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Posts by DariuszTelka  

Joined: 4 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Dec 2010
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 4
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From: Norway
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20 Mar 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

Dariusz, anyone can say anything. If those words came from the mouth of Netanyahu, then we would have cause for concern. That guy doesn't even have the status of a Brzezinski. Creveld, LOL

I know he doesn't have ACTUAL power, like Brzezinski or Netanyahu, but he is a professor, with a rather lengthy academic history. He lectures for officers. He get's his articles published in mainstream media. But ofcourse, he is only one guy. But if he says it, then many think it. And the fact that he said this is quite interesting, because jewish academics tend to be on the same side, with a couple of few exceptional cases like Norman Finkelstein and Israel Shakak.

Let's go through some other quotes from famous israeli's, just sample how they think;

"Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial." Ariel Sharon

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." Ariel Sharon

"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." Rabbi Yaacov Perrin

About the 9/11 attacks; "It's good... it's very, very good... er... well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy for our cause." Benjamin Netanyahu

"There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed." Golda Meir

When prominent jews talk, one should listen, for it gives away a worldview, a human perspective and a state of mind, that shows how they think and how they feel. This will in the end show itself in world politics. So when a jewish professor says that Israel will send nuclear rockets to Warszawa, I listen.

20 Mar 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

He is some crackpot academic

We can read this on his website;

"Martin van Creveld, formerly of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, is one of the world's leading writers on military history and strategy, with a special interest in the future of war.

From Wikipedia;

"Van Creveld has lectured or taught at virtually every strategic institute, military or civilian, in the Western world"

Including the Naval War College which defines itself like this;

"The Naval War College (NWC or NAVWARCOL) is an education and research institution of the United States Navy that specializes in developing ideas for naval warfare and passing them along to officers of the Navy."


He has written in the International Herald Tribune, Elsevier (Dutch weekly), U.S. Naval War College Review, been interviewed by many TV-stations and had dozens of articles published in various well known publications.

On his own website it says;

"Martin van Creveld has consulted to the defense establishments of several countries, and taught or lectured at practically every institute of higher defense learning, military and civilian, from Canada to New Zealand and from Norway to South Africa. He has also appeared on countless television and radio programs, as well as writing for, and being interviewed by, hundreds of papers and magazines around the world."

and you can check his book list here, many of his books are translated into several languages and printed by renowned publishers.


Hardly a "crackpot academic"....if he says so...then he's not alone with this view.

20 Mar 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

True, but first they'll steal all Polish babies and will drink their blod! ...and they will also use our churches for public toilets, rename Vistula to Jewriver and force all Poles to speak Hebrew at home. That's a fact! ;)

These are all folk-tales from the past long gone. Martin van Creveld actually said that Israel would use nuclear force on Europe, on Warszawa in particular. How is it anti-semtic of me to share this information? Is it the way I said it? Should I not have used links to actual news-sites for confirmation. Does it hurt you that I'm not a bigot that just "hates" jews because they are jews, but treat them as anyone else? And expose them if they go over the line, as Martin van Creveld so thoroughly did? Why would you invoke old misconseptions about drinking baby blood into a real-time political event? Is this how you argue? Or is it a way of trying to silence critics of the state of Israel or israelis who say horrible things like what Martin van Creveld did, with fairy tales and with the classic "anti-semite" hat, that everyone who even dares to address political issues where Israel or israelis are involved get on their head?

I though we already had a "why are Jews hated so much..." thread?

What is hateful about this thread? Are facts hateful? He said Israel would wipe Warszawa off the map!

20 Mar 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

A israeli historian, Martin van Creveld, author of several books on military strategy and war, with degrees from the London School of Economics and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and who is a frequent guest at the US naval war college, recently stated that Poland might be the target for israeli nuclear weapons attack.

In a September 2003 interview in Elsevier (Dutch weekly) on Israel and the dangers it faces from Iran, the Palestinians and world opinion van Creveld stated:

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force.... We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under".


As we know, Israelis from a young age are being taught that the polish state is anti-semitic, and that polish people are responsible for what happened to jews during the war in Poland. There are many documentaries and news articles on this. Just watch one of them called "Defamation";


In it you will see how Israel educates thousands of young israelis about Poland and her people, and how all poles are anti-semites, and that they can't even go out of their hotel room because they will be instantly attacked by angry anti-semitic mobs. If any country would do this officially about Israel, the cries about anti-semitism would never stop. These young students will then go on with their lives, become doctors, lawyers, have careers in the army and even go abroad on official duties through the state of Israel. How will this indoctrination affect their feelings and behaviour to european states, in particular Poland?

This history professor is one of many who does not see it impossible that Israel one day must use nuclear bombs on Europe, and if the hate is mostly pointed at Poland from such an young age, the people who control the destinations of these bombs are most likely to target Poland first as revenge for allowing the jews to die in the concentration camps on polish soil, and even participating in the slaughter of 6 million jews. (Official claim by many anti-polish posters in here and in general).

Is this not as bad, if even worse, since it comes from a acclaimed history professor who dines with the worlds elite, than of a half-insane iranian head of state, that claimed that the current israeli regime must perish in order for the world to go on? (The jews interpreted this statement that he wishes "Israel the state to be wiped off the map). I don't think making my connection about Poland being wiped off the map by Israel as any more ludicrous.

Read here about the iranian presidents statement and compare it to Martin van Creveld's statement about using nuclear arms on European capitals;


19 Mar 2010
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

The best weapon...

This thing made all the difference. Too bad the chosen ones got to write on it last.


  • The best weapon of war
11 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

I accept that Israelis are not perfect and that it's legitimate to criticize us for things we did that you don't agree with.

Things like being in the top bracket of human trafficking, drugtrade and the abuse and torture of european women?

"The industry has proved very lucrative for the human traffickers, with each woman sold in Israel bringing in anywhere between $50,000 to $100,000.

But the state also earns a tidy profit from the white slave trade, according to Hotline.

Service providers, such as taxi drivers transporting prostitutes, lawyers who represent the clients, landlords who rent out their premises as brothels, all pay income tax, and this ultimately arrives in the state's coffers. Not to mention the cases of corrupt police officers who have also lined their pockets through bribery".


How about this;

"The Amnesty report said that each year hundreds of women were kidnapped or lured into Israel's sex industry, where they were bought and sold, auctioned, held in debt bondage, raped and tortured".


