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Posts by Wedle  

Joined: 27 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Feb 2012
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 490 / In This Archive: 380

Speaks Polish?: yes

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24 Jan 2012
Travel / Warsaw's most beautiful disctrict or village [18]

It's a town rather than a village, but for me almost all the boxes are ticked by Ciechanow.

I box being the beer ?


The Castle of Mazovian Dukes.
23 Jan 2012
Work / British-trained journalist in Poland - should i stay or should i go now? What are the life options here? [7]

so my question is: what are the life options fr a british-trained journalist in poland.....and don't say housewife, that just grates on my gender-activist nerves :)

Very,very limited most british journalists here are scrapping a living doing freelance work for Uk papers.

Your daughters place should be with both her parents. The question here is can your beau support you here in Poland?
Secondly if you studied in the UK it is highly likely your family has business interests, have you considered products/services which can be exchange between the two countries.
23 Jan 2012
Work / A Nigerian planning to relocate to Poland for better opportunity. [8]

Is your husband Polish?

Stick to the big cities Warsaw, Wroclaw, Poznan, Gdansk and last Krakow. It will be easier for you to find employ. If neither of you are Polish, its going to be very tough. Good luck and let us know how you get on.
23 Jan 2012
Travel / Warsaw's most beautiful disctrict or village [18]

I was having a conversation about the most beautiful district or village within a 100 klm radius of Warsaw proper. My choice that ticked all the boxes is:

Podkowie Leśnej


Any other candidates for the most beautiful district/village?
22 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

The article above is complete ' diatribe' here is a quote " The property market in Poland was pretty much non-existent before 2004, there were plenty of homes and not really any such thing as an estate agent outside of the major cities (the buyer and seller would sit down at a table and negotiate with no third parties). There are now thousands of real estate agents who set up shop to take advantage of overseas buyers, usually charging fees to both buyers and sellers

Poland had already been through two peak and downturns by 2004. The author of this article clearly has absolutely no knowledge of Polish real estate, nor has he taken the time to research it. The boom period from 2004 was fueled by the availability of easy mortgages, prior to that most people took loans and payed them off as quickly as possible.
15 Jan 2012
Life / Restoring old Polish cars [12]


You could always contact these guys, they renovate and maintain a lot of oldtimers, the chap who runs it speaks english and is a minefield of information.

If you have an antique car or motorcycle and would like to carry out its mechanical repairs, bodywork or restore it from scratch, please contact us! We have over 40 years experience in rebuilding classic cars - so you are sure that your monument will go into good hands. We offer a 100% range of the reconstruction of vehicles, from single faults to the overall reconstruction. Prices are set individually, depending on the task.

13 Jan 2012
Travel / BIG LESSON (I visited and was threatened in Poland) [71]

You are so prejudiced against Poles . Corruption is not a Polish specialty

About 100 licenses have been granted.

Seven people, including government officials were arrested this week on charges of corruption in relation to the process of granting of licences for shale gas exploration.

Waldemar Tyl of the Warsaw Appeals Prosecutor's Office, who announced the charges, said bribes of tens of thousands of zlotys had been handed over in the second half of 2011 alone.

Three Environment Ministry officials, an employee of the state Geology Institute and three representatives of companies involved in shale gas exploration were arrested.


Yes I am so prejudiced against Poles...

Open your eyes Polmed.
11 Jan 2012
Travel / BIG LESSON (I visited and was threatened in Poland) [71]

You are so prejudiced against Poles . Corruption is not a Polish specialty , vide Italy , USA , Germany etc .

Polmed, please stop being so patriotic, we are discussing Polish specific. This story is about an Arab businessman being manipulated by a Polish national on his home territory, even though the Arab has shown kindness to the Pole in his hour of need, when visiting the homeland of the Arab. If it was any other country it would have taken on racist slants by now.

Only because they have no guilt in Poland, it is quite bizarre how the Poles believe stealing, cheating and lying take on a different perspective when you are Polish, because you come from a poor country. Sorry to have to tell you Poles 'Corruption is Corruption' ' dishonesty is dishonesty' no matter what country you originate from.

The text in bold is not being anti Polish, it is fact that some Poles believe and justify their actions with these beliefs. I do not want to get involved in a debate about other nations and their national traits. We are focusing on Polish specific.
11 Jan 2012
Travel / BIG LESSON (I visited and was threatened in Poland) [71]

Yeah but they are much more common in Poland.

Only because they have no guilt in Poland, it is quite bizarre how the Poles believe stealing, cheating and lying take on a different perspective when you are Polish, because you come from a poor country. Sorry to have to tell you Poles 'Corruption is Corruption' ' dishonesty is dishonesty' no matter what country you originate from.

