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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 1522 / In This Archive: 755
From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

I think that when it comes to voting, the whole world should be allowed to vote for US president, because its the world's most powerful country and its foreign policies affect the whole world in such drastic manners which is probably unthinkable by Americans living in USA! ... Also, its economic policies affect the whole world similarly.

Now when it comes to Poland ... we are comparatively quite insignificant. I am not at all ashamed to say it, but rather in some ways very happy to know this reality :) ... very very happy!

We are insignificant enough to expect that our citizens should know how we eat and drink and what crimes or challenges we face to understand and vote for the appropriate candidate. This voting shouldn't be affected by some other country's propaganda on it. But our own real situations ...

I respect and admire the PolAms ... as you like to call them. They seem to know about Poland, or atleast they care to find out more than we often care to find out. I think if they think deeply, even they would agree that the best for Poland would be a careful analysis of the current situation and challenges, then to read the manifestos and the record of the candidates ... and then finally vote. For doing this it is very important that this be done by ground level experience, seen and felt and lived on that experience ... to understand what hope is realistic and applicable for Poland. <---- can all these elements come from knowing Poland through a foreign Media? ... specially American media which allegedly manipulates information globally to suit its agenda?

Think again ... anyone who loves Poland ... not necessarily Poles in Poland but also Poles abroad ... even those who are foreign native but love Poland. Think on it.... :)
13 Jun 2011
Love / Craziness and Polki - these two go together [33]

We are still waiting to see your beautiful eyes

Its all my fault today really :D ... I showed him something after which he felt seriously dismayed. I think I'm right on the money today :D

Well ... after watching a few Heroes DVD, I went on browsing about the characters, and found a link on one of the characters... then casually browsed forward BUTTTTTT :D ... an evil plan struck me :P ... that was to share it with beloved southern who have been so quiet and somehow cheerful (it seemed) since an unbearably long time :P :D ... ... :) ... and then WALLA! .. instant response (faster than I thought), along with two consequtive threads .... and few more posts on the same grief!

Here is that magic recipe:

Lodz_The_BoatThreads: Today, 11:37 / #390

southern: I was in Warsaw

Southern you are too fast man! Too fast :D ... haha

Its amazing...

southern: I attribute largely to immigration

While watching Heroes and went on the browse, and look what I found southern ol' warhorse!


From the Why Do You Love Poland?

How effective :) ...

Come on southern ... say its not true :)
13 Jun 2011
Love / Craziness and Polki - these two go together [33]

I have the prerequisites to be a charmer

Come on man you can do better than that :) ... make yourself a legend here ... for words are as free as they get you know :D
13 Jun 2011
Love / The constant unfortunes of Polki - Polish women [16]

nothing goes right in the world of Polki

You and them live in a very wrong world ... because I know better examples on Polish women ... :D :) ... your imaginary polki's need you help, go save them :D
13 Jun 2011
Love / Craziness and Polki - these two go together [33]

I think I'm responsible somewhere for southerns outburst of grief today (I might be wrong too) :D :P ... SOUTHERN ARE YOU SAD ??? :)
13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

especially in these Forums?

Take another look around the forum, and you will know how useful (if ever) is your or my view will be on the real aspects of the country. One of the most regular here is southern. He is arguably a very very VERY veteran member of the PF ... and he has many in his gang to say the least.

I had some threads on Polish economy, the stock market movements, about the future of Poland ... I think I even had one on Polish politics. I have a few sticky about "why people love Poland" when they come here ... etc etc.

While I must say that some responses were worth thinking about, most were not really serious. Infact except one or two, no comments are usually serious. Its either a fight, or about the women, or about some kind of stray accusation on how bad the Poles drive, our buildings etc etc ... what not.

Its all there my friend, use the archives here, the search is available ... you will get your answers if you look just a little harder.

