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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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6 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Are you Poles proud of your country? Then why do you keep coming to Britain? [100]

Sorry, I struggle to accept that you took crap for being Polish in Huddersfield.

Yups, I was brought up in Doncaster,sounds the same,untill 04 being Polish was just not an issue for anyone,infact the wartime era Poles and they way they had made good lives in the UK were,if anything,over romanticised.

So,going with your touchy response to my post Im guessing you are just one of those types who rubs some people up the wrong way,or takes the wrong end of the stick more often than is practical .

And I started high school (grammar school) in 89 so we are hardly from widely different generations.....
5 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Are you Poles proud of your country? Then why do you keep coming to Britain? [100]

Due to the amount of crap I got off my peers I thought ***** you all, you're gonna slag me for something? I'm gonna be it 100%".

What a load of bollox.You were brought up in Yorkshire with a Polish name and you try to say that made you stand out,lols,pull the other one fella, I knew plenty of kids part,full,a teeny bit Polish growing up,none got hassle for being Polish,one or two did simply for being pr!cks though :)
5 Jun 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

I mean many Central / Eastern European EU Nations can be a perfect use of cheap labor.

fcukin hell,talk about slave mentality/low expectations!!!!!!
Why cant Central/ eatern European nations become competitors for atracting cheap labour,ie,get your own house in order before critisizing others...
1 Jun 2011
News / Visegrad Battle Group under the command of Poland [261]

ukraine, czech, slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Etc. we would be a force to be reckoned with. DOWN WITH BRUSSELS, GO WARSAW

to quote the kid from the simpsons, " Hah Hah! "


Huh? To restore,doesnt that imply that Poland was once a world power? In which spacial dimension or episode of Dr Who was that then?
1 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

By 1 in 10 British babies being born mixed race. This means the British Ethnicity will cease to exist if this keeps up.

There is no such thing as " british ethnicity",a simple fact you seem to be forgeting old bean.
In my small street is a french hugenout,several names ending in "son",a few O's some Mc's ,the local shop is owned by Singh Kholi's ,my MP is Polish jewish,or should I say,over a few hundred years these peoples families came here from around the world,all are now 100% British. Its a simple enough concept really fella.

Do you understand this?

Erm,do you understand yet? Colour or religion doesnt = britishness,being here and calling yourself british is enough.
Our Queen is part german,her husband is half greek before that we invited a Dutchman to be king,before him a Scot,not to mention the welsh ,Norman,Dannish ,Roman,etc ad nauseum leaders prior to those................

If you let in Pakis & Nigerians & Keep letting them mix in such high amount soon Brits will be more like Mulattos & Gypsies than like native Brits.

Keep letting them? Im sorry,unlike you we dont have a history of enforced racial segregation or totalitarian government,at least,not in the last few hundred years. Ghandi graduated from an english University.

Why do you Brits have no will to keep your ethnicity going?

See all of the above for your answer,but I would add,simply this, we are anoyingly secure in our identities,seems you are not.

Yet, Your Brits went ape **** in Imperialism?

yes, 300 hundred years ago we whipped the arses of the papal empires,big deal,Poland was too busy trying to conquer the Ukraine and invading russia to be much of a player in the wider world....

Are you talking about Italy that invaded Africa you retard? WTF?

Nope,Im talking about the attempt by Poland to set up its own west african colonies...............better re read your history books,though,not surprisingly as it plays against your obssesion with claiming to constantly be the victims,widely writen about to be sure.

"Between World War I and World War II, the government of the Second Polish Republic and Polish business entities considered Brazil, Peru, Angola, Liberia, Mozambique, Tanganyika, Cameroon, and Madagascar as possible venues for colonization. Although lands in these countries were purchased and some Polish emigration took place, formal colonization did not materialize. The Maritime and Colonial League was a major player in promoting settlement and colonization in these areas."

See also; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonies_of_Poland
and; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maritime_and_Colonial_League

What is wrong with wanting to save Europe for Europeans?

Save? From what? Strange man.

Look at Latin America where mixing has occured

Ok,shall we start with the B in BRIC?
I imagine that has gone clear over your noggin though......

Why, Because I want to save European peoples from being mixed & out bred out? This means Poles are sub humans?

