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Posts by Sasha  

Joined: 19 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Oct 2015
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 1083 / In This Archive: 320
From: Moscow/Kyiv
Speaks Polish?: Russian, English, Swedish, Ukrainian
Interests: Slavic countries, politics, languages, culture, people

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8 Dec 2010
News / Medvedev in Poland [28]

One cannot trust a Russian.

One cannot, dwoe mogut.

Cheats and crooks, all of them.

Amen! :)

That's a little harsh, is it not?

Absolutely not. If not that kind of people that would be harder to make money, at least for me. They bear no nationality, they're all about the same here in Russia and anywhere else in the world.

Nanopresident (as we call him here due to his height of 162cm and fancy for nanotechnologies) unlike putin has a heart. That's what I have to admit after him being at the helm for a couple years. He's not a gifted leader, yet the positive trend in liberalization (though faint) is clear.

The step however is not disinterested. From what I see they're expecting similar for 80 thousand Soviet POWs of the Pol.-Bol. wojna.
7 Dec 2010
News / Medvedev in Poland [28]

Only one third of them survived.

Darren, could you please make your "good point" blue (i.e. with a prooflink) instead of bold black so that it doesn't sound like an ad hominem statement. I believe that you read it somewhere, I just ask that you share the knowledge with me who has never hitherto heard of such figures.

P.S. You may as well keep counting heads... There's a high chance that some Pole has just drunk oneself to death in some retired Siberian village.
7 Oct 2010
News / Does it seem to you that Russia loves Poland now? [35]

They made the stupid decision of giving Chechens some latitude and they have paid for that with a lot of blood. Poles are good enough to treat groups like their Tatars with respect. Russians tend to be more chauvinistic.

For the first, don't you see inconsistency of your statement? Or what you mean by "latitude"?
The latitude had been given to them long before the first Chechen war. They felt free at 80th... they felt free to do whatever some Chechen groups wanted and get away unpunished. From my perspective that was a leading cause for the starting the war.

A bit of figures... Migration of the Russians from Chechnya in 1988-1989 was 5 times bigger than that of 1978-1979. It took ten years to shorten the Russian population in Chechnya tenfold from 30% in 1989 to 3,7% in 2002. Genocide? Yes. Who's responsible? Some Chechen bandgroups and the Russian government which turned a blind eye onto it.

My parents' apartment was downtown on Partizanskaya St., opposite the Republic's Art Foundation. From their 4th floor, they witnessed
the scene, which soon became an ordinary sight in many parts of the city. A few Russians were passing by the Republic's Art Foundation Building. A car "Volga" passed by and then stopped. Some armed Chechens got out of the car and shot down the poor guys with their automatic guns. Then slowly got into the car and drove away. After this horrible scene, which was witnessed by my parents, they understood at last what "independent Ichkeria" meant.

Roy Conrad. Grozny... a few days
Roy Conrad

Of course later, especially when putin finally came to power the crimes became mutual. The Russian part of the crimes are well described in Putinskaja Rossija (putin's Russia) and in vtoraja Chechenskaja (the second Chechen (war) by Politkovskaja. However she doesn't almost dwell on Chechen crimes.

And yes, we treat Tatars well too, but there's much difference between a Chechen and a Tatar as between Chuckchee and a Jew. One can hardly deal with those who have no respect for your faith, your lifestyle, your values.

I would be happy to see Chechens equal part of our society, fully integrated into it but it will take time. It's not going to happen when either putin or kadyrov are at the helm.

Another thing that struck my eye in your statement was the word "chauvinistic". Yes we are chauvinistic towards Chechen (not towards Tatars) but it couldn't be otherwise since the policy of our government is to trigger such a mood in the society, to make us hate Chechens, to make the conflict endless.

Poles may feel some bad will towards certain foreigners but they tend not to act on it like Russians do.

An offtop.... I heard from a Russian Pole (who don't speak Polish though) that a cashier on a station didn't want to sell tickets to Szczecin cause he couldn't say the name of the city Polish enough. An older Pole who stayed next in the line helped him...

I can't imagine a Russian being that chauvinistic.
6 Oct 2010
News / Does it seem to you that Russia loves Poland now? [35]

Does it seem to you that Russia loves Poland now?