And this as one last one (Hope you haven't had your lunch yet);

"There are an estimated 20,000 female sex slaves forced into prostitution in Tel-Aviv each year. According to a report released in 2005 by the Knesset Subcommittee on Trafficking in Women, between 10,000 and 15,000 women had been smuggled into Israel over the previous four years to work as prostitutes. According to the report, the women, who were mostly from the former Soviet Union, were sold at public auction for as much as $10,000 and forced to work up to 18 hours a day".


Who needs Israeli soldiers to rape Arab women, when Israel the state itself does it so much better to EASTERN EUROPEAN women?? Seems like Israel has some cleaning up to do...

I'm sick and tired of Jewish leftists who preach about women rights, human rights abuse and who spout equal rights in American and European colleges and universities, they go on book tours and get on TV, telling us how bad we white countries are treating our women, our gays and our immigrants. But while vacationing back in Tel Aviv after their bashing of OUR culture, they don't seem to bothered to attack their own people and country, for doing just the same.

Don't make me go looking for the links on some of the other things that the Israelis have carved themselves out a piece of the market with, like snuff movies, child pûrnography, slave labour and extacy production for the Europeans.

THIS is why I'm sick and tired to hear about the holocaust day in and day out, in our newspapers. If they stopped talking about that, and actually looked at what's going on TODAY, then we could make a change for the millions of people who have to suffer from all the above mentioned. But no...a historical event that took place over 60 years ago is getting more attention than the fact that tens of thousands of young, innocent European girls are kidnapped, raped, tortured and forced to prostitute themselves to the "chosen people" every year. A fact that is kept hidden in the backpages of our newspapers, and seldom or never get's any publicity and is not recognised by the average man and woman on the street. But ask anyone if they know about the holocaust, and they can tell you about the dozens movies they saw, or the books they read, or about Anne Frank or about Simon Wiesenthal. About the evil Nazis and all the horror they did. But ask them about the Israeli drug industry, the pûrn industry, the human trafficking industry or why 5 Israelis jumped up and down, gave each other high fives and lit their lighters when the twin towers fell...and they will look at you with blank eyes. How come nobody in Hollywood goes to Israel and makes a movie about that?? Oh yeah, you don't poop in your own backyard.

9 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Actually, I am astonished that such a small group of people can produce such a high degree of Nobel price winners. Their contribution to our world has been immense. I don't deny that. If the white race was as tight and aware of our history as you, wow, it's mind boggling.

But at the same time, Jewish names also turn up at the worst times of our history. Financing wars and revolutions, celebrating war-victories (Pesach, purim etc), instead of times of compassion and love, making money on other peoples ill-fortune, communism, slave trade, taking advantage of financial depressions and being involved in money schemes and what so many people care about today, the conflict with the palestinians.

Your people are almost schizophrenic. On one hand you produce world renowned classical musicians and scientists, and on the other hand you produce Karl Marx and Trotsky...

And not to talk about how you talk about non-believers in the Talmud...I cringe when I read those passages about jesus boiling in hot excrements and that the virgin Mary was a *****...

If the Jewish people would just turn off the "victim" act, and just get on with it, showing the world that you are worthy of admiration, which you are on many aspects of life, but then you go and do so many stupid things to mess it all up.

9 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

I felt sticking to facts and history was keeping the conversation where it should be...but if finding small facts about why africans hasn't succeeded on any level, shape or form is better, then you go right ahead. How come the landwoners haven't made anything out of their land then? How come NOBODY, either landsowners, "farmers" or any african companies can produce enough food for their continent? There is always an EXCUSE!

Band/Live Aid brought massive improvements to the areas their aid reached.

Let the Ethiopians tell it themselves;

"only 5% of the $100m (£65m) in aid money went to feed the starving. Of this $100m, a sizeable amount likely came from Bob Geldof's Band Aid campaign, including the Do They Know It's Christmas? single and the Live Aid concerts, which involved U2, Paul McCartney, Madonna and many more. Rebel soldiers allegedly disguised themselves as grain traders, exchanging camouflaged bags of sand for thousands of pounds at a time. "We showed them huge amounts of grains," Gebremedhin Araya, former head of finance for the TPLF, told the Australian. "But if you go there, half of the warehouse is stacked full of sand collected from the Tekeze River. We tricked them as well as possible."".


Live Aid Famine Cash Bought Guns, Not Grain;


hat's why they turned to piracy - but no-one has said anything about that, have they?

I agree, I wish they would help properly too. That is our biggest fault when "helping" other people. We assume that they are the same as us, and think and evolve like us, but they don't. If we help them down there, we should do it from their perspective, not ours. Just look at integration in our own countries and how it has failed miserably. Why? Because we just accept them, feed them, clothe them and release them into our societies, but we haven't understood that they don't come from our kind of societies, they don't act like us, they don't respect the same values as us and they don't want to be like us. Who are we to think they should be like us? That way of thinking is just leftist crap, and we saw how that panned out in China, Soviet and wherever communism got its foothold. It's theoretical ********, thought up by leftist who never worked a day in their life.

9 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Another is a lack of experience of such things like insurance and other mainstays in the West. It is not their way of doing things.

But for how long can you use this as an excuse to never amount to anything? There are almost 50 countries on the continent of Africa. Europe has about the same amount of countries, but live on a third of the land. Mostly with harsher conditions, as winters and summer go into extremes on each season. We can have +50C and -50 on the same continent in just one year.

Europe has endured over the last two thousand years, two world wars, countless smaller wars, slavery, hunger, at least a dozen depressions, revolutions, political uprisings, different plagues, communism, nazism AND christianity which alltogether probably took the lives of over a billion people. If not more. We've had diseases, floods, forest fires, earth quakes and whatever else mother nature has given us. What has Africa had to compare with through their last 2000 years?

When the white settled in parts of Africa and began farming, they fed millions of people! Zimbabwe was called the bread basket of Africa. Just with the help of a couple of thousand of white people. Up here in Europe, we've had snow storms now for months. Freezing temperatures. Still we survive. Africans have one or two bad years of drought, and die in the hundreds of thousands.

How come after the Norwegian state set up farms and gave the inhabitant of an area tractors, buildings, cattle and money, when they came back 5 years later to see the progress they encountred nothing but wastelands and corroded machine equipment.

