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Posts by johnb121  

Joined: 23 Oct 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 14 Jun 2014
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 183 / In This Archive: 150
From: Nowy Sacz
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24 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

but they should have their areas to live in

I find your whole approach offensive. Are you REALLY suggesting that an illness is something you feel should be hidden away and, in effect, imprisoned? The British tried that - those moserable old Victorian asylums that until 30 or so years ago still operated on the outskirts of the bigger cities and "hospitals" which were very variable in approach. An old gentleman I knew suffered from depression and regularly ordered into hospital for electro-convulsive therapy, but otherwise lived in his home with his lovely wife - are you suggesting HE should have been locked up? Imprisoning the mentally ill who can function in society is a sign of a primitive and cruel society, one which punishes the "different".

I accept that some people are criminally insane - and for them there are secure units in hospitals, etc. But anyone who CAN function in society without being in some way a danger to themselves or other people deserves every help we can given them to enable them to do just that.
20 Nov 2013
Language / Recommended for learners: Michel Thomas Method Polish Audiobook [60]

Slim182 : From Amazon : Start Polish with the Michel Thomas Method is an hour of essentials taken from Total Polish with the Michel Thomas Method. (Total is the classic Michel Thomas Method course, now enhanced with extra vocabulary, on-screen learning, and exercises.)
18 Nov 2013
Travel / What is there to do and see in Lublin and the surrounding area? (with kids too) [6]

I'm sorry - i presumed you were going to do a weekend trip on a LCC, as so many people do. As a previous visitor I guess you kow that Poland repays visitors who invest time and I'd never suggest a short trip is enough to see "everything" - it's usually enough for a good taste, but that's all. The more time you invest, the more Poland gives you. :)
12 Nov 2013
Real Estate / Residential property sale in Warsaw - worth selling now? [4]

Walsall or Warsaw? In any event any valuation will be based on the opinion of the estate agent, which in turn will depend on whether or not he thinks he can or will get a chance to sell it. EAs will often up value so they get the job of selling, but then tell you the price is too high and you need to lower it.
11 Nov 2013
Love / Massive problems with Polish mother-in-law [36]

a son will always love his mother, its unconditional

I miss my mother, but five years ago I found the strength to sever ties with the bitter, poisonous ***** she proved to be. So I miss the mother I once thought I had, but I no longer love or need her in my life
30 Oct 2013
Life / Does any one know where it is legal to collect firewood? [5]

In our gmina you apply to the gmina office and they tell you exactly which tree you're allowed to fell. Then you get in there with your buddies, saws and axes, beer and a horse plus chains to get the bugger out! Forestry management would require trees are allowed to rot into the earth - hence restrictions on collecting fallen wood or fallen trees.
23 Oct 2013
Work / RELOCATING TO GDYNIA, Poland - salary question [42]

What Smurf was saying is that it is NOT good money. Costs in Poland are not hgh compared with, for example, Germany or the UK, but they're not THAT low, either, that you could be comfortable and save a little on 3,200PLN per month
23 Oct 2013
Food / What food and drinks should I buy a Polish friend who is missing Poland? [12]

Can I give you the alternative spin on this? By sending Polish foodstuffs you will just be reminding your friend of of things they're missing. From my own experience of being sent to live and work in India I know that what helped me was finding local foodstuffs I liked, not searching for, eg, Cadbury's chocolate. Your friend needs to focus on finding new things to love about Morocco, not what they miss about PL.
15 Oct 2013
Travel / Best Zapiekanka in Krakow? [8]

I think the Brist were put off by the half-assed "French bread pizzas" - even if not, you can bet a UK version would have a smear of topping, not a pile of it, so a very mediocre product by comparison with the competitive Polish street market.
13 Oct 2013
Work / Applying simultaneously for two work permits in Poland? [2]

Honestly, I hope it will. It seems that what is important to you is the work permit, not the job, which is not how it should be when you are proposing moving to PL from outside the EU. Also, one company will be wasting its time and money in applying - how will you recompense them?
10 Oct 2013
News / Too much milk - Poland has been forced to pay EUR 4.1 mln to the EC. [11]

Our neighbours are small-scale farmers, but one has a full-time job in town and the other is retired. They both keep chickens and a cow or two, buy two piglets and feed them up on milk and leftovers for slaughter in the autumn ... the others round here keep a few goats, sheep, or just plough a half-hectare for potatoes. It's one step up from gardening, plus they get to live in the country...
9 Oct 2013
Travel / Are there any travel agencies in Poland that offer Disneyland Paris packages? [10]

Two thoughts - first, I looked on the park website and got a price of £700 for four nights at the Disney Cheyenne Hotel and including breakfast and dinner plus tickets for 5 days at the park. If you got a deal like that you could spend some adult time in Paris and still finish your day in Disneyland.

