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Politics / lifestyle / culture on billboards in Poland - examples

pawian  226 | 27364  
10 May 2019 /  #1
Let`s see how politics/ lifestyle or culture are reflected on billboards/hoardings in Poland. Not only during major elections or other important events but also throughout the whole year for minor reasons. Old and new examples are allowed.

Let`s start with political conflict. Below, an example of a negative campaign against a major party. Do such posters also appear in other countries?

PiS voter, aren`t you embarrassed? (because of voting for that party, of course).

  • file.billboard.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
11 May 2019 /  #2
Below, an example of a negative campaign against a major party.

and the major party counterattacks with such billboards:

PiS reclaimed millions from thieves and gave them to children.

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OP pawian  226 | 27364  
12 May 2019 /  #3
A similarly designed counter reply to the previous poster:

PiS grabbed millions while people can`t afford medications

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OP pawian  226 | 27364  
13 May 2019 /  #4
Let`s switch from politics to ideology. Conflicted, of course. :)

Let`s start from the end.

Let`s share/exchange the sign of peace.

  • ulsk9kqTURBXy82NWY1M.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
14 May 2019 /  #5
Let`s start from the end.

What was the beginning then? E.g., in the city of Świdnik they clashed over ideology. Action vs reaction.

  • Love is love

  • Is this love?
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
15 May 2019 /  #6
they clashed over ideology.

In other cities even beliefs

Cohabitation is a sin - stop to adultery vs I don`t kill, I don`t steal, I don`t believe

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OP pawian  226 | 27364  
16 May 2019 /  #7
One more conflict and then we will introduce nicer atmosphere for a change.

Abortion issue divides Poles as well. The first picture was taken at a sharp angle so it distorts the drastic view a little but these and similar bilboards fully expose all the details when put in public places. Polish court ruled once that displaying explicit effects of abortion is legal.

  • Hitler introduced abortion in 1943

  • 25 years of banned abortion - we have enough
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
17 May 2019 /  #8
we will introduce nicer atmosphere for a change.

Promises must be kept.

Private love messages - new love or old love, e..g, after 25 years of marriage, . I have seen only one in real life, but the net is full of pics:

  • 6289.jpg

  • 0223_beti1.jpg

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OP pawian  226 | 27364  
18 May 2019 /  #9
Private love messages - new love or old love

It just occured to me I made a mistake - after being displayed in the street, they cease to be private. :)

Apart from new or old love, there is also unrequitted one. It seems a conflict is barging in again although I promised nice atmosphere - sigh.

What do unhappy males or females write:: Forgive me/ come back to me/ I love YOU and our children/ I am sorry for everything/ Let`s give ourselves one more chance/ I know we can`t fix everything but we can start everything anew etc etc, sometimes supplemented with various poetry

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  • From Your Agnes

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gumishu  15 | 6228  
19 May 2019 /  #10
PiS voter, aren`t you embarrassed?

no I'm not embarassed, why should I
kaprys  3 | 2076  
19 May 2019 /  #11
I don't know if I know how to post pictures here but let me try. If I can't, try to open the link - I like how they made fun of political banners.

A printinghouse came up with this idea


And theatre that came up with this idea after some candidates put up their banners in front of the theatre


Or this guy

OP pawian  226 | 27364  
19 May 2019 /  #12
Nice pics but you should have done a bit of translation to them because without it, they are wasted on non-Poles.
To tell the truth, this thread wasn`t created for Poles, actually, who know perfectly the culture of their country, but mainly for foreigners who would like to learn sth new about Poland.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
19 May 2019 /  #13
no I'm not embarassed, why should I

Never mind. :)

love messages

A different approach

Ukrainians put that poster on the border: Thank you, a friend in need is a friend indeed (rough translation), after Poland backed and joined EU sanctions against Russia.

  • ukrainapomoc184128..jpg
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 May 2019 /  #14
An excellent example, pawian!

Such posters remind us that Ukraine is one of our closest allies, regardless of what nationalist idiots might say.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
19 May 2019 /  #15
t Ukraine is one of our closest allies

Because they put a one poster in the middle of nowhere? Are you for real? lol
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
19 May 2019 /  #16
Such posters remind us that Ukraine is one of our closest allies

Hey, someone should start a thread about it.

