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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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5 May 2011
Law / PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF SWASTIKA AND NAZI SYMBOLS in Krakow, Poland - Where I should report them? [56]

Well it is a seller of nazi memorabilia, he sells objects with swastikas on them,
and he sells them in public display,
and he also displays them on a public website with more than 1 million monthly visitors.

It is exactly the definition of public display of swastikas.

Clear right off you hysterical loon!!!! Just who do you think you are ? You go to a country ,know nothing of its language yet are willing to make a fool of yourself by trying to get an antiques dealer sent to prison.

FYI incase you hadnt noticed Poland and Europe are no longer run by nazis or commies so take your fascistic tendencies elswehere.
I find it a bit insulting that you consider yourself the arbiter of good taste in a country that lost 6 million dead in the last war!!!! If local Poles are content to see a small buisness man making a living for himself just who do you think you are to judge?

  • so sue me!!!!
5 May 2011
Love / Poland wow wife [52]

an elite shower of assholes and bigots.

and fcuk you with your comments about limerick !!!! You aint no saint yourself boyo.

WR, Butt Hole Road in conisburgh near doncaster ,a classic that made me chuckle every time I passed it.
(boring fact,Butt Hole was a shallow where Archery was practiced,the targets were the "butts"....)

4 May 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

What about this/these?

That the walls around the old town,sort of near the Barbican and the Statue of the Little Upriser?
3 May 2011

Im desperatly reaching for flemish connections here J',closest I could get was Holland......without a bit of horizontal Black and White Unite then that cute bird from 2unlimited would never have been born .............ok,for music fans that might have been a godd thing,but when I was 14 I wasnt listening to the words ;)
3 May 2011
History / Polish flag over the Reichstag first? [399]

May 21st 1942 Stalin to Molotov, "The Borders of the USSR will be decided by force no matter what".
ie,get the fcuk over it,no way was the world going to war against Soviet Russia in 1945,especially as you already had a Polish government in Lublin.
2 May 2011
News / "Poland is flourishing" [62]

what are priorities for Polish government?

Unification with matka Srbia?
1 May 2011
Travel / Which way from Poland to Croatia.... [30]

It looks great,just has a plasticy ,touristy vibe,way too many stag do's,hen nights, and prozzie hunters and cafes full of dodgy russian types with israeli passports and cowed looking very young girls on their arms............
1 May 2011
Travel / Which way from Poland to Croatia.... [30]

IMHO Prague is a bit plastic,tourist packed and a bit tacky. Its lovely off the beaten track but nothing special. I went there for a few days on the way back from a week in Krakow and prague paled in comparison.
1 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

. The presumed cultural capital that comes with being white and Christian has not prevented discrimination and exploitation

Wow,talk about a backward,bigoted view of the world this implies. Did Poles really come to the UK thinking themselves superior beings just down to being white and Christian? Surely not,even though from some posters here I could believe it I cant really believe that most of you were that arrogant and rascist. This implies you expected to get to the front of some imagined que ,ahead of unworthy non whites,even if those non whites are fourth generation Brits..tsk tsk.
1 May 2011
News / Polish people humiliated in the latest episode of Family Guy [51]

Quatro cinco. It obviously doesn't say anything bad about Mexicans but I was informed by the person whose job it was to look after minority concerns in that college that I offended 400 people

yep,because to make that "joke" work he has to slaughter the spanish language ....
Good job he didnt ask what you call a spaniard/mexican with no legs? Grassy arse .Gracias......
30 Apr 2011

It would be a big shame to see Poland the way GB is.

What,succesfull and a magnat for people with the entrepenerial spirit from around the world, in the top ten econamies in the world,member nation of all the G groups you can name,perminant member nation of the UN security council etc etc ad nauseum......................
30 Apr 2011
History / Civilian life in Poland (Krakow) during the WW2. [30]

so ,again,communist TV in german occupied Krakow?wtf has he been smoking? :)

Yes,TV was around pre war in many nations capitols,though I very much doubt some Polish underground group was broadcasting secret tv shows during the war as that guys post implies :)

Radio lightning in Warsaw was set up during the uprising..TV channels,sorry fella, your great grandpas memories are maybe getting lost in your translation :)
30 Apr 2011

Quite a shame: ask the Israelis and Brits who control your mineral wealth and forment destruction in your homeland to build schools for you, maybe.

hey,leave us the fcuk out of this one!!!! That neck of the woods is frog and peado territory,nowt to do with us. Why do you think they all speak french?!?!

ps, its China that has the mineral rights now......seriously mate,all this worrying about jews makes you drop the ball .
29 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

1947 Polish Resettlement Act

Oh dear. Talk about over egging the term "instrumental".............reading that one wonders what all the British,Austrailian,New Zealand,South African,Free French,Indian,East African soldiers were doing in North Africa and Italy....presumably sitting around watching a handfull of Poles sweeping all axis forces into the med......................

