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Joined: 23 Jan 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 25 Feb 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 3
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30 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / I'm from a small town in the UK and I think Poland is a nation of criminals [37]

I dont know exactly, how it is in Poland .. but more seirous criminals in Germany are in the most cases from Poland. The show "Aktenzeichen XY" is asking for help, they are searching with help of the Police after criminals .. everytime when there is a Jewellery robbery, kidnapping, bank robbery or luxury car stealing, Polish bandit groups are involved .. and of course the women are very into the illegal prostitution ..

That dont means, that the whole nation is full of criminals and ****** .. but stereotypes dont come from nothing .. the "Polenschlüssel" ("Polishkey", a key where you can open cars with .. real name KFZ - Kraftschlüssel) has not the name, because Poles show themselves from a good side here ..
24 Jan 2013
Love / Polish men :( demand forgiveness [35]

Polish men in reallife are rather good compared to Polish women. But be aware of long-distance or internet relationships with Polish men .. for them it is just an adventure or useful time waste, while playing Starcraft 2.

Polish women are crazy over the Euro, whats the reason is, that they drive through whole Europe to marry foreign men .. in Poland most women are in relationships with "koksy" or foreigners .. thats the reason the typical internet hero is saying to himself "Nauuuu Ai show youu" .. they want to have relationships with the most different women from most different countries .. even if they know that they never pay the flight ticket .. just to show the Polish society, that he is different and he wants attenton from all these girls he never will get ..

If you ever met this Polish man in real, he showed, he willl care for you and he loves you truly .. but dont believe in internet Poles .. cause .. "In the internet everyone has the biggest" ..
24 Jan 2013
Language / Weird Polish dialect [15]

Oh yes, our education system is rather bad, thats true .. nevertheless we feed your country and an Polish graduation in Germany is worth as toilet paper .. my English is maybe so ridicolous like your view of the Polish economy .. I dont have to learn English. Who comes here have to learn German. Punkt. Aus!!
24 Jan 2013
Language / Weird Polish dialect [15]

I live in Germany, I was born here, I dont have to learn English, for what?? I am inhabitant in a country, where everybody wants to live and work ..

And I am not talking about what Zimnoch is talking about (cause I understand it), I am asking about this highly voice in the beginning. Why Poles use it?

And dont act, that you are fluent in English, cause your coutnry can not afford for Polish dubs .. the few vocabularies you know from the subtitles dont make you into a Native Speaker.
24 Jan 2013
Language / Weird Polish dialect [15]

Since when exists this weird dialect in the Polish language?? I heard it often, when Poles are talking or during interviews etc. ..

I am talking about this ..

He suddenly gets an highly voice, I dont know what the message behind this kind of talking should be ... in my ears it is very arrogant.

Especially young people, Polish people .. ending their studies in a university, where EVERYONE gets a place .. finishing an senseless major like IT and thinking, the world is waiting for them .. they think they are gods, until they landed in a warehouse or factory somewhere in the west ..

Why are the young Poles using this?? This fast, arrogant talking, where every guy has the same voice, the same kind to talk .. why this high voices and why this pig extremely high voices during the talk, like Zimnoch in this interview?!
24 Jan 2013
Travel / Is it safe to travel to Poland? [194]

You live longer then 24 years in Germany?? Then please show me the last known incident, where a black man in FF/O was attacked .. and if we are in this topic .. show me last incident, where a German guy was attacked by foreigners. *lach*
24 Jan 2013
Travel / Is it safe to travel to Poland? [194]

It depends on where .. wannabe Western citys like Warsaw, who try to act multicutlural and international are maybe safe .. but citys in Upper Silesia are rather not safe, when you drive alone. In Germany, they warn toruists who plan to visit Poland only to visit as group. Car renters dont allow to drive to Poland with their cars .. you have to sign a contract. But maybe these are only .. stereotypes .. ^^ :D:D
24 Jan 2013
Real Estate / The current property boom in Poland is a bubble [342]

What does boom mean?? Polish people make debts to buy own flats .. is this called boom in Poland?? I can not imagine, who would be intrested to invest in Poland .. start to rebuild your country, like back then the rubble women did ..
24 Jan 2013
Work / Salary for a senior software engineer in Poland [195]

Why do you plan tocome to Poland? As Indian, you should come to Germany, Switzerland, Austria or the UK .. in the first 3 countries is the salary 4-6 times bigger than in Poland.

Polish people can not even find after their graduation from uni a job in their own country, not to mention in Germany etc. .. thats the reason they come to work in factories or private-nursing etc. .. and even badder things .. but thats a other topic.

Indian people are welcome in multicultural citys like Düsseldorf, Berlin, Köln etc. .. you will regret your decision when you go to Poland, or do you plan to work as an engineer somewhere in a meat factory in the west? You people down there have a good reputation in IT and engineering sector!!