Infact I found myself the only one from Poland who used to raise those "silly" threads on Polish matters of serious insight. But I really think its not that useful ... as people here come with their own imaginary Poland ... its not the Poland you and I live in ... its another Poland that people discuss here. In this "imaginary Poland" ... all the men in the world are after our women ... we are often the most racist of them all ... we are sometimes the most corrupt ... sometimes the most backward ... sometimes just a step away from becoming the richest country in the globe :P ... also, our women are running away to men from middle east in such huge numbers that we Poles might just end up getting operated to turn into a woman or something...

Thats the Poland in topic here. Do you get it now? ... This is exactly the Poland being discussed here. Are you a citizen of that Poland? If yes, then very well, join in! ... if not, then who would like to know about your Poland? ... Your Poland is not an interesting Poland, its just like any other country with women and men just like any other ... having its way of life, having ups and downs and sometimes a monotonous rhythm aswell.

Hope I could add value to your thread...
13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]


You are here since March, 2011 ... I'm here since the inception of this forum ... I might arguably be the first Pole (living and born in Poland) to be a member here ...

Since the time I came here, there have been one thing consistent ... the "fishing" as they might call it in USA. Its about who takes the helpless Polish girl and gives her a better life or a better love ... or something in between/something similar. You don't trust me? Go take a peek in the archives.

Its been a warfare. When I first came here I found a thread where a war was going on with the topic being "interracial dating". At that time I used another nick name (Lonestranger), I used to be more open about me, my real name was released, even my real picture in one of the threads. While I have my personal believe in freedom to choose in love, I had been in a relationship interracially myself ... so obviously I took the side in pro. The page probably still holds the record of the longest and the most fastest growing thread in PF history.

Since then and now, very less changed. This is by far the most attractive discussion, and it never gets stale somehow. The majority of the people interacting in here are often expatriate Poles, or other Europeans ... or the Western world ... or a few guys from the Eastern world who somehow stumble upon a Polish (interestingly enough, 98% times its the Polish ladies ... once in a blue moon its a Polish man too for a change).

The interest in Poland is almost exactly as you mentioned ... but there are other elements in it as well. Not a lot of Poles here, although I was told that there is and many log in from Poland ... but you can log in from Poland without being a Polish as well, can't you?
12 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

It was not for everyday Germans ... please re-read BB, it was for the Nazi Germany and their numerous supporters or those who just used it to get their own personal interests fulfilled. There were so many of them in those times, that it touched almost everyone who came across a German in that time.

I mentioned few times here that its about "Those times" and not "These times". Germans are neither animals nor less human. They just seem to have a different characteristic towards life with what I gather. This doesn't make them animals or beasts ... they are just different in their way of thinking, feeling and doing things. This might sound like an accusation or a very biased thinking to you because I am saying this (me, a Pole with a past family experience) ... but its not that. I just mentioned a perspective which more than just a few people share.

Today's Germany is economically powerful, and that perhaps is due to their hard work and attitude. I wish Germany all the very best, and would like to see better relations with Poland ... would I be wrong to add that "while Poland should be alert and educated in all their dealings and friendship etc"?

I have some friends who are German ... but its a natural instinct within that I am more careful and I think for a second more on their words and actions than I would do for others. However, it doesn't mean I look at them with enmity, I just have different ways of dealing with different people. I would wish them "Happy Birthday" ... and so would any of the other Poles who are friends with a German.

There are relationships too that form between Germans and Poles ... but they are formed with any other nation in this whole world as you probably very well know. I respect that, and I would wish them well too.

I don't want to write a huge essay to you in an effort to explain that I have no hatred against you. Its a matter of your perspective on how you see it. If you try to understand my perspective, you will not think like this I am sure. You have free will.

11 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Its a nonsense thread, so I thought I will never even open it. But then still, now that I have :), I would like to say that it is a "nonsense thread", Polish people didn't import anything really. They just went to work ...

