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Posts by kondzior  

Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 17 Apr 2021
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 6
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20 Oct 2016
Food / Does Zurek spoil [5]

will leave a soup on the stove for a long time (possibly overnight although I might be exaggerating )

Huh? One day is nothing, unless there is onion in the soup. With onion, it can turn sour overnight. But zurek can stay on the stove for 24h no problem. For longer, put in into refrigerator.
19 Sep 2016
Life / Immigration Free Poland is Not Being Racist [194]

Life in France today is life in Germany tomorrow. We don't want it in Poland.

Families attacked in southern France as 'women were wearing shorts'


Every Muslim is one many. Disgusting religion of disgusting people. Time for a good old fashioned pogrom.

A solidarity "march in shorts" was held in the town.

How about a more efficient solidarity "march to Mecca, burn it to the ground and salt the earth" ?
26 Jun 2016
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

Good news everyone: I am reading that Merkel and Hollande have been working on an "EU Relaunch" for months. Merkel and Hollande, now if that ain't a dream team.


If they really "relaunch" the EU, we can be sure its days are numbered.
12 Jun 2016
News / Poland marching for life and family [132]

Merged: Bielsko-Biala March for Life and Family in Poland

11 June through the street of Bielsko-Biała had walked The Third March for Life and Family : "Every Life is Priceless!"











Much more people then on KOD's round ups. And not so geriatric as well...
12 Apr 2016
News / New 2016 poll. The attitudes of the Poles toward other nations [26]


Top to bottom:
The Dutch
The Jews
The Russians

Green - positive attitude in %
Grey - neutral attitude in %
Red - negative attitude in %
Blue - 'hard to tell' answer in %

Taką stoi Polska racją - na pohybel innym nacjom.

Sarmatism intensifies!


14 Mar 2016
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

There's going to be more bashing Polska going around soon. The Constitutional Court had convened and announced a ruling regarding the reforms (or legal trainwreck) of said court passed by the current gubmint . According to the Minister of Justice, Zbigniew "The Zero" Ziobro, and the prime minister Szydlo, the ruling is not a legally-binding ruling, merely and opinion by an informal gathering of constitutional judges. Who probably enjoy doing mock paperwork. Either way this is a legal conundrum, because the constitution does not specify who has the authority to declare a ruling is indeed a legally binding ruling or an opinion. Expect mudslinging over this in the near future.

In other news, a draft of the ruling has apparently been leaked online prior to the actual verdict. Goons of the gubmint claim this is proof the whole thing was an evil plot. Court judge counters that creating drafts is a standard procedure, and the one in question is 10 days old. Of note is that the ruling and decision itself did barely change at all from that version, but the justification of the ruling is completely different. Who leaked it is going to be investigated. The only people who had access to it are the judges and their assistants.

The drama is only beginning.
1 Mar 2016
News / Cameron's EU reform good for Poland [95]

Recently I had heated arguments wit my German boss who is an ardent Merkelist, and he actually yelled at me for voting PiS :D I explained to him that government has a duty to protect the borders and work for their own population, he told me that in his opinion Germany or Poland no longer exists, that we are now only "Europeans" and that Europe belongs to everyone. He also purports that 300,000 new employees are needed every year and the millions unemployed should suck it up. And I am beginning to understand why the elite is so foaming with anger. First, they think that they have already won a war, that the EU is irreversible and that East Germany, Poland, Czech etc are property of the West. I wonder what happens when the first seriously suggest that we could simple end the contracts, and that nothing is absolutely irreversible.

Second, businessmen like my boss are absolutely terrfied of a time when companies have to apply for skilled workers, where they are no longer in absolute control, can no longer pick the best people and dictate them to sh!ty jobs.

He also shouted that the unification was a mistake because the East Germans are "ungrateful" (in East Germany support for national conservatives is strongest), and that Poles, Hungarians etc should be made to pay back the subventions. Many West Germans are like that, I told him if this is so the East could still secede from Germany, together with the states that are on the same line. I mean Germany doesnt exist anyway, that is not such a big deal.