If you have 10 children and they all work on a piece of land, shouldn't you be able to do something with it? Like we did up here? Even if you don't have the most modern equipment. But what you do have is knowledge of the land, generations of survival in some way or another. Shouldn't that imply that you should be able to make something of that land? How come the farms that have been taken over by ***** zimbabweans after they ran off the whites all have failed to produce anything so far? Why are they slaughtering almost extinct elephants just to survive? The farms were there, furtile, producing tons of products every year..now it's just laying waste. All destroyed.

You mention that SOME leaders are unscrupulous...I say the ALL ARE. They buy 15 mercedes limousines and private jets while their people are dying of starvation. What does that tell you? Would you do that if you ruled your country? No? Why wouldn't you? (The ones who did here all met their fate one way or the other and were replaced by better people). But in Africa, one after another is as useless as the next. Nomatter how many degrees from Oxford or money in the bank, they just can't build a society.

Some african countries have oil-reserves that are far bigger than Norway's. How come they can't make their country prosperous, just like Saudi Arabia? Or Norway? Why can't the leaders take control and take advantage of their natural resources? Because of big business? Hah, they can kick every company out if they want to and then have a normal competition among western countries to come and extract it for them. But they CHOOSE not to do it.

Why, because they have a lower IQ.


Why is SA violent? Simply because their emotions were so repressed, trapped in a bottle, and now they're coming out. Trample on people for so long and they'll crack.

For how long? Eastern Europeans were trampled on for a long time...but take a trip through there now, and see the how things are changing. Poles don't kill slovaks that come into Poland to work. We don't rape infants because we believe it will cure us from AIDS, we don't rape women every minute, we don't machete people on the streets for a few zloty, we don't use witch doctors to tell us that we can kill albinos or drag old women out of their houses and set them on fire, because we believe they stole our penis. Do you think South Africa suddenly will stop being violent and become a modern and safe society when the last white person leaves? I don't think so. They mostly kill each other there.

If you can't stand gruesome pictures, please don't click on this link, but if you want to see what happens to "evil whites" in socalled "liberated" countries, then click on it. Be warned.


Read 'The Long Road to Freedom' by Nelson Mandela. It's one of his biographies. When he was working on his ANC, he didn't endorse open violence but peoples' nature is peoples' nature.

Nelson Mandela was a terrorist, who was responsible for bombings, killings and torture. He was charged with the following before his incarceration; "the preparation, manufacture and use of explosives-for the purpose of committing acts of violence and destruction in the aforesaid Republic, (the preparation and manufacture of explosives, according to evidence submitted, included 210,000 hand grenades, 48,000 anti-personnel mines, 1,500 time devices, 144 tons of ammonium nitrate, 21.6 tons of aluminum powder and a ton of black powder". Sounds like a peaceful protestor/human rights activist to me..

Even one of his three wifes, Winnie, is not happy with him either, she says he sold out to the big companies; She also went to jail for muder and torture. (Putting tires around peoples neck, setting them on fire and pushing them down the hill was how she kept people in line).


Here he is singing about killing white people; (Such a nice old grey haired looking man...)


There's no prosperity in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar? They have ample wealth.

Iceland and Greece are prosperous?

The prospertity in Saudi Arabia, The UAE and Qatar, which were just big sandboxes with no real properity until they gained independce in the mid 50's and outwards. Then they, or more correctly, white people, discoverd they sat on big oil reserves. So, after making deals with international companies, they let them in with western technology, drilled up oil, and through good deals are now super rich states. Without western technology and companies, these states would still be dirt poor and have nothing. Before Gas and oil these states survived on fishing, pearl hunting and domesticating camels. Just look what vast amounts of oil and gas, western technology and cheap labour can build!


And who builds it all;

"BDP was founded in 1961 and is ranked in the top 10 architects in the world and the largest architect in Western Europe with an annual turnover of approximately AED 600m ($163m) in the last financial year. It employs more than 1,200 architects, designers, engineers, urbanists, sustainability experts, lighting designers and acoustics specialists in 15 studios across the UK, France, Ireland and Netherlands".

When it comes to states like Iceland and Greece, they have big problems, but you know what? They will conquer these problems, like they have done hundreds of times before in their countries long and prosperous history. Why do you compare african or arab states, that never have been or never will have their own glorious societies filled with science, art and knowledge, with two european states who are going through some financial difficulties created by a financial elite? This is a bump in the road..a rather large one, I agree, but not the MOUNTAIN that africa and the arab states have to overcome to even reach up to our knees when it comes to democracy, freedom and prosperity. What do you think will happen to UAE when the gas and oil ends or we find other more reliable sources to use for our future.

Maybe you want to tell me about the african space program, or which university can compare to Harvard or Yale? Or how many nobel price recipients that come from Africa or any arab state the last 100 years? (Not the peace price which is worth as much as a bronze in the bobsleigh winter olympics).

I'm just sick and tired of all the old excuses, it's either the white mans rule, the big companies, the dry climate, AIDS, overpopulation, the list is endless! When are they going to actually build something down there? Who owns the diamond factories? Jewish controlled companies. Who owned all the slaveships that were used to carry the slaves to america/india/europe? The jewish merchants. Who is responsible for todays financial collapse? The jewish bankers. and to just add a little summary; pgorg.com/bigguns.html

So, white people develop technology, science, literature and art. The jewish people take this and exploit it for whatever it's worth, and the african get's the shortest straw. But how come it's not the other way around? See IQ link at top of post.

8 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

What you believe in is nothing more than foolish 19'th century pseudo-science which has been invalidated by further science in that field many times already.

You are one seriously indoctrinated person. How come africa is poor and Europe is wealthy? (Don't go talking about colonies now). They've had their freedom for hundreds of years. Enormous wealth in farming, minerals and land. How come the arab states are so full of violence and hate? No prosperity there either. How come so much of Asia is dirt poor? How come all the western countries occupied by whites are so propsperous? Even those that didn't have any colonies and haven't gone to war like Norway, where we have winter 5 months of the year and most of our land is mountains and rock? While some african countries, the size of the whole of Europe, warm all year round, with vast resources can't even feed themselves? How come the former colonies in africa were called "the breadbasket" of Africa (Zimbabwe), when they were occupied/ruled by whites, but are now on the brink of total collapse? (Don't say corruption, we have that here too). How come whites that moved to Africa always thrived, gave people healthcare, food, education, something the ******* now can't give themselves, with the same land, the same infrastrucure, the same buildings, the same learning facilities that the whites left? How come South Africa is one of the most violent countries in the world after Mandela took over, where they kill eacother over pocket change and rape women every 4 minutes? How come all the areas the black and arab people occupy in our western cities look more and more like the places they came from? Where drugs, murders and rapes are daily occurances? It's not like that in my hometown, where 99% are white. How come?