Well... since the basic strategy has remained the same since mr.Poo was enthroned, you can't really expect anything new from the Russian government at that point. Putin is a vindictive and a small man (both physically and spiritually) who has no respect towards people whatsoever, be one a Pole or a Russian. The only thing that has recently offered a little hope was that Medvedev as a man of naturally higher moral standards than those of Putin could propose a different strategy. We'll see...

To my great misfortune I should agree with the above point that in putin's Russia money and the force are the only two motive powers of the regime. Human is nothing here.

As for the Russians ourselves... well I'm sure that the vast majority has at the very least never been hostile towards Poles. On a personal level I don't know of any occasion when a Russian and a Pole didn't get along well. The only my worry was that the younger generation of Russians simply don't know much about Poland and don't show the interest to learn anything thereof. Somewhat of a vicious circle. However since more and more people can afford to travel abroad, choose philological specialization in unis or even simply use the Internet the interest gets stirred. Tragic events in Smolensk has played a large part too.
2 Oct 2010
Love / Are Polish and Slavic men perhaps a little bit insecure sometimes? [113]

Probably the first thread where I fully agree with Nat and sympathize with him being treated so unfair.
Nonsense, different people prefer different types. If you see something as insecurity or babyhood another gal may see that as sensitiveness and zest for life. I believe you need to date a Muslim Caucasian to feel that difference...

As for being selective... well how many men here do you think would like to date you considering all you've already said?
1 Oct 2010
Life / Poles - what other nationality would you say you are most like? [125]

Actually judging by what I've read Hungary was better for Poland as an enemy cooperating with the Nazis then the Soviet Union as an "ally" fighting the Nazis, ironically...

I don't think such a judgment is relevant. Hungary was a pawn in the battle of giants: no matter who they allied with as long as they could change nothing. Romanians collaborated with Nazis too... did they "hurt" you as much as the SU did? They didn't or to be precise they didn't impact you as much as the SU did, cause they weren't those who shared the pie either.

The question is would Poland have been given any independence (even that under the nazi-puppet regime), if the Soviets lost the war?

As for the topic I believe it's the matter of personal opinion. One could find similarities in any nation depending on one's personal attitude towards a nation.
17 Sep 2010
Life / Polish are some of the best educated in the world [35]

Slowly imagine the concept of censorship, denouciations, and SB aresting people who did not share the traitors' version of economics, politics, literature, and history.

Got your point but don't you think that freedom of thought doesn't guarantee a higher educational level? Even then one should keep in mind that freedom particularly intellectual is a very subjective concept. I for one can't say that people have become significantly more free since the commies. It's a tool of impact upon people's minds that is altered.

If you want I can share some of my observations on the Russian society... People here have become more rude (in my mind it's somewhat of "less intellectual"), less educated in terms of their own language and general outlook, more educated in terms of foreign languages. Can't tell anything for certain about the exact sciences.

Yes, people have more sources to sip knowledge at, but a few takes advantage of this.

Or else it's only speculations.

I believe

Ta det lugnt. :) Jag tror att det var inget mer än hennes egna åsikt som alla har rätt på.
11 Sep 2010
Food / Good way for crunchy fish crisps [4]

Karaski w śmietanie (crucians stewed in sour cream -- kak nazywajetsja eto pa russki?

Very similar. Karasiki v smetane.

It's a popular dish in Russia. :)
9 Sep 2010

which played "Kalinka-malinka", the only song your culture managed to bring into this world.


Well, if your creation is also a Soviet fault I'm ready to agree that nation had no rights to exist...
3 Sep 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Who did I label, Sasha? Sorry, I'm not with you on this one :)

Not you Seanus that must have been your alter ego:

They don't like gays, fine, that's their perogative.

What in the world makes you feel that "we" don't like gays?

people are not chickens.

I was just coming up with an example from the animal world as a respond to the message.

So over 200 species of mammals, I didn't count the birds, 130 species of fish and a zillion species of insects are all sick ... is that what you are saying?

