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Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - S
Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1063 / In This Archive: 737

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29 Jan 2013
Real Estate / The current property boom in Poland is a bubble [342]

A key assumption is that people want their expectations to meet reality

I still don't see new apartments for sale at 1,500 zloty m2 in the city centres yet, do you? Have you managed to save a deposit after four years? The only expectations you are likely to have is a novel written by Charles Dickens.
25 Jan 2013
Real Estate / The current property boom in Poland is a bubble [342]

Real estate is something that we can see. It is not an ideal comparison.

You cannot live in a "share", you can live in a house/flat. At least for the 200 years that Peterweg thinks the communist flats will still be standing.
25 Jan 2013
Real Estate / The current property boom in Poland is a bubble [342]

They have fallen 35% in a few months. A more over inflated, over hyped company, short of facebook, you won't find.

And yet, how many of the so called experts, Hedge Funds, etc, bought them. Or are you telling me that the small investor bought these shares at the $4-500 range.
24 Jan 2013
Law / Do legal agreements I'm party to in Poland have to be in my native language to be binding? [5]

(We should bear in mind the law may have changed since then.)

The law did/was changed or was removed from the EU website. It was under the heading of Consumer Law/Unfair contracts. I read up on it in 2005/6 and I only wish I had printed it off at the time. I used it to cancel a contract with ERA as their mobile internet service did not work in the area where I live.
24 Jan 2013
Real Estate / The current property boom in Poland is a bubble [342]

Dropping 40% since 2008 is not a bubble bursting.

Pip, Apple shares yesterday, overnight, dropped 10%. $46 billion wiped off the value of the company. Must have been a bubble!!!!
Oh sith!!!, they are still the most valuable American company. Must re-write the dictionary.
14 Jan 2013
Law / Forex Market in Poland [16]

however there's a lot of truth in what he says.

What truth Jon?, read his posts for the last 4 years, when will this man be satisfied?. Its obvious that he got hurt in Ireland, many did, but he is the only Irishman I have heard who is ******** all the time. Even on Christmas day, he had to have a dig at Poland. The man is obsessive about running Poland down. You seem to stick up for Poland, if he hates it that much, why doesn't he just FO back to Ireland? he has already stated that he can get more on the dole there than he can earn in Poland.

He states that he lives in Poland. Most people would struggle to live for 4 years without earning any money. If he had money then why does he keep going on about the price of property?, it does not make sense. Surely, if you were going to stay here for 4 years +, you would not rent? The money spent on rent would more than negate anything you could save on discount over 4 years.
13 Jan 2013
Law / Forex Market in Poland [16]

No mention of the 1-3 million new homes that are still needed, no mention of the 1 million homes that are on the market and not fit to live in. Keep on with your dreams, keep on with your 3% per month falls in value, keep on with your 4% inflationary drops. Milky, if this was true, after 4 years, you still, still, cannot afford to buy. Otherwise, you would not be whining on this forum. In 4 years time, according to your predictions, they will be paying you to take new flats off of their hands.

Go forth and multiply, come back in 4 years and tell me I am wrong. You say you have a wife and kids, to me, if you cannot put a roof over their heads, you are not much of a man. ( even though you list on your profile that you are a female, púrn star)
7 Jan 2013
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

The Guardian's investigation

I should have guessed.

minus inflation = fall.

+ bonuses+black economy+tax evasion=+......only the poor suffer from inflation.
7 Jan 2013
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Avalon I will ask you avery serious question - why are so many private foreign real estate investors who have been in Poland since the early 90's, now selling up and relocating their investments out of Poland?

Probably because they now realise that Poland is going to accept the Euro as its currency. They thought the Polish government would pull back once they had the EU money, now they know the Polish politicians have been bought with a promise of the EU gravy train. While Poland has the Zloty it can support its own currency.

Why do private qualified real estate investors in Poland consider the residential market ' not liquid ' ?

