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Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 2607 / In This Archive: 2054
From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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3 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

What the hell are you talking about ? What crashes are you talking about ?

and then:

There were just 3 .

You've answered your own question.

Wait for it...

According to the Polish investigatory commission, the cause of the crash was the disintegration of an engine shaft due to faulty bearings

The first thing she does is try to apportion blame outside her country's borders. By the way, she omitted the bit from the wikipedia story about the real investigation, the bit including the phrase "contrary to what was stated in the Polish report", but anyone reading this who remembers a poster called Monia who is the same person as 'polmed' should not be surprised.

I notice she doesn't mention the sad accident I was referring to. Even then she'd probably quote from wikipedia where someone has added to the paragraph where the accident is attributed to pilot error that the accident investigators "held a grudge against Poland".
3 Nov 2011
News / "Shale Gas Revolution" will make Poland a Leading Country in Europe! [202]

Not to mention poisoning the water table, and the use of a cocktail of over a hundred lethal chemicals governed purely by the profit motive, where someone's quality of life is worth exactly the cost of the lawsuit.

Mods, maybe change the title of this thread to something that sounds a bit more objective than the PR stunt it originally was.
3 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

From what I've seen on one of the videos, it took the first fire engine just about 30 seconds to reach the plane. And it came from the back of the aeroplane, by the way.

Yes, it was quite quyick. Presumably they were on standby.

There's a grim echo of one of the previous crashes at Warsaw where they decided to land at Okecie rather than (the nearer) Modlin due to there being better support, but sadly didn't make it.
2 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

This is BIG news in Poland, the main PL news sites stil have it as front news headlines - alongside missing tomeks cat returning, and the sun rose at dawn :D

Of course it is. The last big news here involving a plane was a fatal crash due to pilot error. This however is good news - the pilot saved everyone. A crash landing of a transatlantic passenger jet in a city of 3 million (and one where the airport is actually in the city rather than outside it and has had a couple of big crashes already) would be news anywhere. Being in some way the reverse of Smolensk makes it very big news indeed.

And the only other thing happening today (constantly on the rolling news channels) is something fairly banal about an unpopular politician, so yes, it is a pretty big event.

Let's focus on good airmanship rather than the nationalities, shall we?

2 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

I will choose LOT as my primary air carrier for my next flights , for its superb pilots and other crew members .

Really? The pilot did well in this situation, but there have been serious questions raised about the safety of LOT including a very nasty situation where the skies around Heathrow had to be cleared and aircraft grounded (all at huge cost) because a LOT pilot had a panic attack while in the cockpit. It turned out that he didn't even speak any English, the language of the air traffic control. The ensuing report pointed out that many of the better pilots at LOT had moved to other airlines that pay more and that no more than a dozen LOT pilots were safe to fly internationally because of their lack of language skills. The incident has been discussed here already.

So to talk about 'superb pilots' is something of a exaggeration.
2 Nov 2011
News / Poland 39. in Human Development Index 2011 [7]

I suspect that it might be accomplished in the next 10-15 years.

That timescale seems feasible but anything could happen in the meantime.
1 Nov 2011

Hannah was Jewess

Maybe a source that Miss Ayscough was Jewish?

Of course we Brits would be just as proud of him if he were Jewish, like Disraeli, Anglo-Indian, like Virginia Woolf, African English like Mary Seacole, or whatever. Though he wasn't any of those.

More lies, Moania? And as usual speaking volumes about your 'quaint' ideas.
1 Nov 2011
Classifieds / English cuisine week in Lidl shops in Poland [203]

yumm Polish people are prejudiced against them though : (

Lovely stuff! A friend who holds a Burns' Night here has to bring them from Scotland.
1 Nov 2011
Classifieds / English cuisine week in Lidl shops in Poland [203]


What is it?

A heavy duty ginger cake made with dripping and sometimes served with strong cheese. The culinary opposite of szarlotka and kremowki.
1 Nov 2011
Classifieds / English cuisine week in Lidl shops in Poland [203]

The fireworks anyway. And most people in PL are horrified at the idea of parkin, when you explain it. Until they actually try it, of course.
1 Nov 2011

Isaak Newton who is not British , he is Jewish . But no one claims in a wiki he is Jewish

Because he wasn't.

because of his mother Hannah , a Jewess.

There is no suggestion whatsoever that Hannah Ayscough was any different from her neighbours. More lies Moania?

this home spun German lunatic self made historian

Philip Melancthion? I wonder where your "home spun" "lunatic" "self made" stuff comes from.

Mikołaj Kopernik was of course Polish

As has been amply demonstrated in this thread, he wasn't.

And no one will check his DNA , because there is no proof

Perhaps there should be tests...
31 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

strangely enough most Polish people become completely freaked out by pickled eggs

My ex was appalled, intrigue, satisfied and then told everybody he'd eaten one.
31 Oct 2011

So he called him Polish , but thought deep down in his heart he was German

Pretty well

Also don`t mention other name than Gdańsk here on PH .

Dunno what 'PH' is, but the Baltic's the Baltic. And Gdansk is Danzig. The Polish 'government' may have 'celebrated' International Hanseatic Day several years ago by closing the border with Germany for 12 hours, but you can't just cancel out history just by a) renaming something and b) lying.
31 Oct 2011
Language / Pronunciation difficulties for Poles speaking English [40]

placing my tongue in random places of my mouth trying to guess what the L should sound like they say Ah, saWt

Short /o/ hard /l/ should be fine,think 'solt', po polsku.


