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Posts by Rysavy  

Joined: 25 Sep 2012 / Female ♀
Last Post: 7 Jul 2014
Threads: Total: 10 / In This Archive: 10
Posts: Total: 306 / In This Archive: 201
From: United States, Payson
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Varied and ecclectic

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15 Apr 2013
Language / "No tak"; The Oddest Phrase In Polish For This American [75]

Embrace the dark future... |337 and txt type will be official muti-national language.. no more pesky pronounciation marks.. roll dice on what language iffy word is rooted in.

UMad Bro will soon be considered theatrical ^_^
15 Apr 2013
Language / "No tak"; The Oddest Phrase In Polish For This American [75]

How on earth did this become a politics bashing thread... and what america you grow up in Lyzko. The school system was FAIL long before Reagan.

Late 70s and early 80's? A majority of HS students that were illiterate... what was it.. 78%? 87%? fok more than 50%.

Schools started taking a dive around time I was in 4th grade (my dad taught me extra curricular at home so school became my LOL zone every grade after that). I survived "New Math" , stayed in private school until I was 8th grade.Then I LAWLZD thru school graduating at 16 since most monkeys could low pass the classes with simple attendance.

.... isn't there a thread on this already?

that the mod can move somehwat off topic direction and those of us that respond?
11 Apr 2013
History / Interesting film archive site has stuff on Youtube - Fall of the Polish Calvary 1939 [4]

Heh ..well this guy is selling the wares as historical data.....

He has gotten hold of a lot of authentic old footage that he piecing together"randomly' with whatever titles he pleases.
Like American planes strafing farmers (some maybe so.. war brings ugly things out .. but the one cart pulling a distinctive german staff car was maybe shot up for a particular reason)

But it is still footage of the times ...
10 Apr 2013
News / Why is Amazon not present in Poland? [57]


I think that may be my method for next try then.. ^_^ I never really sent things so far off since becoming a civilian. I was accustomed to very easy posting of things as a soldier. Man, once I started using the web for shopping I have become spoiled to it.

I'm still pickier about fabric goods..to see the color and texture up close. And sizing unless a brand I know well.

I hate driving..(except to IKEA if I live within 60 miles of one- I make it a bizarre little holiday. Hmmmm and all the smoked fish..and the meatballs..YUM) And more than an hour in Walmart I have a pounding headache, panic and overwhelming need to escape.
10 Apr 2013
News / Why is Amazon not present in Poland? [57]

I would venture a guess that it is more about RELIABLE available delivery- and cost (nearest distribution center)

Is there an Amazon UK?

I couldn't have a gift delivered thru Amazon US without extraordinary rate. No guarantees either.
The same gift (a box with new PC game) would have been 150 bucks ..to Poland even by good ol USPS which is normally t he most reasonalble for int'l rates

The birthday surprise (a choco telegram) I ordered early thru local company still arrived days late once passed into the hands of courier service.
Had it been a company that makes guarantees they would have been hosed.

From now on I am going to do it all on large zip drives, send it to my Army bud to send for me from Germany. Not like I send anything big anyway.


Trusting is not just a Polish thinb I'm sure. For me Amazon is more about trusting the product brands they offer. And I am familiar enough with Ikea to happily order anything they carry online.

I had one expensive dud so far ordering a click clak futon from Walmart(tore on 2 seamsi n 24 hours-had to drill a pilot and then found why the work crew didn't-the brace hiden by teh bottom cover was not right. I t cracked at the hole asn voila- brick for leg. It was garbage even a goodwill wouldn't take in less than 2 weeks. for 200 bucks : (

Difference to top countries can be explained by lower percentage of internet users here.

That coul dbe erason it isnt cost effective to have alocal distribution or deal with the courier services avaialble >edit<
5 Apr 2013
News / Barbara Piasecka Johnson, Maid Who Married Multimillionaire, Dies at 76 [57]

Lovely story a real Cinderella

..his kids got something substantial and he treated her as true wife and friend by leaving his estate to her ("cleave unto your wife").

And his kids can't be cheated out of something that was possibly never promised to them. They got good.
5 Apr 2013
Love / Have been living with my Polish girlfriend. Moving the relationship forward, what now? [18]

No one on this forum could tell you what your girlfriend thinks and expects of you, there is not a one rule fits all solution, for Polish women.All women are individual.

Pretty much THIS ^ OP And as also mentioned by Pam; you will have to talk it out before you get any deeper in for sure. Do you both a favor and if you don't want kids or marriage ...admit it now. And make her admit her expectations now.

The average "good" girl may stretch her traditonal upbringing rules and live with you a while but will indeed be expecting marriage if all is well. Specially a person wishing to have children.Specially a catholic.