Er,no,you dont speak for "Poles",you speak for yourself and a small but vocal band of equally challenged knuckle draggers,they ,unfortunatly,come from all corners of Europe and the wider world,you are not unique in your fcutardiness.

You are so severely retarded like most Brits. You come up with only emotionally driven responses with no sort of fact or intellect what so ever.

Lols,you do have a very dry sense of humour dont you......

But, IF you are to say all Polish people are prejudice this is not prejudice?

You are an extremely hypocritical retard.

I presume you are still talking to me,not just howling randomly at the moon. Ok,point out where I have said all poles are anything,go on,dare ya.....

You can't use facts or logic you are too much of a braindead gutless worm like most Brits.

I cant? Oh,Im a braindead gutless worm am I? Bloody hell mate, Im still about 120 IQ points above you in this little debate,not saying much for you is it?

part II to come when I can be arsed to learn from an obvious expert just how wrong I am............

No Oliver Cromwell really did Opress & Slaughter Celtic people.

No,for the simple fact that there is no such thing as " Celtic people", I might know a thing or two about that being as I am half Scottish half Irish.....so,go on,lecture me about my own history,please do,tell me I am ethnically " Celtic" and,frankly,I will laugh in your face.

Cromwell took a force to fight irish rebels,the irish rebels lost,as was custom all over the world in the mid 17th century very little mercy was given and slaughters took place,in short, sh!t happened in dem bad old days.....shall we talk about catholic slaughters of protestants? St Barts day massacre anyone?

Now, If I think Nigerians, Turks & Pakis being in Europe is a bad thing. I am complete scum right?

maybe not complete, just ill educated,narrow minded,and above all,a big,yellow streaked cowardy cowardy custard.

But, I just want to protect Europe & I DO NOT THINK IT IS FAIR FOR EUROPEANS OR MINORITIES To create Ethnic Tensions that do not need to be there.

So do Europe a favour and shut the fcuk up then. Love the hypocrasy,bang on about your racial superiority over every non Pole,then bleat about people creating tension,lmfao,irony lost on a poor shmo like you.

Gypsies & Jews caused ALOT of Ethnic tensions in Europe.

Really? Go on,tell us all how everything that went wrong is "the Jews fault" or blame everything on some gypo's............jeez,you really are pathetic, Adolf missed out on a good little Stormtrooper with you being born(i presume) in the early 1990s........

One look at the Balkans & It is not a good deal to create a Balkanized Multicultural society because it causes Ethnic tensions.

No,pathetic knuckle dragging luddittes like yourself cause tensions.Normal ,fully functioning adults tend not to give a sh!t what someones ethnic background may or may not be.

The fact that your Brits go ape Sh*t over College Intuition increases shows how unlogical & emotional your Island is.

Er,no,frankly it shows that we are a nation who cares that our children are educated in the best universities in europe, Im guessing ,at least in your case,Poland gave up on you somewhere around 11,maybe 12?

I think it is completely disgusting that Britain has given Muslims their Sharia courts.

Hey why don't Catholics in Britain get our own Catholic Courts?

So,allowing people freedom of religious expresssion is "disgusting" is it? Nice attitude matey. Sharia courts in the UK are no more than the jewish religious "courts" ,they have no influence or superiority over secular laws of the land,the deal with purely religious issues such as divorce etc.

Catholic courts? yes,we had those in Britain,trouble was they tended to have one punishment to fit all,Burning at the Stake......fcukwit....
Of course there are Catholic religious institutions in Britain, not being a Papist myself Im a little unsure of what these barmy old institutions are called,but ,next time I visit my Uncle,Father Austin,I shall ask him about them.....

You seem to think it is Okay to be prejudice against Poles, Irish, Lithuanians, Scots, Spaniards ect. But GOD FORBID someone says Muslism & Africans & Asians don't belong in Europe
Then thati s the most horrible thing ever.

Numbnuts, I am Irish,and Scots, oops,am I being prejudiced against myself? Newsflash, Scots and a lot of Irish are British.......my Irishness is not the British kind,but that makes me no less British............tosser.

So, You are full of sh*t & you are nothing but a completely braindead follower. You have no thoughts of your own. You are a pathetic ballsless zombie.

