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Posts by polishcanuck  

Joined: 11 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Jun 2010
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 461 / In This Archive: 99
From: Canada
Speaks Polish?: Tak
Interests: Working out, mountain biking, basketball

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25 Feb 2009

why do Polish men lie

Because Poland is a "nation of liars." Just ask Wroclaw_Boy to elaborate on this.
20 Feb 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

Hmmmm do you live in the southern (alabama, mississippi, louisiana, georgia, tennessee etc.) US??
30 Dec 2008
Love / Nice Polish women photos [329]

In Germany there is an advertising line that goes like "MediaMarkt, I'am not stupid, am I?" (MediaMarkt, ich bin doch nicht blöd). Do you have something similar in England/Poland?

I don't know, i live in canada.

I just hate this guy from your avatar starring at me, you know?

hahahaha, i'm watching you.

And here you support use of sexism to advertise cheap chinesebuild shit!

I'm not sexist. What do the chinese have to do with sexism btw?
28 Dec 2008
Love / Nice Polish women photos [329]

A friend emailed me these pictures just the other day. Looks like they're girls that work at mediamarkt. Hopefully they haven't been posted already. Enjoy gentlemen (and ladies):

Removed as they may cause offence
21 Dec 2008
News / First Face Transplant in US led by Polish Surgeon [10]

CLEVELAND - Only the forehead, upper eyelids, lower lip, lower teeth and jaw are hers.

In a 23-hour operation, transplant surgeons have given nearly an entire new face to a woman with facial damage so severe that she could not eat on her own or breathe without a hole in her windpipe, doctors at the Cleveland Clinic said here on Wednesday.

The highly experimental procedure, performed within the last two weeks, was the world's fourth partial face transplant, the country's first, and the most extensive and complicated such operation to date. Dr. Maria Siemionow led the surgical team, which took turns at the operating table so the doctors could rest, sleep and share expertise.

Source: nytimes.

Dr. Siemionow's bio: my.clevelandclinic.org/staff_directory/2/Staff_1735.aspx

Press Conference: youtube.com/watch?v=YZxnxizBRUY
20 Dec 2008
News / Polish-American soldier and his wife murdered by four marines [163]

their OWN people in Western Africa sold them into slavery in exchange for firearms, rum and some gold...

Good post joe. You're not always politically correct but you do say it like it is. Anyways, one of my professors (from ghana) in university once told me that when he first came to canada/usa, he couldn't believe that most african americans are not aware of this. Both europeans and africans are equally to blame for the slave trade. Do they not teach this in schools in the US???
13 Dec 2008
Food / Eating Kielbasa - how do you cook yours? [119]

This is how i eat my kielbasa:

^ garlic, peas, shrimp(marinated in beer), red crushed pepper flakes, onions, mushrooms, basil, oregano, whipping cream, and pasta

^ final product:)

3 Dec 2008

You can learn polish for free thanks to a federal program that funds second language training (waste of tax payer $$$ in my opinion). I can't remember where the polish club is toronto, but if you go to roncesvalles and ask around they point you in the right direction.
9 Nov 2008
News / Polish-American soldier and his wife murdered by four marines [163]

I wonder if there would have been so much fuss if the soldier in question hadnt had a Polish surname. I doubt it very much. Must be a racist attack

The only reason a thread was created regarding this incident is because one of the people involved is polish and this is a polish forum. It has nothing to do with racism jackass!
9 Nov 2008
News / Polish-American soldier and his wife murdered by four marines [163]

U don't know the full story tho, no disrespect.

This marine probably owed them something. Well either way, these young guys are going to jail for a long time (prison sentences in the usa are LONG). I wonder if these idiots realize this...

Here they are in court:

21 Oct 2008
Food / Polish food in Pictures. [277]

I had some kaszanka with mashed potatoes last night for dinner. Yum!
12 Oct 2008

Some say most Polish girls are gold-diggers interested mainly in the their boyfriend's bank account?

