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Posts by nunczka  

Joined: 13 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Feb 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 457 / In This Archive: 192
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Honky style
Interests: loafing

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23 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / If America is so bad, why move here? [254]

I've always said that when I fly from the USA to Poland, it's like getting in a time machine.

HA Ha no truer words were ever spoken. My Dad always to me the same thing. He stepped ashore in America with twelve dollars in his pocket. He died in 1975 an extremely wealthy man. I once asked him if he would want to return to Poland.. His answer was. No never. He was very proud to be an American
22 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Polish Christmas on the 24th? [87]

Where? Not in Poland...

Try this on for size. Sounds to me like a Polish drunk..LOL!
Half of you transplants will not even be able to read this

Czerwona roza Trojaka,
Czerwona roza Trojaka.
Miala se meza pijaka,
Miala se meza pijaka.
Co nic nie robi` tylko pil,
Co nic nie robi` tylko pil.
Przyszedl do domu i ja bil,
Przyszed` do domu i ja bil.
Czerwona roza jalowiec,
Czerwona roza jalowiec.
Lepszy kawaler niz wdowiec,
Lepszy kawaler niz wdowiec.
Bo wdowiec pije kartuje,
Bo wdowiec pije kartuje.
Kawaler sciska caluje,
Kawaler sciska caluje

After Pasterka I just go to bed and watch dr. House ;)
Sounds nothing like Polish Christmas.

Sounds like you live a fun filled life.
22 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Polish Christmas on the 24th? [87]

you will probably find vodka on some tables, but only enough for a couple of toasts.

anyone who is so much as tipsy has gone too far.

So I wonder why there is so much alcohol consumed at Christmas time..

I am also happy to hear that there are so many non drinkers in Poland.. (Chuckle)
22 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Polish Christmas on the 24th? [87]

I accept Magdalena's explanation. Actually I never gave that a thought.
Christmas eve (Wigilia) to my family was the night to celebrate. As Polish immigrants to America, I just assumed that this is how it was done in Poland. On Christmas eve (Wigilia) my entire family including Uncle and Aunts gathered at one home.. All Polish food was served and the booze flowed freely. My uncle played his concertina and we sang koledy. Since we had to fast until midnight,no meat was served. About the time midnight came, most of my family were bombed.. Most of us went to midnight mass.( Usually the priest called us a bunch of drunks.

After Mass, we returned to the party.. Now the ham (Szynks) and Kielbasa was served. Back to the drinking and singing until daybreak. We now placed the presents under the tree for the kids.

This was a Polish Christmas in America
19 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / A typical Polish American wedding [25]

t appears that perhaps people found fault with it for the following reasons:

Like you. When i first discovered this clip on the net, I was so overcome by the entire production,that I just felt like sharing it with others. little did I expect the criticism that it created. But just like someone on here mentioned that times were changing. I agree. But no one can take the memories away from for the memories of years gone by. I will leave with my head held high for my love of Polish Music done in American style.. I will exit with another one of my favorites.

19 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / A typical Polish American wedding [25]

I'm only pointing out the obvious, what is insulting about that?

LOL! Does a sweet old Dziadek count? Charming not.. At times I can be a DIABEL.

I just cant figure out why there is so much criticsism to this thread. Why cant it just be accepted as a very nice presentation rather than find fault. Maybe it is because the phrase Dumb Pollacks came from.
19 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / A typical Polish American wedding [25]

Finally watched the rest of the video.

No. This was not my wedding..I found this on youtube.. Other than the apparent high cost of this wedding,with Jimmy Sturrs whole bamd and the costumed dancers.. It must have cost a small fortune.. This wedding took place in the 80s..There was a lot of money made in those days.

In my days 1947 . We could not afford that type of wedding.. But we had a 4 piece that performed very well. We ALSO had four costumed dancers from our local Sokoly. They came and did a beautiful job. To help to pay the cost of my wedding we resorted to the money dance, Sometime known as the (Bridal,apron dance into which money was placed in an apron held by a Matron to dance a few steps with the bride.).I dont know what the did in Chicago, but this was how we did it on the east coast

This is not a typical Polish American wedding.