As for racism, this is something very unfortunate and people will change with time after some long term interractions with other races. It makes a person more "global" in this increasingly globalzed world where everything is turning into being a part of the global village.

Insulting, humiliating, or considering other people worthy/not worthy/reliable/not reliable on the basis of race is not a very good way to lead ones life. But as that is what some people prefer, I'd say that there is always room for improvement for everybody, and so is for them.
11 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

Animal = Those who kill, rape, molest, look down on others in the name of war or supremacist theories.

Mechanical/Machine like = Those who think with less emotion and more attached to their goals at any cost. They like to fine tune themselves, they have a different lifestyle. There is nothing wrong with it, its just having a different look into life.

Subhuman = Never mentioned this for Germans.

same lingua like a bona fide Nazi

This is the result of your brainstorming? Did you see how you reacted? I will tell you ... you just programmed yourself to find an enemy to attack, and you named your enemy a "tree hugger" (which I came to know is the synonym for an environmentalist) and then you added fragments of words used in various different contexts to use them as tools of propoganda against him. You tried to justify your attacks thus. You arranged those words fine, according to your requirement.

You did not even attempt to look into it in a positive manner, or try to understand that actually there were no offense against you or Germany. It was just a concept on the traits of the German nation, and apart from that - the actual face of ANY aggressor which attacks nations and brutalise civilians.

By considering my "animal" quotation on yourself or the German nation, are you automatically considering any kind of aggressor or molestor to be inherently German of influenced by the German actions in the last century (which infact is not so far away, as this one just started)? ... By the way, whatever you are thinking, I for once certainly did not mean that. I went a little further with brutalizations by barbaric people around the world.

However, if you are determined in your efforts, there is little one can do. You will come up with another scheme.
11 Jun 2011
Love / Do Polish women fight about everything? [39]

Till now I've found people of all race, religion, continent and lifestyle bring up the same complain. Wonder why ... I don't think its so true.
10 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

"less human, mechanical animals"

Those are not my words, but your inclination towards systematic propoganda.

who can't wait to come to live and work here

To earn a living in a better economy, which has nothing to do with emotion or pride there...

eee, you missed my point. Oh well...

No, we just read the only language he knew. Its not his fault ... I never saw BB doing any fault here you know, I understand him and his actions better then he does himself.

He thinks the melting pot image of USA as humiliating for it ... But infact its one of the best hall marks of your society. USA always come out of all the mess once again as it represents the people of the entire world. It also speaks of a new world evolutionary system at work. Americans with some German roots (also Polish) are often very different. Yes, USA has its share of the bad, but it will improve and I believe it will be a better place for the world to look at it and feel good about.

Can you elaborate on the clever ways you survived?

I mean our businesses did ... we always had good connections. It survived in different forms ...
10 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

Listen Daisy, I am "not" calling those who united and disposed of the beast who used to attack people's home as the killer or rapist butcher. I guess there was a misunderstanding here.

I don't know whether your neck is undeserving, but I know that millions of necks livingi n Poland today are all very much deserving.

Soldiers those who have wives and children back home should think before going out on aggression against civilians of other nationalities or beliefs. It is unacceptable no matter how you put it. That is why the United Nations should be the only body having an army ... and the whole world should realize that there must not be any one being an aggressor on the other.

You seem very keen to try and twist the situation to make people find support for those German army, but let me tell you, whether they had their women and children back home or not ... they had no right "ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT" to take up arms against other men, women and children who were civilians and trying to live their lives in peace.

Then attacked, they defended themselves. The motive was not to occupy Germany or rape their women, humiliate and kill their men, kill their children (even rape them) ... the motive was often just to buy enough time for their families and the family around them to go to a safe place. Even though, the world was just becoming more and more unsafe due to this made Aryan Concept of some barbaric, who managed to brainwash his entire nation to become the craziest example in world's history.

