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Posts by dtaylor5632  

Joined: 2 May 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Jan 2013
Threads: Total: 18 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 1998 / In This Archive: 1422
From: Kraków/Poland
Speaks Polish?: Spytałem rodziców i mogę iść na dyskotekę
Interests: Everything and anything

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26 Aug 2010
News / Poland's budget problems = Polish funerals [27]

You'd imagine that many are legally employed and pay taxes and can be tracked?

But do you think the Government agencies would put the time and effort into searching for the EXACT person ect. CSA at the moment is far too busy searching for British Fathers and mothers rather than chasing up ones from abroad. Not that I agree with it at all.
26 Aug 2010
News / Poland's budget problems = Polish funerals [27]

Just out of curiosity, do they track an absent parent if they leave for another E.U. country?

I'm not so sure. I know of a few Polish workmates here that have children back home. But I don't think (going by what they are spending here) that they pay anything towards their children back home. I think its down to the other parent to inform the Polish version of CSA, but even at that, im guessing it would be near damn impossible to locate the other parent abroad.
26 Aug 2010

You're both in the Nile, the Irish use of the English language is the hybrid, youz are the dregs ;p

Actually the Irish English and British English are more the hybrids of the English Language. American English is truer to the 17th-18th century English in that it is not so progressive.

I would say Poles use a lot of English in Polish due to it appearing more Western under Commie times, plus actually there are a few expressions that are just easier to say in English.
26 Aug 2010
History / Poland - Scotland, the untold story... [75]

Like they wont struggle in the UK? you ain't even paying them fair wages...

They get paid the same as any other UK worker doing the same job. And if they accept lower wages then it is to compete, but that is the Poles problem for accepting the lower illegal wage.

Like they wont struggle in the UK?

And no, 99.9% of the Poles I know here dont.

In Poland the prices are adjusted by their wages ( not everything ofc ).

A life on min wage in the UK is far better than that of min wage in Poland so I dont know where you get that info from.

WHAT career? since when do you advance in construction or cleaning business?

So now you are slagging of intelligent Poles who work here in many different jobs such as Accounting, Finance ect? In your own words Poles can only be toilet cleaners...

Jesus Christ mate, you haven't got a clue...

I have asked you this question many times...ever lived in Poland? or the UK for that matter? Ever plan to move back to Poland or are you another sh1t spouter who says "I will wait for Poland to become great again before I leave to move back".

If you think life is soooo great in Poland, then why the hell are you still in the US?
26 Aug 2010
History / Poland - Scotland, the untold story... [75]

Just curious, if you don't live here, and you're not Polish, why does Poland interest you so much?

Don't ask him that!!!! he gets very defensive :D
26 Aug 2010
History / Poland - Scotland, the untold story... [75]

Poland spends on free education and free healthcare on each person in a period of 18 years. What they are sending back ain't even covering one third....

Not really, most of the Poles in the UK and those that work for me are students, who take a year or two out to experience living in a new country and to save money for their Uni fee's. "Free education" is a laugh in Poland. Yeah you might get your course work paid for you, but ur bursary hardly even covers a quarter of your living fee's. Other Poles who stay more long term are here because there simply isn't any work in Poland or that the wages are too small for their level of education.

Obviously the parents pays taxes... But does that mean it's right that their children should move to the UK and work and live like animals just so they can earn a little bit more?

Why not, it's better than staying in a country where you work for a pittance struggling to get by. Are you seriously saying that someone should live in poverty? and that someone shouldn't move abroad to further their career?
25 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Too many Poles in UK? [52]

halve Jarnowa's IQ and you've got polesandmops :D

I find it very surprising that you think jarnowa has any level of IQ ;) Maybe it's Jarnowa's alto-ego when drunk :D
24 Aug 2010
Feedback / The image of Poland according to PolishForums [90]

Is PF the place where the foreigners get the real image of Poland?

I think so, at least you can find the good and bad things about Poland via some members. The history threads can be a bit misleading though.

Does it create good or bad image of Poland and polish people?

I think the forum here isn't to create any image of Poland, but rather discuss what is happening in Poland and around via the views of it's members.

Did it encourage you to visit / to live in Poland or did you change your mind?

I found it after I moved to Poland, I will return to settle in Poland for good at some stage :/

How the experiences shared here corresponds with yours?

Pretty much the same. A lot of thread are bombarded with posts that have no relevance to the way of life in Poland what-so-ever. But you can spot them a mile away.

Do you think there is too much pointless discussion on unimportant matters?

Yes, sometimes, but it makes the forum fun:)

Do you think that the atmosphere here is friendly, neutral or hostile?

Sometimes it can be a bit hostile to newcomers, but once they push through that wall everyone is generally accepted.
24 Aug 2010
Love / How to find an English speaking boyfriend in Poland [110]

You can't have good fun together?

He married a Polish lass, being seen out the house without having eggs thrown at him by protesting Catholic babkas is too much of a risk ;):D
24 Aug 2010
Love / How to find an English speaking boyfriend in Poland [110]

Does Lodz has such place where expats goes frequently? (besides Peron 6.)

No idea, the women there have scared all the men away I think ;)

ok thanks dtaylor5632

No problem ;)

Having fun isn't allowed when married, Zeti. Besides, many don't look like they are having fun here anyway.

Hehe, bit early to be saying that! Or is it true, once they have you tied down you can kiss goodbye to anything that affects your sperm count?? :)
24 Aug 2010
Love / How to find an English speaking boyfriend in Poland [110]

Hmm do you know any expat bars in Katowice or the area by any chance?

Try the Irish Mbassy, a S African friend of mine runs it. It should have its fair share of expats in it.
24 Aug 2010
Love / How to find an English speaking boyfriend in Poland [110]

Ok, there is a Scot guy on this board who is currently free and looking for friends (not Seanus!). Ask about d... he might be intrested.

No no and no again.

Trust me the last thing I need is a match maker...

When did I ever say I was looking for friends?
23 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Britain's youngest mum gave birth at 12 [70]

Good on her! I see she has made the first step up the benefit ladder! Learning at such a young age, makes me proud :)
23 Aug 2010
Life / Half-naked barbers in Poland. A Haircut with a difference! [27]

I liked getting a haircut in Japan as a hot, young chick would massage my neck afterwards. Quite the aftertreatment :)

They do that in Poland too Seanus...was one of the reasons I always had short hair as I could never refuse a nice neck rub :)
23 Aug 2010
Love / Are Polish men dominating, controlling and emotional? [36]

I`m in a long term relationship with a man who was born and raised in Poland.

Therefore you should know better than us. Or are you looking to date another polish guy just to confirm your suspicions?

Geeez, If some people actually spent time on working on their relationships rather than asking dumb questions about it and asking other strangers opinions on it, then....just maybe...they might not have these problems...Sometimes i think some people deserve a big slap across the chops :/
23 Aug 2010
Life / My own thoughts about life in Poland (have lived here for two years) [133]

Mine costed only 1 zł... but its quite poor model ;)

I have had the same mobile for about 7 years now :) Everybody thinks I look strange when using it, but for me it has never broken, it sends txt's, takes rude pictures :P and I can make calls. Nono of that show offy Iphone crap :)
22 Aug 2010
Life / My own thoughts about life in Poland (have lived here for two years) [133]


Fake deary ;)

Prices will always be what the populace can afford. If electronics are overly expensive then it means hat many people are buying them at those prices.

Some things are expensive, other things are cheap. I've never seen so many people with brand new state of the art mobiles in Poland than anywhere else.