Well... are you being serious right now? Is it that hard to draw the proper conclusion from the text? If some people are gays does that mean that all people are gays?

that's hilarious!

it's as hilarious as when some office managers claim being gay is not an illness.

why people hate each other so much? i thought that we are all the same...

Where's Sean with his "some hate some don't"? yet I don't know what it has to do with what trener has said. Really in this thread I see only one type of hatred: it's when those who claim being homosexual is not an illness hate those who just say "well... let's see... things are a bit more complicated than that".

Yes from my personal point of view being gay is an illness and I argue in that favour. My arguments seem ridiculous to you but... Bozhe moy... look at yours guys....
31 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

When it comes to the kind of people who started this thread, the best treatment is a double injection of 9.1grams of copper to the centre of the chest.

Harry, yesterday I listened to your buddy Vitia Suvorov on radio "Echo Moskvi". Please when you meet him next time tell him he's "peace-door-ball". Very easy to remember for an English speaker and makes sense in Russian. This is the word that we use here to describe those who use words lightly. Same goes for you as far as I can see...

Any treatment for those that blindly label others?

That's accurately what you did.
How're we going to treat you?

I think I understood fully well what you said.

I think you did but you didn't draw right conclusion out of it. This that you used as an argument to prove homosexuality "biologically normal" proves only the fact of its existence in the animal world. No one here argues that. But that doesn't mean it's not an illness? Have you ever kept fowls? At times hens got crazy and fully take rooster's functions upon themselves. They start to crow and feather other hens. Such hens go straight to soup as they lose their natural functions.

how about the fact blokes love a finger/butplug up their ar*e?

Blokes love to kiss too. However not every bloke wants to be kissed by another.

As long as it doesn't hurt others, what's your problem with it?

There's no problem with it as long as it doesn't hurt or involve others.
30 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Because sth doesn't bring socially desirable outcomes, it doesn't make it an illness but an inconvenience, Sasha.

So you don't see Tourette's as a decease, right? :)

Homosexuality is a condition of nature. Tell me this, why do most people go to the doctor for heavy flu, acne or fever and NOT for being homosexual?

Some people go to doctor (at least they're trying to find one) for being homosexual. However I'll tell you why...
Firstly, because some interest group of people decided that it wouldn't be an illness. That's all I can tell you on that and I don't think anyone here can add smth to it. The latter is the consequence of the first: Homosexuals are convinced it's normal or if they're not convinced they can't get/don't know where to get a proper treatment.

Health has a broader ambit than you are giving it.

Sean I appreciate your play of words but it's actually me who gave to the "health" broader ambit (thanks for the new vocabulary) than you had given a message ago. I said that "poor health" might not be that at a first glance yet could lead to death and maybe not of individual but of a people.

Gays can often be flamboyant types and therefore want to show. How many people with those diseases you mentioned want to show off their Tourette's? I mean, come on! Gays feel they are showing love through exhibitionism, rightly or wrongly. Other diseases show death. Do you see now?

Sean I see you stubbornly circumlocutionizing. Those who are flamboyant probably the worst type of gays since many of them are in fact not ones, but this is their "lifestyle" which gave them certain benefits. Of course you know that there are young boys who are not gays but they sell their a$$es to old fags to earn money. Take off your pink glasses, Sean they do exist and they are creatures of this flamboyant advertisement of gay's lifestyle.

You see these part of their life just because it strikes one's eye by its rebellious nature. Whereas many homosexuals don't want that and probably suffer from the decease.

Sasha, be my guest if you want to play the hypothetical game. We could have fun with it. The facts are as the facts are. There are few gays in almost any country you choose, relative to the overall population. Some have more than others and act accordingly in terms of education and social provision.

You're right in that nothing can be said now for sure. I can't tell for ex that the growth of homosexuality (which is now allegedly related to the fact that those who had to hide now can reveal themselves) will continue in the future but unlike you I don't see any hypothetical "facts" for all of your optimistic statements either, particularly considering that significant portion of the medical society still think it's a decease.

Sean you're well-known for your might to play devil's advocate. What does prevent you now see from a different point on that problem, I wonder? You seem to turn a blind eye on all of my examples.

Which facts?

If many people were to wake up and realise that we all descended from Africa, how would they feel?

