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Posts by Szalawa  

Joined: 12 Apr 2014 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Aug 2016
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 239 / In This Archive: 158
From: Emigrantski republik
Speaks Polish?: basic Polish
Interests: Politics, Geography, Science, Music, History

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9 Dec 2014
Genealogy / Being ashamed of Polish ancestry? [156]

Be happy to be Polish, eat Polish food, learn Polish language and history and ignore those who just don't get it, they are not worth your time. :)
1 Dec 2014
News / UK to send tanks to Poland. [36]

I'm with Crow and Nathans here, sending English tanks would only liken an incentive for an invasion if there was any intention too. How does it look like? Does Poland lack the capabilities to handle there own military patrol and weaponry? No, I think not. Be honest Its a long way before any WW3, and if it were these are the little things that trigger it.

But I guess Poland going along with the western allies game getting dragged into their wars Western allies must offer some token, however a few little tanks running along the borders not going to offer much protection in the long and short run.

So I think they should just keep their tanks, just make sure to actually show up next time if another world war happens, that would be nice.
27 Oct 2014
Genealogy / Is Poland Germanic or Slavic? [58]

Well, if you count Asian and African immigration in Germany then it might be the truth :-)

ha ha, not yet, but soon ;)
22 Oct 2014
UK, Ireland / Curious about differences Polish people see with the British? [95]

They may be smiley, polite and pleasant on the surface but it's all an act, particularly with the English.

I am no fan of the British but I think you being a bit harsh, although if I judged all British based on the ones writing on this forum I would think they are the most rude snobby stuck ups, still it's a shame because its really just a few bad apples on here and I notice many Brits are normal.
20 Oct 2014
Travel / Quality of life, women in Poland vs here in America - Is 14 days too long to stay there for holiday? [6]

Am thinking of staying 14 days in Poland in springtime of next year. My main purpose is a fact-finding mission

In my opinion I feel that is too short for an anthropological study. I also figure that you need someone close by with you that knows the place to show you around as you still need to learn the language, to tell you about good places to live, things to do, job/market etc. maybe bring along a relative or friend. I feel things are much more interesting if you have someone to tag along to share the experience with.

You should do it, it will be fun.
7 Oct 2014
Off-Topic / Thanks a lot for all of your kindness [27]

that is a threat to me. After all Pakistan has nukes. So it worries me.

I remember Shade was putting emphasis on the nukes of Pakistan saying how Poles helped them with it and such. But you think this man who wants to go fishing around for ghosts is giving such a privilege to look after the nukes of Pakistan that has a population of approximately 200 million other people?
7 Oct 2014
Off-Topic / Thanks a lot for all of your kindness [27]

any comment?

I somewhat vaguely remember someone making a comment like this, but I think it was pertaining to IS
6 Oct 2014
UK, Ireland / Modern day slavery in the UK [36]

A loser is picked up from the streets..

That is horrible, greedy people are disgusting.
4 Oct 2014
UK, Ireland / Curious about differences Polish people see with the British? [95]

I think you're wrong. I would say Poles have a special affection for the UK due to it's role during the World War II.

I would say it varies on individual opinions, some like it others hate it, as you mention later on in your post. Nothing special I say.
2 Oct 2014
UK, Ireland / Curious about differences Polish people see with the British? [95]

Most know far more about it than you think, despite the relative paucity of cultural output compared to it's neighbours.

Very nice to include biased bigotry in your statement. As an educated person would know, culture is not something that people can have more or less of, its not ascribed as something one is lacking, but how it plays its role in its own society.

You probably don't realise that the UK got rid of the colonies over several decades as part of a deliberate process.

Oh so you mean they finally evolved a conscience? That empire built on slavery collapsed and that is about it. I came across a article today about child slaves in the U.K during the industrial revolution, very nice. Could you say, a product of English culture?

delicious chaos.

Rather odd choice of words here.
2 Oct 2014
UK, Ireland / Modern day slavery in the UK [36]

Slavery has never ended, it only changed its shape. Welcome to the Roma community, this is very persistent in their lives

You said your a teacher of some sort, educate them so that they can get a decent job and to be aware of these exploitation scams. Maybe you can't help everyone, but you can probably prevent more from falling into this trap

you were always in debt to the boss.

This makes them feel that they must work for them, millions of kids are estimated to be in this trap
2 Oct 2014
Work / 20 years old moving to Poland from Canada, is it hard for me to get a job in Poland? [20]

Best bets: petroleum or geological engineering.

Yes that is big money but probably can get paid more in Canada for it. Work half a year and then go to Poland for the other half doing business or such, I don't know the rules about opening businesses in Poland. But if you could do it then why not?

Print up a CV and choose your favorite degree moze... "Bachelor of Art History" or Sociology lol

What? why not underwater basket weaving?

save your 7 grand a year tuition + books +.. and skip the worthless Bachelor degree from a Canadian University

Some people here study science and actually want to gain knowledge, I know surprising right? But I agree its too expensive
9 Sep 2014
Love / Left Poland when young, did I leave half my heart? [7]

Left Poland when young, did I leave half my heart?

