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Posts by JonnyM  

Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 2607 / In This Archive: 2054
From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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4 Aug 2011
Travel / Do you have Ethiopian restaurants in Poland ? [16]

There used to be a nice Ethiopian place on ul. Dobra, but last time I went past it looked shut. There are one or two African restaurants though.

There's cafe Baobab on ul. Francuska in Saska Kempa, which I think is West African. There's also an African shop in Polna Market.
3 Aug 2011
Travel / Booking train ticket for Warsaw [2]

If I can, how should I book? From website or train stations?

You can book at the station and check timetables online. pkp.pl

You won't have a problem finding a seat if you don't book, and it isn't usually any cheaper to buy the ticket in advance.

Enjoy your stay!
3 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

That however doesn't make it any less Polish.

It does however make it untypical. There's a wonderful Russian cookery book, pre-revolutionary, that in the days of the USSR was read as fiction. None of the citizens (and none of the ancestors of 90% of them) had ever eaten anything like that. The situation is the same in Poland. The culinary repertuar is not restaurant food.

(I suggest you attend university and take a course in critical reasoning

How rude :-(
3 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

today's Poland is not very Polish herself :(


that denies one-thousand years of Polish culinary tradition preceding 1945.

Right. So in fact it's a recreation restaurant, somewhat akin to those places in the UK where they serve mead and the waiters dress up as medieval jesters.

There's a chain in Poland (you should go there if you ever make it to Poland) called Chłopski Jadło that uses wooden plates and serves hyper-traditional food. All solid stuff though - none of those dishes mentioned above.

The szlachta, remember, don't exist any more. Their descendents eat sushi, hummous, pasta.
3 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

My family lived in Poland for centuries before some of it emigrated to the USA.

And, certainly in your case, didn't return. Delphi knows far more about Poland and Polish food than you probably ever will. Have you visited any restaurants in Poland?

Stop trolling!

Lets keep it civil.
3 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

Des Essientes:The recipes Boletus cited are from country inns in Poland

'Country inns' in Poland??!? Do you mean truck stops?

I can assure you (and indeed the generally esurient) that these recipes are general Central European luxury fare - they are not specifically or typically Polish and I might venture to say that one is more likely to encounter them in Czech or Germany than in Poland, which has a very deliniated culinary repertoire.
3 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

Des Essientes: the majority of Polish restaurants, in Poland herself, don't serve such haute cuisine that does not make the food at Warszawa restaurant any less Polish

It does however make it, and the dining experience as a whole, inauthentic.

What's your favourite genre of restaurant in Poland?
31 Jul 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

Yes. People here - often ones born after it ended and on a different continent condemn it as if it were a hell on earth. Even though it achieved a lot.
31 Jul 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

so, social engineering has been made by rightist people mostly.. but, they blame leftists as if leftists have been doing social engineering.

Generally they have. But in Poland some of the social engineering they did was necessary at that time.
31 Jul 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

Hmmmm. Leftism and rightism both have their pluses and minuses - but too much social engineering tends to turn out badly.
31 Jul 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

Now, I am revealing the old real truth about where the term "lefty" came from

It's actually comes from the seating arrangement at les Etats Generales.
31 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

Well, professor Jok Madut Jok most likely isn't there leaning over your shoulder and telling you where to look for oil, how to do it or which drill to use and generally making an ass out of himself by questioning your expertise.

No, and that's no great loss. He's a political exile from the South, which is independent now.

But of course this is a trolling distraction, as per usual.

So anyway, what's your take on the topic of the thread - namely the racism that the Egyptian guy mentions that he experienced in Poland. Have you noticed anything like that in Poland?
31 Jul 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

"political correctness".

Meaning using language in order to be positive rather than to demean. Some dictatorship!
31 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

EW: It was about furthering their self interests. It was about plundering the riches available.

Remember the British Empire (though they didn't call it that at the time) was rather a chaotic, unplanned thing. It was based on supporting British traders, especially after the Palmerston Doctrine was established. Essentially practical rather than ideological (though that certainly crept in later). And yes, there was a huge amount of racism. Less so than the French or Spanish Empires, far less so than among the Belgians, but it existed on a scale that is hard to believe today. To separate 'race-subjugation' from racism is rather disingenuous - the victims suffer however it is described.

Midas: You're a regular joe with no expertise in the matter.

