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Joined: 10 Mar 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jun 2017
Threads: Total: 34 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 5781 / In This Archive: 2780
From: Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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18 Mar 2013
Law / Bank accounts taxed by up to 10%. Can it happen in Poland? [150]

yes under 100,000

A source close to the consultations said authorities were hoping to cut the tax to 3 per cent from 6.7 per cent for deposits under €100,000

from the Irish times link above.

my computer died
18 Mar 2013
Law / Bank accounts taxed by up to 10%. Can it happen in Poland? [150]

Has it actually been decided yet? Putin is not a happy cat.

Russian banks had about €9.2 billion ($12 billion) placed with Cypriot banks and corporate deposits amounted to €14.6 billion ($19 billion) at the end of 2012, according to Moody's's rating agency.

Irish Times

It should not effect deposits of 100,000 Euro as they are meant to be guaranteed.
23 Feb 2013
News / Polish scientists hope to patent graphene mass-production technology [11]

The European Commission has chosen Graphene as one of Europe’s first 10-year, 1,000 million euro FET flagships. The mission of the flagship is to take graphene and related layered materials from academic laboratories to society, revolutionize multiple industries and create economic growth and new jobs in Europe. The Graphene flagship is a new form of joint, coordinated research initiative of unprecedented scale. It brings together an academic-industrial consortium aiming at a breakthrough for technological innovation. Involved are Nobel Laureates, top-notch research groups and the next generation industrial leaders.
14 Dec 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

milky: Have you got a link to show that 95% of Poles don't have a mortgage? Already posted in this thread, and you know it.

could someone repost this, please?
5 Dec 2012
News / Should government monitor the net in Poland? [38]

In the field of telecommunications, data retention (or data preservation) generally refers to the storage of call detail records (CDRs) of telephony and internet traffic and transaction data (IPDRs) by governments and commercial organisations.

The primary objective in government data retention is traffic analysis and mass surveillance. By analysing the retained data, governments can identify the locations of individuals, an individual's associates and the members of a group such as political opponents. These activities may or may not be lawful, depending on the constitutions and laws of each country. In many jurisdictions access to these databases may be made by a government with little or no judicial oversight (e.g. USA, UK, Australia).[citation needed]
In the case of commercial data retention, the data retained will usually be on transactions and web sites visited.
Data retention also covers data collected by other means (e.g. by automatic numberplate recognition systems) and held by government and commercial organisations.

1 Dec 2012
UK, Ireland / Polish TV channels in the UK [95]

Me too.

just wondering if Polish tv had the same.

I don't know any country that has the same.

Those kids singing were absolutely magnificent.

It's on again, gotta go :)
30 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / Polish TV channels in the UK [95]

rte.ie/player/pl/live/8/ - Click here for the official RTE link to watch it
28 Nov 2012
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

booked solid,

I doubt if it's booked solid five/six months in advance but I get your point, people may not want to book so far in advance as nobody really knows what the future holds.

I honestly don't know, I've only stayed in a hotel once in Krakow many many moons ago.

I would guess that the most popular is the Jewish festival, then the Jazz festival and least of all May 1-3 although I am told there are usually gigs on labour-day and it's off season enough to be easy enough to get a place to stay and warm enough to enjoy.

So let's start the bids for May the 1st :)
27 Nov 2012
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

May long weekend could be good: 1-3 of May.

I'm up for May. I recommend we do something, a concert is probably the easiest for all and if it's a free concert, well then that means nobody has an excuse :)

Events in Krakow 2013, nothing on there for the 1-3 May though.

Also here is a link to the 23rd Jewish festival 28,06 - 07,07 2013.

krakow's Jazz festival is also a great time to be here, with free concerts. July 1 - 31, 2013 Unconfirmed

You are drunk, aren't you? lol

I'm totally sober officer.
27 Nov 2012
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Maybe it's us changing but I doubt it. The undercurrent on here is being changed by a few blinkered zealots who are incapabale of coherent argument.