When I point out to you that the persian empire had it's golden time before the muslims conquered them by blood and sword, then you don't feel like talking about it anymore. But you still keep on harping about "we're all the same". How many examples do you need? How about Egypt? What happened after the muslims took over that country? What happened to their great dynasties there? We can go through every great nation that islam has set it's foot in and see the same pattern. Pre-islam; Greatness and prosperity, after islam; darkness, misery and totalitarianism. When white nations go to war and destroy everything, we usually rebuild the same areas to even greater places than before. How come the persian or egyptian empires did not do the same? What was the reason to just abandon all the magnificent buildings, the art, the history and the labour of so many generations? Part of Poland was flattened. So were cities in Germany, and Russia...even in Norway. Today these cities are modern, beautiful with magnificent art, culture and with everything a person could ever ask for. What's left in Persia or Egypt? What's left in Zimbabwe?

I was actually making a joke about the drawing, but WOW, you really do think that he was white because the artist didn't colour in his drawing? Holy ****....

Holy crap, but I don't know when your dellusion starts and when it stops.

No, the period I'm thinking of is a bit later.

Oh you mean the time when Persia stopped being a superpower? That was the "golden age" of Persia? The time when education and old religions were forbidden and when worshipping a pedophile murderer became obligatory? Yeah, I can see you finding that to be the "Golden age of Persia".

Christianity stopped being crappy, like islam is today, half a century ago. If you can't see the difference between christianity as we have it today, and islam, then you must be blind. (Sorry to all blind people out there). You say you prefer secularization, so do I. But turning a blind eye on the most brutal, anti-human, anti-female, anti-education, oppressive cult that ever came out of humanity does make you slightly naive.

8 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

What exactly do you define as "white"?

White as in white! Not brown or black. How hard is that to understand? The fairer the skin, the higher the civilization. That is not because I'm a racist, but basic evolution. People in Europe evolved much more than the people dwelling in the southern hemisphere. We had to survive, evolve...think, consequenses, harvest, cooperate....if you ever saw a program on discovery about the evolution of species you will understand this. (So you don't have to open a book).

Again, read my posts in the "Mosques in Krakow" thread and follow the link to get what I'm talking about. I explain Japan, China and Korea there. If you read it, which you obviously didn't, parts of Asia and the jews have populations with a higher IQ than whites. No problem! Actually I wished it could be the same for africans and arabs, our world would be absolutely fantastic, but it's not.

About the drawing...really? Have you thought this through? If he was black or dark skinned....they would have made him so....they used dark colour to make his profile...no problem filling in his skin with with the same colour...I know it's hard to fathom this.... :-0

Do you also believe that the early pharaoes were africans? Or that Hannibal was black too?

Persia already went through its golden age. At one time, it was the world centre of riches, mysticism, philosophy, science and civility, and this was when Islam was already widespread throughout Persia. Even Europe marvelled at its grandeur. Like all great civilizations, it eventually ended. I don't remember the exact time frame for this golden age, but perhaps Darius knows. I doubt this matters, though, as this golden age in Persia's history probably doesn't fit with your worldview.

Wow, you haven't really read any history at all have you. Persia saw it's golden age between 625BC and 650AD. After the invasion and devestation of their empires and glorious history by the muslim hordes, came a dark hand and removed what could have been one of the greatest empires of all time. Thousands were slaughtered, books were burnt and age-old knowledge was abandoned. But the persians resisted more than others.

"The Muslim conquest of Persia led to the end of the Sassanid Empire in 644, the fall of Sassanid dynasty in 651 and the eventual decline of the Zoroastrian religion in Persia".

"This view furthermore holds that, once politically conquered, the Persians began to resist the Arabs culturally and succeeded in introducing their own ways on the Arabs and maintaining Persian, as opposed, to Arab culture".

"The Battle of Nihawand was one of the most decisive battles in Islamic history and certainly the most decisive battle in the history of Persia. More decisive than Alexander's fatal blow at the Battle of Gaugamela, because after Gaugamela the Persians recovered within a few centuries and built an other Persian empire, but after Umar's blow to the Persians at Nihawind, the Persians would never raise another empire".

"Iran was indeed Islamized, but it was not Arabized. Persians remained Persians. And after an interval of silence, Iran reemerged as a separate, different and distinctive element within Islam, eventually adding a new element even to Islam itself. Culturally, politically, and most remarkable of all even religiously, the Iranian contribution to this new Islamic civilization is of immense importance".

See, with enlightenment from white people, white thinking, islam in Persia had a "enlightenment". If only they could have one more today. Without the science, history, literature and knowledge of the white societies in Persia, Islam would have not had it's "golden age". A muslim "golden age", that was so short, if you blink your eye in the time of history, you'll miss it. It has never since been seen...

So, the persians never really accepted the old Islam and kept their traditions and higher culture. That's how they could still achieve greatness to a certain degree after the invasions. But little by little, they were outbred, outnumbered and forced to accept more and more of the islamic culture. After just a few hundred years, all the great minds, the great thinkers, the great science, it all died out. What's left is what we see today. A country on the brink of civil war, religion controlling every aspect of life and freedom limited to the rich and powerful.

Why do you want islam to be such great religion? It has never been and will never be anything but a cult of evil. Just look at the countries that profess to that religion today, even with all our technology at hand, they still can't build a modern, free and democratic society.

8 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

There are two very racist members here who share his name, actually. ;) One has the exact same name, the other has the Polish equivalent.

Oooh...that warms my heart so much. To hear such informed and accurate remarks.

I'm not only racist, I'm actually VERY racist. And I share DariusTravellers name, and I didn't know it has a Persian background...ooohhh....(I live in Norway OK? We have many Iranians here who have pointed this out to me). And one of my friends father is a renowned archeologist who worked with Thor Heyerdahl. He signed one of his historical books to me with the inscription "To King Darius"...so lighten up.

Really? That is all you guys can come up with? Bashing people on other threads? If anything is cowardly, it's this. And now you got me here too, Matowy and LwowskaKrakow!


"From a linguistic standpoint, the term Iranian people is similar in its usage to the term Germanic people, which includes various people who speak Germanic languages such as German, English and Dutch, Norwegian, or the term Slavic people, which includes various speakers of Slavic languages including Russians, Poles, Croats or Serbs."