Perhaps that's really not such a bad idea that we simply split that country again, one zone for the Merkelist and her Syrians and feminists, the other for Poles, the unemployed and the East Germans, and see who fares better ;)
1 Mar 2016
News / Cameron's EU reform good for Poland [95]

Really? Poland get 12billion Euros per year from the EU. Paid for by Germany, the UK and the Netherlands.

At the moment, the Euro makes German exports artificially cheap. As German wages are relatively low, despite the high know-how behind its products, German wares have a competitive advantage. As soon as the Euro is gone, the new German currency will rise in value, while the Polish Złoty will be depreciated. This means that, at this point, German wares will be too expensive, while Poland will not be able to afford any imports from Germany anymore. The German economy will see a massive downturn, probably a collapse of some firms, and a steep rise in unemployment.

As an additional problem, the end of the Euro will probably not come in an ordered fashion, but quite suddenly. At that moment, much of the trade surplus of Germany and the loans given, which both are counted as assets nowadays, will have to be written down as a loss. This means that the means of the government to compensate for the economic downturn will be very limited in such an event.

Long-term prospects are different, but the general level of the economy will be lower than today. Germany's prospects are not very good anyway, as it has structural deficits in its economic branches.
29 Feb 2016
News / Cameron's EU reform good for Poland [95]

The only countries that would be hit really hard by an end of the EU would be Germany and the Netherlands. Both more or less completely depend on the EU and the euro, and their economies will most probably collapse without it. Although I see this as a more or less inevitable outcome, as one of the southern countries (probably Italy or Spain) will at some point decide that they have enough of being bled dry.
31 Jan 2016
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

For now, Poland is willing to accept 100 refugees

These 100 refugees should be women and children, preferably christians.

I am all for helping christians endangered by ISIS, instead of some perfectly safe medieval muslim mob from Africa seeking for welfare ride. This way Germany can keep their medieval muslims and don't need to set stupid quotas on us, Frau Merkel would sure appreciate it!
31 Jan 2016
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

Poland is actually the most populous county and the premier economy of Eastern Europe: 8th largest economy in the EU, and 21st largest one in the world with a GDP of over a trillion dollars. And unlike most European economies it is still growing rapidly - we should surpass Sweden soon making Poland the 7h largest economy in the EU right behind the Netherlands.

That is why everyone was so resentful about the election of PiS and their stance on the refugee crisis. Merkel's "European solution" - which is also seen as "the only way" by EU elites like Junker and Schulz - largely depends on Polish support. Because of its size and economic strength Poland is supposed to take in and provide for a large number "refugees", certainly >100,000.
25 Jan 2016
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

I love he fact that you dont realise that marches are nothing new in polish politics: in 2005-2007 PO organized such marches, then it was PiS in 2007-2015 (in 2014 they protested "in defence of democracy and freedom of media", just like those guys today), and now it's again PO and modern (bankster puppets). The big difference is that today our former prime minister from PO is the head of European Commision, so suddenly the marches aren't some weird thing that political leaders and a bunch of pensioners do, but A SIGN OF A DEMOCRACY IN PERIL
25 Jan 2016
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Monday decided not to hold a debate on the state of democracy in Poland.

Groupings including Christian Democrats, socialists and liberals had demanded an urgent debate and a vote on a resolution regarding how democratic institutions are functioning in Poland.

Ninety-eight parliamentary assembly members voted for a debate, 89 were against and 14 did not vote. The motion to hold a debate needed a two-thirds majority to be passed.
The decision was taken in Strasbourg during the winter session of the parliamentary assembly, which meets several times a year and groups 318 MPs from the parliaments of 47 Council of Europe member countries.



And there I was, thinking that the ENTIRE EU was deeply concerned and critical of Poland and about to impose MASSIVE SANCTIONS against the evil kaczynski state :-D
22 Jan 2016
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

So a march by the Commitee for Defence of Democracy was planned in Poznań. When KORWiN got wind of it they registered a march against irresponsible immigration policy and for solidarity with the victims of Cologne. As two marches can't go at the same time, democracy had to fend for itself.