Second, a piece of wisdom I read many years ago - if your intention is to take your kids to a Disney park to see their little faces light up - don't. There's a good chance Mickey Mouse will scare the crap out of them (if not him, then one of the other characters) abd your 3 year-old will quickly become tired, grumpy and cold plus bored bored bored with all the time in queues
9 Oct 2013
News / Too much milk - Poland has been forced to pay EUR 4.1 mln to the EC. [11]

In this case .. I'd say it is the (French) farmers who have the more powerful lobby group. The fines are imposed to stop production levels leading to lower prices and hence the bankruptcy of inefficent farm units. In other words, EU policy is to support the inefficient farmer to the detriment of the consumer.
8 Oct 2013
Life / What type of clothing is suitable for winter in Poland? [5]

That's some place in the moutains.

Actually, that's Nowy Sacz, which is at least 20 km north of the mountains - though I can't deny that the mountains have an impact on our weather, we ain't in them. In fact, we're in a sheltered valley, which gives us even colder temps.
4 Oct 2013
Law / Opening an English bookstore in Poland - what are the prospects and profitability? [17]

Did you see the recent BBC TV show - the one where a young entrepreneur goes to learn aboit a failing business and helps the owners rejuvenate? The one I saw a couple of weeks ago featured a failing bookstore with a succesful cafe upstairs keeping it afloat. Maybe, then, a combination would work - MC Beeton and an afternoon tea (English or Scottish), Herriot, roast beef and yorkshire pudding ... novelty for the Poles and a taste of home for the expats ... might work
3 Oct 2013
Law / Opening an English bookstore in Poland - what are the prospects and profitability? [17]

As a Brit living in Poland, I use Amazon for 100% of my book buys. Even some expensive art books.
NB fwiw, you can't buy a Kindle for delivery here - you have to have it sent to a UK address - then you can download so many books, usually even cheaper! Of course, you can opt for any other cadget with a kindle app.
13 Sep 2013
Real Estate / Prices of agricultural land in Poland [39]

Don't forget there is significant sprawl beyond Krakow - unlike the UK where country dwellings cluster in villages, here the houses spread out well into the countryside and plots are quite big. You may find opportunities to buy plots with access to the road are more limited than you'd imagine.
7 Sep 2013
Real Estate / Mortage guidlines for senior age in Poland? [2]

A bank is a commercial lender of money, which weighs up the pros and cons of any and every loan and grants it, whe they do, in terms they accept. They will not lend illegally (one would hope).

In the UK and elsewhere there are deals set up for older people who want to get at some of the caspital tied up in their homes - it is usually very expensive, but people do it. The bank has a charge over the property, so they know their money is safe :)
5 Sep 2013
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

I was doing some research and an interesting fact popped up. Homosexuality has never been illegal in independent Poland. The only change was when the age of consent was set - the same age for hetero and homosexuals.
2 Sep 2013
Food / Using Polish cooking books in an English version? [16]

First off, you can easily by a set of measuring spoons and cups - they make US-style recipes a piece of cake (groan)

I got a lovely book from Amazon, called Rose Petal Jam which is a lady's recollections of her youth in Poland, what she found when she returned many years later with her husband and of recipes. Not that many recipes, but it's simply a lovely book.

As we're in the country and in a good neighbours sort of thing (one lift into town = 6 eggs, loan the weed whacker = milk for a week) and I'm a better baker than most of the wives, we get savouries in return for sweet. So I just ask them how they made them. Easy!
2 Sep 2013
Travel / Holidays next month - suggestions for which part of Poland to visit [14]

Zakopane has its own architecture, culture and cuisine, plus walking, mountain sports ... and lost of tourists plus v busy at weekends.
Seriously, though, do your research and you'll find many places to fit the bill. I love southern Malopolska - I love it enough to have moved here from London. History, Krakow, lakes and mountains, good food and good people. You could easily spend three weeks down here - or in many other parts of the country - while basing yourselves in a self-catering place or a cheap hotel/bnb

Have a look on here to get some ideas, but note it's a long way from complete!
21 Aug 2013
Travel / Pet Insurance in Poland [7]

yes, never forget that the insurer is gambling that they will take in more than they pay out, and price to maKe sure that's what happens!

We have two dogs and three cats and just pay the bills wilth the vet as they arise