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Joined: 21 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Mar 2013
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7 May 2011
Love / Hot Polish girls in clubs - why don't they dance/talk with the most attractive men only? [148]

So good appearance can really backfire.Only if you control all terms you can be successful because opposite logic is always at the corner to prevail.

That could indeed be reasons for a beautiful girl to date an ugly guy that she already knows from work or a friend of a friend.

But some unknown below average looking guy that approaches her in a club? How can she assume that his personality must be interesting, only based on his lack of physical attractiveness? Like less attractive guys can't be total creeps on the inside.

I would say that many girls go with those that will let them be themselves and open up. Jarnowa, I guess you are merely witnessing a reality here whereby beautiful women accept that the men are just not quite up to scratch as far as comparisons go.

True, in general there's a lack of attractive men, so many women will have to settle for a guy that makes people think "she really couldn't find a better guy?".

But the really beautiful women shouldn't ever need to lower their standards as there are enough Polish guys without an ugly face and i don't believe that they all cheat and have uninteresting personalities. Ok, i can understand that some hot girls are open to talk to anyone, just for fun. Nothing wrong with that. But i don't understand that a hottie doesn't walk away after a while.

If i would get approached by some ugly girl (even ugly girls ignore me like i have some disease, but let's imagine) i would be polite enough to talk to her for a few minutes. But after 10 minutes at most i would go to the toilets or get myself a beer so as to get rid of her and look around for more attractive girls.

So i don't understand why the hot girls i saw yesterday didn't walk away after a while from the below average and ugly looking guys. If i start talking to a very hot girl she always quickly finds an excuse to walk away asap, so i want to know why some guys (like me) don't even get the benefit of the doubt, while some worse looking guys are treated like they are Brad Pitt lookalikes. I just don't get it.
7 May 2011
News / 2011 Netherlands discuss Polish deportation plan [118]

Burglary and drunk driving by Polish workers in Netherlands is a nuisance, but crime and inappropriate behaviour by non-European immigrants is much worse. I don't see why a jobless homeless Pole should be deported whilst serial criminals and parasites from Middle East, Surinam and Africa are all allowed to stay.
7 May 2011
Love / Hot Polish girls in clubs - why don't they dance/talk with the most attractive men only? [148]

In general, females love a man with a great sense of humor. And someone who is confident. Maybe the men that hold their attention are funny and full of confidence.

Many girls like guys that have guts and self confidence. If a guy can walk up to a girl to talk to her for the first time it shows that he has both. There might have been some much better looking guys in the club but lacked the guts and self confidence to go talk to those girls.

Therefore the girls could have chosen the average looking guys that had more guts and self confidence than the good looking ones that didn't.

Usually this so-called "confidence" of ugly guys is one of these:
1. they know they are too ugly for that girl, but nevertheless they give it a try (hoping she won't be too aware of her own attractiveness and their relative ugliness) because they know that many attractive girls can be manipulated into bedding a guy way below their standards.

2. mistakenly thinking that they in fact look better than other guys. this means they are unable to have a critical look at themselves.

Yes there are guys who aren't confident enough to approach, but a smart girl shouldn't be too impressed by confidence.
It makes guys only slighty more attractive, but a confident toad will still be a toad. Which means: having sex shouldn't be an option.

So i exptected this girl to give him signals that chatting was all he could ever get from her, but when the girl went to the toilet i saw this guy looking to his friends like he was doing well on the way to getting into her pants so i don't think the former happened.

She should have done that because it's bad for a stunning girl's image to be seen talking in a club with a very mediocre looking guy. Like she feels she can't get better.

A very very very dear friend of mine in Poland has a ponytail and whilst he's no Brad Pitt, he's one of the most inteligent and interesting guys Ive ever had the pleasure to meet and sh*g so maybe you are missing the point...maybe a lot of hot Polish girls find personality important...so good for them and the more I read of your post..Im thinking you are going to die a very unhappy virgin!!

So you're not in love with him and he is physically not attractive to you, yet you sh*gged him just because he is nice and intelligent?

Probably you couldn't get better looking guy.