I feel the same way

Wondering if folks who left Poland ever felt something missing that is incredibly hard to but in words on a forum lol .

I know what you mean, It is like a part of you died

Clearly it would also be easier if Polish men weren't so good looking.

I like it that way, that is why I'm good looking, lol

My friends say I need to leave my bubble but I can't.

I am the same way

Wow, I can relate with you pretty easily. I also live in Canada, I feel the urge to go back to Poland as life has been less then satisfying for me here.
18 Aug 2014
USA, Canada / I embrace the term "Polak" or "Pollack" in the US [33]

Yeah Polak and Polka is the proper term, but some people decided to use it as an insult. Still it's better then getting called something you stick in the ground or shine your shoes with.
14 Aug 2014
Life / Going to Poland in a hijab - Polish people and Islam [154]

Why on earth would I do that?!

Exactly, It would be rude to do something like that

But let's be honest Burka, Hijab.....whatever- it is not sign of modesty for me but alienation.

Its their religion that causes the alienation. I admit nikab and burka is too much and clothing has very little to do with modesty. It should be more about mindset.
14 Aug 2014
Life / Going to Poland in a hijab - Polish people and Islam [154]

If that was a Burka, but it's not.
Hijab covers only the hair. You can see elderly and middle aged christian women do the exact same thing while going to church. Nuns also cover their hair, please.. go and tell them to take that rag of their head and see what happens.

Also not all Muslim are wearing a hijab so its not needed
11 Aug 2014
Study / Where I should study journalism(in Poland ) [32]

but I don't like chemistry Biology, don't know why but it's kind of a routine for me..

That's what I am doing, lots of work. But still better then Physics and high level mathematics for me.
I hear even with a Bachelors degree in Science it will still be hard to find a decent job. But If you can write good reports and "sell the knowledge to the public" via documenting the research you just might have something. But you will need passion for science and high understanding of the subject.
11 Aug 2014
Study / Where I should study journalism(in Poland ) [32]

Yeah, you can try conducting a documentary on something in your area then upload it on Youtube, write blogs and reports. Youtube is the big thing now.

As for studying journalism, I'm not sure about this field... If you want to, don't let anyone stop you. But you can also do things that will be an asset to your skills in that field such as Language and media studies, political science etc. But I am a science person so I can't say much on this. Well you can do journalism on scientific research, that sounds pretty cool to be honest.
10 Aug 2014
Travel / First vacation in Poland [15]

I recommend Tatra Mountains. I'm a mountain person and had a grate experience there, lots of stunning views although it can be very busy in the summer. I heard Zakopane is nice, but I never been there.

Częstochowa's Jasna gora is also nice to see especially if you are religious, but again it can get very busy.
There is also a small desert near the village Klucz, I found it pretty cool, but that's because it was the first desert I've been to

Also the Trail of the Eagles that is full of castle ruins which all the ones I've been to are located in the country or small towns. I like that because I am fascinated with history and you get to see alot of the country side driving around.

Most of these listed are in between Silesia and Mało Polska
Anyway that is my list
8 Aug 2014
Life / My Słowianie (music video mocks stereotypes about Poles and Slavs) [46]

Merged: Pan-Slavic music made in Poland?

I have been listening to a lot of pan-Slavic rap for the past year and I notice that Poles seem to play the key role (such as EESS-Eastern European Street Style), which promote pan-Slavic ideology and unity. Does anyone here know more about this?

I also notice it is quite common among folk music too (Which I love) etc.

this is a good sign

Anyway please share any music promoting pan-Slavism with me here if you come across it, especially if it's Polish (although it does not have to be)
23 Jul 2014
History / Restoration of Poland's Monarchy? [40]

You are talking about the liberum veto here, which was the summum of anarchism.

Yes, I do acknowledge it was counter productive for any central authority but at the same time it was necessary for liberty

All schlachta were in the pay of their respective magnates and voted as instructed by them. And the magnates were in the pay of foreign powers.

Yes, Magnates were a real problem. Some magnates owned land in the P-L C larger then some entire countries in Europe. Corruption is a problem, even in today's USA we can see a similar situation unfolding.

All were equal, but some were more equal than others.

a quote from animal farm

Most were nothing special at all, and to describe them as 'nobles' is stretching things.

allot were dirt poor, some did not even own land. I agree, noble is an incorrect term, I think they had compulsory military service so in a way it would make them the privileged military caste. But Szlachta was a prized title and was not determined by material wealth but based on ancestral importance, many of these title's have interesting historical stories of how one's ancestor acquired the title.
22 Jul 2014
History / Restoration of Poland's Monarchy? [40]

what makes it special is the fact that there was nothing else like that in Europe at that time