As much as I admire the Polish contribution to world war two I dont see where blowing things up to a silly level helps anyone...."instrumental at the battle of Arnhem..." ,er,if by that they mean no Pole got anywhere near Arnhem and only a handfull managed to cross the rhine into a doomed bridgehead,fine.......
29 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

You're so ignorant, it's pronounced bokeh.

Its Bouquet actually,but kudos anyway :)
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

Surely you aren't suggesting their names should be kept secret?

tbh,yes,if found guilty in a court of law then name and shame,untill then the names are not in the public interest in most cases as the line of "other victims then come forward" doesnt often wash with crimes like this as,well, muggers and burglers rarely tell their victims their names.

What specifically have I been allegedly caught out on?

the same crap you tried four years ago puzzie...........you were shown to be a fool then,you are showing yourself to be a fool still.

To all newbies, dont bother trying logic with krynski nee puzzler, anything not written by a Pole wrapped in a flag is polonophobic lies................
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

When they didnt release the names of the suspects my rader thought they were probably immigrant scum , didnt suspect European names though.....
(disclaimer, "immigrant scum " as oppossed to home grown scum....not a slur on immigrants.)
27 Apr 2011
History / Poland paid off American Jewry in 1960 [162]

"isthatu2"-I'm 34 years old

You certainly dont act like it,Im 35. I think no matter what "side" someone may take in this silly exchange they would probably agree that my points have been put across reasonably ,in good nature,with no malice and not a whiff of anti anything but fcuktardery. Where as yours have been at the level of 2 Blah blah,Im not listning ,put your thumb in your arse...".

M'lud, I rest my case.

You and people like you reduce the level of the dialogue.

I seem to be the one attempting a dialogue if Im not greatly mistaken where as your retorts have been,as pointed out,at the maturity level of a five year old in a playground. Again, if you want a serious debate, Im up for that, if you just want to act like some 14 year old californian slacker posting comments on youtube, Im afraid, you are on your own son.

Do not patronize on me.

I have no wish or need to. You do a fine job of making a complete schmuck of yourself without any outside help buddy.
27 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Do Poles and EU Citizens exploit the British welfare state [129]

Nowadays of course, it's far cheaper to import subsidised Polish coal than it is to mine the stuff in the UK.

Doncaster (heart of South Yorkshire coalfields) surrounding pit towns devestated by maggies war on the NUM, profitable mines closed in the 80s under the lie of no coal left are now being touted as being our next great hope for homegrown energy............30 years too fcukin late for entire communities...........I mention this because while at Doncaster collage we visited our twin Town in Poland,one of the tutors a former miner, we both saw the irony of being twinned with Gliwice..............................
27 Apr 2011
History / Poland paid off American Jewry in 1960 [162]

How old are you? Have you even started shaving yet?
Infact,forget that,have you even had your Bar Mitzvah yet????
Grow up, debate or just carry on making yourself look foolish.
26 Apr 2011
History / Poland paid off American Jewry in 1960 [162]

there's some noble Jews but the vast majority are fockwits.

Come on,a lot of shouty gobby ones are for sure but my british jewish mates dont fall into that category. If they did they would be there.

What they will do though is defend the right of todays Israelis to defend themselves and the right of any human being to try to live in peace,as I do and just as many Israelis do without agreeing with excess and for instance Settler and Ultra Orthadox blackmail and attempts to incite trouble between a peoples that have,in the last 15 hundred odd years both had Christians as a common enemy/oppressor or just plain inconvenience.

2. Because they attempt to guilt trip the entire world.

some do.

3. Because their religion is unbelievably f*cked up due to a number of reasons beaten in sheer nuttiness only by Islam.

Shall I mention the ritual cannabalism implicit in communion and the act of transfiguration etc? At a guess id say its about 2 thousand years or so since anyone was wiped out or seriously persecuted in the name of Judaism,its a pity Christianity doesnt have that record.

"isthatu2"-You are kind of manipulator, but very cheap manipulator!

Bless you,that I count,from your "type" of Jewish person as probably the highest compliment one can be paid.

But,again,bless,your listing of our names(theres a cheap joke there Im gonna avoid ;) ) shows a real arrogence,like you have some manifest right to cast judgment on us non chosen peoples.

If someone froths at the mouth,you judge them guilty of anti semitism, if someone makes reasonable points you judge them anti semites,but,cunningly,they are a special type of anti semite.....the most dangerous kind,the kind that say they are a friend to the jews but you all know of course that when the time comes those seeming friends will be the first ones shoving you in the gas chamber ,never trust a goy who seems to not be anti semitic,he must be realy,because,as the saying goes," An anti semite is someone who dislikes the Jews more than neccisery"......

you complete tool...Ive seen fekking Exodus,but I bet you were nodding along as you read that last bet, " Oh yes,your a manipulator,the friend of the jews who is the worst of them all"..............sheesh,so frikkin predictable, no wonder psychiatry found such popularity in its early days amongst jewish people,sometimes you guys are just so easy to read.