Don't they know it? How do you feel? :)

If homosexuality should be perceived as an illness, why have virtually all countries not legislated on the issue to call it as such?

"Virtually all" countries at different times gave fiat for instance to brown and red decease, the same's happening today under different name. Money rules this world not the majority of people. You know it.

I could go on. Ill people often know that there is sth wrong with them. Gay people don't feel this. Many value their health like any other and that's what makes them normal.

Ivan Petrovic from asylum thinks he's Napoleon and his roommate Boleslav Adamovic thinks he's Jozef Pilsudski...
Sean you could have started with smth real. This doesn't have legs to stand on.


Early stage Alzheimers brings stresses to nought?

Yes, sir. :) I didn't say it brought stresses of their relatives to nought. But FYI one of its signs is apathy. Thinking processes are collapsing and patient stop to worry, slowly but surely turning to a "vegetable". Yes that's a nightmare for relatives but it can technically eliminate problems with blood pressure if there had been any before the decease.


They don't like gays, fine, that's their perogative. However, saying they are ill and need treatment is just wrong.

Unfortunately you brought these debates to a very-very low level which makes me wonder who're using your account. "We" don't like gays. Who "we"? The Russians? Me? I do not have any negative feelings about homosexual. But homosexuals are not themselves...
30 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Very simply, an illness can be seen as being in poor health. It is perhaps more probable that homosexual men become to be in this state but by no means for sure. By virtue of having safe sex with another man doesn't automatically make you unhealthier, sorry.

Sorry but this isn't an explanation. Illness can be mental and it doesn't necessarily mean one's gonna be in poor health. Tourette's decease? Or Alzheimer's dementia which on its early stages may even prolong life as it brings stresses to nought. Both mentioned can't be successfully cured nowadays, yet no one dares to call it "this is just their lifestyle".

Population in Russia is now declining, even though 95% (I don't know the exact figures this is just my assumption) of population in procreative age is straight. Imagine that 50% of them will be homosexual? The people in such a poor conditions is terminally ill, doomed to death.

And you're still trying not to call a spade a spade?..
If you still have anything to say, you're welcome, Sean...
29 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Why can't you accept, some people don't want to be saved from themselves? They live by their decisions just as we do. You have no real right to intervene

Sean, how about those homosexuals who seek for treatment and don't get one because it's not invented (and won't be since it doesn't go as "illness")?

You're right we have no right to intervene but Poultry is right they have no right to intervene either imposing their lifestyle.
29 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

I am heterosexual, I am comfortable with that.

I do not have a problem with other peoples sexual persuasion.

Some people have a problem with homosexuality - why ?

Because they would love to become heterosexual, just like you.
24 Aug 2010
History / Zadvir'ya - Polish Thermopiles commemorated [15]

Nat, may I play your role at least once? :) Some kind of Russian Nathan? Huh?! Just keeping in mind how honorably you gave a translation of some Russian poster. :)

I found really amusing Ukrainian nazi's (a certain "Bandera") comments of about your ilk yet with lower manners in the link you gave us.


Mazurskie remnants, the coming to you is to dilo.Ty Number, Psheku noisome, you hnoyku smerdyachyy, you have no moral right rozsuzhdaty on Ukrainian liberation zmahanMy fought on their land for sviyi interest, and you invaders. We beat you, and persecute from our land to the last Psheka!. For your time has passed, and you nazavzhdy.A Hnoykiv, which our grandfathers not dobyly-Sich Riflemen in borodbi for WUPR, and our parents Banderists 40-50-x years we you Hnoykiv stinking day "yemo moralno.Hybayte nahren to its pshetsiyi stinks and we are here in our day St mint Independence, and from you including.

-If you want hnoyku, communicate with Ukrainian, he initially explored the Ukrainian language, ane zasmorodzhuy broadcast its snout ... Mazurskie Spirit Bandera, especially against you Hnoyki Mazurskie,-not dead, not in zahyne.Zdryhaysya kashmarnomu dream of one opinion prytenziyi on Ukrainian zemli.Duh Bandera will always be near you, hnoyku noisome. "

Now a question... Don't you understand how lonely you are?

