Love /
Prevention of child abduction by Polish mother. [232]
OK ... the first thing you have to do is: forget ALL of your (our) English understanding of children's rights, rights of the father, right of the child to have contact with the father, the father's family (grandparents, for example), etc. etc. etc.
This is a different ball game now, and I think what you probably really need from this site is some setting out of the rules so you know at least what game you are trying to play. (I know: English response: 'But it is not a game ... I want to be utterly fair ... this is my child's life ... but I also respect the mother's right to a happy life ... I just want my child to have access to the loving support of both sides of her family ...' - FORGET IT - that will not wash here - that will just been seen as weakness on your part ... more of which later.)
It is a different ball game, and frankly it is hard-ball now.
Point no. 1: Poland is a matriarchal society. Don't even think of underestimating what that means.
Point no. 2: Following on, what the lady wants, the lady either gets the easy way, or the hard way, but she ALWAYS gets it. (trust me ... I have been an undercover anthropologist surviving on berries in this Polish-English jungle for some years now ...)
3: Do not even begin to expect any kind of decency, or 'normal' reactions from your Polish baby-mama. I can tell you now what she is saying and planning:
- You are either a waste of space, or a bastard, or both. She may elaborate on this with tales of beating, etc. - I don't know - maybe you ARE a bastard - you haven't said why you aren't together - but I imagine it was more along the lines of you loved her, she appeared to love you, she had the baby, she ditched you for no solid reason ...
- The only sensible thing that a self-respecting mother could do would be to make her own way in life.
- She doesn't want or need your help, thank you very much. She has a lovely baby, and her life planned out. Back to Poland. Back to her family. A new guy (or an old one resurfaced.) No you. Ever.
The clans will gather around her. Beaux will surface (if one hasn't already - I very much doubt she sleeps alone). The baby will be at the heart of the family. Her new accessory. She will parade proudly and show off her mothering skills. Everyone will say what a beautiful baby. Nobody will EVER mention you, apart from when she signals the ok to lay into you - in which case, you will be reviled for one reason or another, and the great sensibleness of having got rid of you be vaunted.
4. Nobody will EVER even suggest, let alone think, that the baby lacks anything in its life by not having you there. The baby came from the woman. It is her possession. In her arms. You are entirely superfluous to requirements now.
I am really sorry to say all this. It is so hard for us to understand and accept. And of course, you don't and shouldn't accept it, and you must challenge it and must use all the rigours of the law to make sure that you have a place in your child's life. You sound a decent guy, and I am sure you will be sensitive to the child's happiness, and not forcing the issue ... but if you honestly haven't done anything horrible or antisocial to cause the break up, and it's just that she doesn't want you, then of course she has no right to speak for your child as well.
It sounds like you are doing the best thing. And I think the sanest way to go about it is to try not to engage emotionally (well, obviously very hard not to, but you will achieve more, and lose less years off your life, if you try to focus and be calm - in the way, I am sure, she is being). You need to get the DNA test. You need to establish paternity, and have it on a piece of paper. You need then simply to go to court and apply for access to your child. You will get it, without doubt. If she goes to Poland, go as well. Get it through the courts in Poland. Do NOT let her take your child away from its father.
Of course, it's always better to agree out of court - but trust me, if the roles were even a tiny bit reversed, she would be down the court like lightning. She will have absolute conviction that she is in the right - remember that. That is why I say you can't even begin to engage with this emotionally, because you will be breathless with outrage before you've even started.
Plod calmly and unemotionally through the courts. It will cost. Time, money and stress. But you will get there. I really don't think she should be allowed to get away with this.
And be very careful that you don't do anything, or give anyone any information, that could be used against you. You can't really trust any mutual friends. They will swear blind not to tell, etc etc, and then will be texting her in the loo while still at your house. Trust me also on this. It is that bad.
My wider theory is that this and other behaviours have a significant root in the pressure of living in times of war. Neighbour sells neighbour. Everything is weighed up in terms of the bottom line. Action is decisive. There is no regret, and no conscience.
Very best of luck to you. This is why we have courts. Use them.
Oh, and about niceness being weakness ...
The strongest wins. The strongest is the one who uses everything to their advantage, who hits below the belt without hesitancy, and who sleeps well at night, in the comfortable conviction of their absolute right.
You feel you should rise to the challenge, and be the best of yourself. The English way to do this is to be particularly understanding, fair, and forgiving. It is to give the benefit of the doubt. It is - and I am not a practiser of any religion, by the way - but it is a genuinely Christian approach.
This will be seen by her as laughable weakness, and an open invitation to trample even more firmly over your requests and propositions.
So don't be upset by that. It's just the way it is.