The language of that literature was predominantly Greek, though at one stage or another various parts of it passed through Aramaic, Syriac, Coptic or Latin. Its ethos and cultural matrix was likewise Hellenistic

"In the Gathas, Zoroaster sees the human condition as the mental struggle between aša (truth) and druj (lie)".

In Norway we call our old beliefs "Åsatru". Coincidence? Maybe, but there are so many links to greece, rome and other white areas to provide enough evidence that the people that built these mighty empires were europeans/of european ethnicity, and that "caucasians" travelled and settled throughout the whole northern hemisphere. As DariusTraveller said, they are not Arab, they are Persian...

Here's how they believe how Zoroaster looked like;

"Zoroaster is rarely depicted as looking directly at the viewer; instead, he appears to be looking slightly upwards, as if beseeching God. Zoroaster is almost always depicted with a beard, usually brown. His complexion is pale, and this along with other factors bear similarities to nineteenth century portraits of Jesus."

And so it all ended;

"Starting with the reign of Omar in 634 CE, Muslim Arabs began a conquest of the Iranian plateau. The Arabs conquered the Sassanid Empire of the Persians and seized much of the Byzantine Empire populated by the Kurds and others. Ultimately, the various Iranian people, including the Persians, Azaries, Kurds and Pashtuns, converted to Islam. The Iranian people would later split along sectarian lines as the Persians (and later the Hazara) adopted the Shi'a sect. As ancient tribes and identities changed, so did the Iranian people, many of whom assimilated foreign cultures and people".

For fun's sake we can take a look at a couple of pictures of Darius here;


Does look white to me as does Zoroaster, even with blond curly hair on some pictures...but then again...Matowy and LwowskaKrakow might disagee, as they usually do if something doesn't feel to comfortable with their views. Namecalling is also popular. Too bad for them it doesn't work on me.

Just read up on the history of that area, and the fantastic structures, the people, the glory. Who builds these kind of structures? What people? And what is left? Maybe a minority like DariusTraveller, educated, open, but at the same time, trapped in a country that is controlled by mediveal thinking. Must be heart-breaking to know what Persia could have been, if not for the muslims.


  • Zoroaster
4 Mar 2010
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

you sound a little patronizing to me, but considering your previous posts I am not surprised and I find your preaching tone quite annoying.

I'm sorry for that last comment, it's not really how I write. But I just see things so clearly from where I come from, and I get a little frustrated when others don't agree! ;-)

But back to arguing again..."give them space", "give them money", "give them welfare", "give them education", "give them opportunities"...how about DEMANDING something?! Skincolour for me is everything. It identifies us. Although I do not mean that they are not entitled to live on our beautiful planet with us, we should not mix with them. Europe for europeans and Africa for africans! Would you have minded if white europeans suddenly started pouring into africa and behaving like they do here? You would have called that racist..oh but wait...it's them doing it to us...so..eh...we're still the racists...I'm getting a bit dizzy here. And I have to strongly disagree with you on the part with "with time problems can be overcome". If you pick up any history book, you will see that it has never happened. Without someone being wiped out.

And if you think I'm racist for saying so, you haven't lived in a multicultural city...and been close to "them". The africans are the most racist people I've ever encountered. Here in Norway they attack eachother based on solely their ethnic origin. Afrcans against pakistanis, vietnamese against iraqis, the gangs are all ethnically divided and HATE eachother! Just look at what's happening in the states with the mexicans and african americans...they're killing eachother on the basis of their skincolour! Just google it. Us "whiteys" are just bystanders, and when WE try to organize and say; listen we don't like this anymore, we're called racist. What a load of bullcrap.

4 Mar 2010
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Where are you going to move when the same will happen one day in Poland too?

When the day comes that Poland looks like England or France, then Europe will be in flames, so I don't see it happening in Poland like in the other nations overrun by African and Asian immigrants. There will be war in Europe first. Norway was one of the first nations to accept mass immigration in Europe and has had over 40 years of non-controlled immigration to it's nation. The result is absolutely devastating.

Poland does not have the wealth or resources to feed hundreds of thousands of Africans and Asians on welfare. So if Poland should somehow find vast amounts of gold or diamonds and become like Norway, then we can talk about what could happen. But I don't think Poland will have a problem with immigrants for at least another 50 years. And by that time "Western Europe" will be in turmoil, outbreak of civil unrest, small wars breaking out between Muslims and Christians, and the new world order police arresting and controlling as much as they can. Police state 2050, here we come.

I'm hoping Poland will be one of the few states that can keep out of this conflict rising on our horizon, and when the dust has settled and Europe cleans it's wounds...Poland can show the way on how to run a nation. Because England, France and Germany are headed for major unrest.

interesting the so many Poles have immigrated to other countries yet they want to keep their own insular to immigration.

Poles move to work and then one day return to Poland. Immigrants from Africa and Asia only come for passports, welfare and health care. They keep their identity, keep their religion but stay forever. Polish people work hard, build up houses back home and then eventually move back when the time is right. That might be 1 year, 5 years or even, as in my case 32 years. Same street, same neighbours, same house! The poles that don't go back to Poland, fully integrate into their new societies after 2nd and 3rd generations, take more normal names and you can't even see the difference. I know, because a big part of my Polish family settled in Norway because of my grandmother. If you saw her grand and great grandkids now you could not distinguish them from ordinary Norwegians. They have Norwegian names, speak Norwegian fluently, no Polish connections to really talk about and only know that their parents came from Poland when they were young themselves. White people coming to another white country equals peace and prosperity. Black people coming to white countries equal endless conflicts.

Is this hard to understand?
28 Feb 2010
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

But they act like one. That's why it's ok to describe them as as one. They always use phrases as "muslims of the world", and "we are hurt". Who are "we"? The muslims....in Norway they had a big demonstration the other day. There were probably muslims from 30 different countries there. They were all "together", "standing as one", they were all "victims".

If it looks like a muslim and talks like a muslim....then it's probably....a muslim. (No matter what country they are from).

28 Feb 2010
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

lets be serious in here , who the hell want it to live in poland ?

That is true Espana, nobody want's muslims to live in Poland. Thank you for clearing that up for us! But referring to muslims as "It", is a little strong. Remember, racism is forbidden on PF.
7 Feb 2010
History / Ukrainians working in Poland in the 90s [34]

"On December 7, 1970, West German Chancellor Willy Brandt travelled to Warsaw, Poland on a state visit meant to improve relations with Poland and the USSR. On that day, Brandt attended a commemoration of the Jewish victims of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising of 1943. Although it had been decades since the historic uprising and the end of the Holocaust, Brandt was aware of the importance of this official state visit. He would later describe his thoughts leading up to the event."

