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Joined: 23 Jul 2017 / Female ♀
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Last Post: 31 Jul 2021
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2076 / In This Archive: 938
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: yes

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27 Aug 2017
Language / Where did you start or the best techniques for learning Polish. [85]

Wasn't that in the US? It seems quite surprising that there is a problem with bribery when it comes to teaching positions in the US :S

I'm not really into Hollywood films (especially black and white) or films in general. If I watch something on TV, it's usually a sitcom. I don't really need subtitles unless they speak a dialect or something. For example, I found 'Billy Elliot' challenging at times. :p

Still English subtitles are better. There might be some mistakes in translation. That applies to Polish films, too. I remember watching some Polish films with subtitles on TV Polonia and they were usually terrible. Perhaps it's better now. I don't know really.
26 Aug 2017
Language / Where did you start or the best techniques for learning Polish. [85]

And that is why a good language course should include recordings of native speakers.
What else can you do to teach any foreign language anywhere?
You can't expect hundreds of thousands of native speakers of English, French, German, Spanish etc to get a degree in foreign language teaching and leave their countries to teach their mother tongue worldwide. That would be impossible.

As for the teacher you were talking about, well ... someone decided to hire her. She must have had a job interview. Why did they decide to hire her if her English and her Polish accent were so terrible? It is them to blame ...
26 Aug 2017
Language / Where did you start or the best techniques for learning Polish. [85]

Actually, he does. He can't pronounce Polish 'r' properly. If you don't believe me, ask other native speakers of Polish.

As I stated above, if you start learning a foreign language as an adult, you speak with an accent. It doesn't matter if you're Polish/French learning English or Spanish/American learning Polish or Hungarian. You can work on it and some people sound better in a foreign language than their compatriots, but a native speaker of that language will be able to notice it is not their mother tongue.

As for pronounciation of words in any language (you mentioned Polish ę), a lot depends on whether you pronounce a single word or a phrase containing that word, sentence stress or position in the sentence.
25 Aug 2017
Language / Where did you start or the best techniques for learning Polish. [85]

If a native speaker of Polish pronounces r the uvular way, they probably need a speech therapist.

K in także is actually pronounced as g - one of many examples of udzwiecznienie.

Pre-war Polish films shouldn't be your guide to how Polish words are pronounced nowadays.

Finally, if you start learning a foreign language as an adult, you won't get rid of your accent.
But that's ok. It's part of who you are.
25 Aug 2017
Life / From Sweden to Zakopane (permanently), possible? [23]

When in Zakopane, knowing 'general Polish' won't be really helpful anyway. They speak their own dialect. They're also used to tourists so they may know some basic English.

After all, Hylander has visited the place and managed to survive without knowing Polish.

If you want to rent a flat, make sure one of your Polish friends is around when you sign the contract etc so that you understand everything.

Good luck.
24 Aug 2017
Real Estate / Apartment Numbers in Poland [3]

I don't think that is possible especially that there are different types of blocks with a different number of floors or number of flats on a given floor.

If you know someone and they want to give you their address, they will.
23 Aug 2017
Life / Health cover for a married couple in Poland [70]

I have seen people with such a lifestyle in several countries.
Aren't we getting too philosophical?
You know what your options are. Nobody is trying to force you to do anything. It's your call.
22 Aug 2017
Life / Health cover for a married couple in Poland [70]

Well, I'm afraid heart disease is common, especially among people of a certain age. It's the main cause of death here in Poland.

There are other diseases that require long treatment or surgeries.
It is none of my business if you want to pay health insurance or not - I would if that was the only choice.
I gave you other advice concerning medical cover so don't make look as if I wanted to make you spend your precious money.
Glad your partner got part pension - that should cover her medical care.
21 Aug 2017
Life / Health cover for a married couple in Poland [70]

a heart surgery will be more like 9000-34000 (depending on how serious it is) according to an article from 2014 ...
They will also provably charge you for every day in hospital.
But if it is not much to you, why would I care?
20 Aug 2017
Life / Health cover for a married couple in Poland [70]

That is the main problem. If you have a cold, you can get some otc medicine. Even if you need to see a doctor, either a GP or a specialist, you can pay and see one.