There are "enlightened" or fiercely independent sorts who are ambivelent on marriage..... no shoe fits every foot.
I think marriage is a good thing, the ultimate partnership and declaration of mutual trust. And a very important foundation for children
But as the proverb "marry in haste-repent in leisure". Seems you have had quite some time. And you still have to ask us? Why do you care what is average for your friends. What do YOU want? what does SHE?

If your beloved isn't religious, or is, that's all that matters

? if your beloved shares or accepts your religious belief *fixed*

Be certain you really KNOW what each others beliefs are and what is in the intolerable zones. I dumped a pleasant if lackadasial bf for not being catholic enough... Twice. And though not a bad person unlike a few previous I finally admitted the problem for my case was not being true to myself. I will never put myself thru the unnecesary falures again. It was more than simply belief in God. it was values, ethics, morals, and traditions. Many mesh but some don't severely.

I always let them know up front that marriage and children were in my portfolio plan. They all said no problem til it was payup time. Excuse for wasting years of my life? "but I'd have lost you if I said I didn't want kids or marriage right away" Um DOH! yes! but it means they never found ME to start.

Mr. lackadaisy said "If I had known marrriage was that big a deal to you I would have asked you long ago" this after 2 years in same house and having asked for "space" 4 months previous.I guess he didnt think I'd leave him for the same reason as when we were 19 because? <_< and it WAS restated in the second chance as am expectation from me.

, "liberals" can't

<_< I am not liberal in any way ...democratic in some. But most my Democrat family consider me a hobnail stomping right winger.
I am catholic. I had my eldest child at 30. I am about to start an entirely new family (my famly has loooong lives).No more grey hair than when I was 16.

Most my exes were bald by 40 ^_^ never had to worry about grey.

Though I would suggest people who know they want kids to start earlier when you dont usually really have much of a career to interrupt and have them out of house before you retire .

think 'liberals' secretly think grandparents are a threat - which could be called control freakery ...

0_0 more would I blame today's youth culture and the "ME" generation than of either side of center; they don't want to BE grandparents. And called............lol wut?
5 Apr 2013
Life / Do Polish Barbers secretly hate their clients? [7]

a mini-mullet

Yes, yes...........it does have mullet like quality................ *nods*

If one has to search in Warsaw there is no hope then up in the north of Podlaskie... it is bad hair or no hair (long hair is not in equation)

Soon as he comes for a longer stay this year Im gonna take him to my cousin and hook him up

Tell him to just shave it. [quote=jon357]That's what one has to do.

[/quote] well that explains the skinhead look being in.. cheaper & easier than a bad haircut.

Would I seem too shallow if I was to say, Nooooo I wanna play with the lustrous gilded color for a little while longer? ^_^
4 Apr 2013
Life / Do Polish Barbers secretly hate their clients? [7]

ZOMG! Every time my fiance is returned from barber I'm flabberghasted.

Are proper hair studios rarer except big cities?
Terrible cut #5 and I blurted to stop going and use child's paper scissors for better look.
Though #3 was a bieberfication and passable even in not "him".

Normally he recieves a bad razor cut (where the ends are shaved and can frizz out)
This time shorter bangs cutting into the hairedge for jagged "I squirmed in chair" look.
It is done awful just accenting he has a high forehead and will eventually lose much of his lovely silky gold hair (they thin it.. I already shed more hair than he even had)

and when I looked on that link last year..the Polish dating site thingy...many had the same awful haircut or just shaved and looked like military or skinheads.

I noticed last time she popped in his room to grab something; his teen sister came out the wrong door of the salon recent as well (they chopped off and streaked her gorgeous thick platimum hair in to a bad 80's midlength- the kind moms wore) .
1 Apr 2013
Food / Borscht - Zurek / Bialy barszcz recipe [153]

Yum... so THAT's how its made. I never got the recipe for white borscht (slightly dif version) or Easter cheescake from grandparents. My one gram called it kulaja and it was the base with cream & vinegar instead of rye bread. The other made it more like the most described one here asn called it White Borscht
27 Mar 2013
Life / Hey, Nice Airport Wrocław! Or! Day #1 for an American Ex-Pat in Poland. [128]

visit to the Polish Burger King in Bielany Wrocław

I don't know how Polish are with over top antcis...but if I walked in there I would be ever so tempted to throw myself near counter in front of that guy with arms spread and yell in Polish "RUN! I'll save YOU!"

Prolly get arrrested and evaluated there.

three drinks past their last inhibition.

