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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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3 Oct 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Did the Romans need to learn Goth or Gaulish?
When *everyone* speaks English why is it a *must* for an English person to bother with a second language if they dont want to?
Lets also point out that lots of *Brits* are bi lingual. The Welsh are Brits and speak Welsh and English, the local shop keeper speaks English,Punjabi, Hindi and Gujarati......
2 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Learning English but after reading comments in DM I feel it's no use [59]

Yeps,but lets try and keep this on topic :)
AK, here is an example of the various uses of our language around the world.
In the UK "that kind of pisses me off " In the US, " Im kinda pissed at that". both = " that was very annoying"

" Im pissed" in the UK = Im drunk, in the US it = "Im angry"
2 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Learning English but after reading comments in DM I feel it's no use [59]

Ok, that joke didnt translate into American English then................
No,Its not one sided, it,the moaning haters b!tching about the other country/people bit goes both ways.
Lyzko jokes about me sitting on my bum lording it up while willing Poles do all the important,back breaking work in the UK that I and all other Brits are too lazy to do.

It has to be said for such a lazy race we certainly screwed up by inventing the industrial revolution then didnt we? Pretty much building the modern world.....must have been a lot of secret Poles in the Empire :)

He can joke,he is a funny guy,but, if you had seen the news reports on a respected news programe (ie,not some immigrant bashing fox news style show) then you will have seen the other side of Poles in the UK.

These Polese were moaning that Romanians and Bulgarians were undercutting them and "stealing their jobs".....they now look for state help and sympathy from us when untill recently this is exactly what the Poles were doing to UK workers and calling us lazy for losing our jobs to them......the other other side of course is Poles in lower managment positions in employment agencies abusing the under paid romanian workers they now employ in preference to their own countrypeople......
2 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Learning English but after reading comments in DM I feel it's no use [59]

I hope you're only amusingly sarcastic here, are you? :)

Mostly, it hasnt put me off Poland,but, if you dont see the abuse thrown at Brits by Poles on here or living here then you are willfully blind to it :)

I'm almost sure he was just spoofing my initial comment..

I'll tell you what AK, you have picked up the subtleties of regional English humor for sure...... of course most of what I said was light hearted,with a grain of truth, I do tell pickpockets on the airport to city centre run to F' Off in the local lingo,works a charm most of the time :)

But its OK, Lyszko I feel was only joking too with his retort, I certainly didnt take it as an insult :)
ps, Got to be said though, Joseph Conrads only real mark on anyone in Britain these days comes via a liking of the 1970s classic war movie Apocalypse Now......but,that aside,yes,expand your knowledge through great English language literature,doesn't have to be Shakespeare,it could be Harper Lee or Mark Twain :)
2 Oct 2012
Life / Fake goods in Poland [42]

you can't cheat an honest person.

Yes you can,thats a bad generalisation. Its *easier* to con a greedy dishonest person but honest people can be dupped,just with more subtle methods,take that from a former 2 for 3 salesman.
2 Oct 2012
Life / Fake goods in Poland [42]

if a deals too good to be true thats usually because it is.

and here endeth the lesson.
1 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Learning English but after reading comments in DM I feel it's no use [59]

so many hateful comments there against Poles. So hateful that I'd rather would not risk a visit to Great Britain ever.

how do you think we feel, the English people trying to learn Polish? Whats the point,you all seem to hate us,think we are some monster nation wanting to carve out an empire and rape polish girls on the way....so, whats the point? Give me a reason,with all the hateful ignorant trash spoken on here by Poles why I should bother learning your language? I know enough not to be ripped off by Taxi Drivers and can tell the beggars and pickpockets on your public transport to f**k off and do nasty things with their mothers,why should I learn more than that?
29 Sep 2012
Off-Topic / Rotten West vs. Innocent Poland [25]

*K*...... We learned at 13 that Polish Vodka was the best in the world ( in some random lecture he gave us completly tangent to the actual lesson.....weird,but funny,and right :) )........at 14 we found his stash of Wine in a Box....very classy,but,he did suddenly have lots of people willing to collect books from his store cupboard after that.

I think it worked out as a bit of a stand off, he couldnt report us for gulping down cheap plonk in class without admiting he had cheap plonk stashed in class :)

Nice enough bloke though, didnt like him in school but have met him a few times in adulthood , he buzzed when I spoke some Polish to him the last time we met :)
29 Sep 2012
Off-Topic / Rotten West vs. Innocent Poland [25]

The only Alky Teacher we had was called ************* :).... haha,well,it was a very distinctive ,and fairly uncommon,Polish name :)
28 Sep 2012
History / Polish Royal Bastards [23]

pass,but Im busy at the minute putting my sons cornrows in....................
27 Sep 2012
History / Polish Royal Bastards [23]

Which Polish bastard kings do you refer to?