I have a few female friends who are very nice, yet i am not interested in sh*gging them because physically they don't attract me enough.
7 May 2011
Love / Hot Polish girls in clubs - why don't they dance/talk with the most attractive men only? [148]

Yesterday i witnessed again this strange phenomenon: very hot girls that could get any guy yet choose below average looking guys to talk/dance with.

I'm used that they never show interest in me, but it would be much more easy to accept my fate if these hot girls were only showing interest in the best looking guys and if they would ignore or act cold to approaches from other guys.

But i saw a hottie dancing with a very mediocre guy. Is this typical Polish that hot girls who love dancing don't really care if she is asked on the dancefloor by a guy that should only get such attractive girl in his dirty dreams?

And another hottie that was approached by 3 guys or so kept on talking with the least attractive of them. Maybe she liked what he said, but come one...girls know that guys who start talking to them on the dancefloor are after 1 thing, so why didn't she cut the conversation short so she could be approached by better looking guys? I almost wanted to say to the girl "can't you see that you are way too beautiful for that guy?". I'm sure the guy felt like he was Brad Pitt. A look in the mirror would have told him that he was just lucky to speak to such hottie. And that the girl was simply too blind to see that there were more than enough better looking guys.

What's more. I noticed that even ugly pony-tailed guys got lucky with girls that looked better than average. You will probably know that kind of guys. Often a head that makes a pig look good. And to compensate for their ugly head they grow their hair (shaving themselves bald would even make them look worse) and place tattoos. While a few guys look better with long hair, in most cases an ugly guy with a pony tail of dead straw makes him look worse. So you expect these guys to only have the most ugly girls, but in Poland some girls seem to think: ugly head + pony tail = cool guy = sexy. I returned home with utter disgust about the taste of so many Polish girls.

I know not all Polish girls are like that, but i wonder why so many attractive Polish girls talk/dance with guys in clubs that are way below them in terms of looks. Thank you for sharing your dating experiences. :)
5 May 2011

It is not like that.

So you've seen blacks who didn't talk or dance with a decent looking white girl all night? It's hard to believe. I bet that you just didn't notice it.

When I was in Poznan disco on Saturday night I could pick up girls on will.They invited me to dance with them and got phone numbers easily.Some were the hottest ones in the disco.Generally in my opinion polish girls like mediteranean looks but not our mentality so I really change to very slavic when talking to them.

I know that Italians are quite popular, so i'm not surprised other Southern Europeans are doing ok. Or maybe it was because you are a white chick magnet? ;)
5 May 2011

As you stated before, you wouldn't have got the hot white girl anyway,

BS, i only have stated that i've never been approached by hot white girls. But i picked up a hot white girl myself (2 times), so don't say that i don't have any chances. It's just very hard for me, but not impossible.

And every time negroes or turks are around i notice that they are always the ones who end up talking or dancing with hot white girls.

I've never seen blacks getting cold stares when they smile to a white girl. This only happens to white or Asian guys.
And i've also never seen a negro approaching a white girl and then the girl turning away from him, not even the most ugly ones!

Whereas white guys and Asians often hear "sorry, i have boyfriend" within 1 minute if they don't look good enough.

If you don't agree with this you probably don't have much clubbing experience or you are just too blind to see.
4 May 2011

Call me pathethic, at least i can count correctly and my observations are far more realistic.

You guys don't understand the basics of maths if you don't understand that an immigrant group of 90% single males can cause serious competition disturbance wherever they go.

If you compare it to a city's total population, one or two hundred of them might sound like nothing, but if you've ever been unlucky enough to see a group of 4-5 of these guys coming to your favourite club and then some of them getting a hot white girl instead of you, you'll understand that non-European immigration doesn't need to be big to become threathening for Europeans.

Especially if the immigrants are known to be more lucky with white girls. And to those who still deny that one ethnic group can be more lucky than others i advise to go out with a Chinese guy and see his "luck" with Polish girls. As soon as he shows sexual interest, they all say "i already have a boyfriend".

So you can continue calling me names, or for a change start to think a bit more realistic and then try to answer the question if it really doesn't hurt anyone if Polish or other European cities would see a further increase of African immigrants.
3 May 2011

You don't have an argument. Just moaning that certain people have an advantage when attracting members of the opposite sex. So what?

