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Poland in photo riddles [3134]
But I still don't know why it should be closed at 10.00 a.m.
That's the fun part ;) The station is actually two stations. There's the domestic station which is open most of the day, and then the international station is on the other side of the tracks. What happens is that when the local-international trains arrive from Belarus (they're Belarusian trains), everyone has to pass through border control in the international station. They then check to make sure that everyone has left the train and that the international platform/tunnel to the international station is empty, then a few hours later, they reopen the station for border control for those going towards Belarus.
The train in summer leaves Brest at 07:00, arrives in Terespol at 06:21. The return train to Brest isn't until 10:26, arriving at 11:47 in Brest. It's needlessly time consuming and bureaucratic - I was at the international station in Terespol at 10am, the train left at 10:20-something, arrived in Brest at 11:40something, then it took another half hour to get through Belarusian border control. So - effectively over 2 hours to go a few kilometres by train. shows it quite well. The access to the international platform is only through the international station, and the international station was marked on the sign in the first phootgraph I posted. I *think* this is the only separate international railway station in Poland, too.