He didn't apologize to Poland, he apologized to the jews in Poland.

As to more apologies, I really don't need one. What was done was done, todays German people are not responsible for what the government did back in the 30's and 40's. If we go around playing the blame game, we would do no other thing. The only thing we can do is to make sure somehting like this never happens again. By that I mean no more brothers war. The Germanic and Slavic people may have their disitinct differences, but there is more that unites us than divides us.

The only people who still want to rip up old wounds and continue to "remember", are the chosen ones. They will NEVER forget. We, the poles, and the germans must get on with our lives, and make a better future for our children. Not instill them from birth with old war stories and atrocities. Yes, the history books should tell of them, but organized, institutionalized and publicly funded rememberance should be buried with the people who lived through and are now leaving us.

31 Jan 2010
News / The Economist: time to rethink old notions about Poland [67]

I would have never considered moving from Norway to Poland if I didn't think that Poland could give me the basic needs my family would need in order to live a happy and fulfulling life, around "my area", Katowice. Just look at the highways recently built (The A4). It connects me with my wifes family in Wroclaw and Zgorzelec, making it easier to visit them. The new malls being built will make it nice and interesting to go shopping. (They are much bigger than the ones here in Norway, and the selection is just as good, if not better, especially the deli...pierogies, kielbasas..). Where there was boring and no private companies, there are now electronic stores, real estate agents, banks and private schools. Poland is in the average or just above in all the economic rankings.

I can get everything I have in Norway, in Poland. And it will be a little exciting starting a "new life", getting to know new neighbours, new colleagues at work and seeing a different landscape every day. And what better place to do it, in a country that improves day by day, month by month, year by year? Actually seeing new buildings popping up, improved roads, new factories, new companies, improvement of excisting infrastructure.

In 10-20 years Poland will become a much more attractive place for europeans to settle. Instead of setting up shop in England or France, Poland will be just as attractive, not only for the financial opportunities but also geographical. Poland is smack in the middle, bordering to Germany on one side, and another powerhouse, Russia on the other. Cheaper labour, building costs and more willingness from the government to help foreign companies to set up shop will attrackt hundreds, even thousands of businesses in the next 10 to 20 years.

And I want to be a part of that, seeing that happen right in front of my eyes. I have friends that live in Poland, and they tell me all the time about these everyday improvements, and the article in the Economist just proves that what they are saying is true.

14 Dec 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]


Yes, that is why I don't condemn christianity to such a degree. It has it's positive sides too. As Poland will be one of the last countries to bow down to the new ruler because of this fact. Unlike France, England and Germany who have behaved like ****** to their new masters, entertaining and accepting every beating and abuse that have come their way. Even apologizing for not accepting it fast enough. What cowards.

But up here in the cold north, christianity was implemented with the sword and the blood of the heathens. And so they will loose it back to us again, when the day comes. Freedom over slavery, dignity over worshipping and real men's morals over a book written thousands of years ago.

If christianity is what is going to keep Europe from collapsing under muslim rule, hm, well, then maybe we need a new war. A war that will leave ethnic europeans as winners, but not with a religion with a bloody christ on a cross as the head of state, but our ancient belief systems in nature and dignity as our guiding light.

Things have to get much worse, before they become better. Getting rid of two religions in the process is not against me. Norse mythology is just that, mythology. It was THE PEOPLE who controlled life. The tribe. They just needed symbols and stories to make it more interesting, but they did not let a book control their everyday life. Christianity in the 1400's and islam today is two sides of the same coin. (Only we had a higher IQ).


p.s. I know about the black metal scene..it used to be big here...Brutal Butcher, reminds me of Destructions Mad Butcher...I have the album. Good german thrash metal from the 80's...who are still around...).
14 Dec 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

Hello Brutal Butcher (why this name... ;-))

No christian beliefs here. Since I grew up in Norway I found my salvation in the norse mythology. I wear my hammer of Thor proudly around my neck.

Not to say I'm against christianity, it is a significant part of everything our people have done for the last 2000 years. But when you scratch the surface and read up on the history, I'm sad to say, our progress as a people (The white european), it has not been BECAUSE of chrisianity, but in despite of it. Besides most western countries are now secular and christianity is only practiced for the sake of ceremonies and tradition in the family. But this dies out little by little as our older generations pass away. Too bad we allow another, ten times worse ideology to take it's place....

14 Dec 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

Well, maybe Poland used to be very tolerant to other faiths and relgions, but in today's political climate and the islamification of Europe going on full speed, we will soon learn that they are not as tolerant to us as we are to them. Here is an article from Turkey, "The most western", muslim state.

It's from the website Human rights service, and is partly in english and norwegian (commented);

"Fully 59 percent of those surveyed said non-Muslims either "should not" or "absolutely should not" be allowed to hold open meetings where they can discuss their ideas. Fifty-four percent said non-Muslims either "should not" or "absolutely should not" be allowed to publish literature that describes their faith.

The survey also found that almost 40 percent of the population of Turkey said they had "very negative" or "negative" views of Christians. In the random survey, 60 percent of those polled said there is one true religion; over 90 percent of the population of Turkey is Sunni Muslim."


So, if this is how it is to be christian in Turkey, the most secular, western muslim state in the world, how is it to be christian in Iran? Or Indonesia? Or Egypt? Compare this with how it is to be muslim in Germany or England. Or Norway.

Again, I hope people really don't believe they will let us keep our faith the day they outnumber us. Then it will be one of two; Taqqyia, which is a special tax for non-muslims or death. You choose!

Oh, and here is another one, just for the fun of it. This is from Spain,

It's not from a muslim country, but one of our favourite tourist destinations, the country that proclaims in it's tourist brochures that it has "everything under the sun". Unfortunately that includes muslims;

"In Tarragona, 100 kilometers south of Barcelona, the police and a judge are currently investigating the first known sharia court in Spain. According to tapped telephone conversations and the testimony of the victim, a 30-year-old woman from North Africa under the assumed name of Boshra, "20 turbaned men sentenced me to death". Her sin: having reported her partner to the police for threats following a disagreement over whether she should have the baby she was pregnant with by him. She wanted to have it; he did not. She was abducted and taken to a country house, where the sharia court deliberated for hours. The morning after, she was taken by a couple to a nearby house. At night, she overheard the couple arguing: the court had ordered the husband to kill her and the baby, and the wife was threatening to leave her husband if he carried out the sentence. Boshra took advantage of the confusion to flee."