So you think there is no problem if a group of blacks in a European disco gets lucky with some very hot European girls making many a lonely European guy feel miserable? It's obvious whose side you're on and it's not the Caucasean side.

One thing I don't understand (probably will never understand), why he can feel like a few hundred of non EU citizens are so come ''more lucky'' then him, is this jalousy, envy, hate or a combination of it all.

Because i have observed this a lot.
If you haven't, just think about it. You probably heard Chinese or Indian guys complaining that they get rejected by white girls every time. Have you ever heard the same from Africans or Turks? Me not. Maybe now you understand?
3 May 2011
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

Different cultural lines and mixed genes can indeed be very interesting. And of course all kind of mixes can produce beautiful and ugly people. But there is no shortage of mixed-race people in the world, so there is no need to promote race-mixing. And it should even be discouraged if it creates problems, for example the problem of non-European men chasing European women.
3 May 2011
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

the mixer of genes from other ethnicity called Miscegenation is concedired to have more intelligent children then parents of the same ethnic.

Where is your evidence?

How was last weekend's attempt to steal another European woman, my African friend?
30 Apr 2011

JonnyM and SeanBM, i don't see any counter arguments to the many arguments i gave against African immigration. Try a bit harder as i don't see the point reacting to your insults and your questions i already answered.

Maybe for a change, you can answer some questions to you?

Why do you think that the many differences between European and African immigrants can be neglected?
Why do you think the benefits, threats and risks for both groups are equal?

The only reason seems to be that you are sad equality thinkers, preferring to ignore reality.

Please have a good look to the multicultural countries of Europe. Maybe this will enlighten you about the "success" and the many "joys" of African immigrants in Europe so far. :D

To tell you more,never in my life I have picked up a women, all the girlfriends I had picked me up.

I've never been picked up. I do get approached but very rarely and only by girls that i'm not interested in. So you must be better looking than me. Good for you, you seem to be an OK guy (at least), but please realise that there are many guys out there who only can dream about being picked up by girls. I tried to explain why your dating advise doesn't work for me, but this would again put the attention to me. I think it's better to focus on the problem of African immigration. :)
30 Apr 2011

Anyway it's Friday night, I am off course already surround by white and very,very,very (last ''very'' was just to **** off Jarnowa) attractive ladies, so I am probably going to be ''lucky'' and end up ''stealing'' an attractive girl(s)


I wouldn't be surprised at all if you would score again tonight.

There's Jonny again. Welcoming anyone to Poland (unless they are white and have good arguments against African immigration of course).
30 Apr 2011

I remember Southern offered to help you.

Thanks mate, it's good to hear that they aren't a threat for you. But probably that's because you and our Greek friend Southern just look better? I never said that attractive white guys should fear for competiton from ******* etc. But do you think that white guys who are just average looking (like me on good days) or who are just ugly have nothing to fear from muscular ***** boys?
29 Apr 2011

You deny that you're extremely lucky?

The girl that you like not only likes you too, but she even approaches you! Not many girls do that.
It's not about luck you say?

And it all happened very soon after you arrived in Poland! This hasn't happened to me in 2 years and i go out almost every week.

It's not about luck you say?

So instead of not getting the girl because you were too scared to approach (my fate), you instead were rewarded for being a coward. It's not about luck you say?

And you black males have the reputation of being promiscous, not interested in safe sex and more likely to carry diseases. Yet she chosed to ignored this.

It's not about luck you say?

Also if I read your post seems to me that you are a bit shy or maybe you feel intimidated by them, bcs why are you so upset of the few thousands foreigners to get "luckly" and find a girl.

Maybe you now understand? I've lived in Belgium and Holland and i've seen non-Europeans immigrants getting lucky everytime. I got so sick of it that i stayed in Poland after breaking up with my gf. And here i see the same on a smaller scale. Maybe you understand why i hate seeing blacks here getting lucky with white girls too?

I guess you life in another planet, bcs from my point of view Poland is becoming more and more open for foreigners to bring their intellect and tradition towards the Polish people, is becoming more and more multi cultural nation.