Excuse me but I falutapixablnof that crediantial portcondivex.

Who's organising the good old days PF meet up in Polska then?

Someone in Poland maybe?

I could do that again but only on the condition that everyone gets an invite.

I believe an activity is the best way to get us in good form and relax.
It appears that paintballing was a bit too macho for our fairer sex
So maybe tie it in with the Jewish festival in Krakow, free concert and great music but that isn't until summer.
Or if it should be sooner, skiing/snowboarding.


Why don't we organize it. Simples.#


I'll be back in a few hours.
26 Nov 2012
Life / did/does Polish TV show any British Sitcoms? [35]

I am certainly not the same man after watching it.

Well they have launched their own search engine:

Hope you are well by the way... it's been a while

I am. I've been busy, which is a great complaint in these times.
thanks for asking.

I hope you are still enjoying the black stuff, then I know you are doing well.

According to wikipedia Father Ted is aired in Poland since 2009 on BBC Entertainment.

Yeah but who watches BBC Entertainment? they just seem to show third rate British comedies and 'come dine with me' which as a program I just can't get my head around.

Black adder is now my favorite British comedy, this will change as the night draws in but hear, I'm like the weather.
26 Nov 2012
Life / did/does Polish TV show any British Sitcoms? [35]

This evening my favorite British comedy is 'only fools and horses'.

I don't know if the humour, cockney rhyme would translate well, though the circumstances would, I know a few Del-Boys in Krakow.

The real question is "did/does British TV show any Polish Sitcoms or films or anything at all?"

Somehow I don't think they aired Father Ted in Poland;)

Shame really, it's fekkin hilarious

The people I have exposed father Ted to here will never be the same again :)

It is very well received and the mentality is the same.

I'll file that under Irish/Anglo but thank goodness British TV saw the genius, while RTE look like fools.
26 Nov 2012
Love / Polish couples living out of wedlock? [108]

It was not a public school: it is entirely state funded

I thought Harry meant not Public as in Private, in the English use of terms.
English people have that the wrong way round for goodness knows what reason.
Private means public and vise versa.

I'm knackered, I shouldn't post now for fear of getting everything wrong and making an ass of myself.
(how does that differ from usual I hear you ask:)
26 Nov 2012
Love / Polish couples living out of wedlock? [108]

zetigrek, I made an error in my post.

A child not being admitted to a public school because his parent's are not wed makes me think of leaving this country.
I have thought about it several times for similar reasons.

I think any atheist who resigns from RE has absolutely nothing to fear

I'd hope so.

I just wonder whether debating imaginary or potential discrimination is off-topic in this thread?

If a Catholic weren't admitted to a school because his parents were Catholic, you'd be all over it and you'd be right to be.

You have a huge problem seeing other people's point of view, consider what I have said and tell me it isn't so.
26 Nov 2012
Food / How common GMO Food in Poland is? [25]

At the same time celebrities Doda and Edyta Herbuś took part in yesty's Warsaw demo saying they would never feed GMO-contaminated food to their families.

Did they say why and back it up with credible evidence?

years of research had not produced a shred of evidence that GMO is harmful to people's health of the environment.

That's what every non-bias credible report I have read on it states from professionals.

, so whom should he believe?

The pretty pop stars or the researchers who have been examining the subject matter in depth?
Pretty popstars all the way :)
26 Nov 2012
Love / Polish couples living out of wedlock? [108]

Aren't you exaggerating?


if you don't accept a priest coming to your home po kolędzie for several years in a row you might expect to be refused a Catholic funeral...

I do not want a Catholic funeral.
26 Nov 2012
Love / Polish couples living out of wedlock? [108]

I really hope you are wrong about this one Harry because it has annoyed me to no end.

And that letter you posted, really makes me think of leaving Poland.

I know you're being drilled about it not being a state school but I don't want to believe what you are saying is true, so I will ask one question.