Because they put a one poster in the middle of nowhere? Are you for real? lol

Please, show some impartial intelligence instead of that narrow-minded nationalist bile. The poster is only a symbol of certain values, it doesn`t matter if there is one or many.

regardless of what nationalist idiots might say

There are hate posters too.

We remember Ukrainian genocide on the citizens of 2nd Republic by OUN/UPA

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Ironside  50 | 12928  
19 May 2019 /  #17
The poster is only a symbol

Symbol? I asked why Ukraine is one of the closes alliance of Poland? Not because of that poster or many posters like that, that obvious. Well, for anyone with a brain but not you.

If someone is talking about symbols or spews some BS about those that disagree with him it means he has no arguments. It can even mean he has no clue what he is yapping about.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
19 May 2019 /  #18
Yawn. I am sorry, it isn`t my comment to your post, I just need to turn in at last after a busy day - First Holy Communion since 8 am. . Yaaaawn....
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
20 May 2019 /  #19
Ukrainians put that poster on the border

Let`s stick to the East, then. :):)
Russian culture - theatre, ballet, opera, choirs are known and appreciated in Poland. Once I saw bilboards which advertised 3 seperate events by Russian artists at a time. Moscow City Ballet performed last autumn and yesterday I saw new ads.

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OP pawian  226 | 27364  
24 May 2019 /  #20
Russian culture

Not only in Russian or Ukrainian cultures does alcohol play a role. In Polish too. The only alcohol that can be advertised in public places in Poland is beer. provided that at least 20% of the ad surface contains the info about harmful effects of drinking.

Beer ads are popular. On the other hand, anti booze ones not so much. I have found only one series of such ads directed at women.

  • Alcohol is a sexist swine - it treats women worse.

  • I am more important than your kids
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
25 May 2019 /  #21
Let`s return to conflict for a while

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate - etc.

Most billboards are sponsored by anti vaccination movements.

  • Medical companies profit from children`s suffering. Watch out - your kid can be next

  • More vaccinations - more diseases
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 May 2019 /  #22
Such billboards should never be allowed. This government, thankfully, appears to have mostly resisted the anti-vaxxer lunatics.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
25 May 2019 /  #23
Such billboards should never be allowed.

Sorry, delph, this is democracy. :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 May 2019 /  #24
It's a public health matter, though. PiS were talking about mandatory vaccinations before people could get residence permits/visas for Poland, and I don't think it's such a terrible idea when you see how bad the measles situation is in some countries, like Ukraine. It's bad enough in Poland!
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
16 Jun 2019 /  #25
The cursed soldiers appear on billboards and sometimes raise controvercies as well.

E.g., anti -cursed -soldiers billboards appeared but they were repainted and defamatory slogans turned into support.

  • Let`s remember cursed soldiers.

  • Cursed soldiers are morally equal to Red Army and Wehrmacht

  • Repainted - Cursed soldiers were victims of Red Army and Wehrmacht
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
27 Jun 2019 /  #26
1 or 2 years ago a small Polish organisation launched a campaign reminding the world who actually built and operated death camps in occupied Poland. The bilboards were mobile and in English and they traveled across Europe. That was the answer to the frequent use of the term Polish death camps which appeared in international media, even Germany proper.

Am Polonia took a similar action in the USA.

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OP pawian  226 | 27364  
10 Jul 2019 /  #27
Patriotic slogans: Buy Polish/Buy in Polish shops. Even kebab.

  • fe9c150ffa21c94f0e05.jpg

  • I love Poland., I buy in Polish shops

  • True Polish kebab
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
13 Jul 2019 /  #28
Local residents put up their own billboards about big politics. E..g, they reprimand Parliament members for their decisions taken (or not) when passing law. Also, they warn against voting for certain guys.

  • These PiS MPs voted for judicial system changes - we shall remember.

  • These guys rejected a new road for our region.

  • This guy will bring immigrants who rape and murder.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Politics / lifestyle / culture on billboards in Poland - examplesArchived