In case you didn't notice, rightwing parties in Western Europe are getting more and more popular. When immigration to Poland continues, it will grow here too.

But a question to you Jarnowa, do you really think you and me are so different???

You just confirmed that Africans are more lucky with white girls than other guys.
29 Apr 2011

As i already wrote, Africans have contributed nothing to Poland, whilst Europeans have contributed sh#tloads of tax money to help Polish people.

And Europeans migrating to Poland even pump more hard cash into the Polish economy, unlike most Africans who hardly bring any cash and usually don't pay much to the Polish tax system.

Other important differences?
European migrants to Poland and other slavic countries aren't 90% male, so they don't disturb the male/female ratio unlike non-European immigrants.

The average European male doesn't pick up women more easily than the average Pole, meaning that by far not everyone gets lucky. So the average European immigrant isn't a real threat to Polish guys.

Africans on the other hand are extremely lucky scoring girls. I don't see them every week, but when i see them they are always lucky with attractive white girls. Looking at the situation in Western Europe (many hot white girls taken by blacks and northern africans) isn't it just realistic instead of racist to say that Polish people shouldn't welcome everyone?

So there's definitely something wrong treating fake "Europeans" and real Europeans the same despite all these differences. Anyone can see that there are good reasons to treat one group of immigrants more favourably than the other.

Unfortunately Poland is forced to do so by leftwing EU anti-discrimination laws. But i feel Europe is changing slowly in the right direction. :)
26 Apr 2011

Easy to understand, the economy of SA was of course much better than PRL's. I would have done the same if i were a Pole living under communism. :)

I wonder how many already remigrated back to Poland, looking at the explosion of black crime after apartheid was abolished. ;)

Let's not act dumb here. Just because he's not Polish, it doesn't mean he can't express his thoughts about immigration to Poland

Thanks Ogien, a bit support every now and then is good to read. :)
26 Apr 2011

No such thing as a 'Eu Citizen' You can live and work in Poland but you can't vote or be elected into office in Poland or any other country but Belgium. You also can;t hold a Polish passport

Wrong, after having lived here for a while, i can apply for a Polish passport just like African immigrants.

Therefore you have no right to object to Poland's immigration policy. Anyone entering Poland from outside the EU does not have the right to live or work in any other EU member country, so Polands policy is Poland's alone in this respect and absolutly nothing to do with you

Wrong, as soon as they have a Polish passport they are automatically EU citizens as well, meaning that they have the right to live anywhere in EU including Belgium. So if they are in Poland, they are in EU as well. So of course this gives me the right to object any EU country's individual immigration policy, including Poland's.

And unfortunately our Rwandanese immigrant has nothing to say to my remark:

There are just enough European women for all European men to have one, meaning that African immigrants can't chase them without harming European men.

Jarinowa seems to think that he has more right to be in Poland than others because he is white. This does not make it an issue of immigration but racisim

No because i "migrated" from another part of the EU, not from outside the EU.
And because Belgium and other European countries paid loads of tax money to the EU, of which millions were given to help Poland.
My country also let in thousands of Poles.
Myself i have also given a lot of tax money to Poland. I also feeded a few thousand euro's in the Polish economy.

Africans never paid 1 zloty to help Polish people.
African countries haven't hosted Polish people, haven't given jobs to Polish people, etc.
They hardly bring in any money to Poland, they are much more likely to use Polish health system, etc.

And now you're saying that i'm racist just because i think other Europeans should be much more welcomed to Poland than Africans?
25 Apr 2011

@ riki

First this. I am Flemish, not Polish. But Poland, Belgium and most other EU countries have opened up their borders to eachother's citizens meaning that all EU (Schengen actually but let's ignore this) citizens now share the same territory. As an EU citizen i have the right to live anywhere and i also have the right to oppose intruders coming to the EU, even if they move to a country (Poland) where i'm a guest myself.

I just read your post and unfortunately I have to state that your mindset is still narrowed down.

You would talk different if you would get rejected by attractive girls every time.
But from my experience i can say that your kind rarely gets rejected based on just your appearance (that only happens to white guys and asians), so you probably don't understand what i mean.

and regarding the trophy part I can not comment is to offensive.

