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Jerusalem Post: Poland's good intentions [30]
If you think about it, Poles should also pay compensation to most Germans from Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia, cause after all you can't prove that an individual German family was guilty of any crime.
But who will pay the compensation to Poles expelled from Soviet-annexed territory??? Who will pay for Polish property destroyed during war? Again Poles?
But wait, WHY ARE OWNERSHIP RIGHTS PUT ABOVE EVERYTHING ELSE? Are ownership rights more sacred than let's say - a life? If a family lost a father due to nazi or communist terror then why shouldn't they be compensated? If somebody spend 8 years in communist prison and underwent torture then why shouldn't he be compensated? Is his suffering smaller than the suffering of somebody who lost his factory?
Again, the question remains: who will pay for all this? Ordinary Polish taxpayers who didn't do anything wrong? Doesn't seem like justice.
And why Jews who left Poland 60 years ago and their heirs should be the first to receive compensation from the huge number of people who suffered during nazi or communist rule? I say they are at the very end of the queue.
Besides, Polish government shouldn't pay anything to Israeli citizens until after they pay reasonable compensations to Palestinians, as a matter of principle.
I was also going to write that Poland shouldn't pay anything to USA citizens, until after USA government pays off native American Indians and the state of Mexico, but the fact is that poor, war-devastated Poland has already paid a compensation to the US government, who agreed that it would take care of distributing those funds among its eligible citizens. Funny how the Jerusalem Post quoted one part of Radek Sikorski statement but somehow missed the part where he mentioned that agreement :D
I guess the Jewish tactics is "to be shocked and offended" by Poland's unwillingness to pay, at least once a month for the next few years.