Very far from that.

Midas: Also, it is quite interesting that you're trying to brand the guy an extremist only after your initial attempt at twisting what he wrote failed.

He 'brands' himself as an extremist, and nothing failed except your weak attempt at trolling. At least you're a little less abusive today.
31 Jul 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

Today's communism is the PC dictatorship. Like all leftist utopias it too will collapse.

What 'PC dictatorship'?
31 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

proven wrong

Not at all.

where academic sources directly contradict

A polemicist with an axe to grind. But nice for you that you have so much free time to trawl the internet looking for quotes.

And you're still wrong - racism is largely a white on black phenomena.
31 Jul 2011
Work / Polish salaries - New statistics [38]

people survive on 1386 zloty in Poland.

Many survive on less. But in cities, most get far more.
31 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

there is only one race in Sudan

Yes. Black Africans, some Arabised Muslims (there was a policy of Arabisation which your 'source' evidently dislikes) some not.

of course has everything to do with the evil whitey?

Really? It's rather more complex than that, although the colonial years left an awkward legacy. However this is a side issue, a drop in the ocean of racism; an evil for which the blacker one's skin the more likely one is to suffer.
31 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

A fellowship from the Woodrow Wilson center, a PhD from UCLA. He must have had really extreme views to obtain them.

That is evident in the text you quoted. He wouldn't be the first extremist to get a PhD, would he? Interesting he's there and not here. So basically nothing you have said alters the fact that racism has throughout history largely been a white on black thing. As I said originally.
30 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

Your words are in direct contradiction with established academic sources.

But not in contradiction with my own direct and current experience.

They claim that there's a biracial nation and a conflict along the lines of race, not religion in Sudan

No they don't. They talk about Arab and African Sudanese. The same race, the same colour, the same people. Your sources do not say they are different races. They are all black. But this is a distraction.

you're most likely an undereducated guy talking about stuff you know little about and the academic sources are right.

Now for what reason/s am I in a position to be invited here by the government, I wonder... But again, this is a distraction.

If You happen to be black and got turned away from a nightclub door in Tokyo with the bouncers saying some racially-charged words then good luck with your lawsuit.

You'd actually be surprised. There have been some well publicised discrimination cases in Japan.

Racism is an abomination

I'm glad to hear you say that.

Racism isn't something that only white people are capable of.

But which race have been responsible for the most dramatic and noticeable racism on a global scale?
30 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

Kettle to pot... copy?

Yes, you are trolling. And rather weak rhetorical practice that doesn't work.

Still doesn't make you any smarter than a Sudanese Professor of History at an established University.

It does however mean I know rather more than someone who is just cutting and pasting out of context. Who thinks arabised blacks aren't black!

We give a ****. Other cultures, very often dominated/created by people with not-so-white skin, don't.

So you're suggesting suggesting that people who are black - or, in your words "Other cultures, very often dominated/created by people with not-so-white skin" don't "give a ****" about racism?

Quit putting words in my mouth

Stop trolling, and no putting words in your mouth. To clarify things, just so you can't say you're being misquoted and then get all abusive, do you think that racism is in every circumstance an abomination? Or not?
30 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

Still abusive I see. I've noticed that before when you start an argument then lose it. In the long run it doesn't work.

my point has been proven and arguing

Unfortunately for you, it hasn't. Just trolling and introducing side issues to distract.

Next thing we know you'll be telling us how to build atom bombs, because you're a nuclear physicist working in a secret facility in New Mexico, 50 feet underground.

No, but I am an official guest of the Sudanese government for professional reasons to do the petroleum industry, recently split between North and South so I flatter myself that I know what I'm talking about in this matter and don't have to rely on second-hand sources.

And I stand by that statement.
The broadly defined Western-European culture seems to be the only one that badly interested in exploring and fighting against racism. We're the ones commissioning studies, we're the ones creating policies etc.

There's a reason for that - the Western Europeans and their white American counterparts are the most guilty of racism on a global level.

So why do you think that "racism is part of the natural order of things"?
30 Jul 2011
Work / Polish salaries - New statistics [38]

Wow, the salary seems REALLY low in both instances? Doesn't sound like something you could live off of, or am I wrong?

Many do. And doctors salaries are so low that qualified doctor sometimes prefer to work as pharmaceutical salesmen because they can earn more.