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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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8 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Brits or Poles more eager to try new foods? [17]

please try not to get around the filters

Huh?????? Does this strange and puzzling post have anything to do with my reply going from being the first reply to becoming about 4th?
Any explanation beyond a cryptic message in Red? Ie, who wrote that in red? What do you mean? What filters? genuinly puzzled................
7 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Brits or Poles more eager to try new foods? [17]

Many Brits are turned off by sour milk, head cheese, tripe, jellied pig trotters and black pudding (kaszanka) a to mention but a few.

Many may be,but your mistake in that list is that everyone of those has a native British equivalent.not sure about "sour milk" though,isnt that just off milk?ie,nasty smelly stuff that aliens get drunk on....

But thats another thing,those would be considered "national" food in Poland,in the UK they would be far more regional, Black pudding would be North West england,Tripe seems to be a Yorkshire thing(tho Id never touch it! )jellied anything seems a london thing and,well,we have more types of cheese than the french so....

Poles IMHO seem to be far more reluctant to try new foods. Lets just look at how popular Polski Skleps still are over here. There isnt a small town or neighbourhood in the UK that doesnt have a Polski Sklep these days,even TESCOS still has a Polish foods aisle.

Of course,flip side is all the Brits who go on holiday to Spain etc and eat "English breakfasts " every day and stick to pub grub rather than local stuff.....

Id still say us Brits have the edge on a far wider cuisine,"exotic" in warsaw seemed to be pierogi Russian style......where as for the last 40 or 50 years here in the UK its been normal for a weeks worth of meals to have come from the 4 corners of the world, Spag Bol on a Monday,Curry on a Tuesday a kebab after work on a Wednesday, etc etc,Sunday Roast is about the only "Native" Dish regularly eaten so....

Who knows,in the end its one of those questions that will go round and round. Im not keen on many Polish foods but the ones Im not keen on are like the ones you mentioned,fatty greasy slimey stuff I dont eat here or abroad but elsewhere I always eat and drink Local ( and smoke too,always buy the local cigarettes) and will try anything once,but my hypothetical english neighbour( I do have one...just,you know..) might be the type who never touches any foreign "muck" and always packs some cornflakes and some bacon rashers in his holiday suitcases :)

please try not to get around the filters
6 Jul 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Oh bugger,was all smug then....read the post on the main page,thought, easy peasy,bound to be the Salt Mines ......;)
I'll get my coat......
6 Jul 2011
Real Estate / WOODEN HUNTERS TOWERS ON MY LAND in POLAND.....is it legal....? [59]

I noticed a vintage motorbike with a side car being driven by a biker with a german style crash helmet, I thought to myself that has got to be one of the " Wild gang "

So thats what BBs been upto these past few days.....

Id be damned tempted just to destroy the thing if it appeared on my land,but,after a cuppa and a ciggie Id try to find out just who put it up and see what their game was. genuine mistake they will move it,if they dont,fek 'em,knock the ghastly looking thing down and leave them a pile of timber.

I wonder if Poles realise that a lot of people think they are some sort of concentration camp watchtowers. Thats not "hunting",thats sitting on your fat arse and plinking at defencles creatures,a pathetic "sport" for grown men................
6 Jul 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Its a Bentley,the British Racing Green colour gave that away to any 30+ something former Airfix kit fanatics :)

  • thumbnailCAOP6LPZ.jp.jpg
6 Jul 2011
Language / Is fluency in Polish for an English speaker possible?! [30]

Relax and just listen how they talk, did you ever try to imitate someone's talk? try that but keep it fun.

It works,I forgot almost all the French I learnt at school but Im a big fan of French movies and in France people are surprised when I run out of vocab as they assume Im native as I seem to copy a Parisien accent apparently :)
3 Jul 2011
News / Insulting Catholics in Poland can get you 2 years in jail? [67]

why do you feel the need for thinking in a very distorted way ?