But they may need a heart surgery (or any other surgery) and will be charged thousands.
Even if someone is fit and healthy, they may break a leg.
They will get medical help but then they will a bill.
As far as the changes in the NFZ are concerned, we need to wait and see.
19 Aug 2017

You may try to apply for a job in an Indian company in Poland if you don't know Polish. Or any other international business.

Once I met a guy from Chile working as an accountant for an Indian company in Poland.
He didn't speak Polish.
18 Aug 2017
Life / Health cover for a married couple in Poland [70]

Actually, they do check if you have health insurance.
Several years ago I wanted to see a specialist and was told that I didn't have health insurance. It turned out later that my new employer had failed to notice the NFZ about employing me and my health insurance card got invalid.
17 Aug 2017
Genealogy / Looking for Information on Saint Stanislaus Parish [9]


You can see some photos in the link.
However, according to the information there the church was built between 1958-1966.
There might have been an older church there before but I haven't found any information about it online.
15 Aug 2017
Life / Health cover for a married couple in Poland [70]

Can you give us some information concerning yourselves so that we could actually help you?
Have you and your partner reached the retirement age in Poland?
If you haven't, do you intend to work in Poland?
What country do you live in? Perhaps there is some sort of agreement between Poland and your country that entitles you to free medical care in Poland.
15 Aug 2017
Work / Polish employer suggests I have my own company in UK [21]

The costs of being self employed in Poland are really high. Some people try to avoid it by registering their businesses abroad. I have personally heard of countries like the UK, Slovakia or even Malta. That is probably the reason why you were advised something like that.

However, if it's your first business (being self employed), you get a 'discount' for your monthly ZUS payments - about 500 instead of 1100. But I'm not sure if that applies to foreigners, too.

Keep in mind, you may need to get someone to do the accounting if you can't do it yourself.
15 Aug 2017
Language / Polish diminuitive names [11]

Bronku is the vocative form of Bronek (short from Bronisław not Bronisława).

So you can use 'Bronku' if you want to suggest to Bronisława that she looks slightly masculine or unintentionally insult Bronisława because you took advice from someone who doesn't know Polish.
14 Aug 2017
Work / Polish employer suggests I have my own company in UK [21]

I guess the potential employer just doesn't want to give you a proper job contract and wants you to be self-employed.
The costs of being self-employed in Poland are much higher. You need to pay around 1100 zl per month to ZUS regardless of how much you earn plus tax. I'm not sure how much it is in the UK but I hear it's less than 100 zł per month - you would have to check it yourself.

Also, tax free allowance in Poland is about 3000 zł while in the UK it's about 11000 pounds, I think ...
14 Aug 2017
Life / Health cover for a married couple in Poland [70]


I don't know if you're from the US but if you are, the link might be helpful. If you are from another country, contact the Polish embassy in your country or your country's embassy in Poland.

I think they should have most detailed information concerning your problem.
13 Aug 2017
Life / Health cover for a married couple in Poland [70]

If you are employed you don't need to pay dobrowolne ubezpieczenie zdrowotne. Part of your wages covers health insurance. Also if you are registered in urząd pracy as unemployed your health insurance is covered.

I don't know how old you and your partner are so I don't know if you can register there.

If your partner used to work in Poland, contact ZUS to help you find the documents. They should do it. Depending on how long she worked, she may be entitled to a state pension. Even if it's really small, she will be entitled to free healthcare (assuming she is old enough to get a pension).

Dobrowolne ubezpieczenie zdrowotne is an option only to people who don't or can't work/ don't want to or can't register as unemployed in urząd pracy or work on the so-called umowa o dzieło (junk job contract that doesn't cover your health insurance).

Btw, if you pay taxes in Poland you get most of the money back in your zwrot podatku the following year.
11 Aug 2017
Genealogy / Osolek, Russia (Poland) or damn you transcribers! [15]

By and large, jon and Dominic are right. We have very little information.
You may also contact the diocese of Siedlce to check the birth records and so on but I don't know if you can do it online and how it would go with the information you have.