Dont go the wrong direction ... it seems that trying to bring forward another point of view is your agenda here. But you miss the point that there is a different between a sword and a shield... Don't mix them.
10 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

because enviromentalists have been known to resort to "tree hugging" to prevent trees from being cut down.

So its a good thing, being a "tree Hugger" ... really, if this is why they call it than I feel no shame or anger. Environmentalists are wonderful people, and I do love gardening and I did plant trees ... even experimented with some plant species which usually grow in the tropical weather but not into Polish atmosphere.

I think Mr. BB is confused with my statement there. It was not showing animosity to anyone. But if someone wants to take anything that way, what can I do?
10 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

Protection cannot come from the gun, but from understanding and unity. This is what we as humans have been in the process of learning, and now have evolved much into this process. The gun doesn't protect, it just is used to harm the other. The greatest protection is in being united as humans with understanding and cooperation.

Police is good, but armies should be common internationally ... and the UN should be strengthened so that all human kind can live in peace, and if one barbarian rises, the united forces of the world can stop it, to establish peace.

By the way ... what on earth makes you think that killing civilians, children, raping women, or people or different belief, look, color or religion makes a person rough? It only makes them worst than beasts ... and anyone who sleeps when his "protector" is doing that is nothing but a monster itself. They must resist and join hands to stop this beast who claims to be a protector. This is inhumane. This is too much.
10 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

That's always especially funny coming from a self-touted "I love you all!" Treehugger.

But where did I mention that we must war with Germans and that I hate them all? The only thing I am saying is the tendency of Germans. Every nation have a tendency, for the Germans it is about being very serious and very mechanical. It is wrong to be supremacist, but it not wrong to be less emotional or very mechanical/machine like. Just we have to adjust and live in peace.

What is it with 'tree hugger" concept? I would like to consider myself a nature lover, but I don't understand this.

Where exactly is the difference to the "uncultured, brainless Slavs who are unfit to rule themselves?"

Why are you namecalling? I don't understand you point?

I would not like to fight with you on this. But it seems you are trying to take it there with this very insulting comment of yours. Try someone else then ...
10 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

about Germans

In those times ... I think the topic poster it talking about "those times" and not "these times".

Here is something you might like to read (love letters, letters of appreciation ... etc to hitler which would beat any number of superstars combined):


10 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

You should travel a bit more.

You know what Palivec I do travel ... I've been in France, UK, Estonia, Spain, Latvia, Lithuania, India, South Korea, Bangladesh, Dubai, Italy, Canada and a few more places. Just to explain to you that I've been more than just Europe.

Maybe read some books and hear some music too.

Yeah you mean the German musicians...? Yeah they were good ... but I don't think I am ready to accept that generally the Germans are less mechanical just because of those few people. Yes, few of them were soft ... but in that softness also, there was something mechanical about them. These musicians too ... it was more mechanical, towards a fine tuning ... towards adjustment ... not really something wavy, something that expresses deep and bewildering emotions.

I do read books, and I like to read the American and English ones, some Polish authors and Russian ... I read Rabindranath from India, and I read some Persian works too. I find it interesting ...

I am not mentioning Germany anywhere doesn't mean I hate them or anything. I respect and wish them well ... they have a different way to live, which is OK as long as it doesn't hurt others. We have it different, and I think we are OK with that. There is absolutely nothing wrong in being mechanical, but its just not the only way to be .. :)
10 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

No,it makes them Human

It makes them animal. Human is the one who is much different. Whether you like it or not, the human tendency is to care and give ... their weakness is the animal instinct which they have been fighting for ages and now have brought their civilization to this point where there are laws.
10 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

Those men had families too.

But they still killed others who also had families.... specially civilians who had no intention to attack them. This makes them brutal and inhuman. There is a documentary on Hitler's humane side ... it doesn't erase his inhumanity and his brutality.

Those people specially will never be forgiven or forgotten throughout time ... whether its 65 years or 650 years or 6500 years. Simple.