Oh thank you oh speaker of truth and reason, I am now going to re asses my entire life.
Thank you for pointing out that Im am not a nasty little cowardly rascist simply due to having being brainwashed by evil britain into being a nice,well rounded non bigoted person...........what a fool I have been, now,where be all the niggahs at so we can have ourselves a europe saving neck tie party?

Sheesh, How do these fools like Polskimac string these random thoughts together into such long posts?
How does not likeing rascist Poles suddenly make someone an assumed supporter of Shariah law?
What a strange wee boy he is.
Odd though,like most neo fascists he would ,Im sure,actually prefer to live under Sharia law,where as some evil liberal .like myself hates ALL medievil god bothering bullsh!t whether that be beardy men in turbans or peadophiles in the vatican.....
1 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

I think a better question is why did Brits go from killing off whole continent of races

No , a better question would be, erm,where exactly do you think this continent wide genocide took place.
Come on,dont just be a gobsh!te.

Then a century later Brits have 1 in 10 children being born as mixed race.


This means that Brits will cease to exist.

erm,no it doesnt, "brits" are not a race,we are a nation.

I don't know why Brits don't see a problem with their coming ethnic suicide by multicutluralism & the Islamification of Britain.

erm,because it is not going to happen,its only tinfoil hat wearing foreign nut jobs like you that think it will.

Islamic Fascists have been given Sharia courts in Britain & Yet, most Brits don't care

No they have not. the systems thay have do not supercede the law of the land. Maybe get some facts straight before waisting your time on such an epic fail of a post?

Instead most Brits care about increases in College Tuition & Beating up on the BNP

And? Problem? Increase in fees is a scandle,considering it is being implemented either by those who went to Eton or attended Uni back when it was still free. And, WTF is the problem with beating up nazis?Odd man...

Why do Brits still vote Oliver Cromwell as a top 10 greatest Brit of all time & in the top 3 greatest British LeaderS?

Oh, I dont know,maybe because he overthrew the power of an oppresive Monarchy and founded the modern worlds first republic?

When Oliver Cromwell opressed & slaughtered Celtic people.

Nope,no he didnt. The army invaded ireland before the catholic army being raised could invade mainland britain. Warfare was brutal back then,look to the continent for exact same examples of whole captured towns being put to the sword.

You Brits are crying about Poles being Racist. While you are actually being Prejudice against Poles by saying we are usually prejudice.

Dont be a silly wee boy anymore than you have too,ok. "We Brits" are complaining about meathead rascist fcuktards who happen to be Polish,end of.

Then you see nothing wrong with the Prejudices Oliver Cromwell did against Celtic people

Again, WTF are you talking about,strange deluded wee man. Cromwell had a "thing " against Papists being as,well,Papists had plunged england into Civil war and spent the last couple of centuries trying to invade England...thats Catholics for the slow on the uptake, not "Celtic people",muppet.

besides,if its invading other peoples countries in the 17th century and repressing people of a slightly different brand of christianity,well,lets face it, I think Poles or people speaking for Poles are the last people to be able to say anything with out the brush of hypocrasy.....

The more I deal with the British people the more I think most Brits are retards who lack logical skills & tend to be extremely easily brainwashed & lead to opinions based on simpleton emotions rather than cold hard facts & logical reasoning.

Strange thing to say from someone who has displayed zero reasoning, absolutly no "cold hard facts" and seems to repeat parrot fashion the sort of garbage spouted late at night in plastic paddy bars by people 15 generations removed from Erin.....schmuck.

Well we Poles never had anything to be ashamed of. We did not act like Wild Baboons looting & shooting up entire continents like monkeys.

You are not a Pole,you are simply an idiot

If you want to have white guilt why don't you leave that to yourselves you primitive apes.

is this you being reasonable ,logical and non rascist?

When your Brits were looting & shooting continents you ALWAYS had to convert them to your religion & make them speak your language.

yes, because Pakistan is a Christian country isnt it...........muppet.

Why do your Brits ALWAYS have to Control, & Have a ME ME ME It has to be my way mentality.

erm,we are talking about what happens in our country here, why shouldnt it be down to us,or are you so culturaly used to being the batty boy of all your neighbours that autonamy is some sort of moving victorian toy for you?