For a state school, I am told, that you do not require several interviews, are you certain?
26 Nov 2012
News / €80 billion for Poland new EU budget [166]

Here is a great website showing the motorways and the year in which they were built, it's not exactly the painting you lads have painted.


Also millions of Poles left, dropping the unemployment rate, billions of Euros sent over from abroad increasing wages for those who staid.

And we are talking about infrasturcture but there is a hell of a lot of money allocated to starting up business', playgrounds and people's environment.

Where I would disagree with you PennBoy, is that NOTHING that has improved in Poland after it joined the EU could have happened if it weren't for the Polish people themselves.

All you have to do is look at the other countries that joined at the same time and why they weren't able to come close to what Polish people have managed in a relatively short time.

It just goes to show, and I don't believe anyone is doubting, that Poland would have become a stronger country inevitably but with the whole E.U. thing it has happened quicker.
25 Nov 2012
News / €80 billion for Poland new EU budget [166]

the companies go into a price war until one goes bankrupt. Pointless, painful, and detrimental to the economy.

From the customer side that's almost exactly what I want to happen.

I don't want one company monopolising the whole market, I want better, cheaper, safer etc... through competition.

I understand that the E.U. and other countries have to protect themselves from becoming nothing but consumers and buying everything from China but we aren't discussing that.

Germany builds the best cars; what's the point in a Polish company trying to make a competitor to Mercedes?

Poland builds the parts that go into them :)

At this stage it seems like all cars are made in the same factory, they just put a different emblem on'em just before they leave the factory :)
25 Nov 2012
News / €80 billion for Poland new EU budget [166]

Era, Idea, Plus, were the first gsm companies in Poland. Later Idea became Orange, Era - T-mobile, Plus is Plus.
Why do you think that Poland would be nothing without foreign companies?

And now Virgin are coming too.

I don't think they would be nothing but competition is great for the public.

I got a swanky new phone for free, they halved my monthly bill and I get all kinds of offers from the other networks, it's great.
23 Nov 2012
Love / Polish couples living out of wedlock? [108]

If my taxes were not going to Catholic schools, I would agree.
But they are and to religion classes in normal schools and a whole list of other religious crap that I don't want to sign up for.
23 Nov 2012
Love / Polish couples living out of wedlock? [108]

Or was her son turned down by the school on any other formal excuse?

They were turned down by several schools only for not being baptized, their son is four years old.

Or was it a Catholic school which by law may be entitled to do that?

It's very different in Ireland.
Most schools in Ireland are Catholic schools and the church has a very long history of doing whatever the heck they want with impunity.

Our state couldn't afford to educate the country, so the church filled that void.

National schools date back to the introduction of state primary education in 1831. They are usually controlled by a board of management under diocesan patronage and often include a local clergyman.[9][10] The term "national school" has of late become partly synonymous with primary school in some parts. Recently, there have been calls from many sides for fresh thinking in the areas of funding and governance for such schools, with some wanting them to be fully secularised.

It's easy to spot discrimination, all you do is swap an irrelevant detail and imagine the effect.
If a secular school was not to accept a child because he was baptised, there would be WWIII
23 Nov 2012
Love / Polish couples living out of wedlock? [108]


Discrimination yes. Crime no, sadly.

You are kidding me, right?

We're talking about a child's right to education and being denied that right based on discrimination that does not effect anybody.

Are we still so ******* backwards?

That's it, enough annoyance for me for one morning.
23 Nov 2012
USA, Canada / Homeless Poles in NYC [25]

Rock bottom....

Lyrics from the song I just posted:

All ye young people now take my advice
Before crossing the ocean you'd better think twice
Cause you can't live without love, without love alone
The proof is round London in the nobody zone.

Where the summer is fine, but the winter's a fridge
Wrapped up in old cardboard under Charing Cross Bridge
And I'll never go home now because of the shame
Of misfit's reflection in a shop window pane.