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Posts by chichimera  

Joined: 4 Feb 2011 / Female ♀
Last Post: 12 Nov 2011
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 185 / In This Archive: 146
From: UK, Nottingham
Speaks Polish?: tak
Interests: philosophy, religion, visual arts, psychology, literature, music, languages, astronomy, quantum physics, hiking, swimming

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9 May 2011
News / Grafitti plague in Warsaw [84]

People, don't you have other problems? I don't mind graffiti at all, I like it. Some of it is rubbish but on the whole it makes the sad concrete world more colourful

  • New_Graffiti_Street_.jpg

  • imagesCAPCN1NP.jpg

  • tumblr_l0qdp38IMg1qb.jpg

  • Stencil_Graffiti_in_.jpg
9 May 2011
Life / The REAL Warsaw :-) Video clip. [43]

Oh, Varsovians have a horrible reputation here. Fast gum-chewing pieces of turd that are worth crapping on. Silesians tend to dislike them and their slick prat ways

:-)) They have the same reputation in Masuria
I think what we dislike most is that attitude:

from lesser regions

:)) In what way those are lesser regions,warszawski? lol

But the clip is great and the thought that Warszawa of Stanisław Grzesiuk has not died yet is truly heart-warming :-)

the p-w only choose shallow songs

Shallow songs have their audience too. Grzesiuk's attitude is still alive and not only in Warsaw - I've met people in their 20s who share his values although are not always conscious that what they say and what they value is nothing new :)
9 May 2011
Language / 'Ciężko powiedzieć' (anglicism?) - is it a copy of the English 'hard to say'? [51]

Isn't a tassle still a kutas in Polish? Is there some other word for the decrorative bunch of threads adorning draperies, fancy clothes, etc.?

Polonius, was Adam Mickiewicz the last native Pole you have spoken to? :))

"Mam rozterkę" sounds like an aglicism, but "ciężko powiedzieć" is definitely not. I can't even imagine where the idea might have come from. "Hard" is not "ciężki" in Polish
7 May 2011
Love / Hot Polish girls in clubs - why don't they dance/talk with the most attractive men only? [148]

A very very very dear friend of mine in Poland has a ponytail and whilst he's no Brad Pitt, he's one of the most inteligent and interesting guys Ive ever had the pleasure to meet and sh*g so maybe you are missing the point...maybe a lot of hot Polish girls find personality important...so good for them and the more I read of your post..Im thinking you are going to die a very unhappy virgin!!

Love that

Would you be interested in the personality of a girl with a so-so face and a flat chest

I think the looks is important to women but in a different way than it is to men. And there are certain qualities that are not even more important than the look, but sort of influence the way someone looks. In other words, a guy with those qualities looks more attractive than a Brad Pitt without the qualities
28 Apr 2011
Feedback / Why are there so many on here, who do not like Poland [150]

Mike, they don't like us because we are too great. They're just petty jealous guys ;)

Many here should be in a German, or Russian, or other group, since this is where there love is

Perhaps they don't have enough love to join any group they love. They are hate-driven, they need to be in a group they hate, they're sad people

  • envy.jpg
25 Apr 2011
Life / How could things have gone so wrong (Poland church dress code) [195]

during the time we commemorate the death of our Lord Jesus, all people are concerned about is whether my legs are covered


Jesus came to preach against the practices of the Pharisees, who just cared about how they looked in the eyes of other worshippers. It seems the Pharisees are back.

Welcome to the Catholic Church
22 Apr 2011
Genealogy / Stanisław-derived last names [8]

Is there any reason that some Polish last names (like Stanisław) often end up as given names as well?

I think Stanisław was a given name first, then it became last name in various forms. I can't think of any last names which became given names
20 Apr 2011
News / British man accused of molesting teenagers in Poland [74]

What DO you mean?