Well,lets just say I come from a long tradition of thinking for myself,not swallowing whatever party line is spouted at the time...........
"Distorted thinking",have you ever read orwell? Dont bother,you clearly have not,or if you have you obviously were inspired to work for rather than against Big Brother,thats OK,the world always needs aparatchiks to carry out the crimes of those who elevate themselves to positions of power...............

he explained the subject very convincingly

no,he said what makes you feel comfortable,there is a difference. Your views are correct,everyone else is wrong..........sorry ,not in the real world.
3 Jul 2011
News / Insulting Catholics in Poland can get you 2 years in jail? [67]

Naming a catholic church as " murderous cult " is for sure offensive ,

But completly true and provable in any court.Unless that court happens to be in some backwards former communist country with very little history of freespeach or indead freedom of expresion in anyway...

In UK practically nothing is legal, as free speech in that country is just an abstract concept and you can get in trouble even for expressing negative view on kinds of foods others eat, let alone their religious views

Thats rubbish. Complete twaddle,but hey ho................
1 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

I fell asleep on my garden bench listening to "Just a minute"

Bloomin Chopin's revenge,lulling you off to sleep :)

I see Brits don't like the hot just like Poles

Face it,we just aint adapted to it :) Saying that though,Im like you,I dont mind hot,its humid that gets me. The trouble for us over here though is we go from a 20 below winter through a Mweh, spring and all of a sudden the temp' shoots up to silly levels for s few days and we all burn to a crisp soaking up every last ray. Thats fine if its the usuall 3 day heatwave where on the fourth day our hoodies and trousers can go back on(god,british men and shorts,no no no!!!) but if it lasts more than a week the moaning starts again :)
30 Jun 2011
Love / Hopeful to date Polish woman [39]

Most Polish women wouldn't touch Indians with a bargepole,

Baaahhhhhhhahahahahaha, how long since you've been back to the UK S'?
Maybe not many Polish women date non Polish guys in Poland for the simple fact there are far more,er,Polish guys in Poland,but funnily enough,away from Poland and away from the fruitloops on here plenty of Polish women seem pretty damn colourblind around here in England.
29 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

then why isn't it OK for traditionally raised (straight) people

Do you actually think anyone sets out to raise Gay children??? WTF? So,a straight couple decide they want little Jonny to be Gay when he grows up......Ok,so,is he played subliminal Judy Garland records all night?

Bizzare how some people still dont see its not about how some one is raised or what they may somehow be "exposed to".

Simply put,how the hell could it be? I dont care how many gay pride parades go past my font door or how many geezers in leather chapps or sailor suits shashay past me Im not joining their party...........I didnt need some celibate old fruit in a pulpit to tell me not to like other men,I just dont,and nothing could convert me(short of a multi million $ pre nup with Johnny Depp,but only if he shaves really well.......) so what are you all scared of?
29 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

Im just waiting for when tonights episode of the BBCs Holby City medical soap gets shown in Poland...............LMAO, two Builders,Polish,brought in after accident,one refers to his companian as a big bear.........there's issues about going home to Poland......hints of family disapproval at something........
29 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

It was the hottest day of the year so far on monday....lets just say,those tiny little denim shorts /floaty mini dresses certainly do wonders for Anglo Polish relations.........Oh how I love my mirrored sunglasses ;)
29 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

10 (comandments)

which one do you mean here?
lets face it, a Roman Cathloic lecturing on the 10 commandments is on sticky ground ....

2."Do not make an image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above..."
This prohibits the construction or fashioning of "idols" in the likeness of created things (beasts, fish, birds, people) and worshipping them (aniconism).

So,better get rid of all those little statues of "virgins" and grim woodcarvings of jesus hanging by nails on a cross then.