Why offensive, do you deny that many Africans are interested in white women?

And what do you mean with sticking to a black women???

I've already explained this. There are just enough European women for all European men to have one, meaning that African immigrants can't chase them without harming European men.

but what about European males offending non European males???

European males sometimes also offend non-European males by migrating to Africa or Asia and then dating the most attractive local women. Equally wrong if you ask me.

I don't want to be a threat to anybody and the majority of the foreigners don't wanted either, and what do you mean being powerful, I guess you see it from a completely different angle,Pitty though

When nonwhite community starts growing, they can become powerful enough to demand police to stop checking their documents because it is considered 'racist", but of course this is required to catch illegal immigrants who are far more likely to be nonwhite.

Although it's not nice for an innocent person to be checked more often by police, it's really undesirable if the African community would grow big enough to stop this, because illegal immigration (African migrants now staying in Italy for example) would explode.
23 Apr 2011

Jarnowa,I feel sorry that you were offended by the title, perhaps I should have change it into a more mellow one, but I guess if I read your post that you are a bit bitter in the thought that the world is smaller then it appears and people have more opportunities to travel and choose were to life/study.

You should indeed have chosen a mellower title, this will wake up too many Poles too early about this rising threath to their country.
You risk it's getting stopped before your numbers have become enough to feel powerful.

Wishful thinking. Immigration from Africa is still very low. So Poland isn't "inevitable" changing into another 3rd world dump place like UK, Belgium, Holland, France and Scandinavia. And you only have to look at crime stats and general wellbeing in these countries since the mass invasion of African and Middle East people began to to know calling a change towards multiculturalism "progress".

Perhaps you misunderstood my meaning, and perhaps you could have stick with the positive note of my thread instead of accusing and referring to the simplistic, that foreigners are here to "steal" your women, for my this is not even an issue.

Maybe for you the main reason to move to Poland is your child, but most Africans don't have any family in Poland so your case is different. And even if it's not your main reason, sooner or later you will date another Polish girl. It is stealing because the source of attractive women is always limited. Your luck is a European guy's bad luck. Why should a European guy suffer bad luck so some immigrant from Africa can be happy with a European girl? I really don't see a justification for this. If you would stick to African women their wouldn't be a problem. But many Africans unfortunately want a trophy white woman.

I mean would you be offended if your child choose later somebody of another ethnic???Don't you just want them to be happy or maybe I have to simplistic thought, who knows.

The problem is not mixed race relations as such, the problem is about non-European males offending European males.

Basically I think to revert to your bold statement, "stealing" can only happen with property(intellectual)/goods, human beings in this understanding are not considered as property since the fall of slavery.
So, you might also rephrase that sentence as I might have rephrase my title

You're right, but unless you know a better word i'll keep on using this if you don't mind.
23 Apr 2011

Antheads, you probably have an attractive girlfriend or don't have any problems getting one.
Please remember that not every European (read: Caucasean) guy is that lucky with women.

Imagine you were one of them and then you see an increase of Africans (90% male) coming to your city and if many extra competitors isn't bad enough, you witness that most of them are more lucky with Polish/European girls than European guys. Wouldn't you feel angry towards them? Not because of their race, but because their luck makes your life tougher?

Please give an honest answer. Thank you.
23 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

Most of them were/are working on the oil fields etc. In Lybia are appr. 2 mio foreigners doing the durty jobs the locals do not have to do.

It was their free choice to migrate to Lybia as these "durty" jobs paid better than in their own countries.

Like in most situations, if you started sth, like NATO attacking Lybia for as I recall 'humanitarian resons', what a joke, they have also to face the consequences, but usual they deny that and rather transfer that to others. They are just for the 'glory', not for the 'dirt'. Shows somehow the 'humane' motivation behind that aggression.

NATO saved the lives of many Lybians because it prevented Khadaffi from slaughtering many of his own people.

