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Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
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From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Apartment in Poland is not up to standard; right to terminate the rental agreement? [78]

She seems like a very sincere person

1,000 PLN in gas per month

I'm sure she's sincere, but she's probably jumping for joy if you're paying 1000 for the gas bill. I suspect this includes gas to heat the water, but even so, It seems a lot.

Supposedly, according to the realtor, who speak English, I will get money back some time in the spring time if I have used less than 1,000 PLN worth of gas every month

According to time-honoured rental tradition, the key word is 'supposedly'. Who are you paying the money to?

The apartment is 84 square meters, perfect location for me where I can walk to school and hospital.

Seems great by Warsaw standards.

There is vinyl flooring everywhere except the living room and bathroom

Unusual in Poland.

which would lead me to believe it's done poorly..

Not unusual in Poland.

I strongly suspect, since there's a realtor that you have a Polish-language contract. Maybe you could call the realtor. Also, you'll need to be registered in the flat (zameldowanie). If you aren't, then it's a fairly good (though not 100%) sign that you're renting the flat on the black economy. This means they can't really do much if you leave. They will however make a lot of noise, and you should consider whether it's worth the hassle etc.

Personally I would have a look on Gumtree to check out what you could be getting in Bydgoszcz for the same money or less. I suspect you might find somewhere smaller and more modern in a block for that price. It would probably have district heating and be very warm indeed.

What do you mean?


Of course then they can sue me in another lawsuit about the legality of my claim.

18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Apartment in Poland is not up to standard; right to terminate the rental agreement? [78]

So we agree. I feel the same!

My own feeling is that if the contract is kosher and the landlord is declaring tax etc he's probably a good (or at least efficient) landlord. If there isn't a valid contract and it's all a bit iffy, then neither the landlord or the tenant can expect perfection from each other. ;-)

I have something much better.I had them sign weksel IN BLANCO!I really wish them to become rich soon!!!

Now THAT's a good idea. Mind you. it would be illegal in a lot of jurisdictions - not sure about PL, but certainly in UK. :-(
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Apartment in Poland is not up to standard; right to terminate the rental agreement? [78]

Of course as a landlord I would have him sign lease agreement in Polish


and if he insisted a copy in English,


I would simply get it translated by a sworn translator and head for court.No big deal.

A very big deal to ask the court to rule on a contract written in a foreign language (where at least one of the parties isn't even from an English-speaking country) translated afterwards or not. They'd probably get involved reluctantly, but only probably and a level of ambiguity affecting the outcome would have already been introduced. Especially since (as far as we know) English isn't the first language of either party.

It won't matter in a court room.

Don't be naive. If a landlord sued me over a dodgy bit of paper he could rest assured I'd have dobbed him in to the tax office before the case came to court. In fact immediately before, if he was daft enough not to have come to an agreement.

You'll also know how expensive a civil case can be in Poland, especially if there are as many grey areas as this one. It wouldn't be worth his while to sue.
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Apartment in Poland is not up to standard; right to terminate the rental agreement? [78]

You are right


Kodeks Cywilny,Kodeks Handlowy.Prawo giełdowe i papierów wartościowych

In which case you'll know how complicated it would be for the OP to be sued by the landlord since he doesn't have a Polish-language contract, just some 'agreement' written in English. Somehow, I suspect the Tax Office don't know about that particular bit of rental income...

I still can't figure out how you can comment on subletting clauses in the OP's (English language) 'agreement' without having seen it. Maybe telepathy.

So stop trolling and stick to things you know about, like guns, pick-up trucks and Dolly Parton.
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Apartment in Poland is not up to standard; right to terminate the rental agreement? [78]

was born and lived in Poland 30 years

And left a long, long time ago. And we've all rented flats. Recently. So yes, WE are the experts, not YOU.

If it's genuinely just the kitchen floor, and the rest of the flat is fine, the price is fine, the location's OK - I would still talk to the landlord before making any sudden decisions. Apart from anything else, it might not be terribly easy to find another flat which is flawless plus has the right price, location etc. And if the OP has not even talked to his landlord about the problem, we are unable to give him any REAL advice.

This is quite sound advice too. The OP may well fnd a flat that has a warm kitchen floor, but which has other drawbacks that outweigh that small benefit. Or indeed, buy some slippers!
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Apartment in Poland is not up to standard; right to terminate the rental agreement? [78]

Why do you think I can't either read or speak Polish? I'm perfectly fluent in both and have the diplomas to prove it, thank you very much!

Now stop trolling and stick to writing shte about your own country, the US.

To the OP: Don't listen to this guy; he's just making trouble for whatever reason. Wedle, myself, Hythorn and Rozumiemnic have all given sound advice - each one of us has some experience in these situations. I've rented several flats there and am renting my own to someone now.
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Apartment in Poland is not up to standard; right to terminate the rental agreement? [78]

Are you seriously THAT thick?His contract states that he can not sub let it to anybody.

Seen it have you? No, thought not. The guy is asking advice about a situation in today's Poland. Sorry, but you left years ago. WE are the experts, not YOU. And please don't try to comment on a 'contract' that you haven't actually seen.

Stop trolling - it's not big, it's not clever and nobody's impressed.

and your judgment is based on what facts exactly? I re-read the whole thread and there's practically no info on the landlord or their attitude.

Based on the fact that he only has some 'agreement' that isn't in Polish and doesn't mention a notice period.

or get sued BY the owner, just as likely.

