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Joined: 26 Oct 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 2 Aug 2016
Threads: Total: 13 / In This Archive: 12
Posts: Total: 1656 / In This Archive: 1442
From: ireland
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: reading

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6 Oct 2015
News / Polish priest sacked by Vatican for being openly gay [54]

Christianity teaches the Holy Writ was divinely inspired. I can't prove it but neither can you disprove it.

Like all great works of art. The problem is what one's view is on divine. Access to the the collective unconscious or to good weed etc..

One thing is for certain, the prophecies in the bible are contrived but that does not deny their genius etc..

They had no answer to my question: Are the words 'Eat my body and drink my blood' therefore an appeal to cannibalism?

I think that's the way with all fundamentalist sects these day. Looking for scientific proof to legitimize their dogmatic power that is fading in modernity. They can't just win us over with gun powder tricks or brute force. So they bore the shiiite out of us with crappy documentaries looking for Noah's Ark or the Holy Shroud etc. I think the church is doomed to fail in a democratic modern world, but then again, there's the bible belt of Europe and the hill billy states of the USA who are determined undo democracy's evolution and get back to the good old days when men were men and Pansie was the name of a flower.

Given that you know the bible so well, perhaps you can tell us where we can find his thoughts about homosexuality.

The bible was written over several centuries and Jesus was only "interpreted" by later writers; he wrote nothing. Better off reading Plato, St Augustine or something, they managed to find some ink. Maybe this will answer your question..

4 Oct 2015
News / Polish priest sacked by Vatican for being openly gay [54]

That's what the pope says.

Yes!! and Papal infallibility is a dogma of the Catholic Church that states that, in virtue of the promise of Jesus to Peter, the Pope is preserved from the possibility of error "When, in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians, in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, he defines a doctrine ...

So!! I think all catholics, myself included,will have to accept as fact that there is an unnatural amount of sick pervs in the catholic church.
12 Jun 2014
Life / Driving Offences in Poland - How Fast can you go without being arrested? ;) [56]

The worst being few weeks ago, when I was in the middle of the crosswalk with my baby son. Instead of slowing down, the car that was really far away enough not to stop just decided to accelerate. That was a close one.

I mentioned to a an old Polish mate the other day, that the drivers here are still as much maniacs as ever. His reaction was that I should have got use to it by now. Different culture he told me. I changed the topic, as the anger was starting to come out my ears. Use to it WTF!!
11 Jun 2014
Life / Driving Offences in Poland - How Fast can you go without being arrested? ;) [56]

Things has to improve in Poland.

It will be bordering on the impossible to stop the maniacs on little country roads etc. Big brother could never stretch that far; it's up to people to adopt a community attitude and show a bit of respect for humanity and stop acting like Neanderthals behind a wheel.

As for the cities and towns: Passengers need to report bus-drivers if they are driving like bandits. There needs to be much more cameras, much more police on the road, triple the fines. And incurable maniacs should be removed from the roads and even jailed. Severe measure will have to be taken if there is ever to be a visible improvement. jail the b******s
11 Jun 2014
Life / Driving Offences in Poland - How Fast can you go without being arrested? ;) [56]

Anything to fight road-deaths?

There seems to be a general will here among the public to defy rules, everyone against everyone.I heard a guy on Polish radio recently describe the present and ongoing madness on the roads here as trickling down of the neoliberalism mentality mixed with communist times. I'm not sure what to think.

In my village even the locals drive over a 100km per hour in their "own village" populated by their "own children". They just don't give a fock. Have you been to Ukraine(?) they ask.
3 Jun 2014
News / Poles most worried about independence in 23 years - poll [8]

How can they prove in 23 years?

Many Poles tell me they fear Islam taking over, or the EU, or Jews are infiltrating the system, Soviet Poles, Atheist, The West. etc etc etc etc

xenophobia is driven by the fear of being taken over.
26 May 2014
Travel / Driving in Poland, are there any rules at all? [149]

Polish drivers and their disregard for traffic laws. But I have driven all around Europe and I must say, French and Italian drivers are far worse.

That is a blatant lie and the stats prove it.
25 Jan 2014
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

[quote=ZIMMY]Unlike lefties I don't believe that all cultures are equal in (their) values.
Do you support the free market?
Are Jeffrey Sachs and Milton Friedman lefties? Was the Shock therapy in Poland a plan of the left?