Yes this is true, however love and compatability are also important. If a polish girl was to choose between a "nice" polish man or a "nice" foreign man, she would without a doubt go for foreigner. But this applies to many not so wealthy countries.

My family always tries to persude me to "meet" the daughters of their friends. Reminds me of a book i had to read in high school, Pride and Prejudice. So artificial. This is why i stick with canadian girls.
10 Oct 2008

I've never been a victim of Polish jokes. I think it's mostly the polish "wiesniaks" that have these problems.
14 Sep 2008
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

This might sound terrible but was it a kind of communist educational brain washing camp?,

No, there was no teaching of ideology or brainwashing. They were just like scouts. Quite enjoyable for kids (well at least my parents).
12 Sep 2008
Love / Married polish women:Are they hot? [79]

Married polish women:Are they hot?

Are you referring to "MILFs" and "cougars"??? If so, I would have to say that these older women are more attractive/sexy here in canada than poland.
12 Sep 2008
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

What were they? And what was good about them?

Mandatory (and free) summer programs/camps for kids, like scouts in canada, designed to keep kids busy/active and off the "streets." There's more, i'll have to ask my parents.

low crime: nothing valuable enough to steal

There's always something to steal. People always stole under communism because often times it was difficult to buy some goods. For example, construction sites were targeted for tools, building supplies/concrete. Many poles built houses during the commie era using stolen goods:)

But crime isn't limited to stealing. Although i did not make myself clear, I meant crime as in violence. My parents always talk about how there were no dangerous neighbourhoods when they were growing up. Today there are areas in most cities where even police are afraid to enter.

no unemployment: many people had unfulfilling jobs provided by the state, and often the state chose your career path for you

True, and many workplaces had more employees than required which actually decreased efficiency/productivity. But at least everyone had a JOB and didn't have to worry about putting food on the table.

The state chose people's career paths?? Where did you hear this? I've never heard anyone in my family talk about this, as far as i know it was their choice.

same standards for all: in theory only, like I said the CP members were the elite and they generally had the law on their side (or a judge here and there who would look the other way because they were "connected").

True. But you should also realize that this still exists to some degree. Many things can be arranged "po znajomosci" (with connnections) in today's poland.
12 Sep 2008
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

There are pros to Communism?

Social programs, low crime, no unemployment, free education, free medicare, same standards for all.

However, overall the cons out weigh the pros.
27 Jul 2008
Life / Is it me or do any guys in Poland not have shaved heads? [113]

I don't think long hair suites polish men because most poles have thin hair. I started growing out my hair a few years ago but had to cut it when i realized that it made me look feminine. Also, men with long hair (ie: "z ogonkiem" - pony tail) in poland were once labelled as being "typy" (suspicious looking, criminal-like - help with translation??), bums and not hard working. Maybe this is another reason why men keep their hair short.

But i agree with most of you, the shaved head look is disturbing especially when these guys dress in those euro tracksuits or like in the above picture.

Noimmigration: is he your type? :)
19 Jun 2008
Law / Form of Polish Driving Licence [14]

In order to renew your passport just simply go to a polish embassy/consulate with your expired passport and any and all ID you have. Now to get a dowod osobisty you need to get yourself "za meldowana" somewhere in poland. Maybe you still have some family in poland where you can za meldowac sie.
10 Jun 2008
Life / Is the word "Polack"rascist? [185]

Big population = more poor/uneducated Poles which give the rest of us a bad name.

This is exactly how polish jokes started. When Poles began emigrating to the US in the early 19th c many were uneducated (farmers, labourers) and could not even read/write in polish! Hence the term "dumb polack."

Personally I have never been the victim of polish jokes and there are many poles where i live (toronto area). I think it all depends on how you present yourself and your level of integration into society.
7 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Why might it be called a Polish concentration camp? Could it be because it was last operated by Poles? The Germans left the concentration camp in January 1945 but it was still in operation in April of 1947. And if we include the subcamps, Germans ran the site for four years and eight months, while Poles ran the site for eleven years.