Aside from the fact that it's very expensive to sue in Poland, the plain fact is that a bit of paper not written in Polish isn't going to impress any judge.

as for you knowing more about Poland than I ever will, when were you going to demonstrate this knowledge?
because so far I have not been impressed


OP: I would be more inclined to listen to Wedle

18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Apartment in Poland is not up to standard; right to terminate the rental agreement? [78]

unless I violate the rules of the contract in regards to having another person staying here

Why on earth would you rent a flat where you can't have a visitor to stay? You actually signed that agreement?

I have only my contract in English.

But you aren't in England! You are in Poland, and contracts are in Polish. You must have signed a Polish version. If not, you don't have a contract. Just leave and don't worry about paying what you owe - the flat owner is clearly doing something dodgy.

how about just investing in some fluffy slippers? ;-)

Exactly. Or some running shoes, to run far away from a flat where the 'contract' is in a foreign language!
18 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Slough & Elsewhere UK [23]

washers from the 60s 70s are near or have retired.

And their kids are doctors.
16 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Apartment in Poland is not up to standard; right to terminate the rental agreement? [78]

However, it does not say anything about me not being able to terminate the contract. And yes the heating is on!

Look for a word based on the verb 'wypowiedziec', something like wypowiedzenie or okres wypowiedzenia. This means to give notice (terminate) the agreement. In Poland it is usually one month, very occasioanlly two.

The ice-cold floor is irrelevant. Polish law is both primitive and complicated, not to mention inadequate and believe it or not, there's no concept of reasonable expectation or something being fit for purpose. Unless it specifically says the floor should be warm in the contract, you don't have a right to expect it to be. Having said that, it is expensive and lengthy to sue someone, so the flat's owner probably can't do much if you just leave one day.
10 Nov 2011
News / Polish Independence Day-Beware? [59]

If anything very apolitical. And certainly nothing to do with skinheads or other far right elements.

This `Blood and Honour' thing want to politicise something that shouldn't be political. That's why the veterans' organisation publicly disassociated themselves. Not sure why our guest poster keeps mentioning Jewish people. The opposition to the far right political march comes from across the spectrum. Expect some big names at the concert.
10 Nov 2011
News / Polish Independence Day-Beware? [59]

Also the Armia Krajowa Veterans' Organisation disassociated themselved with the 'March' when it turned out that a skinhead group called Blood and Honour were involved in planning it. Basically very dodgy. The opposition to it isn't organised by 'Germans' as some (check out the 'other' forum!) would like people to believe. In fact a lot of very well known people have given support, and the concert planned should be excellent.

Such a shame though that the football hooligans, bedroom brownshirts etc want to politicize 11/11.
10 Nov 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

She isn't gay as far as I know, the people voted for her and this has been discussed over many pages in the election. And whatever you happen to think of her, under the law of Poland she isn't a 'dude'. One for random chat, Mods?
9 Nov 2011
Life / Polish dubbing in movies; why is it so that on polish television all the films are dubbed? [135]

first of all - it is not the only reason

It is entirely that.

I am just not able to focus at what is going on on the screen and read subtitles at the same time

Some people just can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

lektor has another big advantage over subtitles - you can listen to the movie programme even if you don't look at the TV

That's just laziness.

Those who prefer a lector's voice, good for you, do what you prefer. However, I wish there was an option to opt out and switch to subtitles for those of us who can't stand a lector's voice. Unfortunately it's usually all or nothing. A movie with a lector's voice equals nothing for me, I just can't watch it, way too distracting.

6 Nov 2011
Work / Monthly income for family - Warsaw [71]

Wilanów and Konstancin are fine but very much for people who like driving, especially in the case of Konstancin which someone could easily find themself isolated in. Sadyba (between the centre and Wilanow ) is also a good bet as is Zoliborz. Lots of young families in Tarchomin but it's a bit dull. The posh parts of Bielany is nice but it's hard to find better than Saska Kepa. Near the centre yet. Somehow not inner city, safe, cosmopolitan, good schools and a higher than average chance of nice neighbours.
5 Nov 2011
Work / Monthly income for family - Warsaw [71]

Yes. It would put you in the top 20%. The average wage in Poland is about 2.5 thousand and in Warsaw the average is about 4
5 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

a Yorkshire Pudding batter mix,

Just as easy to use flour, an egg and a bit of milk. Better and cheaper too.

Boiled beef, can be extremely succulent especially if you have a tough cut then flavor the liquid properly. I seal my beef, then boil for about two hours in stock and red wine, add carrots then season, flavor and thicken.

Delicious. I pot roast in the oven for several hours. Works best with the cheap cuts like brisket. Nice with beef heart too.
5 Nov 2011
Work / Cheap Labour in Poland - why is there a problem with unemployment in PL? [16]

hi profile polish graduates having to take **** jobs.

The problem is that most of these 'high profile polish graduates' have Mickey Mouse 'magister' degrees. I remember one of those 'Higher Schools' advertising courses in Diplomacy and International Relations on posters on public transport. Poland has a limited need for new diplomats and in any case has government run courses for new ones. So it isn't any wonder that somkeone finishing such a course hasn't a cat in hell's chance of working in that field.

go to poland and youu will prob get smashed face....i am not racist but it is a stern warning...

Sounds racist to me :-(. Most of the Asian people from Warsaw (an international and increasingly multicultural city) would disagree with you.
3 Nov 2011
History / 1937 travel brochure for Poland [15]

Interesting to read that Warsaw was Poland's gay capital as far back as 1937 ;)

The person writing that may have been aware of the (then subtle) meaning and so might a portion of the intended readership (the word has been used that way for a long, long time). And yes, it certainly had plenty of bars etc even then. Only one survived the war and was open until only a few years ago.