We Poles are at least standing up for our race. We don't want to use or enslave Non whites.

You dont have a "race", you are ethno graphically classed as predominantly Slavic,but beyond that,your the mongrol breed of europe as much as anyone else on this continent,you complete barnpot, jesus mary and the daisychain, have you not even read any Polish History either?

We want to save Europe for Europeans & have the right to be able to have opinions that not every race is equal which is reality.

Unfortunatly you may be proving your last point,on the whole,plenty of you "Poles" are a tad subhuman after all,maybe that adolf fella had a point after all.................

How retarded Brits are today allowing their Ethnicity to be destroyed & Yet you still have Monkey Manorisms of Everyone has to be like me

I think I speak for any non retarded people here when I say, Huh?

You know what **** Your ****** Island of Apes filled with hideous women, terrible food & buck teeth looking beavers.

Aww,bless,mate,you do have such a classic case of inferiority complex that its almost tragic,funny,but tragic.

You do realise that Poland tried to build an overseas Empire in the 1930s in Africa,but it was an epic fail of glorious incompitance even though fully supported by your government,and that,in all seriousness,the only reason loads of africans are not lumbered with Polish as their second language is that hitler invaded you?
1 Jun 2011
Travel / Car Museum in Warsaw. [13]

Oh,thanks for that, I was getting confused with the origional Kubas at the Army Museum, I think that may have been partially restored at the car museum :)
31 May 2011
Travel / Car Museum in Warsaw. [13]

Were they involved in the reconstructed Kubus?
( The cool, A Team style, home made armoured car from the uprising)
30 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

No,of course not,there never is,I forgot,Poland is completly unique,no other country in that nek of the woods ever suffered or was fcuked over by its neighbours.....how dare anyone think they were,what an insult to poland blah blah blazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
30 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

But you still blame Poland, who just herself regained independence, for not fighting for you. As I always said: first figure out what the hell you want, and then eventually you will find the way of achieving it. Not just go around blaming anyone in the neighborhood for your spectacular failures

Lols,might be a lesson you Poles could do with learning regarding your own history eh......

Feckin Kloses and Podolskis of WW2 :-/

lols,thats a football reference right? I got that,...:)

The Soviet army was badly organized, malnourished, not well armed etc. The odds weren't impossible.

Erm,is this the same mighty soviet army that would have overrun europe if not for the battle of Warsaw? ? make up your minds folks....

Bit pathetic really,two fcuked over ,p!ss poor nations both scrabbling to show the other is less woteva........pfffff.
30 May 2011
Life / Why are Polish people so obsessed with race? [160]

express a desire to integrate and don't form large closed communities.

Would that include speaking the native language after a few years and not opening up specialist shops everywhere selling their funny smelling foods?
If so,can you point that out to your Polish mates in Britain then?
29 May 2011
Love / I met a Polish guy but wonder what his intention is.. [35]

I was so mad, we went to the doctor, found out he has a yeast infection because he never washed himself

Thank you,that was priceless :) :),to coin a vernacular I think you colonials use, what a FCUKTARD!!! :):)
You are well shot of that loser love,dont worry though,a bum like that will be a few months short of a felony and deportation back to country of birth :)
29 May 2011
Life / Is Lady Gaga popular in Poland? [47]

Let me guess Homophobius3, she came out with that last music video "Judas" and it struck a nerve

Nah,more likely it was "Born this way" that struck the nerve ;)
27 May 2011
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

Lots of Pillows..............unless someone has got their finger out and sorted the roads just inside the Polish border on the dresden/ jena way into poland................

