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Posts by 1jola  

Joined: 23 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Aug 2013
Threads: Total: 14 / In This Archive: 7
Posts: Total: 1875 / In This Archive: 984
From: Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes

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18 Nov 2012
Life / Czas honoru (Time of honoru) TV serial [38]

Sorry, I prefer reading history to watching historical fiction.

Can you recommend a book that covers this period in history? They were called the Stalinist years. The "fascists" and "Nazis" from AK, NSZ, BCh, WiN, were systematically rounded up, thrown in prison(often with German war criminals, as in the serial, read Rozmowy z Katem pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rozmowy_z_katem) tortured,shot in the back of the head after a twenty minute "trial," and then dumped in nameless pits. Supervised by NKVD.

Since you prefer books to film, you must read sklep-niezalezna.pl/pl/p/e-book-Bestie-Tadeusz-M.-Pluzanski/465

Notice the resurgence of the language today. SLD and Ruch Palikota are meeting to fight "fascism and Nazism" in Poland, of course, in addition to fighting the Church, traditional family, and Independent Poland Just like their daddies did in the forties and fifties.

Palikot: Konstytucja, godło i flaga nie są potrzebne Polsce. To fałszywe symbole

Palikot: The Constitution, Coat of Arms, and the flag are not necessary for Poland. They are false symbols.
janpinski.nowyekran.pl/post/72220,palikot-konstytucja-godlo-i-f laga-nie-sa-potrzebne-polsce-to-falszywe-symbole

Anyway, a very decent serial. Besides Paradoks, the only thing worth watching this season.
13 Nov 2012
News / Hooligans in PRL times ... and Warsaw in 2012 [28]

The hooligans weren't organized well enough, weren't violent enough or numerous enough.

I saw a group of cops writing up a larger group of hooligans. Na Trakcie Królewskim. As my wife was buying something at a kiosk, I got closer to see what was happening. It was a briefing.

I would never call hooligans in Poland "unorganized".

The first thing you noticed is that all have a nickname. You know, I watched a ducumenteary on the Syrian uprising. What ineptitude!

I remember as a scout reading "Wielka Gra" by Aleksander Kamiński. Its a 1942 manual for patriotic behavior in time of national crisis. Szare Szeregi.
13 Nov 2012
Law / How to renounce citizenship of Poland? [7]

He is American by birth.

cannot get security clearence to work as an engineer in a top security project cuz

Because your child is Polish? Is that in Russia? You should see a doctor.
13 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned? [62]

These are the skinheads and fellow travellers

In the time of trouble, you will wish those skinheads are on your side, well, unless you prefer Ruch Międzynarodowy.
9 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

I'll tell you what. Sunday, there will be four independence marches in Warsaw. The original ONR march ending at Roman Dmowski's statue, the President's "procession"...ending at Dmowski's staue(paying tribute to Nazis?), the Socialists march(that's new too), and your type march made up of communist youth and celebrities(ending at the Red Army cemetery most likely). If the ONR march will be the largest, you might want pack the backpack you arrived with, because you certainly do not want to live in Nazi majority country anymore.

Observe closely, and get back to me with your report.

you sir are a traitor and may as well go and urinate on the graves of all those brave Poles who died fighting the nazi scum you love so much.

My family were those brave Poles, not yours. And while they were fighting, your country dropped leaflets on the Germans( that's Nazis to you).
9 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

Nice T-shirt the guy has on, "Blood and honour" (Warning: extreme nazi website)

You linked to a neo-Nazi site, not to ONR. Here is the ONR site, do you find Polish flags extreme?

Link it or retract it.

You want the year your country recognized communist Poland or what is your question?

Cos they are sad nazi dicks

You mean being a Marxist makes you a happy dick?

And? The SS hunted down the SA,so,what exactly is your point

You equate the NSZ with the SA? Are you that daft?
9 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

as long as you are speaking about the neo-Nazis in Poland

There might be a few neo-Nazis in Poland, just as there are a few in Israel, but one must be seriously undereducated to call ONR Nazis. Members of ONR were hunted down by the Germans, those Nazis to you, and the communists later on. To call them neo-Nazis is total ignorance of the subject.
8 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

All the things I have said about the Neo-Nazis are solely about the ONR

You don't have to explain what happened because I can read.
Everything you know about ONR is from wiki. That's the extent of your knowledge. You have no concept and I can't recommend any reading to you because you can't read Polish and are not interested anyway.

Get this in your head. The communists called ONR and Betar(Jewish) Nazis, just like you are doing. After the war, they proceeded in murdering them along the AK for not accepting their Soviet imposed regime. Your country happily accepted the communist rule in Poland. Now, you come in...
8 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

Not till Harry and friends tried it to be. I asked for moderation earlier, but she erased my request in solidarity with the socialists.

There is nothing more to say, so the thread can be closed as it will go around in flaming circles. Most of my threads are anti-communist and all the Marxists pop right up.

So you are really trying to tell me that a "Roman salute" which you think is exactly the same as a Nazi salute is just coincidence and that such an action does not mean anything Nazi related, in Poland..

I;m not going to repeat myself. Go back and look up Jewish Betar in Poland. They used the same salute? Were they Nazis? ONR also had nothing to do with the Nazis.
8 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

idiots who stand round a swastika replacement giving Hitler salutes are Nazis, or at least Neo-nazis.

Any idea why there is a Nazis statue at the Amsterdam Olympic Stadium and those well known swastika replacement rings in Holland? Why are Nazi symbols all over U.K. cemeteries? Why do you call Jewish Betar members Nazis? Just because the communists called them that and you agree with them or is there another reason?