My opinion is 'ABU HAMDAN' is a fake ( troll), although the Pole in the story could be a real live version, from a past experience of the troll. The story falls apart at the point of his Polish friend offering his niece for sex, no self respecting Pole would have done this, he would have offered his niece for marriage, once he had you in the family, he would have sucked you dry ABU.
11 Jan 2012
Real Estate / A plot in Lesznowola near Warsaw - Bargain or not? [15]

The idea is, if we live near Lesznowola, we can be close to the construction site and supervise directly...
Too far fetched?

Nothing is ever too far fetched, if you have the power and motivation.

If I was in the market for building a house today in Warsaw, I would take into consideration that all the best plots in Warsaw have gone, you are left with lesser plots only. I would be more inclined to buy a plot with an existing house, then demolish and rebuild or refurb. Otherwise the safe option is to spend the next few months finding your ideal home and negotiate.

Polsyr, knowing Warsaw quite well LesznaWola would NOT be my ideal location, maybe PIP can enlighten you as she live quite close to that area a few years ago.
11 Jan 2012
Travel / Decentish, cheapish restaurant somewhere near Warsaw? [8]

another one is Ocywizna--I probably spelled this wrong but it is in Magdalenka on ul. Sloneczna- you can't miss it.

Ocywizna is quite new built over the las couple of years, it is just off the main road immediatly before Magdelenka. I have never eaten there it looks nice though, typical wooden Karczma.
11 Jan 2012
Travel / Decentish, cheapish restaurant somewhere near Warsaw? [8]

Thanks Wedle, those look like the kind of thing I'm after. You eaten at either of them?

I have eaten at both of them, both good Karczma food, the litmus test for me is always the ' Zurek kielbasa ' both are good. Different settings of course. Klepisko is close by the marina at Zalew Zegrzyńsk. ZALEWAJKA is on Old Lasu in Konstancin, so its off to the forest afterwards to walk off the food. Enjoy.

ZALEWAJKA is on Old Lasu in Konstancin

If you go out to Konstancin, be sure to go to starapapiernia.pl/u-nas-znajdziesz 38. Jan Piekarz - piekarnia. The best bakery in Warsaw, the MAKOWIEC is the best I have tasted, a lot of people claim it is ' the jewish bakery ' not sure about that though.
11 Jan 2012
Real Estate / A plot in Lesznowola near Warsaw - Bargain or not? [15]

Still trying to find out... I will update this thread once I find out more :)

Polsyr, just food for thought - Wy would you want to go through the hassle of building, when you can buy something that is already built and just do improvements or an extension. This advice may save your relationship in the future...
11 Jan 2012
Travel / BIG LESSON (I visited and was threatened in Poland) [71]

There is a solution, however.

The only solution is to deal with honest people.

It is the difference between Asians ad Europeans, as an asian you go on a forum to call him out and put shame on him, as a low life he has already crawled to you for money and you have given it to him, so he is just going back for a second pop, these type of leeches will suck you dry, I have met many Americans, who have similar traits, tall stories - no substance, they are parasites and have no honor, you will find them all over the world, not just Poland.
10 Jan 2012
Real Estate / A plot in Lesznowola near Warsaw - Bargain or not? [15]

Is this a good deal or not? Anyone familiar with land prices in the area?

This is intended for our own residence, not as an investment.

What is the status of the land at 135 PLN m2, I believe it could be rolna NOT budwlana?
10 Jan 2012
Life / Who's Leaving Poland? [138]

because of the moisture the cold air gets more to you than a much less moist air during frosts of -10 or even -15 degrees

We also require a period of continuous cold weather below -5 degrees to kill the virus's that sweep in from the East.
10 Jan 2012
Life / Who's Leaving Poland? [138]

there is gonna be serious frost with little to no snow - not good if you asked farmers

I always believed the frost issue or " natures thinning ' was an issue once budding had begone, mind you the winter has been so mild up to now.

Last year snow was boring and the year b4 was the worst winter I've ever seen

I much prefer snow on the ground from December to March, rain, sleet, slush NOT for me.

