USA, Canada /
Polish man's visit a nightmare - Welcome To Canada [65]
Russell Brand is an English fellow- married to Katy Perry. He is a comedian, actor? something.
I do think that Canada is becoming too American.
How dare people generalize about Canadians being a**holes! After all, we're not Americans!
Is that what you're saying????
I think that Canada has had so much influx of the American way of life- t.v., media, foods, etc- that the line has become foggy as to what is Canadian culture and what is American. Yes, Canadians are proud of their heritage- I am a proud Canadian, however- I don't think the average person realizes what is going on. How many Canadians would rather watch or listen to Fox news as compared to the CBC. The CBC has amazing content and its thought provoking yet it is not popular.
Last week I was sick to my stomach when I read a story how this many from Winnipeg called up a news station and was ranting and raving about the 3 n-words on the Jets team. Sorry, what? that is unacceptable. That is not a Canadian word. When did it become ok to say this word in Canada---we have been bombarded with American isms and people that still use this word- not my country.
There was also a hockey game in London On last week and some piece of trash loser through a banana on the ice when a black player was going for a break away. Sorry, what the eff is that?
We have always been a country that had pride for not being American. Now we are becoming just like them---and probably don't even realize it.