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Posts by nunczka  

Joined: 13 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Feb 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 457 / In This Archive: 192
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Honky style
Interests: loafing

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23 Feb 2011
Food / Paczki - Receipe for polish donuts [19]


Try this one.. I made them twice, and they came out perfect both times
20 Jan 2011
USA, Canada / Washington D.C. - major attractions, transportation? [5]

One can spend three days in DC, and still not see it all. The Smithsonian Institute is a must. You can spend a whole day in there and not see it all. Right across the street or mall is the Museum of NATURAL HISTORY.. Awesome! Right up the street is the Botanical Gardens.

There is too much to mention. But above all dont stray off of the beaten path.. Stay out of the subways. DC is a very dangerous city..


If you stay in the Mall. Everything is within walking distance.. The WASHINGTON MONUMENT
White House, Capitol Building,, This area is well patroled and you face no danger.

Good Luck
13 Jan 2011
USA, Canada / Things that Polish-American should know about Poland. [168]

P.S. We have been discussing the whole "Polish" thing lately at home. How American am I? I was born and raised in the US. I didn't know any Polish when I came here. I can speak ok now. I am married to a Pole, my kids were born in Poland and they speak Polish, but they are American, too. It is crazy!!!!

It is no crazier than in my case. My Mom and Dad immigrated to America in the early 1900.
Mine was a polish speaking household..My brother and I both went to a Polish Parochial schools taught by Nuns. We brushed up on the Polish grammer and history along with our regular American education. Although I speak a form of polish from my parents, it is a far cry from what I see on here.. I see words that I never heard of in my home. The same is with our Polish American music. To me Polish music in poland sucks. It sounds like a form of hip hop.

No thanks.. I will stick with my form of Polish culture. The bottom line is that I consider myself a 1st Generation Polish American. Most of all I consider myself as American as apple pie.

Even my Dad considered himself an American :)
4 Jan 2011
Love / I was raised in Poland. My Family hates my wife because she's American ... [69]

Wroclaw Boy:
Your mother thinks your wife is a slut, she does not trust her, she had in mind a nice virgin girl for her amazing son this didnt happen and she distrusts and thinks shes taken advantage of you.

Are there still any virgins over the age of fourteen,left in Poland ???
4 Jan 2011
Love / I was raised in Poland. My Family hates my wife because she's American ... [69]

it is probably more to do with the fact that she is an African/American.

Shes white dude, he posted a pic on another thread.

But didn't he claim that she was of a different race?..Give Mom a break. She has every right to express her view. After all, she raised him and wished for better expectations for her Son.
21 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Which countries are Americans usually traveling to? [114]

to be honest, she didn't speak highly of poland at all. she came to america, fell in love with it and was a very proud american citizen. she didn't even bother to speak polish to me at home, saw no point. she visited in the 70's for a few weeks and said she couldn't wait for it to be over. obviously, that didn't dissuade me ;)

HAH! Just as I thought. Unlike you I can speak polish. I was raised in a Polish speaking household.. i went to a Polish parochial school taught by Nuns.

My Father fought in WW1 in the American army where he earned his citizenship. My Mom also became a citizen. She and my Dad both loved America. One day as a kid, I asked my Dad if he would like to go back to Poland.. His answer was. Yes, but only to visit. With great pride, he said. I am an American. I will n ever leave.. Mom refused to speak Polish at all, only to my Dad who had trouble learning english..

You answered my question.
21 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Which countries are Americans usually traveling to? [114]

How do you as an American find todays Poland? Now that you have lived there for a couple of years, are you disappointed in the modern day Poland, as opposed to the Poland that was described by your parents? I know that I am. I lost any desire to visit Poland.
14 Dec 2010
Life / The most dissapointed with Poland are those who have Polish origins. [35]

maybe false) observation? Is it because those people have in mind the idealised view of Poland seeded in them by their parents/grandparents?

You hit the nail right on the head Zeti. We American Poles especially the first generation, only have what we were told by our parents.Most of us looked at the Poland that our parents described. We grew up living that life in America.. We went to polish Parochial schools taugh by Nuns. We were taught the Polish language, all of the ethnic holidays, we celebrated Wigilia

with our wujas and ciotkas and sang Kolendy.. We had the oplatek and all of the trappings that went along with Wielkanoc.. This is the Poland that we remember. Even our Polish American music goes back to yesteryear.. We intend to keep it that way.

Its true, things have changed, even here in America, our children have lost the ability to speak Polish. I blame it all on Globalization, MTV, Rap music, and the general decline of morals. I remember the day that when we married, we could be assured that our wifes were virgins. That is true here in America too. With the influx of foriegners you can expect more of a decline.

I think that Yescze Polska nie zgynila, is a thing of the past. ( Polska ist Kaput.. AMEN!
12 Dec 2010
Life / Polish-American Polka Music in Poland [60]

LOL! You are wasting your time. they in Poland dont have any idea how we play polish American music. Besides you forgot Marion Lush, and Stas Balunda.