They also threaten shopkeepers into doing what they command, just like the nazis did.

The Nazis threatened store chains with protests? You must be a WWII history buff.

8 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

hypocritical right-wing retards

Conservatives and right-wing are Nazis. You're not alone in that thinking. The is a bloody trail of your like in Poland.

Given that the Empik website stocks literally thousands of products with the word "Hitler" in their title as opposed to 255 with the word "Lenin, I would assume they realised friends of Hitler buy more stuff from them than friends of Lenin.

Look up what bełkot means.
8 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

Perfect, you just want to post something, no matter what.

The threats of further protests against Empik

You mean EMPIK the Polish shopkeeper. Why did the "shopkeeper" apologize?

The ONR, who protested against the legal sale of legal products.

Again, why would a huge chain apologize for selling legal products? To Nazis, of all people?
8 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

What celebration?

What threats?

What neo-Nazis?

The Betar association with Nazis doesn't sit well with you? But ONR does?

Why do you speak of yourself in plural?
8 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

I lied to you.

Now, were those Jews Nazis or not? Their numbers in Poland were about 40,000 and ONR were about 4,000. Both groups used the same greeting.
8 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

They were also doing Hitler salutes.

The Romans were also doing Hitler Salutes?
Were Polish Jews also Nazis, since they were also doing "Hitler salutes" and wearing brown shirts?" They provided security for ONR marches and vice verse.

In the first photo you posted notice the "Nazi" banner they are carrying. It says: I'm a Pole and I have Polish duties. That's from Roman Dmowski, who with Paderewski and Witos, assured Poland become a free nation after 123 years of occupation. On Sunday, that famous "Nazi" president of RP, Bronislaw Komorowski, will be laying flowers at his statue in Warsaw. The Leftists are not happy with that; they would rather he lay flowers at some Lenin statue.

ONR use the Celtic Cross as one of their symbols. Well known Nazi symbol present all over U.K. The Brits and the Irish lay flowers on the graves of those "Nazis." Is that how you see it?

So, if you see a bald guy and the first thing that comes to your mind is a gas chamber, you might be a product of years of conditioning, and for sure know little about Polish history and our struggle for independence.
8 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

What were the threats? How was EMPIK "prevented" from selling Lenin gadgets?

The article said people protested, nothing more.

You can search all you want to cover up your lies that someone "threatened" EMPIK and they were"forced" to withdraw the Lenin gadgets. They apologized, made some lame excuse about a mistake, and withdrew the crap.

No doubt, you look stupid now. Again.
8 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

That was a double hat tip to you

So you create screen names for yourself with a thought about me. How childish.

you are neither number one nor Jola

So, I'm a ...liar, huh? I wonder what your friends think of you when you brag that you've been having an argument on PF with Sokrates or Piłsudski?

Look jola, what's wrong with Harry arguing in favour of his icon Lenin, who's responsible for mass murder?

Nothing. There is a certain schizophrenia, not mention logical fallacy, to most of his "arguments." For example, AK soldiers will be heroes and patriots fighting for Poland's independence and another time they will be fascists and the communists who murdered them will be heroes. Personally, I think he is paid to post here.
8 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

You seem to have forgotten that I consider Poland to be my country.

Oh yeah, you did post on this forum for a while under the name PolishTraitor, remember?
7 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

If a bunch of Neo-Nazis want to stand round a Nazi flag and jerk off to it, that's fine with me (do your buddies do that).

That's fine with you because the Germans didn't invade your country nor had they murdered anyone in your family. The same goes for communists. You are a disinterested bystander with a big mouth who has little knowledge of the events you are trying to get involved in.
7 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

it wasn't the Salvation Army that I spent a year working alongside in Poland, it was the Peace Corps.

So you served in the Peace Corps and not in the army. Why did you lie then?

So you mean that it is the fault of communist judges that you decided to lie about what Article 256 of the Penal Code bans?

Me, being unaware that since last year you can wear your Lenin and Hitler T-shirt with pride does not make me a liar.

A lie is when you claimed on this forum that there were more people in PZPR than in Solidarity. Even a ten-year-old Polish kid knows that there were ten million Solidarity members and two million Party members..That was a lie which served you in another slanderous "discussion."

I'm not bothered wasting my time on looking for the other instances where you used foul language towards me, do it yourself. I've a good memory boyo and while I'm willing to forgive and forget once an apology is given, I do not forget.

Can you go somewhere else to stomp your little foot, please?
7 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

So when you say that Article 256 of the Penal Code bans the public display symbols associated with communism, you are actually lying.

This is what happens when you don't replace communist judges. They tend to defend themselves and their sons with who you find such common ground.
7 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

Does anybody know under what law it is illegal in Poland to display symbols associated with communism?

Art 256 Kodeks Karny

Also, what is the stance of the ONR on Poles who volunteered for the armed forces of nations which were preparing to destroy Poland?

The stance of ONR and any other Pole who believed and believes in free and independent Poland was and is to fight totalitarian regimes like National Socialism and and its sister ideology - International Socialism.

Now, which army did you serve in?

So to you the Poles who joined the SS are just fine as long as they didn't actually ever take any aggressive action against any Polish forces. What a strange stance.

You must be talking about the Polish Jews who served the Gestapo, but they didn't actually join the SS,, That's really of no consequence in this thread.

7 Nov 2012
History / Goodbye Lenin - we don't want you in Poland! [85]

To most people the ONR a neo-nazis and fascists.

To most people you hang out with, I 'm sure. To communists Armia Krajowa was fascist too. Here is how they dealt with the "fascists" after WWII:
