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Posts by yehudi  

Joined: 27 Jul 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Sep 2020
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 433 / In This Archive: 212
From: tel aviv
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: history

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17 Jul 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

ethnic and racial diversity or cultural diversity.

Ethnic, racial and cultural diversity are all good, but only if it's done in small doses. No country should be excpected to commit cultural suicide just to be nice to immigrants. But when it's done carefully, it enriches a country in every way: through cultural cross-pollenization it enriches the music and literature, and a bit of racial diversity can actually improve the gene pool by minimizing the chances for genetic diseases. The fact is that the US is one of the most mixed societies inthe world and look what it achieved. Israel is ,on the one hand, mostly Jewish, but on the other hand we absorb Jews from every part of the world so there's an incredible amount of cultural diversity and cross-fertilization. I think that a lot of what we accomplished in a short time is because of that diversity.
20 Jun 2011
Life / The day Poland ran out of artists. [40]

Thanks for confirming that your objection is not patriotic but actually just racist.

I would hope that if the artist in question was a polish jew he wouldn't object. But she's actually an Israeli living part time in Amsterdam, so I find it odd that she was chosen by Poland. Her work relates to Poland but it's not Polish. Maybe poland really did run out of artists.
21 Feb 2011
History / Insoluble Judaeo-Polish imbroglio? [44]

Plenty of countries lets Jews live without any restrictions. Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar...

Please say you're joking. There is not one Jew living in Jordan except the Israeli ambassador. There is not one functioning Jewish community left in any Arab country except Morocco.
21 Feb 2011
History / Insoluble Judaeo-Polish imbroglio? [44]

See,this is why,in general the poles fcuking hate you lot, at least in my country most jews,by fact of them being here,arent stupid zionist fascists.

What the fck are you talking about?! I re-read my comment and then your insane rant and I honestly don't know what set you off. I never said anything that you accuse me of saying. I just sent you a caveat that TV shows are not necessarily accurate history, and that the summary on their website sounded more arab-oriented than Jewish oriented (not a rare thing in Europe, not even rare in Israel) and you go flying off the handle with all kinds of imagined things that I never said. I wouldn't recommend Exodus as a source of history either. But you hear what you want to hear (there are medications for that problem). Just like you fabricated statements I never made and opinions I never expressed, your lot fabricate all kinds of nonsense about Israelis and what we think and do. The picture in your mind about who we are is a figment of your imagination fed by crap that you read on the internet. It has nothing at all to do with what we are, or what Israel is all about. You are ignorant and, apparently, deranged.
20 Feb 2011
History / Insoluble Judaeo-Polish imbroglio? [44]

heres a very interesting drama being shown here in the UK at the minute, The Promise, filmed in your neck of the woods,

I didn't see it or hear of it till now. From what I see i the website, it's telling the arab narrative of what happened. It might be good television drama but don't assume that it's history.
20 Feb 2011
History / Insoluble Judaeo-Polish imbroglio? [44]

y question is whether ongoing mutual Judaeo-Polish recrimiantion will ever be soluble.

Is it really important anymore? Our two peoples are no longer living together. Our two countries get along fine.
26 Jul 2010
Genealogy / I'm looking for family history information - Martha Forbrich [7]

JESKE: possibly adaptation of the Jewish girl's first name Yiska.

Very unlikely. Yiska is a rarely used name among Jews in the last 4000 years, although it may have a comeback one day. It was the name of Abraham's niece.

I did hear of the name Yissachar being shortened to Yiska.
7 Jul 2010
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

in practical sense Christians are Jews whom accepted Jesus as the Messiah whom was to come.

Not quite. The first christians were. But then Paul opened up membership to non-Jews. And later still, Constantine made it the official religion of the roman empire. By then your religion bore very little resemblance to the original, and Jesus went far beyond being merely the Messiah – he became the deity himself. Where did that idea come from? It couldn't have been from us.
17 May 2010
History / Casimir the Great (Kazimierz Wielki) started anti-Semitism? [101]

the fact is there's a guy or several people who using sockpuppet accounts start topics about Jews

I find it odd too that there are so many threads about Jews. But I swear I'm not polonius or anyone else. I have only this one account and I don't start threads. When I see a comment about Jews or Israel, I react. You, on the other hand, Sokrates write more about Jews than anyone else. If you don't care, why do you have so much to say?
17 May 2010
History / Casimir the Great (Kazimierz Wielki) started anti-Semitism? [101]

He and his successors effectively gave Jews the right to live a life of their own, regulated only by their own Judaic laws

It's not as if everyone had one situation and the Jews had another one. In medieval times there was no such thing as a "regular Pole" and there was not one body of law that all were equally bound to except the Jews. People were either nobles, clergy, burgers, peasants... or Jews. We were a socio/religious/economic class. And each class had it's legal privileges and/or burdens. So there were privileges for Jews but there were severe limitations too. Jews didn't own land and neither did peasants. Jews had their own courts and so did the clergy.

So I don't think our "privileges" created anti-semitism. Anti-Jewish feeling was an ingrained part of European Christian culture and it needed no help from King Casimir.
29 Apr 2010
News / Changing Face in Poland: Skinnhead Puts on a Skullcap [90]

i hate Israel and dislike Israeli Jews because you guys stand against everything i believe,

The problem is that you believe all the bullsht arab propaganda that says we stole their country. What country did we steal from? There was no arab country here. There were arab people, and there still are. And if you look west from here to gibralatar and to the east from here to iraq there are arab countries as far as the eye can see.
28 Apr 2010
News / Changing Face in Poland: Skinnhead Puts on a Skullcap [90]

You mean like they do in Palestine? Or like they do visiting Poland and beating up polish citizens?

And what it must be doing to the people of Israel and Palestine.

However, they do want your internal organs like kidneys or liver so they can sell them on black market.

The IDF is borderline neo-Nazi

Zionists are the demons of the Earth.

A simple story about a skinhead turning into the very person he used to hate – sounds like a good human interest story. But on Polish forum this creates a frenzy of nasty comments about Israel, Jew and Zionism and calls by Sokrates to kill Israelis. You're a sick lot of losers.

Meanwhile here in Israel, the weather today is balmy. The beaches are full of happy bathers (arabs too). The streets of my town are full of shoppers, and the parks have kids playing. The Israeli economy is doing well. The wheat in the fields is being harvested and there's a nice smell of orange blossoms in the air. I drove out to Jerusalem last night for dinner and had a lovely time. Lots of tourists around. The view of the full moon over the hills around Jerusalem was beautiful. Thank G-d, life here is great.
27 Apr 2010
News / Changing Face in Poland: Skinnhead Puts on a Skullcap [90]

Before that he used to harass Jews, now he found out he is one himself, then changed to harassing whoever is now his enemy as he is being told now...

Which people do you think an orthodox jew in Warsaw is going to harass? Why do you have to judge everyone badly? I don't know this person or his personality, but I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt. If the story is true and he was confronted suddenly with the truth about his identity he could have reacted in much less constructive ways. Instead he undertook to change his life and try to repent. I hope he succeeds and that you all stop being so cynical.

Well, if they have moved on, don't adhere to their dark age traditions anymore nobody would call them "Orthodox" or even "Ultra" anymore, because they aren't.

...and here you're using circular reasoning.
First you claim that orthodox jews are backward and have dark age traditions (an odd accusation coming from a pagan). Then when confronted with the fact that many orthodox jews are wonderful, progressive people, you state that this makes them no longer orthodox – because they don't meet your definition of "orthodox".
6 Apr 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

The source is the palestinian prisoners themselves. I see you don't believe that the Jerusalem Post is capable of writing a factual news story and must have made up the quote. So here's the story from the site of the Palestinian news agency Maan:
6 Apr 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

I just came across an interesting article that should put an end to the nonsense about Israelis raping palestinian women, whether in prison or elsewhere:


The key sentence is this statement by female prisoners:
"Those who think that a Palestinian female prisoner is raped when she's arrested are living in an illusion and are mistaken," the female prisoners said. "There has never been such a case. Nor have we heard of a Palestinian family that killed their daughter after her release."
26 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

as most Israelis are undoubtedly very nationalistic and willing to go to great lengths to preserve their homeland

Most Israelis are patriotic but not fanatical about it. I don't know any Israelis who think supporting rapists will help preserve the homeland. Is that the way people think in Iran?
25 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Now I opened the other 2 links. One is identical to the first one about the case of the girl on the airbase and nothing to do with palestinians. And one indeed talks about Israeli interrogators raping palestinian prisoners. The source is Turkish quoting palestinians, so I'm skeptical about the truth of the report. Is there any corroboration of the report from any other source?

