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Joined: 7 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Jun 2017
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
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3 Jul 2011
Language / chodźmy vs idźmy? [32]

Ty, no dawaj kurwa idziemy!

As I said it's crude. That sentence is crude (obviously) is used mainly by kurwa boys and kurwa girls.
idziemy (present tense) can be imperative same way as idźmy unless it's a form of statment (you inform someone else not the person you are going to go with.

BTW 'Ty, no dawaj kurwa idziemy!' says a lot of things (like he is not the leader) no says he (she) is subject to person he asked. Proper macho form is 'Ty, dawaj kurwa idziemy'.
3 Jul 2011
Language / chodźmy vs idźmy? [32]


Check previous posts for most Poles idźmy sounds unnatural not because it's but because it's crude. So I believe for you and for your shortneck dudes is natural. Anyway it's a time wasting.

For others: word please is definitely not overused in Polish instead forms like can you, could you are in use mainly we live part decision in hands of asked person. Chodźmy lives form of freedom of choice (in theory) where idziemy is form of order.
3 Jul 2011
Language / chodźmy vs idźmy? [32]

chodźmy v idźiemy?

First of all it is "chodźmy v idziemy"
chodźmy - lets go
idziemy - you and I are going

I'm sure you can see difference. We Poles may not think about being polite for one reason politeness is build in our language and mentality and it's not as artificial as British.
3 Jul 2011
History / Poland obliged to make war reparations to Austria and Germany after WWI. Why? [119]

Full article (in french)

The Germans do not seem very enthusiastic about this idea?
The Germans forget their debt policy. We must remind them. In 1945 the winners of the war have drawn a line under the human and physical capital destroyed by the Nazis. It was the ECSC and the Treaty of Rome. Political and financial liabilities of Germany under the war amounts to 16 times the German GDP, you can call it the implicit debt of Germany. We do not claim it in return, he was asked to play the European game, a politically and financially. Today, this means saving Greece.

2 Jul 2011
News / Insulting Catholics in Poland can get you 2 years in jail? [67]

Why is the Polish sensibility so fragile that it needs such laws on the books? How does calling the Catholic Church a murderous cult,

Read with understanding. Any religion, means also fanatic religion such as Judaism and Islam..

That`s correct ( art. 196 of Penal Code ) - a penalisation up to 2 years in prison refers to offending religious feelings in general ( which means any religion ) .

25 Jun 2011
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

And Breslau, Stettin, Stolp, Posen and Danzig should belong to Germany.

It's the best example of your ignorance. You know some and you use it against any Polishness. I doubt Germans would claim back Posen.
11 Jun 2011
News / Conservative-liberalism (Laissez-faire liberalism), another utopia for Poland? [99]


roads are constructed and maintained in Poland from these funds:

You know nothing because you read GieWu.

02-09-1998... Od tego roku podatek drogowy płacony dotąd w gminach nie obejmuje już samochodów osobowych.

and such an old crumpet is able to remember only recent articles.
10 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

One generalization is wrong but the other is true?

Both are true (except part: uncultured, brainless Slavs). And you still can't see the difference why that the German are threat to humanity not Slavs. Lets take the film if it happened it Poland you would see couple of people sad or crying it the background.
10 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

Where exactly is the difference to the "uncultured, brainless Slavs who are unfit to rule themselves?"

True, but can't you see the difference?
10 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

Do you boy know the Nazi invasion of Soviet Union saved my Mom?

Bloody Germans they don't know when to stop.

You are a despicable, nationalist creature.

Suck me. And stop reading Giewu it doesn't do you good.

Russians are true barbarians they are like kids torturing frog. You wouldn't beat crap of toddler torturing frog.
10 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

So why did you open it?


Is it provocation? Yes.

BB I don't hate you or Germany, part of my family is half German. I have to say Nazis was mastered by Germans and only they were able to do it. Look at Italy they were first but they did not get even close to Germans level look at prewar Poland who was seen as a practically nazi country. As I said ONLY Germans were able to do such things and to be honest they are able to do it again. I'm not trying to tease you this time.
10 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

Actually when I started this thread I was expecting this kind of response:

I wonder what happened to her, I guess she was killed.

And looks like only you deserve to know how it'sended.