As for Blair's government allowing the new EU members in ,well!
Former Conservative Prime Minister Sir John Major today suggested that Labour leader Tony Blair was more right wing than him.

At the end of the Second World War there were work shortages in Europe and labour shortages in Britain. The government began looking for immigrants.

Legislation had allowed people from the Empire and Commonwealth unhindered rights to enter Britain because they carried a British passport.

Under political pressure, the government legislated three times in less than a decade to make immigration for non-white people harder and harder. By 1972, legislation meant that a British passport holder born overseas could only settle in Britain if they, firstly, had a work permit and, secondly, could prove that a parent or grandparent had been born in the UK. (Was this legalization introduced by the right?)


Immigration policy seems to be driven by profit / the free-market and short-sightedness and the opportunistic ambitions of the power that be. The political parties swing to the left or right depending on what the spin-doctors prescribe for electoral victory. Whatever slogan works, remember Peter Griffiths.
24 Jan 2014
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

Would you have a problem with Catholics Nigerian coming to Poland to help deal with the shrinking population?

Religion is only one factor of the culture

answer please? Catholics Nigerian? yes or no?
24 Jan 2014
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

It was actually a small housing estate where they didn't bother to buy one; the town of had its decorations in the city centre as normal, but don't let facts get in the way of hysteria.

Tell me more as I'm so sick of people crying over this one.

as long as they are similar culture it's ok. we are neighbours,we speak similar languages and they are not that different from us.

so, do you think the Brits and the Irish(5% of population) were right to let so many Poles into their countries? Are their cultures similar enough? Or do you think they are soft liberals? Would you have a problem with Catholics Nigerian coming to Poland to help deal with the shrinking population?
21 Jan 2014
News / Poland's economic future? [294]

Poland will overtake all western European countries by GDP PPP per capita

Poland will grow in spite of the fact that some don`t want her growth and in 2050 Poland will become one of the richest countries in Europe .

I understand how difficult it is for you to swallow a bitter pill, that Poland will become a rich country , one of the richest in the world .

Glory to Poland!

Why not just be happy with a major improvement, as of now looking at emigration and birth-rate the country is failing. This hysterical optimism reminds me of the patriot here on min 7

2 Jan 2014
Life / Agnieszka holland compares life in Poland to 'sniffing farts': [97]

She is simply exposing the dark side of Poland. Unpatriotic Commie Jew is the label for all those who don't turn a blind eye.

Since the mid-1990s, the ultra-Catholic Radio Maryja station has been on air with an anti-modernist, nationalist and xenophobic program.[1]

Polish non-governmental watchdogs say incidents of racially-motivated violence are increasing, while youths shouting far-right slogans have gatecrashed university lecture halls where liberal academics have been speaking.

Before the violence broke out at Monday's march, demonstrators chanted: "God, honour, fatherland!"

One said: "I believe that Polishness is under threat."

Poland's leftwing voices are being silenced
The sacking of Przekrój's left-leaning editors is the latest in a narrowing of public debate to the neoliberal viewpoint

(Reuters) - Magdalena Sroda, a Polish feminist and academic, was about to deliver a lecture at Warsaw university on "Morality in public life," when around 50 young men wearing balaclavas and plastic animal masks shoved their way into the building.
1 Jan 2014
Life / Agnieszka holland compares life in Poland to 'sniffing farts': [97]

maybe good for ignorant English speaking world

The ignorant don't read books unless they are Autobiographies written by ghosts.

I'm criticizing all the time current establishment in Poland and none call me commie, a Jew or anything like that, you are making things up.

"The rationality of the ruled is always the weapon of the rulers."

any links to verify all of this?
1 Jan 2014
Life / Agnieszka holland compares life in Poland to 'sniffing farts': [97]

On a surface, to be honest Polish history is nothing like Irish history.

of course they are very different but below the surface there are some similarities. Even Norman Davis has made this comparison in God's Playground.

Who is critical of establishment?


are barking at the Church,

I wouldn't waste my breath on the church tbh, nothing but enforcers of OCD and herd behavior.

So her parents have been planted in Poland by Soviets, have you heard about planted settlers in Ireland?

Explain? Please!!!lol