his mind, like the 'threat' of people having a darker skin than him.

So you don't think there's any truth in what he's saying? None at all? You'll just discount it with that? Seems a bit simple, or?
13 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Are you Poles proud of your country? Then why do you keep coming to Britain? [100]

Or how Polish Russian Aleksander Możajski invented the first Airplane 21 years before the Wright brothers.

Mozhaysky's plane required a ramp a get airborne, at which point it came back down 30m later. The flat "wing" acted as a parachute, it did not create lift. Still gotta hand it to him for having that spirit. Pearse on the other hand might have a valid claim...

The Invention of the Internet really starts with Polish Paul Baran

Baran was in charge of managing the DARPA project, Kleinrock is the one who came up with the concept of switching. No one took credit for the whole shebang, because all those guys were above it and knew how much work everyone put in (including their predecessors). Palo Alto must have been an awesome place back then.

Back to the topic, I think it's ridiculous to take self-pride of people that you've never met. You often hear terms like "we" when referring to achievements by fellow countrymen...when the truth is that "we" didn't do anything at all.
12 May 2011
USA, Canada / US citizenship via US Army [50]

No, you don't understand the text. It says 5 years in prison if you put on a uniform of a foreign country without permission, and then fight for that country in another uniform

So the stipulation is that you have to be involved in combat? If you're stationed stateside and don't see combat, you're ok...and if you're deployed, you're in violation?
12 May 2011
USA, Canada / US citizenship via US Army [50]

I can see the rationale behind it but it's not enforceable at all, both from a practical standpoint as well as official foreign relations.

It's completely enforceable. I'm guessing it would be used in conjunction with some other charge as opposed to on its own.

There is an easy way to make it legal, tell the ministry of interior your intentions. I'm guessing most people don't...
12 May 2011
USA, Canada / US citizenship via US Army [50]

what was it about the 5 years in jail?

Polish law apparently calls for sentences of up to 5 years in prison if a Polish citizen willingly joins a foreign military without permission.
12 May 2011
History / Why did Russia attack Poland in WW2? [178]

Germany had exactly the same level of technology everyone else had, where it differed was the training of its troops and the quality of its commanders.

Most people think of the Wehrmacht at the time as being some steel and diesel killing machine... People seem to forget that it was literally horsepower, not diesel engines, that moved the army.

No they werent, if France and England actually did attack Germany would roll over in 2-4 months in 1939.

Didn't Jodl make that comment after the war?
12 May 2011
USA, Canada / US citizenship via US Army [50]

That last part on that link is very interesting...

"Polscy eksperci przypominają, że obywatele Polski nie mogą służyć w armiach innych państw bez zgody MSWiA. Walka w obcym mundurze bez zezwoleniato przestępstwo zagrożone karą 5 lat więzienia."

5 years in the pokey for Poles that join a foreign military?
12 May 2011
Travel / Polish Lot - Serving Alcohol [14]

It's based on the laws of the country in which the plane is registered. If you're flying LOT, it's no problem. In all honesty, the chances of you being ID'd are basically nil.
12 May 2011
News / Row over status of Poles in Germany sours relations [176]

Dont whine after losing a war that you started. Polish German relations should be good today, not full of arguing .

They are good, save for some moaning and whining every once in a while.
11 May 2011
News / US air base to be in Poland [193]

The Polish govt requesting a US presence like a protectorate is the issue here. The day of garrisons has gone ;0 ;)

In that case the referendum will come in October. Poles can vote in representatives who will express their will.

I think that you grossly underestimate the desire of quite a few Poles to have allies willing to defend them. There isn't exactly a huge "get out of NATO" movement.

And again, it's simply not of concern for most Poles in Poland. F16s, Patriots, ABM... the man on the street doesn't care.
11 May 2011
News / US air base to be in Poland [193]

Not according to the Constitution. The Polish government requesting F16s in Poland is a "major issue"? No change of the Constitution, no referendum needed. If the people are displeased, they'd vote their representatives out of power. Truth is, most people don't care.
11 May 2011
News / US air base to be in Poland [193]

So uh, who did you guys vote for? Are you discrediting the idea of representative democracy as a whole? What's your alternative?
11 May 2011
News / US air base to be in Poland [193]

Please refer me to the last referendum on the issue, convex. How else can you accurately ascertain will?