Because the banks are not lending. (BTW did you hear the news this afternoon. Basle is going to reduce the liquidity the banks are required to hold. I wonder why?, possibly they are not making any money charging 15 zloty a month to manage current accounts.)?)

Peterweg is correct, new laws in the UK are introduced to stop property speculation by overseas investors and the same will happen in all of EU 27.

WTF are you on about. New laws? do you mean higher stamp duty? who is trying to stop foreign investors buying property in London, Cameron is putting down the red carpet for the rich millionaires fleeing France.

So you admit they crashed in other cities in Poland??

Nice try. Thats not what I said and you know it.

If I were rich filth I would just walk into a few developers office, offer them what he thinks will fly e.g 15-20 percent less, leave his number and go for.a cuppa.. If he does that 5 times for sure he will get a bite, only proviso is that he should be ready with his funds to move quickly if someone says yes I.e. have his deposit ready and have identified a bank that will back him.

Maybe he is stupid and has not thought of doing this, not for me to say. Perhaps you could advise him directly?
7 Jan 2013
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

the subjective opinion of one person?

You yourself posted a little while ago, referring to Lublin. Quote " they fell 1.5% in October which is a massive drop for a place which has seen little or no falls since 2005.

That must be a killer. The one area that you want to buy into and the prices have not crashed.
7 Jan 2013
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

ALL the UK, including London, they have fallen.


And yes I have got first hand experience of getting a big discount off asking price. I just closed at almost 30 percent below asking price on a commercial property.

I have always said that it is possible to pick up bargains, foreclosures and bankrupt stock, but this is not the norm in Poland. These are taken by the bailiffs and auctioned, with a starting price of two thirds the market value. this is the law in Poland. The one off bargain does not reflect the overall property prices. If you bothered to read what Richfilth posted, he has been looking for months and has seen no great appreciable falls in the area he is looking.

The fools that built in semi decent areas and tried to pass off properties as "luxury" are still trying to get rid of these properties and are taking huge hits so distorting the market reports.

These were overpriced anyway and I think the developers will not lose to much in the long run.
When you get down to the reasonable prices, you are not seeing the same.

Getting more people to get in debt is not in anyone's benefit, they are introducing rules to stop property speculation.

They are introducing rules to stop the bankers gambling with their clients money, making bad investments and paying themselves huge bonuses
5 Jan 2013
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

you will see they want cheaper houses not cheaper mortgages

I want cheaper petrol but I'm not going to get it.

Thats pure speculation on your part and ignores the Euro debt bank crisis which takes precedent over creating construction jobs.

You think I am the only one ignoring the Euro debt bank crises? What do you think the European parliament is doing?

Who's speculation was it that all 17 members of the Euro currency could survive. I think you will find that they have already broken most of their own rules/laws and if it suits the EU commissions purposes, they will break many more. The project must succeed, no matter how many people get hurt.
5 Jan 2013
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Yet the government is doing its very best to force prices down by restricting banks lending. Banks will make profit how they can. Screaming will not make any difference to the Basel III rules on bank lending, its completely outside the actions of of governments.

The markets will dictate the prices. The Polish government is already worried about the slowdown in construction and the loss of jobs. If you remember, the government closed the scheme for "family first" and then, almost immediately came up with another to help young people onto the housing ladder. They will hand the responsibilities of home loans back to the banks and claim special circumstances to the EU, the argument being that they need time to catch up to the West.

You only have to look at the anger in the UK, as more young people are denied the right to buy and live independently. Its a huge vote loser for any party in power.
4 Jan 2013
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

And every year his prediction comes closer to reality. The pair of you just have to comprehend what 'real' versus 'nominal' prices are.

What part of "bought and already own" don't you understand. As for the Polish government making loans more difficult!!!, they will soon have to change this when the developers stop building homes (permit applications already going down) and the banks are screaming because they cannot make any profits, or, do you think they will promise voters more slums to live in? I will make a prediction, one day I am going to die. I think we can safely say that my prediction will come true so I will not be planning any holidays in the future, just in case!!!!
4 Jan 2013
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Similarly, after six months of watching allegro, gumtree, oferty.net, gratka et al, it seems the same old offers are on there day in, day out - no new properties advertised, and 20 agents all offering exactly the same apartment on the secondary market. Either there are no new properties coming up for sale AT ALL, or I've somehow missed where all the real property is being advertised...