Now I can understand why you are named MEAT HEAD
17 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / A typical Polish American wedding [25]

the easiest customs to retain are the ones which involve rolling up at a Polish restaurant and taking in the decor and ambience

NO! It hurts me to say that by the 3rd generation all knowledge of this is gone.. There are still a few places like Chicago with new Immigrants coming in, that some of it still goes on.. But not on the scale that we 1st generation remember,.. Yes we celebrated Wigilia,and sang Koledy with the old folks..But today that is all gone.
17 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / A typical Polish American wedding [25]

I am sorry to say that weddings like this are rare in America today. With the original Immigrants already gone and we 1st generation poles aging, the 2nd generation has failed to know the culture of their parents. When our parents came over from Poland,they could not speak English.. We kids picked up the polish language from them as they learned to speak English. As we learned together we started using slang words. This caught on and is prevalent in America today. The 2nd generation kids failed to grasp any of the old culture as our parents started to master the English language. By time the 3rd generation came on. They have no knowledge of Polish customs.
17 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / A typical Polish American wedding [25]

Recalling how we 1st generation Polish Americans enjoyed our wedding celebrations.. We did it our way.
The music was by an Irish American. Jimmy Sturr.. He loved Polish culture.

23 Sep 2011
Travel / Mushroom picking in spring in Poland? [35]

Growing up in America, Every Sunday in the fall we would go to pick mushrooms.. We had an old Dziadek who was an expert on mushrooms, and inspected our mushrooms.. this went on for most of my childhood.. One days dziadek died. He was diagnosed as death by mushroom poisoning. None of us ever ate a wild mushroom ever since
19 Aug 2011
Life / Golden Wedding in Poland, the protocol for giving gift for a wedding? [58]

AHHH! Gone are the days when that was not a problem.. In the Polish American communities. We had what we called an Apron, Bridal, or money dance. People lined up to dance with the bride donating a donation into an apron held by a Matron. We danced to the tune of Pani Mloda. The danced lasted seconds before another would dance with the bride.As the booze flowed, so did the money.. Life was simple in my day.
6 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Polish or American Education? [180]

's been 25 years since I was in high school, so I don't want to assume things are like in 'the good ol' days'.

Patrick. Times have changed in the States in the last 50 years Up until the 80s Public schools were very close to par with the Catholic schools.. The public school system had good teachers and the schools functioned in orderly fashion.. After integration the Public school system went to hell;. The Quality of teachers diminished. Violence was out of control. Whites pulled their kids out of the public school system.That was the start of the end of our Public School system
1 Aug 2011
Life / What is with Polish and their indoor plants? [26]

I dont know what it has to do in being Polish.. But living in Florida, I raise pineapple plants on my lanai. You have never lived until you tasted a vine ripe Pineapple. Not to mention the pleasant odor of ripening Pineapples.
23 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-American mutilation of the Polish language [75]

We have a friend of the family who's been living in Chicago for 45 years and still speaks almost no English. There are so many Poles in and around Chicago that he really doesn't need to.

Yes I agree with you. Chicago is one of the few remaining cities that still have large polish speaking people. (Good for them). I came from Baltimore..There are no more Polish neighborhoods left. We blame it on white flight. The same is true with Pittsburg, Philly, Wilmington etc. All of our big cities are going to hell.
23 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-American mutilation of the Polish language [75]

You all fail to realize that the OP's original post were words that the Polish Immigrants used to communicate with native Americans. In the early 1900's when European immigration was at it's peak, people from other slavic countries intermingled with each other..Most of these people were poor uneducated peasants looking for a better life.. To intermingle ,some words were mangled.. Both my Mother and Father spoke no English. So they settled in communities with the greatest influx of polish speaking people.. Sorta like in unity there is strength.

We kids talked half Polish and Half American. We along with our parents learned from each other. This is where the words came out in a form of slang.

I can relate to 90% of Poloniuses slang words. Yes. We used those words. Although I can still speak Polish.. I would have trouble speaking to a native pole

I spoke to a number of Native poles that were very patient with me. They soon realized that we had no knowledge to the Polish language that is used today

I will also add that the second and third generation have lost the ability to hold a conversation in Polish.
18 Jul 2011
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

Polish People Are Great!

You know you're Polish if...
20 May 2011
Life / IS Poland in danger of becoming the next multi cultural sink hole? [201]

they are just talking sh1te....In the 1930's these guy would be crying with tears of joy at Hitler rallies

Fool, this guy fought as an American GI against the nazi's in WW2.. And pray tell.. What did you ever do to earn your way in life? A nurse!!! Holy Shidt. Are you a tranny?
19 May 2011
Life / IS Poland in danger of becoming the next multi cultural sink hole? [201]

Well, I would say that your laws and customs are responsible not color of them n.....!

You just put your finger on the problem.. Yes.. It is our government. They treat these scum with kid gloves.. They give them provision to keep reproducing and the government picks up the bill/ The rate of illigitimate birth among the minorities in America is three out of every four births are illigitimate.. Children having children
19 May 2011
Life / IS Poland in danger of becoming the next multi cultural sink hole? [201]

are you a nazi?

A nazi? No! I am an American who watched our great American cities and cultures being destroyed by scum bags. Our children have been introduced to drugs that were never heard of in the past. As our cities were destroyed by crime and murders, the white people have fled into the suburbs.