I just read that you're in Nottingham (pretty well the only accent I can't parody). They would say something like /sawt/ that's hard to copy. Nobody would expect you to say it the way they do, and you could maybe derive some comfort that I can speak Polish with a fairly good Mazowiecki accent but can't do Nottingham despite coming from 50km away. The Nottingham accent is very specific and (in my opinion) not very nice. Maybe you've noticed that only a few miles out of town the accent changes.
31 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

I personally love the trains - one can't even compare them with trains in Poland and the staff is ever so nice and helpful.

Really? I actually prefer the trains in Poland - especially the Wars wagon. Sure, the staff aren't especially polite, but there's something about Polish trains that British ones spoilt 30 years ago. The Poles haven't spoilt it yet,
30 Oct 2011
Language / Pronunciation difficulties for Poles speaking English [40]

Number 1 sounds similar to the L we use in Polish but number 2 is something between L and £ (or W in English)...... Any tips?

Yes. Ignore it. The difference between the two sounds is a regional thing from south-east England. It doesn't usually sound good when someone from another country speaks Estuary English. Unless they've immigrated to Romford in which case they're beyond help anyway..

Hut' in Polish sounds like " hat " , but "Hat " sounds in Polish like "het".

See above. You have clearly been speaking to the wrong people

succint" - like Polish "y" why do you pronunce it more like Polish " syksynt " is a total puzzle for me .

No. Perhaps you've been hobnobbing with a person from Rhodesia or some such. Down our way we pronounce it correctly /sʌksɪnkt/
26 Oct 2011

Oh yes, we know enough

It would be great if that were true, but it isn't. We know scraps only.

How is it relevant? But I know enough about four schools of Latin pronunciation

We're talking about loanwords in the Polish language.Linguists can only hypothesise about the way the predecessor of Polish sounded at that time.

So sorry, your hypothesis here is quite weak.

But accurate. Unless you can find a record of the word having passed from Latin to a modern European language earlier. There's no reason to assume it passed directly from English to Polish without being adopted in other languages on the way!
26 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

I take you are writing this tongue in cheek ??????
You were the lazy mare that wanted to claim benefits in Poland!!!!!!!
Just so you could have a cheap holiday!!!!!

25 Oct 2011

That's what your English wikipedia says. :-)

I wouldn't know - never use it ;-)

Latin was in use in Poland since 10th century, long before any cultural contacts with England have been stablished.

Interesting, however we don't know very much about 10th Century Poland and the way they spoke can only be guessed at. Also, we aren't discussing how Latin words are or were used in Latin; we are discussing how they might be used in Polish. We know the first written sources containing the word gratis and how its spread can be provably traced across Europe. We also know that it existed in written Middle English.

There is a quote from Jesus Christ: Gratis accepistis, gratis date

As far as we know, He spoke neither Latin nor Polish.

And no, schadenfreude is NOT the same as malicious gloating - the fact that the word comes from German adds an extra layer of meaning, say what you might! ;-P

Exactly - otherwise people would just say 'malicious gloating' Schadenfreude is quite different. There's also the euphemistic use of loan words. Menage a trois and partouse sound better than any of the alternatives. I just wish the Poles wouldn't say sponsoring when they mean a discreet form of prostitution.
25 Oct 2011

In your zeal of weeding the Polish language you may have missed the point that this word came from Latin many generations before you were born. And it exists in many other languages: Catalan, Danish, German, Afrikaans, Italian, Norwegian, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish... and yes, English.

A weird thing to say really, since it came into all those languages from English. It's been used in English since the Middle Ages, originally as a legal term. Oddly enough I knew that already.

You still don't get it, do you?
Words of foreign origin carry additional meaning / information.

Yes. There's boredom and there's ennui - a whole different thing. Weltschmerz is different again. And nothing else quite expresses elan, eclat, jejeune, schadenfeude, amok etc.
25 Oct 2011
Life / Do I have to do something to start receiving mail in Poland? (moved from the US) [33]

I'm closer to Garbary and Krolowej Jadwigi.

I lived near the top end of Garbary and my local post office was by the Muzeum Narodowy.


I never had any problem receiving mail. Are you sure you're giving the address in the right format? It should be:

(for example, of course)

Barack Obama
ul. Pennsylvania 1700/1
00-001 Washington
Poland (if from outside PL)

Instead of 1700/1 (with 1700 being the building number and 1 being the apartment number) it can be written be 1700 m. 1

Ul. is short for ulica (street), Al. short for aleje (avenue). Do not write street or avenue. Use Ul. or Al. is If your street is named after a person (say, ulica Jana Kilinskiego), it doesn't matter if you write Ul. Kilinskiego or Ul. Jana Kilinskiego. Just don't write Ul. Jana.
24 Oct 2011
Law / Medical Malpractice in Poland - seeking accountability? [146]

The Polish NFZ system is for poor people , pensioners and some unlucky unemployed people .

I've used it and I'm none of those three. Also, people with quite a reasonable income sometimes need major surgery or emergency treatment. They don't all go private.

I get old then maybe I will

As a language trainer I feel professionally responsible to tell you that on the basis of your profile photo you should be using the present perfect if not the past simple.