Basically this:

and no CRB check would have picked him up because he was too clever to have been caught...:) (oh he was a scout leader too)

I meant that the policy doesn't really protect children from abusers but it does put many good people off teaching.
20 Apr 2011
News / British man accused of molesting teenagers in Poland [74]

It is effective - but the problem is that it's *too* effective

No. There's no such thing as "too effective". It either works well or not. And in Britain it doesn't. But it keeps the best individuals, the strongest personalities who can't put up with madness of the British school away from teaching - it's true. It deprives children of having educators who are capable of enriching children's lives - it's true.

Here's your discussion

Don't make a fool of yourself
20 Apr 2011
News / British man accused of molesting teenagers in Poland [74]

Sadly we can't discuss Poland's policy

Oh, really?
Strange... I asked you earlier to discuss the effectiveness of the UK policy - you ignored that and keep on discussing the non-existence of Poland's policy..
20 Apr 2011
News / British man accused of molesting teenagers in Poland [74]

Poland hasn't bothered to introduce a system of checks that some people have been calling for for years.

I don't know any of those some people. Another thing is, the checks in for example the UK - how effective they are? Sadly their main contribution is creating the burdensome atmosphere in which every adult male (and sometimes female too) feels suspected of being a pedophile. While in hiding the real abuse is covered up by authorities


It seems to me that all that counts here in the West are appearances of political correctnes. Nobody cares what the truth is.

Grow up, it's a perfectly valid point that he is raising

I'm a grown up. That's why I don't hold on to the illusion that any government cares about protecting anybody apart from their own affairs.
19 Apr 2011
News / British man accused of molesting teenagers in Poland [74]

That’s their favorite tactic

I cannot believe how pathetic your egos are here

That's another example of the tactic: when Delphiandomine uses the subject to criticize Polish laws or employment regulations or whatever he wanted to criticize it's ok. When I point out the hypocrisy of his thread it means that I'm being pathetic and have no regard for the child (?!?)
19 Apr 2011
Love / Asking a Polish mums acceptance [6]

Thanks! Her mum said yes and my girlfriend said yes!!

:-) I'm happy to hear that! Congratulations!
19 Apr 2011
News / British man accused of molesting teenagers in Poland [74]

Poland's shocking inability to vet foreigners in charge of children has produced victims

When a Pole eats a swan in the UK it's because Poles are wild and disrespectful
When a Pole rapes a woman in the UK it's because Poles are wild and disrespectful criminals

When a Brit molests a child in Poland it's because of... "Poland's shocking inability"
18 Apr 2011
Language / Polish nationality insults in Polish? [67]

Trainspotting.. wow :)) unbeatable

Yeah limey and les rosbifs were the ones I was thinking of alright

I've heard that Afrikaaners call the English POHMs which is supposed to mean Prisoner of Her Majesty or something like that.

They wouldn't, because the Polish word for Jew is Żyd, not Jud(e).

Right, but we have the saying: Ty Żydzie - You, Jew which basically means You swindler...

Nice post, Xupicor
18 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

What exactly did you not like in the West?

To me life over here resembles a huge community home :) Everything here has been bought and everything organized; and nothing's left to discover.

You go from England to Wales and you see the very same shops in every town. Let's say every morning you drink coffee at the cafe, you go on holiday to another part of the country and you want to see different places and maybe try different coffee - but no, over there they have the same cafes selling exactly the same coffee. It's a counterfeit of choice - it looks like there was plenty to choose from, but really you can have only either Starbucks or Costa coffee, that's it. It's the same with clothes - all shops sell similar clothes. The same with clubs - same dead boring music in every club.

My colleague told me her husband spends £60 a week on his hobby, which is cycling. I thought cycling was one of the cheapest hobbies one can have - all you need to pay for is the bike. But not here, apparently, because they have organized the hobby and you must pay to the organizers. People don't swim in rivers and lakes like in backward Poland, but they prefer crowded swimming pools. I find it too stressful - over combative kids attack me to win territory..