So, yes, alot of peace and tolerance here. Maybe our ancestors did the right thing when they completely annihilated the muslims whenever they entered our territory. Maybe we shold consider it again...

13 Dec 2009
Life / Pictures of Poles [Everyday Life in Poland] [100]

McCoy; "Poles"? I don't understand your title. If you mean people with a Polish citizenship, they yes. But "Poles", as in ethnic poles, then no.

We have the same problem here in Norway. The other day the headline in our biggest newspapers said; "Norwegian sentenced to death". After checking out the article, it was a PAKISTANI man with a norwegian passport who was sentenced to death for raping and killing a 14 year old girl in his home country.

Most of the people in your post are not poles of ethnic origin, but have polish passports. That is not the same.

Just to clear out that misunderstanding.

12 Dec 2009
Travel / Polish Architecture [147]

Thanks to all the folks posting pictures here, some really nice ones! Pretty diverse and interesting to find all these styles and time-period houses all over the country. That is something that Norway could learn from. Too bad they killed our capitol in the 60's and 70's with modern concrete slab buildings next to old 18 century decorated buildings. Which makes Oslo seem like a schizophrenic nightmare.

I recently found out that my town of Mikolow has upgraded their website considerably with an excellent english version. Big thanks to whomever took the time to actually do this for a small city like that. They also made a birdseye view available with the possibility to click oneself around town to churches, botanical gardens and backstreets.



At the bottom of the page is the "Wirtualny spacer po Mikolowie"

Might take a few seconds to load completely, but worth the wait.

4 Dec 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

If you go to a new country it's obvious that you should adjust to the new culture and way of living. It works in both ways.

Yes. I have a cousin who works in the oil industry. He came to Norway from Poland when he was 14. By the time he finished college he had all A's, was in the norwegian american football team, got a black belt in Karate and got accepted to the navy flight school. (I always hated him....). But he was a polish kid with a norwegian grandmother and everything went well. Today he is married to a norwegian woman, has three daughters and life is good.

Then three years ago, his company got a big contract in Iran. He moved his whole family down there for a 2 year period. First thing they had to do is to remove any visible christian symbols (for fear of persecution or attacks), then they had to move into a camp for westeners, where they had security checks with armed guards. His wife had to wear a burka if she moved outside the camp, and the kids were not allowed outside without supervision. They had to obey all the muslim rules to the full, and were told not to behave "improperly" in official settings. Whatever that means. His mother came down to visit him too, and she also had to wear a burka. She was stopped at the airport for wearing a short sleeved shirt. Now, it's 40 degrees down there and they want a western woman to dress up all the way. Every day the yelling from the minarets would wake them in the early morning. There was no church nearby and anyhting they wanted to do, western style, they had to do at home. This obviously was not close to any "tourist" city or site, so they just had to deal with it. And they did. So why can't muslims who come to our countries accept our way of life and laws? Why do they want to bring the one thing that made their lives a living hell in their own countries with them here?

So, they can stuff their religion somewhere the sun doesn't shine, and they can shut up about minority rights until christianity is allowed freely in their own countries. Which is never going to happen...besides "minority rights", yeah, maybe they are a minority in Norway or Poland, but there are more IRANINANS living in Iran today, than Poles, Norwegians, Swedes, Finns, Danes and Icelanders TOGETHER living in our respective countries. And that is only 1 muslim country. So no minority, rather a majority.


Arabs are a plague. Poland needs some Israeli thinking going on....

Well, I have to admit, that the only language arabs and africans know, is violence, intimidation and brutality. If you can juggle these things, you will succeed in their nations. But if you are like Norwegian, honest, reserved and non-aggressive by nature, you are seen as a coward and weak. The violence and hierarchical behaviour in muslims come from their culture and is ingrained in their every day life. They are always in packs of three or more and enjoy using their basic primal instincts on us westeners. It's all about their "clan", or their "gang", or "their streets". They don't HAVE to be muslim to act like this, just look at the gangs in the U.S. But it's all running through their veins.

The way the Israeli treat the palestinians is from a humanistic perspective horrendous. And from that perspective I don't accept anyone treating another human being this way. But, and this is a BIG but, when you have to deal with arabs, or africans, the only language they understand is force and violence. If you don't use this correctly, they will overtake you. So, I understand that the Israelis act this way, because faced with millions of arabs, all thinking like I mentioned above, they are uncontrollable unless you use abslolute force. You see this from the U.S troops when they address and talk to people in Iraq and Afghanistan too. There is no room for "formalities" or "humanity". Just straight to the throat and hold it there. If it works, and is good for humanity...well that is another discussion.

So, I believe the Polish government needs to be really hard and brutal on the muslim immigrants that are in Poland, if they break the law. But also before they break it. They need to know that ANY kind of criminal activity will be put down, harshly! From my experience, that is only a question of time and mass before Poland is going to read about drug busts in immigrant areas and rapes of polish women. (the amount of immigrants it takes in order for them to feel comfortable enough to start breaking it is fairly low). If they break the law, take them down in the basement and let them have some polish justice, the old way, and then a one way ticket out! And the whole family with them. I heard about the polish prisons, and I don't think a muslim would feel welcome in a small room with 4 or 5 other polish guys...especially if the muslim did something to a polish person, like rape or steal. Here in Norway the majority of inmates in our prisons are muslim, so no need to fear anything from "local" norwegians. Besides the prisons here are 5 star hotels compared to a normal life in their country. So they don't give a ****.

3 Dec 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

Just wanted to add a small pdf file from the norwegian health departement over restaurants/bars closed since april 2009 in Oslo. 34 and counting.

Take a look at the names. The article says, many of the restaurants closed are so-called "repeat offenders", and some even opened without a permit after being closed the first time.


I don't know about you, but this is serious business, people eat at these places and in worst case scenario, people can get seriously ill. The government needs to clamp down on how easy it is to establish a restaurant or bar. It even says in the article that many of these restaurants are/were used as bases for selling drugs, illegally imported alcohol and cigarettes, employment of illegal immigrants, tax-evasion and they even found loaded weapons in some of the restaurants.


And this is not going to happen in Poland? Has the health authorities in Poland ever had such a control of Polands new kebab restaurants?