I would say that rain,sleet and slush are weather types that force depression. Snow gets the happy vibes moving.
10 Jan 2012
UK, Ireland / English dad, Polish mum are parting. What about the child? [27]

Try to speak to the girl. Poland is only 2 hours away, there are cheap flights and Poland is an easy and friendly place to visit. Especially if you have a grandchild there. The future might turn out far better than you think!

thankyou, i have visited poland it is beautiful and my sons partner(or ex ) is lovely,and she does realise the importance of family.so maybe you could be right

Mum50, jonnyM has avery good point here, it is always a very stressful time during any breakup, the most important person is your grandchild and his/her happiness and development. You are a mother, therefore you can think this through from a mothers perspective. If the decision is for the mother and child to return to Poland, then you will have the issue of language development, I assume your son and yourself would like to communicate with your grand child in the future. There are many bi-lingual kindergartens, so maybe this cost could be your sons contribution, your grandchild will very quickly loose his/her english unless he/she is immersed in it.

If your sons ( ex partner) is not from a financially secure family, it will only be a matter of time before, she considers her life in England to be better, at least if she is allowed to go, she may realize it is better to return to the UK in the interests of the child. Remember she has already left Poland once for a better life.
10 Jan 2012
Life / Who's Leaving Poland? [138]

they say that if you haven't made home in your first 2 years you never will, returning to Canada will even be worse as a lot of water has passed under the bridge in that time and everything is different, best make the best of Poland

WP, they say, if you make four you will stay for more. A deciding factor will always be the children and education, most people I know in Poland prefer the kids graduate from a university outside of Poland. UK/USA.I would not want my children to be formed 100% through the Polish education system, most of the leading Poles in business were educated in part, outside of Poland.

There are many foreigners, who have already partially moved on from PL, their spouse may remain in PL with the kids, their workplace is Russia,Ukraine or Khazikstan.

I am going to Vancouver next week for a battery charge.

Enjoy, a bit of shopping therapy too?
9 Jan 2012
Life / Who's Leaving Poland? [138]

The quality of life is excellent if you have the money

Agreed, there is also limited choice, the theater is good for what you get.

a lot of our foreign friends living in Poland would be living like paupers if they remain in there own country

Maybe not paupers, certainly not to the same standard they have here though.

Hospital and Health services for the rich is not a problem

It is not a problem for standard procedures, if you need a specialist, most go overseas.

One thing is lacking in Poland is organisations who would get things moving in Poland, ie a group of real estate agents who would put pressure on the government to change all the red tape associated with real estate transactions

Yes a Polish solution for Poland, there are plenty of young Polish real estate professionals out there who are more than capable of changing the future. It is only a matter of time before the Polish " Young Turks" take over, this is not Russia.

The days of making a quick buck is well and truly over, you now have to work for it


Poland is still a good place to give it a go.

There is still opportunity if you look hard, although there will be better opportunity in other European countries over the coming short -medium term
9 Jan 2012
Life / Who's Leaving Poland? [138]

Firstly Poland is a good place to retire in as prices for food/travel and real estate is pretty cheap

When you retire, you choose a country that has a good infrastructure, especially hospitals and health service. Although Poland is cheap and real estate is still affordable to many, it still does not offer the quality of life you consider normal in many other countries.

The negatives is the Polish mentality especially when it comes to business and business practice, money money seems to be on the minds of most poles.

I personally do not have a problem with Poland's greed mentality in every day business, I can sort the wheat from the chaff in daily life here.

The red tape and lack of accountability in government departments is something unacceptable, (I'm still waiting for 15 months for a building permit) excuses and excuses)

I hear you.

now secondly Wedle this may upset you but you bought up at a time where everything was bargain basement, now that this has changed you cry poor

I am not crying poor, I have decided it is time for change. Furthermore if someone has the foresight to plan ahead, this should be considered a quality and not frowned upon.

you need to take the good with the bad and put back into Poland what you have reaped

I invested into Poland,created jobs and paid taxes, now it is time to look at pastures greener.

Apart from the multi national companies in Poland who seem to be doing well

A lot of the multi's invested in PL with one eye on the east, there will be some restructuring going on in 2012/2013.
8 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

Short visits to Scotland and Ireland, you will find parts of Canada there, a change is as good as a rest.

If you are not aware of it, this place is worthwhile visiting for fresh ideas idealhomeshow.co.uk If you are a business owner the entrance is free.
8 Jan 2012
Life / Who's Leaving Poland? [138]

One must always go with the gut feeling, I am starting to sense a real loss of direction for Poland as a whole. The country especially Warsaw was geared up to become the new financial hub for east/west trade and finance, with the current plans of the Russians I do not see this becoming a reality (opportunity lost). Now as Poland searches for its new identity in Europe I can only foresee a atmosphere of disagreement in Polish politics, as they try to identify their future path, nothing comes easy in Poland and personally I am not prepared to sit around for the next X years while the debate plays out. Poles are their own worst enemies and history has proven this to be fact, there are too many opportunities out there in the world, to get caught in the domestic crossfire here in PL.