Poland is a representative democracy, not a direct democracy. No referendum needed seanus.

Sorry, it is barging in because the presence is unwarranted and unwelcome.

By you, but not by the democratically elected leaders of Poland.
11 May 2011
News / US air base to be in Poland [193]

No, it's not barging in. When one government requests it....how is that barging in? Why don't the people in Poland vote leaders into power that don't request a US presence in Poland?

Those F16's could be based at an effective FOB, not Poland.
11 May 2011
News / US air base to be in Poland [193]

Yes but it's not your business to muscle in as and when you see fit and that's my point. Have some respect for the wishes of the local people before you go barging in.

No one is barging in. Here's the problem...No F16's, and NATO isn't living up to it's obligations in protecting "us" from the Russians....F16's, and the US is trying to build an empire... It's lose-lose... I suppose that's why the whiners are tuned out.

You watch the news, look at what happened with the missile base. It went from "you're trying to colonize us !@!@!" to "you're abandoning us!!@!@".
11 May 2011
News / Row over status of Poles in Germany sours relations [176]

Of course, like Ruhrgebiet for example - a part of Poland now, no doubt (a hard fact) :D

And again, those people consider themselves Cheeeerrrman. Otherwise, why wouldn't they acknowledge that they're Poles?

See ya, you bunch of Hitler supporting, Pole hating, SS pricks.

Goodbye fascist-statist whiner! Man, whatever happened to that Polish sense of pride? Sad...Sad...

Say hi to the family :)
11 May 2011
News / Row over status of Poles in Germany sours relations [176]

"Would have been"... "had the areas"... "probably". Yeah, yeah - the conditionals are a cool, but
I prefer hard facts, and what the facts are we can all see. So, SAY NO TO NAZISM - RESTORE POLISH

Hard facts are that the Polish minority areas are now called "Poland". Was it wrong to take it away at the time? Of course. Was it wrong not to reinstate them after the minority areas became part of Poland? Puhlease...
11 May 2011
News / Row over status of Poles in Germany sours relations [176]

The law abolishing Polish minority rights, that Poles had in Germany and which were taken away
from them by the nazis in 1940.

Statist! It probably would have been reinstated had the areas in which the Polish minority were living were still part of Germany...

No, no, no - you got it all wrong, herr Convex. Not granted but restored.

Why? What do Poles achieve by being declared a minority? And, for bonus points, how are Poles being discriminated against?

Didn't care much for the Kempka comment eh? I quite liked it :) A "Pole" in the SS drove Hitler around... and a Pole (Gerda Daranowski) was Hitler's personal secretary surely typing up all kinds of terrible things against her fellow countrymen...

See, I think they were Germans, despite their ancestors. You think they were Poles. Bizarre world oh oracle of the North.
11 May 2011
News / Row over status of Poles in Germany sours relations [176]

I'm not moaning - I'm openly speaking against nazi, hitlerite law against Poles, which is still enforced
in Germany. I don't like nazism and hitlerism in general and I always tend to criticize it. Sorry :-)

Which law AGAINST Poles? You want a law enacted to grant minority status, not vice versa.
11 May 2011
News / Row over status of Poles in Germany sours relations [176]

Or maybe it's just easier to keep their Polish identity to themselves. After all as we're witnessing,
openly admitting your Polishness and demanding your minority rights is treated according to hitlerite
law in Germany in the year 2011.

Again, this is coming from a starry-eyed (handsome at the time) kid that was loving all things Polish, and made no attempt to hide it.

And 62.8% of them declare to speak Polish "very well". Interesting.

Which is really interesting because the only people that I came across that spoke Polish were immigrants. Again, not a scientific study, but interesting nonetheless. Some of the folks were close family friends, no Polish to be heard...

Anyway - I'm waiting impatiently how BB will explain why it is not OK to grant Poles in Germany
minority rights, whilst it is OK to grant the same rights to Sinti and Roma :-)

In my opinion, a gross mistake, despite the fact that they've lived in Germany for the last 600 years. There should be no minority groups, neither in Germany nor in Poland.