The accusation was made in 2004, six years ago. If this turned out to be true, it's hard to imagine that no one would know about it here where everyone talks about everything and everyone knows someone in the Shabak. The left wing press lives to expose scandals like this and would have put it on the front page of every newspaper, and yet I've never heard anything about it. So I doubt that it's true.
24 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Bratwurst Boy:
Do you have a link for me Gruni? :)
But I just show you the links in post 227#
(check the third one)

So that's Grunwald's proof of Israelis raping palestinian women!? In the case you brought up from 2006, an Israeli girl, the daughter of an Israeli officer on an airbase was having sex with soldiers on the base. She was a minor and this was a sex crime. The case was investigated by both the police and the military police. The soldiers were punished. You've proven the obvious fact that Israel, like any society in the world, has cases of sex crimes. The good news is that we have a police and justice system that prosecutes offenders.

But where are the israeli soldiers raping palestinian women that the persian is so certain of?
23 Mar 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

You people are all crazy! Why would Israel bomb Poland? Why not Portugal or Mauritius? Look how a stupid quote taken out of context from an article written in 2003 about something else has generated so many comments.

"Our race is the Master Race.

This quote is totally manufactured. If you believe that Menachem Begin actually said this then you are an idiot. Where is your source, Stormfront?
23 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

It's clear that you've already made up your minds so I'm not even going to bother,

It's clear you've made up your mind. You make allegations based on anti-israel propaganda and when you can't prove your allegations you call the other side close-minded. Your world-class education seems to be lacking something.
22 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

You seem to be under the illusion that the Palestinians were a bunch of nobodies before you people came along and that they have somehow benefited

Before Zionism came along, palestine was a primitive neglected region of the Ottoman empire with no industry or infrastructure to speak of. Other parts of the Arab world, such as Iraq and Egypt, were far more developed. Zionist immigration created jobs for people from surrounding regions, which explains the dramatic increase in Arab population during the 1st half of the 20th century. After 1948, the west bank was under jordanian rule and gaza was under egyptian rule and they were worse off than under the british. Since 1967 when we took over, both areas grew in terms of economy, education and healthcare. Until the intifada, tens of thousands of palestinians worked in Israel and their economy was growing. All the problems they have now are due to their violent struggle against israel, which continued even after we left Gaza.
22 Mar 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

And here we have a typical child of Jewish indoctrination "the world murdered Jewzz!!!!11"

Are you saying that the French police did not round up the Jews of Paris and that Lithuanians and Latvians didn't help murder their Jews and that the Croatians didn't participate? These are facts. You can explain the reasons all you want, but you can't deny that it happened. It wasn't one man and it wasn't one nation that did this.
22 Mar 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

You're all talking about why Hitler wanted to kill the jews. There are all kinds of nutjobs who think that killing the Jews will save the world. You can find them in the gutters of any city and even on this forum. The real question is how this maniac got the cultured German nation to carry it out. And how did the Germans get the Balts, Ukrainians and French (and others) to help them murder. So why ask about Hitler? Ask why Europe wanted to kill the Jews.
22 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

No rights to education, inferior healthcare compared to Israeli's,

You can repeat bullsh*t as many times as you want and it still won't make it true.
As far as rights to education: There were no palestinian universities in the west bank before the israeli takeover in 1967. Not one. Now there are 7 universities. And palestinians also study at Hebrew University, Haifa University, Ben Gurion U and elsewhere in Israel.

As far as healthcare, here you really show your ignorance. Every hospital in Israel, particularly those in Jerusalem, has plenty of arab patients and staff both from Israel proper and the "territories", as you'll see in this article:

18 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

My point was that loads of people died in Europe and the same is happening in Palestine today.

And what a superficial and ludicrous point it is.
Lots of people died here and lots of people died there. So it must be a similar situation.
Except that Germany really was trying to create an empire while Israel is about the size of Wales and is not looking to conquer any territory beyond what it now controls. You can say we don't have a right to have any territory at all including the ground we're standing on, but that doesn't make us empire builders. Oh, and there was that detail of ghettos, death trains going to extermination camps, crematoriums and an industrialized program to exterminate an entire people, men women and children that succeeded in killing 6 million or so Jews and millions of non-Jews. I guess that's the same as the 1300 killed unintentionally in the fighting between Hamas and Israel.

Stop throwing around your recycled propaganda as if it was an informed opinion.
15 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

The best revenge? What revenge? Revenge for what the Nazi's and Europeans did to your people?

No. Revenge against idiots like you who would like to see us fail.

How many Palestinian lives will it cost to finish building your country?

Actually it's the other way around: Israeli prosperity benefits palestinians, increasing jobs. Palestinian prosperity is good for us too because it tends to encourage moderation. It doesn't have to be a zero sum game.

Or barking "dogs" as you so racistly put it.

The barking dogs reference was not about Arabs but about people like you who keep criticizing while we build the country. Dogs can come from any race.