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Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]
jon357, you don`t know situation.
Actually, Serbians were first to recognize Ukrainians and unique nation. Confronted even Russia on that question. My dear, Ukraine is full of monuments to medieval Serbs. Then also, Serbians were first to recognize Ruthenians as also unique ethos.
Moreover, considering we are on internet where people coming to learn, I would give you first class information. Serbia (Yugoslavia) was first to recognize Ruthenians as nation, as national minority. Did you know that at a time when started dissolution of Yugoslavia, Serbia by its constitution was `state of all its citizens`. Much later, by pressure of EU, in accordance with aligning Serbian laws with EU`s standards, Serbia changed that and today is `state of Serbian people and all citizens who live in Serbia`. See, at the same time EU (western Europe) supported openly pro-Nazi Croatian secessionists, openly mafia pro-Islamic Albanian separatists and openly pro-Nazi-Islamic Bosnian separatists. Go figure that.
See? See how you know little. And that thanks to your following of mainstream media. Sure, that makes you more full of yourself but ultimately also more stupid. I mean, that`s how it appears to be.
They're a proud nation, with a very strong sense of identity
Essentially. Those who are 100% sure who they are. You have Ukrainians fully national aware, while majority still consolidate itself within national awareness.
and good relations with Poland, sharing a dislike of Russia
If you go to Russian forum you could say `good relations with Russia, sharing a dislike of Poland` and you wouldn`t be quite right, same as you now aren`t quite right. All in all, seasonal changes affects Ukrainians now.
Not that it's relevant to much.
Its very relevant. With all ethnic Slavs. Yes, its another question that Russia sometimes manipulated with that fact. On the other side, Russians think that other Slavs sometimes manipulate with Russia over that same Slavic meta-ethnicity. Let me tell you, that is also correct. That`s exactly how Polish prince Czartorisky via Serbia affected Russia prior to WWI and as you know, Poland got its independence in a final outcome. Go ask Russians how much they paid `pan-Slavic feelings` in their blood. Thinking of their causalities in WWI they would tell you to go to hell with your question, I guess.
Not to mention, when we speak about `Ukrainians` (nationally aware and those who would yet become) that at least 50% of them have Serbian blood due to mixing in last let`s say 400-450 years. See, at the same time at least 20-30% ethnic Poles and Russians have Serbian blood. What I want to tell you, we Serbians knows what is relevant for Ukrainians, not Russians. Not Poles.
Do you now understand. At least something.