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Posts by Jimmu  

Joined: 26 Aug 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 17 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 156 / In This Archive: 119
From: Poland, near Chocianów
Speaks Polish?: A little, poorly

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23 Nov 2011
News / Priests are paid by the Gov't in Poland. [86]

Atheism and agnosticism aren`t religion.

re·li·gion (r-ljn)
a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

Seems like they would qualify under 2, 3, and 4...
17 Nov 2011
Life / Polish dubbing in movies; why is it so that on polish television all the films are dubbed? [135]

It's not like you have to choose one way or another. Cable and sat TV have the technology to carry the original sound track, lektor and dubbing and subtitles in several languages. Then the client can choose how they want to view the show. I guess it's a case of the powers that be having learned their craft back in the old days. One of the best features of retirement is that I no longer have to hear management types saying "But that's the way we've always done it!".
15 Nov 2011
Language / How hard is it to learn Polish? [178]

excepting certain of the traditional Ivy Leagues, of course

Dubyuh was Ivy League. I think that eliminates your exception. :->
15 Nov 2011
Language / How hard is it to learn Polish? [178]

"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for
authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place
of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their
households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They
contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties
at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."

Attributed to SOCRATES by Plato, according to William L.
Patty and Louise S. Johnson, Personality and Adjustment, p. 277
13 Nov 2011
Language / How hard is it to learn Polish? [178]

so American in fact that she might even be mistaken for a spy

Nah. While her English is good, she retains a hint of Natasha Fatale in her accent that would be a dead giveaway.
As far as declining standards, I remember hearing the same thing back in the 60s. Seems like standards are always declining, and yet 150 years ago most people couldn't write their own name.
13 Nov 2011
Language / Polish language diary and language skills [5]

When you return to Ireland I would be willing to send you a Polish diary in exchange for almost anything written in English! Ok, maybe not religious tracts or Harlequin romances........
13 Nov 2011
Language / Need Advice On Polish-English language barrier (my Polish boyfriend and his family) [59]

Why do I keep seeing things like this on PF? I get the impression that at least half of the more prominent posters are professional or semi-professional language teachers. And yet the "get your gf/bf/in-laws to teach you Polish" comments go unchallenged! I am an educated, well read and fluent native speaker of English, but I suffer no illusions that I would be a good English teacher. Teaching requires skills, knowledge, and education that I and most bf/gf/in-laws do not have. I can, and have served as a tutor or maybe sparring partner for people learning English as a second language. I can answer some specific questions and help people get comfortable with speaking English but I would hate to be a student with me as the teacher!

When somebody asks "How do I learn to speak Polish?" the answers should be either "Find a good teacher." or "Learn the way Poles do. Trial and error and endless repetition." keeping in mind that being older it may take you 3 or 4 times as long as the 5 years or so it takes them to achieve basic competence.

Quoting myself:"Teaching requires skills, knowledge, and education.." and I forgot the most important thing. PATIENCE!
13 Nov 2011
Language / How hard is it to learn Polish? [178]

Jimmu, as she's your wife, for cryin' out loud, of course her English is going to sound bloody "excellent".

Well, in 10 years living in the US (which, despite what some of the yank bashers may say has quite a few native English speakers) the general consensus was that her English was excellent. And as far as "educated" goes, I worked for 30 years at a college where doctorates were pretty run of the mill. What I was asking her to do was the simplest word-for-word translation, and she insisted on giving me idiomatic interpretation. Your argument might be valid if she insisted on the opposite.

Poles often do not properly differentiate between phrasal verbs, colloquialisms, slang and idioms

"This is the type of arrant pedantry up with which I will not put."
WC (more or less a quote)
11 Nov 2011
Language / How hard is it to learn Polish? [178]

This is not the case with my wife. There are some gaps in her knowledge (British and other regional slang drives her up the wall!) but overall her English is excellent with just enough accent to give her speech a hint of the exotic. It isn't that she can't, it's that she won't. She thinks it's a method with no value. End of story.
11 Nov 2011
Life / Polish dubbing in movies; why is it so that on polish television all the films are dubbed? [135]

most of the material you see on the likes of Discovery or National Geographic are originally English language

So what's wrong with at least giving me the option of turning the demned thing off? On cyfra+ Discovery Science gives you the option, but the Discovery channel doesn't. Go figger.

Oh, and according to my wife "having a cat" is an idiom for being stupid or crazy. (Not sure which) Maybe like in American English "having a cow"?
9 Nov 2011
Language / How hard is it to learn Polish? [178]

I ask my wife to give me literal word for word translations of Polish phrases into English so that I can get a sense of how Poles put words together. She refuses. Maybe she's too proud to speak English poorly.
9 Nov 2011
Life / Polish dubbing in movies; why is it so that on polish television all the films are dubbed? [135]

And we translators need to feed our kids somehow ;)

You get paid more writing a script for a lektor than you do for writing the same dialogue as subtitles?

I don't think there was any TV before the WW II.

But there was a movie theater or two. But then the American movies I've seen in Polish theaters have all been subtitled, not dubbed. Is that the general rule, or have I just not seen enough movies here for a fair representation?
7 Nov 2011
Language / Kurwa? at end of every sentence [51]

I almost never heard the word in Chorzów. But here in the country.....
One bright light is that I can now understand about half of what the neighbor says. Every other word.
7 Nov 2011
Life / Polish dubbing in movies; why is it so that on polish television all the films are dubbed? [135]

I HATE it!
With subtitles I might learn something, but lektor obfuscates the English to the point that I have no clue what's being said. And the English peeks through just often enough to distract me from trying to figure out the Polish. But I guess if my Polish was good and my English wasn't I might like it. :-<

I did see a funny kabaret skit about lektor for a scene with lots of foul language. Everything came out as "terra ferra"(sp?)
2 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

There aren't many things for an engine to snag on right beside the runway. They like to design them that way. :->
More likely would be if he came in rolled to one side and only one engine scraped. He seemed to bring the plane down with equal weight on each engine. While watching the recording I kept thinking "This is how it's supposed to be done, but 'this is reality!'"
2 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

I wouldn't stay up in the air for longer than necessary unless I was aware of a problem.

The problem wasn't staying up in the air, the problem was landing. I don't know if 767s can dump fuel or can only burn it off, but even if dumping was possible the citizens of Warsaw might not appreciate having an hours worth of fuel dumped on them.
1 Nov 2011
Classifieds / English cuisine week in Lidl shops in Poland [203]

Wiki says: "The English word scampi is the plural of Italian scampo," and we know Wiki is never wrong!
Ok, I'll check a few more places...

I think this may be a case of British/American false friends.
To me, scampi is a style of preparation (butter, garlic, white wine...) and it seems like to Brits it's a kind of fish.