A link Nate? Wanna learn more about it...

BB that's about the same as to learn about the world via "Prawda" in the SU.
22 Aug 2010
History / Was there sex in Poland during communist regime? [60]

Even on PF there're some people who can be called that only by a stretch of imagination, even though they "discuss" topics. Also some topics are not worth being discuss.

As for your topic... I just make it complete. No offense.
22 Aug 2010
History / Was there sex in Poland during communist regime? [60]

Nathan, since you live in your tiny world which is no more than a chapter of delusions I'm not a snap surprised with your views (let's put it mildly) you involuntarily spread. I'm sure you won't mind if I add my couple kopeeks. She said "We've got no sex in the USSR, we've got LOVE".

IMHO, for healthy people sex or love is a thing to make (do), not to discuss.
15 Aug 2010
News / Poland sends firefighters to help Russia [67]

At any drugstore's door i saw i sign-"We don't sell masks!"

I've foreseen that and yesterday before leaving for Moscow bought them in Montenegro. It's not that bad here though... I expected something similar to what we experienced two weeks ago.
13 Aug 2010
News / Poland sends firefighters to help Russia [67]

I fled from Moscow fires a couple weeks ago. When we sat at Domodedovo airport there were so much smoke that my eyes were tingling.

Thanks for the help Poles!
29 Jul 2010
History / Give back Lwow to Poland and Kaliningrad to Germany - is it possible? [198]

Also look at the maps above and tell me who built these cities where Poles haven't even put their foot in yet and Russian state didn't exist?

I perfectly know what you imply but it's a way more correct to say that Russia hadn't developed yet into the latter structure (hadn't spread eastwards that much). The best I can offer you is that Ukrainians shared history with whom we know now as the Russians but you monopolizing it is just another new-Ukrainian fairy-tale and history revisionism. :)
16 Jul 2010
News / The chances for Warsaw to become capital of eventual Slavic confederation? [183]

Haven't you stood in lines to get a bread at 4 am while living in a pseudo-country-empire covering 1/8th of the planet?

I haven't. I was too young. My parents did, it was in the USSR.

And as the policies of all the republics in the USSR were made in Russia, it is not hard to draw conclusions who is the one responsible for complete economic deterioration

Certain people make decisions isn't it right. What if the crucial decision was made by a Jew or by a Ukrainian (God forbid)? I see here an obsessive urge to

Sasha, please, stop to play pretending games of ficking Russian innocence

Have I ever played that? Actually I'm trying to drag you to the point where you admit that if the Russians are sh!t then the Ukranians is the same sh!t (even more stinky if judge by your diaspora on PF). So far you have been only trying to shift all the blame upon us. But in fact you have been as good as any Russians at intrigues, executions and putting your own and Russian people into disaster. The Ukrainians were as well as the Russians equal part of the system. Many of your sons whether you want it or not were indispensable part of the system and considered it a good way to their own prosper. Besides your theory of "the Russians" is so ridiculous that it's hard to comment. It doesn't have legs to stand on. Could you please give me your criteria of who are the Russians? From your reasoning the only conclusion can be drawn that it's a mysterious group of people of different nationalities (including Ukrainians) who are hounded by the idea of humiliating all nations of the USSR (including Russians). So maybe Ukrainians are the seat of the trouble? :) What do you think? I'm just following your logic...

No of course you're absolutely fine to see only the Russian problems shutting your eyes at Ukrainian ones or of anybody else as well as everyone has a right to be stupid. The only thing that sounds really irritating is when you're trying to speak for all of Ukrainians or claim to have monopoly for the truth. At the mean time you demonstrate all the personal traits you blame the Russians for: arrogance, total reluctance to admit guilt, permanent will to pass the buck, Freudian dreams to seize lands.

Can you imagine your country without gas, oil and forests? It would be 4th world country.

It wouldn't. The fact that we have them is a mixed blessing thing. It wouldn't be that big, that's for sure. Because it's simply not possible to hold that much inefficient land within one country. 75-80% of our lands are loss-making, they are not a good place to live in. Ukraine is, but you nevertheless contrive to live there as if there is permafrost.