Ok this was just an excuse to post this:

Korwin's grills :-)
16 Jan 2016
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

Meanwhile in Poland...

The gubmint has just validated the project of a law meant to reform some parts of the way the police and the secret services operate, now it will have to be delivered to the senate. Within is a very controversial law that allows the services to shamelessly spy on the populace by putting the internet and people's correspondence under surveillance! Or at least that's what you'll hear in the news about this. But for the meantime, let us travel a bit back in time...

The first version of this law was passed in 2006, back when PiS was first in power (2005-2007). The law said that the services could inspect people's correspondence at their leisure, with no external check overseeing this. They could just go ahead and gain access to people's stuff, including tech data like who sent a message to whom but also the actual contents of said messages.

PiS was valiantly dethroned in 2007 and PO (2007-2015) took the steering wheel.

The 2006 law was still in effect. And nothing kept changing about it until finally in 2014 (!) someone brought it to the attention of the constitutional court, which deemed the law to be unconstitutional and that it would have to be reformed. The court even provided advice regarding an easy and quick way of fixing it - the secret service could still inspect technical data of any given communications, but a limit would need to be imposed on the way they'd access the content. For instance, that limit could be regional court rulings that would judge whether such breaches of confidentiality were necessary in security proceedings.

The court ruling was proclaimed in july 2014. The gubmint (PO) did nothing about it. They just showed the court the middle finger and left the ruling to rot.

Fastforward to today, the project by PiS is a de facto carrying out of the constitutional court's ruling. It takes the old 2006 law that gave the services unlimited surveillance potential and imposes upon it an additional check in the form of regional court rulings being necessary to access private message contents.


The deal is also being attached to the central media narrative that 'pis has been in power for barely 2 months and they are passing new totalitarian laws in record speed!' without mentioning that speed is of the essence in this particular case, because the court's ruling *has* to be carried out before 6th february this year. Otherwise, the entire part of the law that was deemed unconstitutional would get scrapped automatically and would have to be written up and passed again from ground up (among massive ensuing legislative chaos no doubt).


Meanwhile, one of the chief corporate cronies from the opposition, mr Petru, claims:

The government wants to gather 38 million blackmail opportunities with this law. The secret services will be able to view all email now. This is hard even from the opposition's point of view. It means I won't be able to send my future parliamentary speeches via email. There are very bad things going on. Under the guise of terrorism they will be able to introduce an orwellian surveillance network. I ask, why do they even need that at all?

oink oink
14 Jan 2016
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

PiS have already said they don't give a damn what EU does. They're going to proceed with their plan and continue the changes regardless of what some bureaucrats may think.

BTW, how can a democratically elected government "violate democratic norms"? They didn't come into power via a coup. They were elected by majority the population. Sure, they got over 50% of the parliament seats mainly because leftist parties decided to act like retards and screwed themselves up in magnificent way.

Still, anything that happens now in Poland is what usually happens when there's a change of power. The only reason why there's so much screaming in European Commission about it now, is that the previous gov was doing what Germany wanted them to do and the new one has balls to go against German interests. It's a matter of Berlin using its Brussels proxies to protect Germany's influence over Poland.

Poland was always very pro-EU country, so I think EC rationale is to make a fuss to try to convince us Poles to start demanding reversal of this course internally. Unfortunately for them, the poor sods in EC didn't notice that times have changed, especially after how Merkel exacerbated migrant crisis and then tried to shove dindus down other countries throats.
21 Dec 2015
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

The real harm has been done when PO added new judges to the Tribunal, which shown that there's no "apolitical" Tribunal, just a bunch of apparatchiks. Also, I don't think the Tribunal actually guards democracy and freedom of speech, since it ruled some time ago that you can get arrested for calling the prime minister "moron".

Germans hold their constitutional court in high regards, therefore it's easy for the media to portrait any country in bad light, when they mention some tinkering with the courts there. The funny thing is that the German court isn't better at all, and the high regards are mostly historical. The German court is increasingly stuffed with party pawns, and it only became worse in the last decade because now it's sufficient to be a party pawn, while 20 years ago, you had to be a party pawn and a competent professor to be considered for the job. Also until this year, the (s)election process was done by backroom deals in a special election committee, which resulted in a typical tit for tat system for all the participating parties. The old election process was a pretty blatant violation of the constitution a creative and totally constitutional way of interpreting the German Basic Law, as the judges, who were elected by the process, confirmed.