Just wanted to add this article from Rzeczpospolita about the Tatars and their relationship with the "new" muslims who have come to Poland. I believe some guy translated it from Polish to English.


Seems the "new arabs", don't like the Tatars too much and feel they are betraying "real islam". And vice versa, the Tatars don't pressure their women to wear veils and even put up christmas trees and paint eggs on easter. But the "new arabs" EXPLODE WITH RAGE when they hear that they have to adapt to the Polish way of life...wow. Now that's integration!

The article, which seems a bit old, says there are 5 times as many muslim arabs in Poland than Tatars. So, 5000 Tatars X5 = 25 000 muslim arabs in Poland (2004)?

28 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

Please show to a study or a newspaper article that shows that third-world muslim immigration to to any western country is a success.

I am waiting.

28 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

IIf my cat ever goes missing it would probably be because a bear ate it.. or a wiccan needed a sacrifice. That is closer to home for me, dariusz.

Hmm...I believe you think that immigrants work and act like "normal folks". They don't. You want to sue them. That is not going to work. They don't have any money, and the money they have they keep away from the governnment. This is the problem with some of you guys here on this forum. You think muslim immigrants are just white people with dark skin. They are not. They are fundementally different from "us" in every aspect of life.

We have families and law and order in society

They have klans and tribes

We have ethics and a sense of community

They have us versus them and everything is allowed

We have pride in our work ethic and paying taxes for the society

They see work as for weak people and taxes as stealing from them

This list can go on for a long time. I am astonished as to the blindness from some of you guys who claim that all they need is education. Listen, I don't want to start any "my race is better than your race" here, but look at Africa, look at the middle east, look at all those countries. They have nothing, nor will they ever get anything. Even with todays technology and scinence readlily available for anyone to use, they still live like our ancestors did thousands of years ago. That is because their IQ is much lower than ours. Yes, education can get them closer to what we have achieved here in the west, but not enough for them to fully become like us. But why would we want them to be like us? We should respect them for their culture and their way of life, and stop importing them here like some "social" experiment and think that they will become like us, if we just give them the same opportunities and education. It just doesn't work!

So, when you see them in their kebabshops, sitting outside flipping their beads, wearing their religious clothes, they do not want to be like us. And I don't want them too either. I want them to be in their own countries where they belong and they can thrive among themselves. Here they will never fit in.

Somalis are of subsaharan origin. This is widely accepted as being one of the poorest regions of the world, if not the poorest. People here have not developed since the dawn of mankind. Here rules the warlord and the witchdoctor. Somalis are the least integrated people of Norway. They are at the bottom of every statistic when it comes to work, integration, education. But they are top when it comes to crime, drugs and violence.

Here's a newslink from a norwegian newspaper that actually has a list of all the violence and murders they have commited just recently. It's called "Somalis more criminal":


The fact that they are also muslim just adds fuel to the fire. That someone actually manages to say that "we don't have any problems with muslims", is lying. And I will prove it, if he continues to say it.

Muslims in Poland will never integrate, they will never become "Polish". Nor do I want them to. And if some of you actually after all the links I have posted from half a dozen european countries and even the U.S. But maybe when it's your sister or your mother that get's robbed or raped that you will actually wake up and see the evil that is islam.

Islam and third world people is the absolutely worst combination one could get, and if we import that to Poland, then our country will be just like France or England in a matter of decades. Do you really want that? Riots in the streets of Warszawa and Krakow? The burning of shops and cars? The beating up of innocent old women and children because they are christian and "dirty", according to the "holy book" of the muslims?

Give me a fvcking break! Open your eyes! Education? What liberal leftist crap paper have you read? What sheltered city do you live in? Come outside and smell the kebabshops and listen to the words of allah from the minaret towers!

I grew up in the suburbs, I've attented a 50% muslim school, I've been in a mosque, I've seen stabbings, shootings, drugdeals, violence, rapes and all that comes with this religion. I'm not taling out of my ass behind the computer in some safe little area. I have my finger on the pulse of society, and it's fvcking a 110 and increasing.

25 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

Those kebob stores don't sound very kosher.

Oh, I don't know about that:

A man was arrested in Greeley early this morning just hours after a recent arrival to Fort Morgan was stabbed to death in front of her apartment house.

The woman, in her early 20s, is one of approximately 600 African refugees including Kenyans, Somalis and Nigerians living in the northeastern Colorado community, said Fort Morgan Police Chief Keith Kuretich.

It is the first homicide in Fort Morgan since Oct. 28, 2006.

samotalis.blogspot.com/2009/11/usa-somali-man-arrested-for-kill ing.html

Ali was one of seven Minneapolis-area Somali men killed over a 10-month period, and authorities believe all were killed by fellow Somalis. Police say it's too simple to tie all the killings to Somali gangs, which have lured hundreds of young community members to their ranks in recent years.

Minnesota Neighborhoods Struggle With Rise of Somali Gangs:


that as many as 80% of the Somali refugees entering the US may have done so illegally, here.:


A shooting rampage carried out by US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan that killed 13 and injured 31 in Fort hood, Texas has once again put Muslims in America under the spotlight - especially those serving in the army.


Obama acts as anti-Muslim anger threatens to engulf US


45 Muslim doctors planned US terror raids


And your prisons are filled with black men converting to allah. I havent' even looked for the kebab shops in the US, but why would they be any different from the ones in Europe? Did your cat go missing last night? Don't call Mai Lings Chinese restaurant!

Seems like you have your own problems with "dialogue"....

25 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was not an Islamophobic place. There were Muslim members of the gentry. Islamophobia is un-Polish. The initiator of this thread should stay in Norway. I suspect he fears Muslim food vendors "sperm filled sauces" because he already has too much sperm in his diet.

Oooh. What a response Des Esseintes. But you know, if you read some of the links I posted above..if you ate a kebab, there is a big chance that you actually got some kind of ratshit, sperm, asbestos, cockroaches, human feces, HUMAN PARTS, rotten meat, salmonella or any other ingridient you really shouldn't have in your food. But wait, it's ME, Dariusz, the HATER, who is the idiot for POINTING THIS OUT TO YOU. I'm sorry, of course, just go get your kebab Des Esseintes, bon appetit! (Don't worry if you get a little sick later, it's probably the flu).


p.s. about poland not being islamophobic..just wait. Besides I would call it, islam-critical, or islam-concious. Phobic is not the right word. You on the other hand are the one with the phobia here. Against sane and intelligent critisism of the "holy people of the prophet".