You may want to try offering a reward. Someone (who shall be nameless) told SeanBM and myself that he could find us Newly built flats in Krakow for 1500 PLN m2. We offered him 5000 PLN for every apartment he could find us. Strangely enough, we have yet to receive one offer? As this was a couple of years ago and the prices have been "plunging down" on a monthly basis, these apartments must be around the 500 PLN m2 mark by now.
2 Jan 2013
Real Estate / Buying/Selling distressed property in Poland/ Walk away from your mortgage [10]

not exactly a queue to sell you properties for 10 grose on the zloty, or perhaps the desperation was over hyped.

Remember the "don't buy", you are better off renting advice from our regular sceptics, another who said that rents were strictly controlled in Germany. The population in Poland is stagnating and no new houses are needed.

Lets see what is happening to the stable, German property market:-


Come on Milky, share your wisdom. What sage advice can you give us for 2013.
23 Dec 2012
Life / Why are Poles obsessed with shame? [19]

People in this country behave embarrassingly quite a lot but the BBC doesn't get into a frenzy with "National Shame" headlines.
We just don't really care to be honest.

I hardly think the BBC is in a position to criticise anyone after the Savile cover-up, tax avoidence by the so called stars and the general waste of the taxpayers money and how many more MP's have recently escaped prosecution for stealing from the public purse? You want to talk of shame?, the shame is the British public, meekly accepting this as normal behaviour. Cess pit and laughing stock of the world.
20 Dec 2012
News / Polish people's criticism of European Union [104]

I found this amusing today:-

wbj.pl/artiwww.cle-61420-european-commission-to-look-into-polands-road -contracts.html?typ=wbj

The same European Commission that has not had its books signed off for 14 years due to irregularities and the same commission responsible for this:-

"FEARS that the EU is squandering more British ­taxpayers' cash were fuelled last night after it emerged more than £1.2billion in overseas aid from Brussels could not be traced."
20 Dec 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Did you read my post?

Yes. Perhaps it would have been better if you put the links before you said "there are much better real investments on the Polish market".
20 Dec 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

I certainly would not invest into any of the property offers today, there are much better real investments available on the Polish market.

Surely, you are not suggesting that the properties you link to are good value?

Krakow, a 35m2 (one bedroom ) for 14,000 zloty per m2 (unfinished) with another 50,000 plus for a parking space.

It makes the 120m2 ( 3 d/bedrooms) , 3,000 PLN m2, two free secure parking spaces, external storage shed + gardens and children's play area, look an absolute rip off.

Mind you, now that the A4 motorway is open, it will take at least 30 mins to get to Krakow.
17 Dec 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Despite prices being higher in Warsaw, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna writes that the average monthly salaries (Krakow - PLN 2,514, Warsaw PLN 3,289) mean that that residents of Krakow must wait for longer.

President of Central Statistical Office of Poland has announced that average monthly gross wage and salary in Poland in the second quarter of 2012 was PLN 3 496,82.
16 Dec 2012
Life / Is Poland a poor country? [578]

the money just isn't there to finance the sharks but they(bandits) will make millions

Is this supposed to make sense?
15 Dec 2012
Life / Is Poland a poor country? [578]

A lot of concrete apartments are turning 60 years old,hence, would be declared unsafe, in countries that do inspections.

You really do keep changing your tune. I told you this years ago. You said that (in your words) there were millions of properties standing empty, left by the Poles who had gone to work in the West. You stated that there was a massive over-supply of apartments. Now you seem to realise that the current housing stock is old and in dire need of replacement. Who is going to do this Milky? the State? or the investors you hate so much.

Re-read what you wrote in July of 2010, you were wrong then and you are still wrong now.