OOps,sorry,Im forgeting that once again with so called religious people they tend to pick and choose which things to follow and which to ignore..wearing wool and cotton today or ever? Shame on you,you should be stoned to death for that Biblical sin you hypocrite.
28 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

Hahaha, funny you should say that,was actually on whipma.... walking behind some Polish tourists,obviously completly oblivious that the person talking with a local accent could understand what they were saying....put it this way,they were referencing a certain event at Clifords Tower and using slightly more "off the cuff" terms to describe the people Id been talking about earlier when Id explained to my mate that actually,it wasnt a pogrom,the local Sheriff and his men at arms gave them full protection from a handfull of drunk medeivil chavs but,surprise surprise the "protectees" decided to ,well,kill their wives,their kids then themselves........................always reminds me of the Judean Suicide squad in Life of Brian.....
28 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

Relax mate,I am not trying to offend English people.Can't you take a little joke?

see,some one is playing silly buggers here, I posted something ages ago explaining this

Germany sold the bombs back but for a 100 dollars a piece.

ditto to this nugget of info too, in my now disapeared post i said,I did not know that,wow....
Ah well,same old same old ................

So,anyways, like I said,plenty of Polish tourists wandering around amongst the germans and americans and spanish italians scots,scousers..nah,that last one was a lie.....around York today,maybe they were as amused as I was by the weird similarity of a street there that looks just like ul Florianska in Krakow? :)
27 Jun 2011
Life / How many Jewish people live in Poland? [145]

Mabel Krusz, retired textile business manager living in Krakow

isnt that her from the Golden Girls,not betty white(?) or the Southern one Rue mcsummat,or the man,the little really old one?
27 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

The interesting thing is that most men who are bothered by two men kissing in public

Nah,marynka, the thing is,men who would never dream of kissing another man couldnt care less what two random people do to/with each other,it seems to me that only men with a secret seem to give a second glance.......its classic self loathing /projection.
27 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

You have to Practice to be a Gay?
Oh,didnt realise that,dont think i'll bother turning then,too much like hard work by the sounds of it.....funny,id always imagined it would be quite easy to be Gay,I mean,it took some trial and error to figure out just what was what with that creature from an alien flick,Id have thought that having the same bits as your partner would make things easier....ah well,live and learn, guess Im not coming over to the Pink side any time soon then......
26 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

I am a Scot living in England for nearly 20 yrs and i still feel like a stranger

I am a Scot living in England 25 years and I dont feel like a stranger

yes I'm British but it's a different culture

Correct,less secterianism and far less random violence....ie;

last one who said it spent a week in hospital with head injuries.

yes.....now are you quite sure you were not fighting with your own reflection in a shop window?

The real problem is the English

No,the real problem is whingers who wouldnt fit in in a room full of their own clones....

Harry, you are well off-topic here and such talk is better placed on a British forum.

fcuk sake, who made you moderators pet? do you post them a polished apple once a week?
23 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / What do Polish people think about Wales and Welsh people? [191]

This sounds like a load of bochoks

Thank you,very helpfuch.

There is even such word in Polish and it means 'dungeon'

interesting,thanks, I could have said like "lech" but with an "o" .

"Loch" was used as the example in a phonetic guide for pronouncing the Polish "ch" within the names of the characters in an English translation of Sienkiewicz's trilogy.

hehehe,which would have baffled most englishmen as they pronounce it "Lock". :)

not really as Cymraeg has this sound too...and it's made the throat whereas the LL is made in the same place as English L

You did notice the "non welsh speaker" and "closest" didnt you? :) You buggers are all alike,moan that no one speaks your language or miss pronunces it,then when some one does pronunce it right you have to pick the teeniest tiniest ickle thing to find wrong ....must be all the Irish genes in todays Welsh ;)
23 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / What do Polish people think about Wales and Welsh people? [191]

Im guessing you are or speak Polish Lyzko? The double LL seems to this non welsh speaker to be closest to the Polish "ch" sound,which funnily enough is how us Scots pronounce "Loch" ,ie,as though it was a Polish word ,like the russian pronunciation of Chleb ;)
22 Jun 2011
Food / Pancakes with cottage cheese? [40]

America wins once again.

any country that makes cheese in a spray can loses,sorry bout that......