For now, as I said, we have a different relationship with modern day Germany, and every sane person would wish for it to prosper, however definitely being careful and alert - not to forget past experiences on how the German mind works. They historically have less emotions and more machines in themselves. Maybe its good for innovation and economy? ... so we can cooperate there. But beyond that, we have different opinions to life, we always did ... and Poles would like to secure theirs.

He suffering Nazi oppression, she suffering Soviet oppression. I do not forget it, because forgetting the history is a sin

You know, for some of who are living in USA or really disillusioned ... they will not understand how the German nation really went into a complete Supremacist mode ... . Its almost as though they want to remove or erase the idea. It is like denying there ever was a holocaust. Its like kicking all those graves of people killed or tortured to death ... all those families ruined, all those women who were raped. People who were humiliated ...

True, as I said above, we should renovate our relationship with Germany, and we are doing so in Poland. However, it is not possible to remain oblivious and forget what happened ... it is dangerous too. Experiences are precious. We suffered it.

As for Soviet Oppression ... my family were personally no victims in large scale, and we even survived in a clever way. However, Katyn Massacre cannot be erased from the Polish minds, over which there are many more incidents.

The best is to be careful, alert and look forward to peace in a sustainable manner. Peace cannot sustain if you cannot ensure its future through using the experiences in the past.
9 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

These men

The Taliban once were America's best friend ... nowadays its not unheard that some of them after surrendering sit and laugh at each other too ... doesn't mean that their hands are washed from the murders they committed to the thousands of civilians who are not soldiers.

Its about the ordinary everyday people, they are the ones who suffer the most - unreasonably. However, the soldiers can gather and start laughing and drinking, sharing stories about how he attacked and he defended and they attacked or they defended ... the ones who were mere victims of this unholy mess remain in the graves and their families being uprooted or changed forever. Many things never recovered after the war ... many families were completely finished or totally (and unwanted) changed forever.

Yes, the was is very old now, but nothing is so old that it can be completely erased. There are lessons to be learned ... peace is the only solution, accepted - but lessons are to be learned ... the Germans have their way of life, their mentality, their approach to matters ... while we have ours. The best is to understand each other and live/trade as peacefully as possible ... while being aware and alert at the same time.
9 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

Those were very bad days ... my grandfather's elder brother had a German friend who betrayed him and got him killed. That person used to be close to our family in those times.

Germans had something of a "supremacist" idea going along in their head. They felt invincible. In any case, Germany was never really known for its love or heart ... its known for machines, mechanical stuff...

At best, I do agree, we have to move forward, and cannot really afford to keep old days alive. The best is to remember the experiences and be more careful next time ...
5 Jun 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

Yes but they can do the background checks

Provided the data is credible. For that they will need the help of the authorities from where that individual is coming from. Over which, it is always better to know how and through which method is this individual trying to enter. Those who try through agents are not really good. There are those who try from themselves.

I prefer the concept of this background check with proper method.

Creating the conditions which attract some undesirables is in the interests of almost no-one here.

Undesirables come by what do you know? ... By the world's most foolish concept of having a certain amount of money in bank IS THE KEY. This is the world's most stupid concept because undesirables either have that money through wrong means, or manage someone to show this. They got no education, no standard, no way to integrate (leave out intent) ... nothing really. These are the guys who enter Europe these days in huge numbers, while we have stupid policies which keep the true student out because he don't have some tens of thousands of dollars in his account :D ...

These students are often smart enough (those who process their entry themselves) to earn a living anywhere. But we discourage them, and end up giving citizenship to shady asylum seekers (which murky evidence that they were really persecuted) and not to mention laborers who have no idea what is English or Polish or any other European country's language.

In UK its the "relative" of some guy, in the expense of a good student who could not only get educated but also integrate and contribute to the economy.

Its a huge mess, but curable with those simple points that I mentioned, ofcourse aided by databases and international cooperation. We would be glad with warm arms about students, investors or skilled people.