Sometime ago I read on this forum someone complaining about lack of decent footpaths in the countryside in Poland. Actually, I miss that very much. I miss going on a trip and having that little adventure and the sense of freedom, not feeling as if I was walking through a city pleasure ground

I don't want Poland to develop in this direction, I like our rough and tumble ways of living
17 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

Exactly :)
I think many of the young migrants feel similarly - we are not too impressed by what we've seen in the West, so we are perfectly happy with Poland being not so very Western
17 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

I've got completely different impressions from talking to young Poles - they are still very Polish, and very conscious of what in the western culture is worth following and what's not. Having experienced life in the West they realize what should be changed in Poland, but also what is worth preserving, because they find it more valuable than the western substitutes. Obviously there are some with entirely materialistic attitude - but it's not like the attitude was totally foreign to the previous generations.
17 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

Will they come back?

Many will certainly do.

Yet they do not expect much from life.

They're being practical, I guess. What it is "to expect much" according to you? Some time ago I had the opportunity to speak to an almost 100 years old Polish man - according to him to have a job, food, a decent place to live and to live in the times of peace is an equivalent of success. What percentage of people living on Earth today can expect all the basic needs of life fulfilled?

They don't dream about rebelling and changing the world

Because they don't see any need for rebellion. Those who see the need, dream of it

They are deeply suspicious of collective action: all solutions to their problems are private

Well done; if it's true, I'm proud of them - individualistic approach is the victory of independent way of thinking

So far they seem to be, unfortunately, the lost generation

?? I don't see it from what you said. From your post I picture a group of people with a healthy system of values, who are pretty enterprising and who reckon themselves able to respond to the challenges of life
16 Apr 2011
Love / Asking a Polish mums acceptance [6]

a shorter easier line

Shorter.. no :) but more natural would be something like this:
Chciałbym poprosić Monię o rękę
2 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / So...which of you are actually IN Poland? [41]

I live in the south, up the mountains surrounded by miles and miles of forest


Here are a few pictures from my homeland - Masurian Lake District. Not as well known as the Southern part of Poland or the seaside, largely due to difficult access - there's no proper airport anywhere nearby and to get there from Warsaw one must surmount 200 km of crap roads

But it's worth it. I'd know I'm in Masuria with my eyes shut - just from the smell of the air

1 Apr 2011
Life / Girls in Poland shaving side of head!? [30]

I thought it was quite popular everywhere nowadays. Some of them do look nice, but not the ones with long hair, it's too much contrast
31 Mar 2011
Life / Is there something like a "Polish culture" or Polish national identity? [49]

Being polish is a state of mind.

Oh thank you very much. I think so as well.

They have this expression like always laughing secretly it is fun.

southern, haven't you ever thought that it might be you who makes them look like that? I always laugh secretly when I read your posts... .... :)
31 Mar 2011
Po polsku / Sprawiedliwy z Gniewczyny [94]

Panowie pozwolą: Torq - ENori. ENori - Torq. Przejdźcie na ty i przestańcie się kurwa kłocić.

na stronie BBC o języku polskim była taka wzmianka, że to dla Polaków charakterystyczne, że "urzejmie" obrażamy się nawzajem, np. Panie Kowalski, pan jest idiotą! :)

Nawet się nad tym zastanawiałam i to chyba ma pewne podstawy psychologiczne - kiedy mówimy do kogoś na pan/pani podkreślamy nasz dystans do tej osoby, trochę jakbyśmy mówili: Pan jest idiotą i ja nie mam zamiaru być pana kolegą/koleżanką (czyli być na "ty")

Może Torq i ENori też nie chcą być kolegami...
31 Mar 2011
History / Shafting The Poles - article by Ralph Peters NYP [17]

But he is not a very smart man...He still believes in the anti-Islamic mythology, and the charade of the 'War on Terror'...

I agree on that one :(

Actually I think that the Polish naive ideals of heroism and honour are something what have easily been taken advantage of.

Here's a video with the authentic speech of Stefan Starzyński, president of Warsaw in 1939

31 Mar 2011
News / Anti semtism at Polish Congress [57]

so,is it a deal?


Sure,why not,we'd all pay as much attention to him as we do the rest of the whack job bible/koran/talmud

It makes me wonder - what we'll do with the prince? I guess, we can always give him a job at TVN :)