European taxpayers spent millions of euros just to achieve this, do you seriously think that's not enough and instead we should also let them in? It sounds like Europe gets punished for saving Lybian lives.
23 Apr 2011

I was about to open a topic about Polish Easter celebrations. I saw many nicely dressed people walking with Easter baskets. It gave me a good mood.

But now that mood is gone due to this guy from Rwanda open up a provocative topic just to stick out his middle fingers to European guys. Provocative? Yes, look at the topic title. It's obviously chosen to challenge white guys.

It reads like:
"Look white guys, you think you can live free from 3rd world immigrants invading your cities? You can't, cause we are coming with hundreds and we are not scared and soon we will f#ck your women and if you try to stop us we will cry racism and you will be forced by law to shut your mouth, heheheh".

To make it less obvious that this is his real motivation for opening this topic he created a positive opening post, usings slick remarks like "Polish people still amaze me daily, quite happy to be here!!!".

It's obviously he tries to win the hearts of Polish and other European people reading this forum so as to remove resistance to African males and to try to cover up that most of them come to Poland to steal women from European guys.
23 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

This is a picture of these "Lybians". It is clear that most of them are from other parts of Africa.
Even if they lived in Lybia before the trouble started and now face serious risks there, most of them only went to Lybia for economic reasons (as opposed to fleeing their country for safety reasons) so most of them can safely return to their own countries.

Most of them are just economic migrants that use the trouble in Lybia as an excuse to claim asylum in Europe.

Let's hope they don't come to Poland or other slavic countries.

  • africanfakerefugee.jpg
19 Apr 2011
Study / Is Poland a good place to study for Black Africans? [90]

It's not justification, it's just how they developed.

It turns those who are victims of rascism to fighting to protect themselves and then overtime into gangsters

If this is the way things naturally develop, then of course gangsters can use this as an excuse to justify being a gangster.

Offend a small group of native Europeans. Why should the bigot minority be catered to when most people don't have a problem?

So what if it is only a minority of European people?
How could you say that this minority of European people shouldn't be catered for?

If an black knocks on your door asking if he could live in your house for the rest of his life and you and your kids agree, but your wife is strongly opposed, you still welcome this guy because your wife is just a "bigot minority" for not welcoming this guest?
19 Apr 2011
Study / Is Poland a good place to study for Black Africans? [90]

That's pretty much was rascism does. It turns those who are victims of rascism to fighting to protect themselves and then overtime into gangsters. That's the history of gangs in the US.

Why do you justify the existence of (black) gangs? Since the KKK is long gone and US even has a black president, no black needs to become a criminal to protect himself against "evil white racists". Not in US and certainly not in Poland.

it’s your attitude that will determine that, even the football hooligans won’t jump you without a reason.

Indeed, it's usually the guys with too much attitude (like cagefighter) or those who deliberately choose to offend (eg. by walking, talking with a beautiful Caucasian woman) who are most likely to face problems.

They should always keep in mind that they are just immigrants to the EU and thus shouldn't offend native Europeans or otherwise face the negative reactions.
17 Apr 2011
Study / Is Poland a good place to study for Black Africans? [90]

Surely he needs to go and study then else the country will never change.

Who says Poland should also suffer mass-immigration from Africa and Middle East just like countries in Western Europe?

I think that 90% of the people on this forum or elswhere who are saying that it is "unevitable" for Central/Eastern Europe to change (meaning: to become flooded with non-European immigrants) are non-European immigrants themselves who just feel frustrated that the country they migrated to are 99% white and who want their host country to change instead of accepting that this is Europe.
16 Apr 2011
Study / Is Poland a good place to study for Black Africans? [90]

Only African or mixed-race countries are good places for them, so Poland is a bad choice.

Female students won't be a problem as Poland is a safe place for females in general.
But for male students from Africa the best advise is to stay away. You have the reputation of coming here mainly to study white women and try to marry one to get a perm. visa and many Europeans don't like that, including Poles.
12 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

The word 'refugees' in the topic title should be replaced by 'goldseekers' and 'Libyan' by 'African'.

They only come her for our wealth, the few real refugees among the hundreds of economic migrants could easily flee to a neighbouring country. They don't belong in Europe, i hope Poland will send them all back as soon as they cross the Polish border.