Antek I followed your PF posts and I have to admit that some times you sound like human but mainly you act like spoiled brain washed brat in this case SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP you are not worth to **** on you.

you Bzibzioh follow the way of thinking of Adolf

Bzibzioh... falls into the same mental track as Germans fell lured by Hitler. Thinking that some nation is generic bad is nothing else as promoting nationalism/racism

9 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

I haven't seen it till today. Is it provocation? Yes. I'm not sure about the price. Obviously it's forbidden in Germany so BB may educate himself here.

You probably won't believe this, but before 1945 Germans from Silesia were Silesians.

No he is pointing to German version with different names and man nationality. I wouldn't trust Germans anyway.

9 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

Film Forbidden love - the story of Bronia and Gerhard

Shocking record of penalized and humiliated love between a 16 - Polish and 19-year-old Silesian. In 1941 someone recorded the entire process: village community, children from Hitlerjugend, the Gestapo lead Bronka and Gerhard, shave their heads, leaving only the pig tails, make them burn their hair. She is wearing a sack and a plate with inscription: "I'm Polish pig", his says: "I ​​am a traitor to the German nation".
27 Apr 2011
History / Poland paid off American Jewry in 1960 [162]

Why did some of them on more than one occasion relate to me that they were taught growing up that Jews drank the blood of children?

I'm unable to answer most of your questions. I'm Pole and most of your questions are directed to Jews and Germans. I'll try to answer this one. The story starts few centuries back.

The best explanation I found in Jewish article: Blood Libels and Host Desecration Accusations

It's a shame there is hard to find serious European historian work about it. In case you would think think it's only Polish fenomena you need to remember that: 'The first recorded blood libel occurred in Norwich, England, in 1144, when a boy named William was allegedly tortured and murdered by Jews. Similar libels occurred in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain'

And here is some art:

Blood Libel

I have to say case of ex-rabbi Jana Serafinowicza is quit interesting.
8 Mar 2011
History / How much did the Soviet "liberation" cost Poland in 1945? [14]

Or it could just be that forum rules require English language sources

WTF you are talking about. THIS VERY FORUM DOES NOT REQUIRE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SOURCE. Stop twisting and manipulating I feel sorry for your mind living with such THING has to be terrible experience.
9 Jan 2011
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

Because unlike you, both he and I prefer stimulating debates to trolling.

Unlike you I know when to apologize and like you I know how to make it hard to swallow.

- Jeden z przeciwników krzyża przypalił modlącą się panią papierosem. Zrobiłam tej pani zdjęcie, widać na nim oparzenie na karku przy szyi. Zaoferowałam, że gdyby chciała zgłosić sprawę, to mogę udostępnić zdjęcie jako dowód. Jednak ta pani była bardzo przestraszona, więcej jej pod krzyżem nie widziałam - relacjonuje serwisowi Hortensja Gulbinowicz

- One of the enemies of the cross burnt praying lady using cigarette . I did this lady picture, you can see in him a burn on the neck. I offered that if she wanted to raise the matter, I can provide pictures as proof. But this lady was very scared, I have not seen her anymore after incident- Hortensja Gulbinowicz report to Fakt.

You can clearly see Gazeta Wyborcza supporters doings.
9 Jan 2011
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

I'm sorry jonni.

You could see, though, GW supporters spitting at people praying under the cross andextinguishing cigarettes on the necks of praying older ladies (while police didn't see it fit to react.

I had to miss this post.
jonni do you smoke?, stu does!
9 Jan 2011
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

Ender, please learn to read.

What are you talking about? Cos I'm talking about this.
Stu stop smoking weed.

They already know that you said liberals were torturing old ladies with lit cigarettes in the centre of the capital, with the police watching and doing nothing

9 Jan 2011
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

stop trolling!

jonni stop lying you claim Torq said something which he didn't and you repeated that couple times. It's not GW you can't do this here without consequences. Apologize you lier.

You got support from only one mod even he/she can not stretch rules for you (too much)
9 Jan 2011
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

Amazing how some people seem pathologically incapable of apologising for their errors.

See jonni it's PF is not GW you can't spread lies without consequences.
9 Jan 2011
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

They already know that you said liberals were torturing old ladies

jonni - Goebbels

(a lie, if audacious enough and repeated enough times, will be believed by the masses) can we have a quote from Torq post, please? if not apologize or I will end my every with jonni is a lier.