Its a Joke refering to the thread where this thread spawned from, Pawian told me off for calling Wiliam the Conqueror by his more historicaly accurate name of Wiliam the Bastard................there was a Polish connection......just too long winded to repeat here :)

ps, not to stir,but,its pretty certain mathmatically that even if History does not admit to any Bastards on the Polish Throne there will have been at least a couple as data shows that even to this day one in ten babies are a cukoo in the nest :)
27 Sep 2012
Work / An American studying in Poland - CELTA, SAT? [20]

Get yourself into one of the US Uni's first and then take a year or two out at a Polish one if you want to,Im not sure how your system works for exchanges etc but Im sure there is something in place for you.

The trouble for those from the USA is they expect to have to pay to get into a good Uni so when they see a Uni with a fancy european name that charges high prices they could be conned into believing they will gain the same level of education as in the US,not gonna happen. Dont get me wrong,some courses in some Unis in Poland are at the tops of the game,but many many are literally only there to take your money and give you the grade you can afford,nice in theory,useless when trying to find employment .
27 Sep 2012
Food / Irish or English breakfast tea in Poland? [11]

hahah, does anyone who comes back from Poland ever put milk in their Tea again?
I knew Id been Polonized when I found myself asking for a slice of lemon at a Caf' just off the M11 :)
27 Sep 2012
History / Polish Royal Bastards [23]

Thank you!

Dont mention it old chap :) Pretty soon we'll have you showing the same general lack of respect to anyone claiming any sorts of divine rights like a good patriotic Englishman, we cant stand the monarchy but we do like a parade and a day off work to watch the highlights on the news when we get back in from the Pub :)
27 Sep 2012
History / Polish Royal Bastards [23]

I recall bastards

Oh,oh,so you can call your Polish Kings Bastards but tell me off for calling one of my old (unwanted invading bastard) kings *bastard*? Hypocrite ;)
26 Sep 2012
News / Rest in Peace Anna Walentynowicz or is it...?! [63]

Strange, I read that the bodies were transfered from the origional Russian coffins into fancier Polish coffins,in Poland,seems from that its a Polish SNAFU not a Russian one.
26 Sep 2012
UK, Ireland / Pakis VS Poles in the UK [62]

But sure, didnt Mo win yas a few medals!

And without Phil Lynott irish Music would be fekking Jedward and B*witched......your point kimo sabe?
21 Sep 2012
News / Children licking cream off a Polish priest's legs "inappropriate" says NGO [116]

Poland is very very innocent in many ways

Good point, how many times do we cringe at things in old movies from America or Britain,and sometimes not that old either,where people do or say things that make us gasp in horror now. I know it was a war and all that,but,these days,can you imagine evacuating Londons children to live with un vetted strangers in the countryside,putting little boys and girls on isolated farms with who knew who?

I said what I said about wider issues and I dont retract that but just because it looks dodgy does not always mean there were any dodgy intentions,just extreme naivity maybe.
19 Sep 2012
News / Children licking cream off a Polish priest's legs "inappropriate" says NGO [116]

In the long run,damn right.....lets face it, it was the Countries tied slavishly to Rome who were the last to develop in Europe.

You see, if you believe the bollox about divine rights in Rome then its easier to swallow the bollox of the divine rights of Kings as gods second voice on Earth.....

and ergo swallowing the bollox of a pervert priest because they can do no wrong.......
19 Sep 2012
History / Warsaw Uprising - The Forgotten Soldiers [117]

Urbs is more often translated as Town or Large Town (even City,but unless you live in the USA where cities can be the size of European villages that gets confusing as they were tiny by modern standards), a couple of steps up from settlement.......
14 Sep 2012
UK, Ireland / British - Stupidest nation in Europe [127]

Is "British" the nation or is "Britain" the nation?

The British nation
the nation of Britain
the title should have started with a *the*;
The British stupidist nation in Europe
gets it closer,but
The British stupidist nationality in Europe would have been better.
But what do I know, Im British, my carer writes on here for me.....

EDIT>>>> WTF!!!! Why is my post in bold blood red???
This new format sucks dogs danglies