You can't leave alone even Georgia, a little country which strives to become a normal democracy. You have money to spend on things like spies in US, Cyprus, Canada, Germany, you have loaded even more to undermine the former BS union republics.

I assure you, you have them too even in your beloved Georgia. Oh... and please spare us your ridiculous statement of how innocent Georgia run by a mentally-deceased is being attacked by Russians. What do you think about Georgians killing innocent people in South Ossetia? Or are they the Russians too and that's absolutely fine to kill a kacap? :)

You don't have to pleasure me.

Nat, this is too low even by your standards. :) How could you fit that much lie and nonsense into that small piece of text? Did you read Georgian literature in Georgian? Why should I? People should have a choice and they had it. There was a subject as "a Native tongue" at school and people could learn it. In my school in the USSR I could have learnt Ukrainian if I'd had a will too. Now one can't unless it's a Ukrainian school.

In the US people are expected to fill out documents in English even though it's a very multicultural country, in the US they won't be able to pronounce your first name properly to say nothing of the last one. All of them are Americans whatever their national background is.

The recent film I watched was "Mimino"... a good example of pushing forward Georgian and Armenian culture. The USSR was internationalistic. :) At Soviet times in "Vremia" people spoke Ukrainian and Belorussian being translated either with subtitles or verbally. Many people were happy... Some weren't of course just like everywhere.

As for the backward... what is backward? What do you mean by backward? A life of an individual means nothing? Yes I agree with you... I would even say that value of life has even dropped down in Russia and in the former USSR since the collapse of the SU. I wish it was valued more and I strive for it. But I wonder how you're going to do that living some 70-80 years back, full of barbaric hatred, praising hardcore nationalist as a national hero? :) They don't need you with that sh!t anywhere in Europe even if you're a source of extremely cheap labour. They are not fools they perfectly understand bearing in mind French example that people who can't integrate sooner or later will cause problems. Russian culture has never been backward and many nationalities in Russia contributed to its resulting image. Really Nat you sometimes appall me that much with your pearls that words fail me.
15 Jul 2010
Life / POLISH YOUTH compared to the youth in other Western countries? [57]

and a Russian???

Yes, I'm Russian. :)

I speak here english because its english forum.

Do you meet many let's say English people on forums for Poles? Do they always speak Polish (other than that they have a business in your country or soulmate)?

Zerkalo dir.Tarkovsky

Well... you're perhaps a pleasant exception. I don't want to speak for Poland but in Russia roughly 95% of all movies shown are from the US. That's a willy-nilly westernization.

If u say coke ppl will think u talk about coccaine.

Sorry for confusion... :) people in the US usually say "coke", I don't remember anybody saying it coca-cola. I meant "coca-cola".

They dont know what is Zurbowka but they know what is Sobieski (Bruce Willis is advertising it recently). In the other hand they know russian Smirnoff much better.

Agreed. That was probably not the best example since we're still on leading position in its production. However when it comes to many different goods it's true to say that Slavs are a way more acquainted with Western World than the other way round.
15 Jul 2010
News / The chances for Warsaw to become capital of eventual Slavic confederation? [183]

Ukraine was destroyed by the Russians and hasn't rebuilt itself

Which way, genius?

West Ukraine should have split off and east Ukraine should have returned to Mother Russia - that way a viable Ukrainian state would come into being.

Same question... how would they earn their living? Do you seriously want Kosovo#2 close by?
15 Jul 2010
Life / POLISH YOUTH compared to the youth in other Western countries? [57]

what do you mean by westernised?

What language are we a Polish lady and a Russian speaking right now?
What movies have you seen lately? Name them honestly... :)
You know what coke is, don't you? Do you think an average American knows what Zubrowka or Russian Kvas is? I don't think so...

Many of Slavs (quite ironically being americanophobes at the same time) use more American than Slavic things in a daily life.
This is what "westernization" is from my perspective.
One could say "you're free to choose... it's democratic..." but in fact it's not. When money tells you what to do, define your choice and tastes via media there's nothing democratic about it.

The truth is that Poles get more and more Westernised.

Shwedi should preserve their culture too. There are probably no nations in Europe which adopted American culture more than Norden in general.