Anyway Deutsche Bank will be up in arms about the new bank taxes (they're not that big here anyway), but I am not sure if the German industrial giants that have either manufacturing plants or offices in Poland will care. The retail business might be angry with more taxes aimed at super/uber/mega markets, but Jeries don't dominate that market here.

The outrage is blown out of proportions anyway. PiS is back-pedalling on some of the changes it proposed. The two judges that were chosen unconstitutionally by the previous government should be kicked out and replaced with new ones, to hell the other 3 PiS wanted to pick. PiS should deal with the fact they lost two elections in a row giving PO 8 years to fill the court with their stooges.

I am more concerned that they're going to throw the pre-university education system into complete chaos, after it already adapted to the major reform in the later 90s and started yielding quantifiable improvements. That and the possibility of canning the nuclear energy program.
23 Aug 2015
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

"Eventually" is the key word here. If we can delay it for several hundred of years, lets go for it. Whatever the cost. If "eventually" Poland will going the the way of the dodo, I don't want it to be the fault of my generation.
11 Sep 2014
Life / Heroes/heroines of Poland's pop culture [27]

Merged: KAPITAN BOMBA - something about Polish pop culture and some hardcore curses

Do you want to find out something about Polish pop culture and lern some hardcore curses?

Look no further. Galaxy Kurvix is overrun by evil aliens. The only one that can defeat them is Captain Bomb.
26 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]

What exactly did Putin that can't get tolerated?

Putin tried nicely to tell other countries how close their relationships with the West should be. Damn those evil imperialists who won't let Putin have control over his colonies!
26 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]

Don't be silly, Russians are not staring to nuke anything, Putin is everything but stupid. As a matter of fact, I respect the bastatd.

I do not doubt the Russian military-industrial complex has skilled engineers and solid designs, even if they are at least a decade behind US in some areas, it's good hardware. But the army itself is a conscript-based one, how good of a fighting force do you believe all the dumb poor ruskie schmucks who couldn't dodge the draft are? That and they can't afford to outfit everyone with the best gear as much as the Kremlin would like to see that, you have a bunch of parade-worthy units with state of the art gear and forgotten garrisons armed with poorly maintained soviet era military antiques.

Still, Russia would definitely not be a pushover in a conventional conflict like Iraq or some other 3rd world hellhole that USA is fond of bombing. USA could beat it in a war though, China possibly could beat it, anyone else though? Not enough men and materiel unless they pool their resources. The up do date forces backed up by a horde of old soviet hardware would be simply too much to deal with to hold a Russian assault. Thats why we need the "policeman", Crow.
25 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]

Putin needs to be shown, that there are the limits. that some things will not be tolerated. Sadly, Obama has no guts for it. He's playing the game as timid as a foocking rabbit, these are Chamberlain levels of threats and warnings, Russians see these as signs of weakness which they are. Considering this is Obama's second term he could just announce they're going to station a few thousand men and some tanks in Poland at a new base. There would be Russian yelling, but the bear starts yelling for whatever minor reason anyway like a woman, there must be estrogen in all that krokodil and vodka. And the Americans would take years and years to actually establish a base anyway, and in the end the next president would either significantly downscale it or cancel the whole thing altogether before it is done.

What do the Americans have to lose here anyway? If their bluff would be called then Russians would do the same thing anyway. Ruskies won't nuke the planet over a base in a country that is outside of their sphere of influence anyway, but they might be willing to sign another worthless piece of paper and make concessions regarding Ukraine if USA stepped back from trying to station troops within former soviet dominion. Only ones who could lose on this would be the former commie NATO states as the Russians would probably raise gas prices or shut the pipeline valves, that's all they can do really. And our inane politicians would sacrifice their firstborn if it meant American troops stationed here, most of them don't give a sh!t about gas prices.