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IS Poland in danger of becoming the next multi cultural sink hole? [201]
Ive heard immigration in Canada is one of the most integrated, is that not the case in your experience? I know when i was looking at a Canadian visa's the waiting times and costs were extortionate, not sure if that reflects government legislation to curb immigration.
Canada's population has grown almost 3 million in the last 5-7 years, so it defiantly is not against immigration. The situation in North America is very different from Europe. We here are all immigrants, in fact many are not even born here. Yes, integration is strong and is done willingly. However in the home everyone keeps their culture, whether, jews, arabs, indians, poles, and so on. Everyone is ok with this and no one even pays attention to it. There is no real majority because there are so many minorities.
North America has no real culture of its own, rather it is a collection of cultures so no one can really claim that immigrants are "taking over".
I hope my ramblings get the point across.