The girls don't appear unusual for the setting but ..... Holy Mother of MURPHY! that shirt!
26 Mar 2013
Off-Topic / If a polish girl sings about how she will kill her boyfriend, then it's ok [7]

Don't forget this one that my friends looooved requesting for me

More of the songs are about killing women than men
But still yeah, have a point it's rather a sick lyrical subject. Just not going to be changed at this late rate ^_^
26 Mar 2013
Food / What are favorite herbal teas in Poland/especially loose leaf? [15]

I forgot all tea is called herbal there ^_^.
Those look very nice. That fruit blend asn the "blooming" flowers novelty tea.
herbata owocowa WIŚNIE W RUMIE also caught my eye ^_^

But the herbals I drink are not xanthine (caffine) sources ..... ie like rumianek

I drink Mate for a pick up now and again but am careful it doesnt upset my blood disorder ans is not as strong as coffee or guarana. But I am not usually looking for "diet" teas. I'll just get off my butt if it starts spreading ^_^

My heaviest consumption is blends using rasberry leaf (malina?), rumianek, mints and lemon grass,
26 Mar 2013
Food / Your favourite Polish foods! [180]


debreeshin veptrovan... . It is pork cutlets that are breaded and braised...

Has anyone found a polish recipe site ans posted it yet?
Most things I cook often have Polish equivelents. Especially the Boheme/German dishes.
Many of the Portuguese dishes I cook are similar, but Polish dont seem to use tomato bases much nor have easy access to Hominey or chicpeas

ie: Menudo?- flezcki with spicy tomatoe base and hominey.
26 Mar 2013
Food / Which are the most frequently made Polish foods? [8]


My Polish finance's family eats this most the week when he isn't separately eating chicken or Pizza.
An occasional soup. My Polish language partner mentioned eating it often too.

My US family called it "Hungarian chops" or debreeshin veptrovan... but I guess Polish eat it without the spicy sauce ?
:) (I like it both ways.. ) My granma Weisz wasn't Hungarian, she just called them that.
BTW: It is pork cutlets that are breaded and braised... yum! in any language! I sure could eat them almost every day!
You should snoop around this forum section..Oh! the recipes you can find..most easy to prep and serve!
21 Mar 2013
Language / Find error in a Polish article [45]

great game- hopefully Im on during next posting.

Not as game but my former language buddy used to have me "translate" odd english in news he reads.
Half the time he had right to be confused since what had him flummoxed was poor grammar, mispelled or colloquial >_<
Specially stuff off some site called TED.
21 Mar 2013
Life / Hey, Nice Airport Wrocław! Or! Day #1 for an American Ex-Pat in Poland. [128]

Nooooo, lookit, there's a major scuff on the toe

LAWL.... heh! I am roooough on my shoes..that is day one before reaching my front door condition

Bonus Footage: My adorbs Euro-Sized fridge

o_0 OMG!

THAT will be a real prob if I ever go EU!! I'd have to be a real housewifey type just to go shopping every 3 days! I have one of the largest fridges plus a freezer and a minifridge and still have to do supplementary shopping once a week after monthly main trip.
20 Mar 2013
USA, Canada / Why do Americans (and Canadians) hate Polish people? [226]

LOL ..I'm an American and Im gonna mate a Polish people.. <_< No "hate"

But I haven't seen any hate towards Polish or Poland even in general. Stereotypes are unremembered. Growing up in the 60s Polish jokes had pretty much died out. Certainly didn't hear at school anymore. There were new ethnic underdogs to bozos to belittle. Now they are more like amusing antiques..flapper jokes, italian, irish & polish jokes. Saw some in a book called Truely Tasteless Jokes part 2.

Been in love with the mythical side of Hussars since was a lil girl.
I love certain foods that I know as Polish. As far as I know I don't have any Pole in me.......

And aside from a few ***** ones from the east; most canucks I ever met were mellow. Not hating on much of anything.

This is a weird question and I've seen it before worded dif. Heck most present day Americans barely know where Poland is unless they are from Chicago. ;p
13 Mar 2013
Language / Shortened Polish male names [7]

What do you want it to mean?
Since he is your manager I would assume he likes you and thinks you would make a sweet personal friend..? So is allowing a closer warmer form of address not encouraged with everyone.

"Lady" in English? Just "hey lady" or with your name?

but maybe he LIKE YOU likes you..... ^_^

With English, my guy often calls me m'lady. I started catching on when that and "baby" started creeping in as diminutives that maybe I was not just a "buddy" anymore :) My guy can't have any shorter a name
2 Mar 2013
News / Poland in the US news? wow ..that is rare. [3]

Ah... interesting! Thanks Monitor. I bookmarked the site too.

And so Mrs Danzig gets a bus pass for life ^_^
but how ironic about the other person, Gabriela. Maybe they'll hire her now?
2 Mar 2013
News / Poland in the US news? wow ..that is rare. [3]

Yesterday, Poland was in the news on a bus crash that could have been worse. From how they worded it...two 'old' ladies wrestled the wheel when the driver succumbed to something? (drunk? death? diebtic coma?)

I didn't catch it all since I was out to pick something up.

My minds eye has some little bird like my x-inlaw Baba and some big Mama trying to throw off the driver and get the bus stopped...lol. They hit somethings but...all okay now? Driver alive?

*edit : yes I know 'P"oland. I didn't ninja strike my shift hard enough*