Funny how these things get forgotten.

Auschwitz stopped operating when the soviets liberated the camp in '45.

However, Harry is right, there were smaller "camps" run in parts Poland/Germany after the war, mainly operated by Jews seeking revenge. Unfortunately it is a suppressed/taboo topic and very little is said about it. If you're interested though, here's a book about this topic written by a Jew: "Eye for an Eye" by John Sack, amazon.com/Eye-John-Sack/dp/0967569109 The author had a hard time getting his book published, but it's out there. I think you can even find it on torrent sites.
7 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Why might it be called a Polish concentration camp? Could it be because it was last operated by Poles? The Germans left the concentration camp in January 1945 but it was still in operation in April of 1947. And if we include the subcamps, Germans ran the site for four years and eight months, while Poles ran the site for eleven years.

Funny how these things get forgotten.

Auschwitz stopped operating when the soviets liberated the camp in '45.

However, Harry is right, there were smaller "camps" run in parts Poland/Germany after the war, mainly operated by Jews seeking revenge. Unfortunately it is a suppressed/taboo topic and very little is said about it. If you're interested though, here's a book about this topic written by a Jew: "Eye for an Eye" by John Sack, amazon.com/Eye-John-Sack/dp/0967569109 The author had a hard time getting his book published, but it's out there. I think you can even find it on torrent sites.
5 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Confuses me too, as it was the Germans who named the place Auschwitz, but the Poles seem to only want to call the place by the name of the town its located, Oswiecim.

Auschwitz is the German name for the town of Oswiecim. But you're right the average pole does refer to the camp as Oswiecim rather than auschwitz. Many poles don't like the german language/people; this is probably why they prefer using polish names. It also re-enforces the "polishness" of the city.

Another thing I notice is that the media, for some strange reason, avoids at any cost using the phrase "German" to describe anything to do with the holocaust. Instead, the phrase "Nazi" is used. It must be part of some deal to slowly dilute responsbility of the German people for WWII, the murder of Jews, and the construction and operation of the concentration camps located on occupied lands.

I agree, I've noticed the same thing. In the future people will think Nazi's came down from another planet!
27 Apr 2008
News / Poland's Vietnamese: A tough transition but they're surviving [31]

When i was driving through Warszawa 2 years ago i heard on the radio that there are 3 vietnamese football (soccer) divisions in the city - apparently there are 50,000 vietnamese migrants in the city. I stopped at a couple of stores and got something to eat - they were quite visible everywhere.

It's quite clear that poland, like many other european countries & n. america, needs immigrants since the natural population growth is in the negatives. Orientals are a great choice; hard working and non-religious. By doing so, hopefully poland will avoid some of the culture clashes and islamic extremism seen in w. europe.
21 Apr 2008
Life / Hepatitis C in Poland...please help. [59]

Relax people, i realize hep c is most commonly transfered via blood-blood contact. I don't live in Poland; they do teach us sex/health ed. here in canada! I was just being a jerk/instigator/joker - like many of you are in other threads!

I just don't understand why this guy doesn't get help. He says he has no money for treatment in the USA so why not get treated in poland (where he currently resides) where medicare is cheap/government subsidized??? If this is still expensive, go east to the ukraine (visa?) like i said. I would also suggest south asia but that's probably where a quack infected you and airfare would be too expensive.

It's really quite simple.
20 Apr 2008
Life / Hepatitis C in Poland...please help. [59]

Listen buddy, you have to get yourself to a hospital. Quit wasting time on a message board! You're in a country where the health care system is much cheaper than your native usa. If you want to get even cheaper medical help i suggest you go to ukraine. Your last worry should be about being on some "list." It's idiots like you that help spread these diseases.