LOL! I tried to prepare you as to what reaction you might get. Poland today is not the country that your parents described. We polish American live in a time bubble. We remember only what we were taught as kids from our (IMMIGRANT PEASANT PARENTS).. i say this with pride, for I have no regret that they were poor.. Thats why the left Poland. Modern day Poles couldn't make a pimple on our parents arsses.

Todays Poland is contaminated with Brits. So take that for what it is worth.(SIC) . They ***** about Poles invading England, but they do the same thing.
9 Dec 2010
UK, Ireland / Why British men move to Poland [63]

All kidding aside.. I often wondered why so many brits go to Poland.? The Poles are pouring into England and the opposite is happening with Brits going to Poland.. What is the attraction?

( Confused )
8 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

Again. debating with you is a lot of fun. I try for the life of me to understand why you champion blacks the way that you along with most Europeans do. But this is a question that i throw up my hands in despair.. I have no answer. But I grant all of you. This is your right to what ever makes you happy.. As for the guy in poland goes. I couldnt care less what the poles do. I am more concerned with the idiots in our government. I do not hate blacks. I have always stayed far away from them. I am very happy to associate with people of my choice. ( Caucasians).

You mentioned the rust belt in England. I can assure you the American rust belt is a sad situation. Most of opur manufacturing jobs have gone to other countries. In my mind the greed of the American worker and Unions are responsible..Tghey demanded more than the companies could afford. Thus, massive unemployment for all races.

You jest as to if I own a grand Torino.. No, but I could go and buy one any time i want. I am not filthy rich. But I owe my sucess to my immigrant father.. After WW2. America was on a roll. My Dad started a automotive machine shop and never had to look back. My brother and I inherited the business. No we never employed blacks ( Wink) I am sure that would be your next question.

8 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

I suppose it is similar in the way many Americans beat themselves up with the Native American history/Slavery etc.

Again, you mention slavery. In my life time I never witnessed any slavery.. So I have no guilt complex. Everything that I own, I earned by my own labor.. Now do I feel and anamosity to blacks.. Damn right I do. Our Chicken **** Senate just awarded the black farmer $50,000.00 for some kind of stupid injustice that they endured a couple hundred yaers ago. What does that have to do with present day blacks. Now they are screaming for reperations for past injustice. Bull ****.. Not with my hard owned buck.

You speak of immigrants entering the Isles. HAH! Just what do you think is happening in America? Our southern borders are being invaded by Latinos.. The west coast is having problems with Asians being smuggled in. Muslims are penetrating our northern borders.. our east coast is fighting an influx of Haitians, Cubans, latin Americans and whatever.. So you go ahead and tell me about your immigration problem Thank God the America is a big country.. We have states with less than 1% blacks.. When it gets to a point where I feel threatened then I will move on.. But as for now, I am far removed from any blacks. They couldnt afford to move in my neighborhood. (Smirk)
8 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

I watched this thread from the very begining. I even added my thoughts. But I ended up as confused as ever. Why? are there so many different opinions? I noticed that the majority of so called racist are from the states as compared to the liberal Europeans. Could it be that we Americans have been exposed to the great number of blacks ( 13,500.000) that reside here, and have more experience with them than the Europeans? Does anyone really know how many blacks there are in present day Europe?

Can anybody come up with a sensible answer.. I for one am willing to listen.
6 Dec 2010
Life / Polish-American Polka Music in Poland [60]

LOL! You are wasting your time. they in poland dont have any idea how we play polish American music. Besides you forgot Marion Lush, and Stas Balunda.

6 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

That's true, PP. They do seem to suffer from the Lib hypocrisy that way while looking down their noses at us.
And they still haven't learned their lesson about letting third world minorities overrun their nation, culture and society... They throw out the Welcome mat.

A lot is true in what you said.. But lets be honest about it.Dont we in The states do the same thing. We know exactly what problems we have with the minorities, but yet we are devided on what to do about it. We have the liberals. Most who are wealthy. telling us that we should exist together.. but yet these same people who most are filthy rich, live in guarded estates far removed from the crime. I feel sorry for the little guy who cant move away from the violence.. We have a president who wont protect our southern border from drug dealers, while American lives are at stake. But yet he sends troops to the middle east to protect people that hate us.

No. Before we can tell others of the forthcoming problem.. We have to get our house in order.. We can only warn them, and hope they get the message,
6 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

re exists a sizable group in the UK that see Poles the same way as you see minorities in the States.

AHA! Now the truth comes out.. We Americans are racist.. But Englanders are allowed to discriminte.. OK1 Now I understand.. Its a double standard. Uh HUH

Very much like WW2.. The English refered to us GI's as . As over paid, over sexed, and over here..