It would be utterly pointless for me to point out my anti,anti semite credentials but, A, why the fcuk should I to such a close minded muppet as you, and B, why the fcuk should I to anyone?
26 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Is it good idea to start learning German? [20]

When in Berlin tourists try to get around with broken german they are treated much better than anybody else...even if they might get answered in english as one wants for them to reach their goals. ;)

never been to berlin but i can tell you,the germans Ive met love that i try to speak a bit of it,even if I do end up stumped after the basics and the donner und blitzen,gott und himmel "war film" german runs out :)
26 Apr 2011
History / Poland paid off American Jewry in 1960 [162]

There are many noble Jews

Why do they never come on here then?
All we ever get are bleating ones who seem to want to tell Poles just how evil they were/are at the drop of a homburg.........

Im gussing this fella hasnt come across any of my posts with moania.lols, why do they do it? jews in Britain almost never scream anti semite in a debate,its always the bloody israelis, I swear,the touchiness is soooooooooooooo Polish its almost funny,in an ironic sort of way,or maybe its only us goyem non Poles who see this?..............oy fekking vay indead.
26 Apr 2011
History / Poland paid off American Jewry in 1960 [162]

"isthatu2"-Can you even compare Israel's actions to the acts of the Germans in the past?

Well,lets see. A people from Europe felt their "race" had a God given right to territory in the East................

You're so cheap demagogue!

Thats from being a Scot raised in Yorkshire Im afraid.....the cheap part,not sure why you raise me to the level of demegogue though,thats just bizzare....

Every word that comes out of your mouth is with a hatred so great.

Oh get the hell over yourself buddy,check a few of my posts where I openly take the p!ss out of dumb arse anti semites before you go around making a silly fool of yourself and falling into the constant trap of being seen as an israeli bleating "anti semite" every time someone says something you dont like.......all you do is make a rod for the real haters to hit you with and in the process p!ss off people that would normally be your allies.

Everyone's opinion is certainly very important thing, But in your case I notice that things do not come out of your head but from somewhere else ... Maybe hatred? prejudice?!

Yes,because I must hate the jewish members of my family,fcuk sake,your logic is at the level of a five year olds......

You iven dare to speak on land stolen? Think hard when you talk out of stupidity.

Yes, I dare,wtf you going to do,send mossad to illegally clone my passport? Simple, by terrorist acts and by murdering both Arabs and more disgustingly british veterns of WW2 your nation was created on the back of land grabs and murder. Expansion by armed aggression at a time when the rest of the world was abandoning imperialism and its tactics your nation decide to embrace them.

Think of the 3.3 million Jews whose property was stolen?

Again,get the fcuk over yourself. The Jewish people ,as unbelievable as you may find this,were not the only people affected by WW2. Do you really think that only 3.3 million people lost proparty in WW2? And,lets look at this 3.3 million figure,didnt they all die? If they died how do you give them back this so called stolen proparty? Come on Einstien answer that one.

Just as I thought - the one that smells, think he does not stink!

Er,wtf are you babbling on about mate? If I read this right you have jumped to a rascist conclusion that A, Im Polish and therefore B, being Polish Im responsible for what some Polish jews went through 70 odd years ago.......................again,get the fcuk overyourself.

The world has sympathy for the jewish victims of WW2,what it doesnt have sympathy for is slimey little twats like yourself riding on the coat tails of murdered people and expecting some sort of special treatment down to what their grandparents may have gone through in WW2,in short,get the fcuk out of here.

Your grandparents saw some horrible things in the war,my condolances....guess what,my grandparents actually fought and killed nazis,stick that in yer pipe and smoke it.
26 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Do Poles and EU Citizens exploit the British welfare state [129]

Rubbish J. Youve obviously been reading the Daily Mail too much :)
Dont get me wrong,there are loopholes in the system,but the main problem lies in just what gets lumped in as a "Disability", for instance, got a problem with Booze,sign off disabled. Ok,fair enough if they offered treatment but no,the system does tend to just hand out the cash without any plans to help people off disability.

As someone mentioned earlier,it all goes back to maggie T in the 80s. When she deliberatly chose as policy to do nothing regarding job creation in the industrial communities her fascist lite government had destroyed economicaly as putting people on benifits was short term a cheeper option,hence some areas where you can have 2 or 3 generations on benifits. It didnt help that just as the jobs market was beggining to expand in these areas that a million Poles suddenly turned up willing to work for less than half the wages that had previously been paid.