Exchange some cash at the Post Office,even the smallest branches have Zloty in stock these days :)
27 May 2011
Genealogy / How Polish am I? What is the correct formula? [58]

Well,the guys on the island changed their names for them :) Often though immigrents would,once settled Anglicise their names even further .
27 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

how many?

one stubbed toe would have been too great a sacrifice for a sick ungreatfull ***** like you. Its a good job the wartime generation of Poles are dying off because they would be terminally embarresed by the whining and whinging by people who clearly know so little about the subject.
26 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

The country was built on the rascist concept of european catholics being the only valid humans on that continent,indians were wiped out and blacks brought over as slaves,now in the 21st century the status quo hasnt altered one bit, "europeans" hold all the power and the rest grub around for the crumbs.
26 May 2011
Genealogy / The War Cross Of Poland [4]

Sounds like there is going to be an interesting story behind all this.
A merchant sailor being awarded a Polish medal is a new one for me. many of the old boys Ive worked with,the "snowdrops" anyway ,have the Soviet medals for the artic convoys and murmansk/archeangle runs,but never heard of Polish medals.

If you have the card,and its in your Fathers name I cannot see there being a mistake though. One thing to consider is that,in the case of most forces personnel in or from the UK only two medals were actually automatically given one being the 39/45 star and another which escapes me at the minute(i'm history/uniforms/equipment, not medals...), the rest generally had to be sent off for and many,due to rationing were in short supply and had to be waited for, very many service men didnt bother applying for them though so many just have the award citations. This has caused some confusion and upset within families when loved ones have passed away.

Perhaps this is the case with your fathers "missing " medal?
Anyway,good luck and please,let us know what you find out.

ps, google Sikorski institute,london..................they may be able to help but their records are primarily regarding Polish service personnel but they may be able to point you in the right direction.

pps, does the medal citation come from RP or RPL?
25 May 2011
Love / Any particular Polish customs or traditions that I should know about in my relationship? [45]

re, "mother in law"
Simples really, a classic hand kiss on first meeting her. Lightly take the proffered hand,guide up slightly to her chest level,lower your head so she can see if you have a bald spot ( ;) ) then a quick peck on her hand while muttering a few well thought out compliments regarding her house/hair/daughter/dress etc and,Bingo, Mom in law is on side :)

Just dont try the heel click without plenty of practice or if wearing sneakers ;)
25 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Are Poles in UK really that big of a deal? [112]

I have yet to meet any brits in the north of the uk with an issue with the poles living here

We havnt met then......and you obviously havent met a whole heap of people in the North,sheesh,it was fun in the first few weeks in 04 to spot Poles and hear Polish in the local large town,less fun a few weeks later when even my small village was inundated with Jaceks and Zosias.....driving down wages to early 90s levels and sucking up the sparse jobs that had only just been created after the tories last stab at decimating anywhere further north than watford gap.....

I live in an area where there were always Poles,or rather the descendents of wartime Poles,oddly enough they were the most vocal about the "class" of young Poles they found themselves surounded by and lumped in with.

To be clear over the above post,its a numbers issue,not an individuals or "race" thing,as any right thinking person will realise :)
24 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Poland has arrived in TV soap opera "Eastenders" [15]

But of course the South was beaten by the North - there was a Pole on Coronation Street 50 years ago.

South west had it in the 80s with that Polish Porter in Casualty, and before anyone moans that this was another low wage job blah blah, a Polish mate of mines dad came over in the 80s and worked as a Hospital Porter despite his degree :)
19 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Protection master training in Poland or UK: Train railway safety [7]

to be sure,them and the sharp elbowed penguins left a lasting impresion on my last trip to warsaw...................good job im not catholic because Id have about ten million hail marys for giving one overly objectionable penguin a sharp dig of my own boney elbow just below her wing :)
19 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

I am Polish and had lived in England from 1948 to1959,

So, a genuine expert on 21st century british life then. Pray,educate us further oh sage from the east....

My experiance is, they are snobs like all peoples that were imperialists

For sure,we all have solar topee's under our beds ready to kick start The Raj at a moments notice from Lizzie W'.
Any typo's in this are down to the fact that my Butler,my Gentlemans Gentleman is not used to such vulgar technology as a keyboard.

We will favour our own ancestral origines and cultural customs, there is no denying this fact. Ludwik Smigielski

If you truthfully believe this then maybe it is a case of you having reaped what you sowed.
Outside of london it is rare in Britain to find ethnic and racial ghettos or even areas,can you say the same for your beloved land of the free?

It's a pity that Poles did not, do not and will never have such an Emperor.

lols you muppet,you do realise it was Roosvelt who sold poland out to stalin dont you?